Application of the Cryoscopic Method for Determining Added Water in

tion, until a clear, light red color results (this requires ordinarily 5 to. 6 cc. of themixture). Immerse in boiling water until the dark brown color...
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column into t h e scale portion of the neck with more hot water a n d centrifuge I minute. Reduce t h e meniscus with glymol and multiply t h e reading by 4. DRIED mLK-Add concentrated sulfuric acid, j t o 6 cc. a t a time, until a dark brown, almost black, color develops. Prepare a mixture of sulfuric and nitric and add acids ( I O cc. of H2S04 t o 2 . 5 CC. of ” 0 3 ) , 0 . j cc. a t a time, shaking thoroughly after each addition, until a clear, light red color results (this requires ordinarily j t o 6 cc. of t h e mixture). Immerse in boiling water until t h e dark brown color returns, add more of t h e mixture until t h e light red color is produced, and again immerse in t h e boiling water until t h e dark brown color appears. Centrifuge j minutes a n d proceed as for malted milk. DISCUSSIOK O F RESCLTS

The results obtained b y this method on different products have been compared with those obtained b y t h e Roese-Gottlieb method, as indicated in t h e accompanying table. COMPARATIVE TESTS-PERCENTAGES OF FAT ROESB-GOTTLIEB AUTHORS’ METHOD METHOD


Ice C r e a m . . ..................... Ice Cream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unsweetened Evaporated M i l k . , . , , Sweetened Condensed Milk., . , , , , , Malted Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dried Skim M i l k . , . . , . , . , , , , , , , , ,


7.58 7 .93 9.35 7.26 1.36


7.68 7 .90 9.35 7.14 1.29


7.7 8.0 10.0 7.4 1.2


7.7 8.0 10.0 7.4 1.2

I t appears t h a t our method gives uniformly higher results t h a n t h e Roese-Gottlieb method. I n every case a good separation of fat was obtained free from particles of carbon and bubbles. I t is important t h a t t h e nitric acid be added with care and a n excess avoided; too much nitric acid may cause t h e formation of a large quantity of gas, t h e gas bubbles continuing t o rise for some time and producing a froth which interferes with t h e reading of t h e fat column. The action of t h e acid is more rapid when added t o t h e warm mixture, a n d i t is suggested t h a t t h e bottle be immersed in warm water while t h e acid is being added. S L-M LIAR Y

A method for determining f a t , including treatment of t h e samples, in such dairy products as ice cream, evaporated milk, malted, dried skim milk and similar milk products, is described. The procedure is similar t o t h a t followed when using t h e well known Babcock test, b u t in place of sulfuric acid, mixtures of glacial acetic, sulfuric and nitric acids are prescribed. The fat is separated and read in a Babcock bottle. CHEMICALDEPARTMENT OKLAHOMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA


Later J. Winter’ reported results of similar work and found t h e freezing point t o vary from - 0 . j 4 t o -0. j 7 ’. The freezing points determined by Bordas a n d Genin2 showed for normal milk as great variation as -0.44 t o -0.56’ C. Hamburger3 found t h a t t h e freezing point of “fore” milk a n d “strippings” differed. Pins4 states t h a t evening’s milk showed a slightly higher freezing point t h a n morning’s milk, although his findings were not confirmed by Abati and Sohn5 who found no difference. \‘an Eck6 showed t h a t too low temperature of t h e freezing b a t h a n d excessive supercooling of t h e milk raised t h e freezing point. Stroecklin’ found t h a t t h e acid content and the-freezing point of t h e sour milk could not serve as a means of accurately calculating t h e freezing point of t h e fresh milk. Koeppe,s Van R a ~ u l t Reicher,Io ,~ Henderson a n d hlestonll and others have published results of freezing-point determinations of milk where results are reported quite similar t o those recorded in t h e work mentioned here. Monier-Williamsl* showed t h a t t h e presence of fat is without influence in t h e determination of t h e freezing point. He concludes further t h a t neither t h e proportion of total milk solids nor t h e non-fatty solids exerts any influence. The most striking fact found by a n examination of t h e results of t h e freezing-point determinations of milk in t h e literature is t h e slight variation in readings made by t h e different investigators. S o determination of any constituent of milk has given such closely agreeing values as t h e freezing points recorded in t h e literature by t h e different experimenters. The range in temperature is from-0. j 4 t o - 0 . j j ’ C., in general. Hence, t h e value of this determination for detecting added water in milk is evident. One of t h e chief difficulties encountered in t h e -interpretation of t h e results of milk analysis is t o distinguish between rich milk containing a small amount of added water a n d naturally thin milk. The freezing-point determinations appear to serve as a n index for making this distinction in almost every case. The freezing point of milk is evidently controlled by substances in solution. Substances like fat exert no influence on t h e freezing point a n d as fat is t h e most variable constituent of milk t h e most widely varying factor is removed. On this point the majority of observers have agreed, though there are some conflicting s t a t e m e n u . I t has been shown t h a t t h e freezing point is independent of breed, age of cow, period of lactation or quantity of milk. I t is also claimed t h a t substances which are in colloidal condition, such as albuminoids, affect t h e freezing point either not a t all or t o a very slight extent. I n a n y 1 Compt. rend., 121 (1895), 696; 123 (1896). 1298; 124 (1897), 777. ZIhid., 123 (1896), 425. 3 .Won. sci., 666 (18971, 462.

Dissertation, Leipzig. 1910. Milchzeitung, 28 (1899), 177. 6 Chem. Weekblad., 12 (1914). 108. 7 Ann. fais., 4 (1911), 232. 8 Jahr. Kinderheilk., 47 (18981, 398. 9 Chem. Weekblad., 11 (1914), 206. 10 Ihid., 11 (1914), 323. 1 1 Proc. Roy, SOL.Queensland, 24 (19131, 168. 12 Report Local Govt. Board Pub. Health (Great Britain), Food Reporf 22 (1914). 4


Beckmann a n d Jordis2 determined t h e freezing point of different samples of normal milk a n d found t h a t t h e freezing points varied from -0.j; to- 0.56’ C. 1 Published b y permission of t h e Secretary of Agriculture; read a t t h e meeting of t h e American Chemical Society, New York City, September 25 t o 30, 1916. Forschungsherichl uher Lehensmittel, 2 (1895). 367.

Vol. 9, No. 9


Sept., 1917


Age of BREED Holstein., . , ,

Cow No. , . . , 1


cow Yrs. 5

Time since Calving 11 mos.



Milking Time h-oon

Milk Lbs.




9 mos.



6 mos.




A.M. Noon P.M.

Grade Holstein.. Holstein., . ,





Grade Holstein., , .







5 mos.



5 wks.




21/2 mos.

A.M. P.M.



7 9


P.M. A.M.

A.M. P.M. A.M.

9 10

Grade Holstein. . . . . I 1 Holstein.. . . . . . . . . . 12

1 mo. l l j l mos. 2 mos.

A.M. P.H.

P.M. A.M.



4 mos.

P.Y. A . %I.

3 mos. 21/2 mos.


Noon P.M. h.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

5 weeks P a r t Tersev.. . . . . . . . 13 8 or 9 5 mos. P a r t Durh-am . . . . . . . 14 6 or 7 8 or 10 mos. P a r t Jersey.. . . . . . . . 1 5 2% 1 mo. P.M. P a r t Jersey. . . . . . . . . 16 18 or 20 Herd M i l k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Herd Milk with 5 per cent added water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herd Milk a i t h 8 per cent added water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. hIarket Milk . . . . . . . .

case, as t h e molecular weight of these substances is 1-ery high their relative effect upon t h e freezing point would be very small. T h e only constituents, therefore, t h a t exert a n y appreciable influence upon t h e freezing point of milk are lactose a n d t h e soluble salts. which later are composed largely of t h e chlorides of t h e alkali metals. I n this connection it should be noted t h a t there appears t o be a more or less constant relation between t h e amounts of lactose and sodium chloride present in t h e milk. When there is a n y increase of lactose a decrease of sodium chloride is found. and v i c e w r s a . Therefore, there is a tendency for a n y influence exerted on t h e freezing point b y these substances t o be balanced. This is shown b y t h e work of L. IT. Ferris of this laboratory in a separate paper under t h e title “ T h e Detection of Added Water in Milk b y hIeans of a Simplified hlolecular Concentration Constant.”’ t h e in\-estigation being made a t t h e same time a n d upon t h e same samples as were used in t h e freezing-point measurements here reported. ,Another factor which exerts a n influence upon t h e freezing point of milk is t h e per cent of acid in t h e sample v h i c h , if present in considerable a m o u n t , might lead t o erroneous conclusions. as with increased acidity of t h e milk a n increased depression or lowering of t h e freezing point takes place. Therefore, i t is necessary t o make t h e test on samples before a n y considerable amount of acid has developed if confidence is t o be placed in t h e results. I n the work recorded here t h e samples of milk were authentic and represent portions from complete milkings, both morning and evening, in every case except cows 1-0s. I and 2 . which were milked morning, noon and evening. The freezing points of t h e separate samples were determined as recorded in t h e tables a n d the maximum variations of t h e freezing points of milks from individual cows are shown. T h e freezing point figures in Table I represent t h e mean of two and sometimes of three readings, t h e usual 1

T o appear in next issue




O F MILK O F I N D I V I D U A L C O W S P e r cent Per cent F a t Per cent Per T o t a l Roese-Gottlieb Solidscent Solids Method not-Fat Ash 3.49 8.67 0.79 0 .86 3.31 8.54 3.10 8.39 0.80 3.95 8.77 0.67 3.26 8.95 0.72 0.71 3.18 8.98 0.73 3.54 i.63 0.69 3.63 7.83 0.71 3.24 9.08 0.67 3.41 9.14 2.32 0.6i 8.04 3.4i 0.72 8.03 4.20 0,io 9.20 4. l i 8.51 0.71 0.75 3.46 8.00 3.40 i.i2 0.i2 i.71 0.i2 3.14 7.51 0.69 3.11 0.73 8.85 4.99 4.05 8.84 0.72 3.31 9.00 0.69 3.62 8.70 0.74 0.63 4.12 8.84 8.57 4.01 3.46 8.49 0.69 3.0i 8.,52 0 72 4.43 8.18 0.72 4.65 9.52 0.76 6.80 9 . 10 0.74 0.69 7.80 3.87 0.73 3.89 8.73 8.41 3.66 3.46 0.68 8.20


O C. Milk with Added D L , ~ Milk Water ( 5 % ) erence -0.553 .....


-0.544 -0.558 -0.544 -0.547 -0.552 -0.558 -0.548 -0.563 -0.548 -0.560 -0.570 -0.559 -0.563 -0.550 -0.559 -0.555 -0.559 -0 . 5 5 9 -0.ji3 -0.562 -0.541

-0.574 -0,566 -0.576 -0.546 -0.557 -0.552 -0.jSO -0.563 -0.534 -0.514 -0.549



... ... ...







..... -0.530 -0.522 -0.537 -0.517

0:029 0.021 0.025 0.029

-0.534 -0.541 -0.52’ -0.524

0:032 0.035 0.024 0.033



..... .....





range in variation of readings on t h e same sample being t o 0.003. I t should be noted t h a t Samples 3 , j. 7 , 8 and 16 represent t h e lowest grade or thinnest milk t h a t could be found, having in mind when obtaining t h e m t h e difficulty encountered in ordinary milk analysis in distinguishing between naturally thin milk and rich milk containing small amounts of added water. T h e results of these five samples are shown not t o give abnormal freezing-point figures. T o obtain accurate results, it is very necessary t o control t h e amount of supercooling. .Is a result of some experiments on the effect produced b y different degrees of supercooling, it was found t h a t b y reducing the supercooling t o the extent of approximately 0 . j o t h e freezing point vias lowered approximately and uniformly 0.01’. The results are recorded in Table 11. The samples used in these experiments were fresh market milk. 0.001


EFFECT O N THE FREEZING POIKT O F FRESH~ I A R K E T O F DIFFEREKT DEGREES O F SUPERCOOLIKG Freezing Freezing Test Degrees of Point Degrees of Point Di.feiPvence h-0. Supercoolinc ‘C Supercoolinr O C c. l . . . . . 0.9 to1.05 -0,553 0.5 t o 0 . 6 -0.54’ 0.011 -0,553 -0.545 0.008 -0.552 -0,545 0.007 2 . . . . . 1.0 t o l . l -0.552 0.5 toO.7 -0.56.3 n.011 -0.552 -0.564 0.012 3 . . . . . 1.0 -0.553 0.5 to0.6 -0.563 0.010 -0.564 -0.553 0.009 4. . . . . 1.3 to1.4 -0.559 0.5 t o 0 . 6 -0.568 0,009 -0.556 -0.570 0.014 -0.570 5 . . . . . l . 0 0 t o 1.1 -0.551 0.5 to0.6 -0.556 0.005 -0.55 1 -0.556 0.005 -0,550 3fIl.K

As t h e amount of acidity developed in milk has been found t o influence its freezing point, a few determinations were made on milks in which different degrees of souring had developed. T h e results of these determinations are recorded in Table 111. The samples used in these experiments mere pasteurized market milk of presumably normal composition. except in t h e case of Sample 3 which shows t h e presence of added water. These results shorn t h a t t h e freezing point is, on a n average, lowered approximately 0 . 0 0 3 ’ for each 0.01per cent increase of acidity. The figures



Vol. 9 , No. g

here recorded represent t h e mean of two a n d sometimes of three readings, t h e range of variation in readings of t h e same samples being 0.001t o 0.003'.

raised I or 2' a n d all ice crystals were melted. These operations were repeated and t h e freezing point taken two or three times. T h e freezing point of recently TABLE 111-EFFECTOF ACIDITY UPON THE FREEZING POIXTOF PASTEURIZEDboiled distilled water is determined in exactly t h e MARKETMILK same manner as in t h e case of milk; t h e difference Per cent Freezing Lowering of Piverage Lowering between t h e reading obtained on distilled water a n d Sample Acid Point Freezing Point for each No. as Lactic C. Due to Acid O . O l ~ oof Acid t h a t on milk represents t h e freezing point of t h e sample. 1. . . . . . 0.15 -0.545 0.18 -0.548 It is necessary t o check u p t h e freezing point of dis0.42 -0.637 0.092 0.0030 2 . . . . . . 0.15 tilled water frequently as slight variations occur due t o -0.539 0.18 -0.548 changes in t h e glass. 0.34 -0.602 0.063 0.0037 3...... 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 4......0.15 0.17 0.20 0.46 S...... 0.16 0.18 0.22

-0.496 -0.515 -0.522 -0.536 -0.552 -0.555 -0.558 -0.636 -0.541 -0.546 -0.564

D I S C U S SI 0 N 0.040







The apparatus used consisted of a n ordinary Beckmann thermometer graduated t o 0.01' divisions a n d a sample t u b e made from tubing about 2 2 mm. in diameter a n d 1.5 mm. thick. The entire t u b e is about 19 cm. long a n d has t h e upper length of about 3.5 cm. widened t o 30 mm. diameter t o carry a stopper which serves t o hold t h e Beckmann thermometer a n d t h e usual wire stirrer. This t u b e below t h e collar was fitted into a large test t u b e t o allow t h e smallest amount of air space between t h e walls. A piece of t h i n walled rubber tubing was fitted over t h e top of t h e outer tube, making a tight joint a t t h e shoulder of t h e inner tube. A glass jar of approximately two quarts capacity held t h e freezing mixture, t h e jar being wrapped in cotton or other material t o assist in maintaining low temperature and a box of suitable dimensions with a n opening in t h e t o p through which t h e thermometer passed, provided with a sliding shelf in t h e box at proper point for t h e easy removal of jar. A s t a n d held t h e thermometer in position a n d a lens aided accurate readings. PROCEDURE

Fifteen t o twenty cc. of t h e sample of milk previously cooled nearly t o t h e freezing point were placed C., a in t h e tube. T o obtain a temperature of -4' freezing mixture of shaved ice and salt was prepared i n t h e proportions of 4 0 t o 50 g. of salt : 900 t o 1000 g. of ice mixed with sufficient water t o fill all air spaces. T h e thermometer was placed in t h e sample, and t h e t u b e lowered into t h e freezing mixture so t h a t all of t h e milk was below t h e surface of t h e freezing bath. When t h e mercury column was I O below t h e t r u e freezing point t h e sample was stirred gently a t t h e rate of two strokes per second t o break u p a n y ice particles formed. Too rapid stirring must be avoided t o prevent t h e generation of heat mechanically. A rapid rise of t h e mercury column was noted. T h e highest point i t reached was slightly above t h e freezing point. T h e n slow uniform stirring was continued until t h e mercury remained stationary for one minute when t h e reading was taken. T h e thermometer a n d t u b e were t h e n removed a n d warmed with t h e heat of t h e hand or in water a t 40' C. until t h e temperature of t h e sample

SUPERCOOLING-ASalreay stated, i t is very necessary t o control t h e supercooling in order t o obtain concordant results. T h e results of experiments t o determine this demonstrate t h e necessity of keeping t h e amount of supercooling uniform a n d within narrow limits a n d further emphasize t h e importance of uniformity a n d proper control of conditions in all work of this character. This was also proved b y Bordas a n d Genin in their report of work on t h e freezing point of milk. It should be stated t h a t experience with t h e form of apparatus used b y t h e writer showed t h a t a supercooling of about I t o 1.2' was t h e most satisfactory a n d t h e results recorded in this paper represent readings made with a n average supercooling of approximately I. I '. Readings made with milk when t h e supercooling was about 0 . 5 t o 0.6' were not satisfactory because of t h e tendency of t h e mercury column t o d a r t u p a n d down a n d not remain stationary, as when a greater amount of supercooling was allowed. It may be safely stated, therefore, t h a t it is not necessary in case of milk t o keep t h e a m o u n t of supercooling down t o t h e least possible amount so long as uniformi t y is maintained. An amount of supercooling of I t o 1.3' was used in this work since it seemed t o give t h e best working conditions a n d also concordant results. AcIDITY-It was found t h a t a n increase of acidity from 0.15 per cent, which is about t h e average figure for fresh milk, t o 0.24 per cent, which increase is not a t all unusual, lowered t h e freezing point about 0.z 5 t o 0.3 per cent which approaches t h e amount of lowering produced b y t h e presence of 5 per cent of added water (see Table I). This same effect was found t o be produced with samples preserved with formaldehyde. Therefore, a sample of milk in which a considerable amount of acid has developed or which is preserved with formaldehyde a n d containing a small percentage of added water might easily pass as normal milk b y t h e freezing-point test, A too rapid stirring of t h e sample while freezing must be avoided t o prevent t h e generation of heat. Our experience is in accordance with t h a t of other observers on this point, v i z . , t h e stirring should be so regulated as t o reduce t h e amount of heat generated t o a minimum a n d a t t h e same time be sufficient t o break up any ice crystals as t h e y are formed. By rapid stirring a rise of 0.01' or more in t h e freezing point may easily be effected. A rate of one or two strokes of t h e stirrer per second is most satisfactory, which condition is determined largely by t h e behavior of t h e mercury column.

Sept., 1917


I-The freezing-point figure of milk is t h e most constant one yet obtained a n d t h e safest basis upon which t o draw conclusions as t o t h e presence or absence of added water. 11-The freezing-point figures on t h e milks of sixteen individual cows examined show t h a t t h e presence of 5 per cent added water can be detected in t h e majority of cases b y this method a n d in a n y case place t h e sample in t h e suspicious class. 111-The presence .of water added t o fresh milk in excess of 5 per cent can be detected with certainty b y t h e freezing-point measurement. T h e use of sufficient formaldehyde for preservation was found t o lower t h e freezing point. IV-It is essential t h a t t h e test be applied only t o reasonably fresh milk as t h e presence of acidity t o t h e extent of 0.1 per cent beyond t h e normal for fresh milk (0.15 per cent) counteracts t h e amount of decrease in t h e freezing point depression produced b y t h e presence of approximately 5 per cent of added water. V-The method is practical in milk control work i n t h a t t h e test need be applied only t o samples of doubtful character. DAIRYLABORATORY AND LABORATORY OF FOODCONTROL BUREAUOF CHEMISTRY. WASHINGTON, D . c.


GOODS By E, 0. THOMAS Received June 2, 1917


sults given in Table I on insoluble phosphoric acid when deviating from t h e Official hIethod. 500 Ibs. Base Goods (1.56% Insol. PzO6) 900 Ibs. Acid Phosphate No. 2 (0.12% Insol. PPOS) 520 lbs. Kanona Nitrogene 80 lbs. Muriate of Potash

T h e calculated amount of insoluble phosphoric acid in t h e complete fertilizer mixture is 0 . 4 4 per cent, or 0.09 per cent more t h a n t h a t found. As t h e Official Method is shown t o t a k e care of all t h e avaiIable phosphoric acid in acid phosphate i t is fair t o TABLEI-RESULTS ON 2-GRAM SAMPLES WITH VARYING AMOUNTS OF NEUTRAL AMMONIUM CITRATE SOLUTION, GRAVITY, I .09 (100 Cc. Neutral Ammonium Citrate Solution Used in Official Method) Cc. Neutral Per cent Insoluble Phosphoric Acid (PzO,) Ammonium Citrate Base Acid Phosphates Complete Goods No. 1 No. 2 Solution Fertilizer 1.56 1.41 0 . 1 2 0.35 100 1.44 0.09 0.28 133 1.44 1.35 0.10 0.26 200 1.38 1.42 0.08 0.28 400 1.05 1.37 0.08 0.20 800 0.88 1200 0.80 .... .... .... 1600 0.70 ....



assume t h a t this gain of 0.09 per cent available is derived from t h e 500 lbs. of base goods, or a gain t o t h e buyer of 0 . 3 6 unit of available phosphoric acid per ton. Leaving out of consideration t h e other materials in this mixture, of t h e 2. o g. taken for analysis, 0 . 5 g. is base goods which is acted on by IOO cc. of citrate solution; i. e . , t h e ratio of 2 . 0 g. base goods t o 400 cc. citrate solution. T h e insoluble phosphoric acid found in t h e b?.se goods using 4 0 0 cc. citrate solution (Table I ) was r.oj Der cent, a gain in available of 0 . 5 1 per cent over that found b y t h e Official Method. By following all details of t h e Official Method, except t h e using of I O O cc. of N / I O normal citric acid in place of t h e I O O cc. ammonium citrate as suggested b y Rudnick,' this sample of base showed 1.78 per cent insoluble phosphoric acid. Using I O O cc. z o per cent citric acid t o replace t h e ammonium citrate this same base showed I. 1 5 per cent insoluble. This latter figure is comparable with t h a t obtained when using 400 cc. citrate solution in t h e digestion, namely, I o j per cent, and is also comparable with t h e figures obtained when this garbage base is batched (viz., in complete fertilizer, Table I) not t o exceed 500 lbs. t o the ton. As shown in Table I, there is a gain of 0 . 3 6 per cent available phosphoric acid per ton of base goods when this material is batched at t h e rate of 500 lbs. per t o n of complete fertilizer and t h e Official Method is used. This gain of 0 . 3 6 per cent plus t h e I. 1 5 per cent found when using t h e 2 . o per cent. citric acid solution gives I . j~ per cent insoluble phosphoric acid, very close t o t h e amount found by t h e Official Method, v i z . , I . 56 per cent.

T h e Official Method' for t h e determination of t h e citrate-insoluble phosphoric acid in fertilizers while giving all t h e available phosphoric acid i n acid phosphate does not give all of t h e available in certain classes of organic materials. However, when this same material is batched into a complete fertilizer more available phosphoric acid (or what is t h e same thing, less insoluble phosphoric acid) is obtained, due t o a relatively larger amount of citrate solution acting on t h e material. Particular reference is here made t o base goods made b y acidulating garbage tankage without a n y addition of phosphate rock. By t h e Official Method this material ranges from 0 . 9 5 per cent t o 1.80 per cent insoluble phosphoric acid. T h a t t h e Official hfethod does not give t h e t r u e available phosphoric acid in this material is shown by t h e following experiments. A sample of this base goods containing 1 7 . 8 2 per cent moisture showed b y t h e Official Method 1 . 5 6 per cent insoluble phosphoric acid; b y increasing t h e amount of citrate soluCONCLUSION tion used per 2 . 0 g. of base t h e results in Table I The Official Method for t h e determination of citratewere obtained. T h a t t h e Official Method gives all of t h e available insoluble phosphoric acid gives the t r u e value of acid phosphate, but some modification should be used phosphoric acid in acid phosphate is shown by t h e for t h e analysis of materials of the character of acidtests (Table I) on two samples of acid phosphate. A complete fertilizer made on t h e following formula ulated garbage tankage. 8 14 PAUL-GALE-GREENWOOD BUILDINQ using no phosphatic material b u t base goods (Table NORFOLK, VIRGINIA I) and acid phosphate No: 2 (Table I ) gave t h e re1

Jour. A . 0.A . C., 1, No. 4, PEL?2, p. 4.


THISJOURNAL, 6 (1914). 486.