Application of the Pitzer Equations to the PHREEQE Geochemical

Dec 7, 1990 - 1 U.S. Geological Survey, 432 National Center, Reston, VA 22092 ... Survey, Denver Federal Center, Mail Stop 418, Lakewood, CO 80225...
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Chapter 10

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Application of the Pitzer Equations to the PHREEQE Geochemical Model 1


L. Niel Plummer and David Κ Parkhurst 1

U.S. Geological Survey, 432 National Center, Reston, VA 22092 U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Federal Center, Mail Stop 418, Lakewood, CO 80225


A computer program is presented that simulates geochemical reactions in brines and other concentrated electrolyte solutions using the ion­ -interaction virial-coefficient approach for activity-coefficient corrections developed by Pitzer. Reaction-modeling capabilities include calculation of (1) aqueous speciation and mineral saturation indices, (2) mineral solubilities, (3) mixing or titration of aqueous solutions, (4) irreversible reactions, and (5) reaction paths, including evaporation. The program's data base of Pitzer interaction parameters includes a partially validated data base at 25 °C for the system N a - K - M g - C a - H - C l - S O - O H ­ -HCO3-CO3-CO2-H2O, and largely untested literature data for Fe(II), Mn(II), Sr, Ba, Li, and Br, with provision for calculations at temperatures other than 25 °C. The need to maintain an internally consistent data base of interaction parameters and equilibrium constants is emphasized through an example of the calculated solubility of nahcolite in Na CO solutions. The choice of activity-coefficient scale has particular significance to thermodynamic calculations in brines i f the measured p H is introduced. Several examples are presented to demonstrate applications of the code. 4



P H R Q P I T Z (1) is a Fortran 77 computer program that simulates geochemical reactions in brines and other electrolyte solutions to high concentrations. P H R Q P I T Z has been adapted from the U.S. Geological Survey geochemical simulation computer code P H R E E Q E (PH-REdox-EQuilibrium-Equations) (2) in which the aqueous model of P H R E E Q E has been replaced with the Ion-Interaction virial-coefficient approach (3-7). The P H R Q P I T Z code contains most of the reaction-modeling capabilities of the original P H R E E Q E code including calculation of (1) aqueous speciation and mineral-saturation indices, (2) mineral solubility, (3) mixing or titration of aqueous solutions, (4) irreversible reactions and mineral-water mass transfer, and (5) reaction path, including evaporation. Computed results for each aqueous solution include the osmotic coefficient, activity of water, mineral-saturation indices, mean-activity coefficients, total-activity coefficients, and scale-dependent values of p H , individual-ion activities and individual-ion activity coefficients. The capability of P H R E E Q E to simulate redox reactions is retained in the P H R Q P I T Z software, but is not currently accessible due to lack of an internally consistent data base of Pitzer interaction parameters for important redox couples. Full documentation for P H R Q P I T Z is given elsewhere ( I ) . The Pitzer treatment of the aqueous model is based largely on the equations and data as presented by (8-9). A data base of Pitzer interaction parameters is provided that is identical to the data base of (9) at 25 °C for the system N a - K - M g - C a - H - C l S 0 - O H - H C 0 - C O C 0 - H 0 . This data base has been partially validated (8-9) using previously published laboratory solubility measurements for evaporite minerals in water 4





This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright Published 1990 American Chemical Society

In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Application of the Pitzer Equations


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and mixed-salt solutions, including seawater. The P H R Q P I T Z data base has been extended to include largely untested literature data for Fe(II), Mn(II), Sr, Ba, L i , and Br with provision for calculations at temperatures other than 25 °C. Some new data for the temperature dependence of mineral equilibrium constants accompanies the additional (untested) data. As with P H R E E Q E , the aqueous model and thermodynamic data of P H R Q P I T Z are user-definable and external to the code. A n interactive input code for P H R Q P I T Z called PITZINPT ( I ) is analogous to the P H R E E Q E input code, P H R Q I N P T Q0). The reader is referred to the P H R E E Q E documentation (2) and the P H R Q P I T Z documentation (1) for further background and modeling information. I M P L E M E N T A T I O N OF T H E PITZER EQUATIONS IN PHRQPITZ Details of the Pitzer equations and definitions of the notations utilized in this paper and in P H R Q P I T Z are given in the literature (3-10). As the focus of this report is on the capabilities and limitations of P H R Q P I T Z in relation to its application to geochemical problems, only selected aspects of the implementation of the Pitzer equations in P H R Q P I T Z are presented. THE DEBYE-HUCKEL PARAMETER, A * In P H R Q P I T Z values of Debye-Huckel parameter A ^ are computed over the temperature range 0-350 °C. The total pressure is taken to be 1 atm between 0 and 100 °C and that of the vapor pressure curve for pure water Q l ) beyond 100 °C. The dielectric constant of pure water is calculated from (J_2). Values of A ^ are reported in (12) to three significant figures between 0 and 350 °C and are identical (to at least three significant figures) to those calculated in P H R Q P I T Z . Between 0 and 100 °C at 1 atm total pressure, ΑΦ calculated in P H R Q P I T Z agrees with values calculated in (J_3) within 0.00004 or better. The computed value of A * in P H R Q P I T Z at 25 °C is 0.39148 which compares with 0.39145 reported by Q l ) and 0.391 from Q2). To be consistent with (9), A * is defined to be 0.392 at 25 °C and 1 atm total pressure in P H R Q P I T Z (8). Therefore, small inconsistencies in calculations with P H R Q P I T Z may be observed between results at 25 °C and those very near 25 °C. HIGHER-ORDER ELECTROSTATIC TERMS E


The terms ^j(I) and 0'ij(I) account for electrostatic mixing effects of unsymmetrical cation-cation and anion-anion pairs (7). These higher-order electrostatic terms are calculated routinely in P H R Q P I T Z for all unsymmetrical pairs of cations or unsymmetrical pairs of anions using the Chebyshev approximation to the integrals J (x) and J ^ x ) (7-8). Test calculations showed little difference from more simplified approximations to J (x) and J (x) given in (7). Values of ^ ; ( Ι ) and 0'ij(I) depend only on ion charge and total ionic strength and are zero when cation or anion pairs have the same charge. Caution should be exercised in using literature values of 0y (J_4). Values of 0y must be compatible with the same single-salt data (β°, β , β , and (y) used in the model and, for use in P H R Q P I T Z , their determination from mixed-salt solutions must include the higher-order electrostatic terms discussed above. Both types of B are reported in the literature (i.e., determined with and without provision for higher-order electrostatic terms). In P H R Q P I T Z , the higher-order electrostatic terms are always included. This precaution applies to cation or anion pairs such as C a - N a or S 0 - C 1 " , but not to interactions such as C l ' - F " or C a - M g where, because of the identical charge, the higher-order electrostatic terms are zero. Values of 0y given in (5, J_5) do not include the higher-order electrostatic terms for unsymmetrical cation pairs and unsymmetrical anion pairs, whereas the higher-order electrostatic terms are included in the data of Gb2)- There is significant improvement in modeling the system N a - K - M g - C a - C l S 0 - H 0 when the higher-order electrostatic terms were included (8). Values of the parameters Vijk included for all different combinations of two cations and an anion or two anions and a cation, ψ is usually determined from the same two-salt mixture used to define 0 and is therefore internally consistent with that value of fly as well as the individual single-salt interaction parameters. 0








2 +




2 +


2 +


a r e


In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



DATA BASE Two data files are required to run PHRQPITZ. The first file, PHRQPITZ.DAT A, is analogous to the thermodynamic data base of PHREEQE (though much smaller) and contains data under the keywords ELEMENTS, SPECIES, LOOK MIN and MEAN GAM. The first three of these keywords are identical to their usage in (2). The keyword MEAN GAM is used in PHRQPITZ to define the stoichiometries of selected salts for calculation of the mean-activity coefficient. Equilibrium constants at 25 °C for (1) the formation of OH-, HCO ", H CO , HSO4-, CaCO, , MgOH , and MgC0 °, and (2) dissolution of minerals listed under LOOK MIN in PHRQPITZ.DATA are computed from the free energies of (2). Expressions for the temperature dependence of log Κ of the form, 0





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l o g K - Λ, + A T+ A /T+ 2




A /T ,



where A - A are constants and Τ is temperature in Kelvins, are given for the available data. The form of Equation 1 corresponds to a model (16) for the heat capacity as used in PHREEQE. Expressions of this form were either taken from the literature or fitted to solubility data Q7) after speciation in PHRQPITZ. The A term has been adjusted to agree with (2) at 25 °C. In some cases the temperature dependence of log Κ is calculated from the van't Hoff equation using a value of ΔΗ ° at 25 °C. No data for the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constants are available for many minerals of interest. In these cases, PHRQPITZ uses the 25 °C value for all temperatures. The second data file read by PHRQPITZ (PITZER.DATA) contains values of the Pitzer ion interaction parameters β°, β , β , C*, 0. λ, φ, including a limited amount of data on the temperature derivatives of 0°, β , β$, and C*. For the chemical system Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-S04-OH-HC0 -C0 -C0 -H 0 at 25 °C, the data of PHRQPITZ are identical to those of (9), and in verification procedures, calculations have reproduced results reported in (9). Details of the PHRQPITZ data base are given elsewhere (1). x











ADDITIONS TO THE DATA BASE Extensions beyond the data base of (9) are largely untested and include additions to PITZER.DAT A for (1) the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutions containing Fe(II), Mn(II), Sr +, Ba +, Li+, and Br ; (2) the estimation of the temperature dependence of many of the single-salt parameters from selected literature data; and (3) the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of NaCl solutions to approximately 300 °C along the vapor pressure curve of water beyond 100 °C (18). Except for the NaCl-H 0 system, the PHRQPITZ aqueous model should not be used outside the temperature range 0 to 60 °C. Several recent evaluations of the temperature dependence of Pitzer interaction parameters to relatively high temperatures (19-21) have not yet been incorporated in the PHRQPITZ data base. Extensions to PHRQPITZ.DATA beyond that of (9) include estimates of ΔΗ ° for the formation of aqueous non-master species such as OH , HC0 ~, MgOH+, etc., and calculation of equilibrium constants for mineral-dissolution reactions at temperatures other than 25 °C. If changes in the temperature-dependence of the Pitzer interaction parameters are made, the appropriate mineral equilibrium constants and their temperature-dependence will need to be reexamined for consistency (see (1) for an extensive compilation and summary of published Pitzer interaction parameters). 2







MAINTAINING INTERNAL CONSISTENCY It is important to maintain the internal consistency of the data base given by (2). As an example, consider the solubility of nahcolite in Na C0 solutions (see Figure 7c, p.734 of (2)). The solubility of nahcolite in Na C0 solutions calculated from PHRQPITZ using the data base of (2) is shown in Figure 1 (curve 1). The results are identical to those of (2) and, of course, adequately reproduce the original experimental data. We will now examine the consequences of changing the data base of (2) with regards to the solubility of nahcolite. The Na -HC0 " interaction parameters in the data base of (2) were originally taken from (22) based on an evaluation of the original electrochemical measurements of (23-24) in NaHC0 -NaCl aqueous solutions. Alternatively, Pitzer interaction parameters for NaHC0 have been determined from isopiestic measurements of mixed aqueous solutions of NaHC0 and Na C0 at 25 °C (25). The resulting calculated solubility of nahcolite in Na C0 solutions if the single-salt parameters of NaHC0 are arbitrarily changed from those of (22) to those of (25) is shown in curve 2 of Figure 1. 2













In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Application of the Pitzer Equations

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In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Curve 3 of Figure 1 retains the parameters for N a H C 0 of (25) and uses an equilibrium constant of nahcolite which was adjusted to be internally consistent with (25). As shown, the agreement is still poor with the data base (9) and experimental data. One final adjustment is to change θ and φ for C 0 - H C 0 - N a interactions. Because no other values of θ and φ are known for N a H C 0 - N a C 0 mixtures, we have substituted values of θ and φ determined by (26) for K H C 0 - K C 0 - K C 1 aqueous salt mixtures. This adjustment shows a marked improvement (curve 4, Figure 1 ), but further adjustments in these parameters are clearly needed to obtain a revised data set for the N a H C O - N a C 0 system consistent with the data of (25). New values of θ and φ for C 0 - H C 0 - N a interactions that are internally consistent with the N a H C 0 data of (25) and the known solubility of nahcolite in N a C O ^ solutions (27) are compared with values from (9) in Table I. Both sets of parameters in Table I reproduce the experimental data for the solubility of nahcolite in N a C 0 solutions (curve 1, Figure 1). However, the β parameter for N a H C 0 of (25) falls well outside the range of reasonable values demonstrated for a large number of single salts (5, J_5), while the N a H C 0 values of (22) are consistent with previously recognized single-salt parameters. Further errors and inconsistencies are likely i f the alternate data set of Table I is applied beyond the N a H C 0 system. This example demonstrates the need for both accuracy and internal consistency among aU Pitzer interaction parameters and thermodynamic data for the given chemical system when changes to the data base of (9) are contemplated. 3














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Table I. Comparison of Two Internally Consistent Sets of Pitzer Inter­ action Parameters for the System N a H C 0 - N a C 0 - H 0 at 25 °C. A ^ = .392. Higher-order electrostatic terms included in calculation of θ and φ 3

Parameters from (9)



Alternate Parameter Set

N a H C 0 (22) β° = .0277 ^ = .0411 C* = 0 Na C0 (9) β° = .0399 β = 1.389 C* = .0044

N a H C 0 (25) β° = -.04096 βΐ = .5062 CKCly =






In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.





Application of the Pitzer Equations


where 7i(Mac) the individual-ion activity coefficient of the ith ion converted to the Maclnnes scale, y is the activity coefficient of the ion consistent with some other convention, 7 - is the activity coefficient of CI" according to the same alternate con­ vention, *7±KCI is mean-activity coefficient of KC1 in a pure KC1 solution of equivalent ionic strength and z is the charge of the ith ion (+ for cations, - for anions). The activity coefficients could be placed on other scales by substituting for TÎ KCI 7cr/±KCi in Equation 2. Further details are given in (9). As an example, Table II compares log values of the molality, activity, and activity coefficient of individual ions computed for seawater in equilibrium with aragonite at 25 °C and a C 0 partial pressure of 10" atm. The results are presented for the problem computed on the Maclnnes scale and without scaling. In the problem, p H was calculated from the various equilibria and is therefore internally consistent with the aqueous model and the respective scale. When all individual-ion activity coefficients are consistent with a single scale convention, the individual-ion molalities are independent of choice of scale, but the individual-ion activities and individual-ion activity coefficients are scale dependent. For example, the p H of seawater in equilibrium with aragonite at 25 °C and 10" atm P (using the data base of (9) ) is 7.871 on the Maclnnes scale and 7.828 without scaling, as shown in Table II. x









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C 0 2


Table II. Seawater In Equilibrium with Aragonite at P C Q of 10" atm. and 25 °C 2

Maclnnes Scale



Log Molality

Log Activity

Log Gamma

Log Molality

Log Activity

Log Gamma

H+ H 0

-7.694 -0.008 -1.981 -1.259 -0.313 -1.973 -0.246 -4.513 -1.532 -5.938 -2.781 -4.535 -8.204 -5.068 -5.890 -4.530

-7.871 -0.008 -2.795 -2.034 -0.552 -2.248 -0.363 -5.424 -2.419 -6.134 -2.956 -4.482 8.312 -5.068 -5.980 -4.530

-0.178 0.000 -0.814 -0.775 -0.239 -0.274 -0.118 -0.911 -0.887 -0.196 -0.176 0.053 -0.108 0.000 -0.100 0.000

-7.694 -0.008 -1.982 -1.259 -0.313 -1.973 -0.246 -4.513 -1.532 -5.938 -2.780 -4.535 -8.204 -5.068 -5.880 -4.529

-7.828 0.008 -2.708 -1.946 -0.508 -2.204 -0.407 -5.512 -2.507 -6.178 -3.000 -4.482 -8.356 -5.068 -5.936 -4.529

-0.134 0.000 -0.726 -0.687 -0.195 -0.230 -0.162 -0.999 -0.975 -0.240 -0.219 0.053 -0.152 0.000 -0.056 0.000


Ca2+ Mg2+

Na K+ ci-



HS0 " CaC0 MgOH+ MgC0 4



Further inspection of Table II indicates that when different scales are used, which are in themselves internally consistent, all mean quantities such as η a , m and other neutral salt combinations such as ion-activity products, saturation indices, and therefore solubility, are independent of scale. Clearly then, the same thermodynamic conclusion will be reached for a given data base regardless of scale when all individual-ion values are internally consistent with a single scale convention. However, no significance can be assigned to the individual-ion activities, individual-ion activity coefficients, and p H in comparing results on differing scales. The problem of activity coefficient scale is more important when the measured p H is introduced in geochemical calculations. The measured p H is not likely to be on the same activity coefficient scale as the aqueous model because the buffers used to define p H are conventional (28). Even i f the p H is on the same scale as the aqueous model, uncertainties in its measurement in brines, such as due to liquid-junction potentials (28.38). will always introduce inconsistencies. Consequently, it is unlikely that the measured p H will be consistent with the particular scale used for the individual ions. When the measured p H is used, the following conditions prevail: (1) the individual-ion activities and individual-ion activity coefficients again depend on choice of scale (re­ gardless of the inconsistency of the measured pH), (2) the mean-activity coefficients are independent of the measured pH and, thus, independent of scale, and (3) the calculated mean activities, mean molalities, ion-activity products, saturation indices and C 0 partial pressure are not independent of scale. This dependency of thermodynamic properties on scale when the measured p H is used in calculations is particularly acute in the carbonate ±?




In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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system and other chemical systems where the equilibria being considered depend sig­ nificantly on p H . However, it is not likely to be important to calculations involving chloride and sulfate minerals in most natural waters. Uncertainties in the calculated saturation index due to inconsistency of the measured pH with the adopted scale increase with increasing ionic strength, but are relatively unimportant at ionic strengths less than that of seawater (1=0.7). A t relatively high ionic strengths, such as those of formation brines, the inconsistency in p H scale leads to differences in the calculated calcite saturation index (SI) approaching 0.5 SI units or greater between unsealed and scaled (Maclnnes) calculations (see Example 1, below). Therefore, in addition to the relatively formidable task of measuring p H in brines, it is important to recognize the magnitude of error that can result simply from differences in activity-coefficient scale. PRECAUTIONS A N D LIMITATIONS Because of its adaptation from P H R E E Q E , P H R Q P I T Z retains some of the limitations of the original code. These are discussed in (2) and reviewed here as they apply to geochemical reactions in brines. A l l calculations are made relative to one kg H 0 . As there is no mass balance for the elements H and O, there is no formal provision for keeping track of the amount of water used in reactions such as hydration and dehydration of solids. This is a source of error, for example, in simulation of the evaporation of brines when hydrated minerals are precipitated and remove water from solution. P H R Q P I T Z retains the original logic of P H R E E Q E concerning oxidation-reduction reactions, but because an internally-consistent data base of Pitzer interaction parameters for multiple oxidation states is not currently available, geochemical redox reactions may not be attempted in PHRQPITZ. A l l redox equilibria used with P H R E E Q E have been removed from the P H R Q P I T Z data base. Because of the lack of Pitzer interaction parameters for aqueous aluminum and silica species, calculations with aluminosilicates are not possible in P H R Q P I T Z . Many of the original convergence problems of P H R E E Q E were redox-related. Improvements to the convergence criteria of P H R E E Q E (noted in the January, 1985 version) have been incorporated in P H R Q P I T Z . Precautions and comments on the use of ion exchange, and titration/mixing reactions in P H R E E Q E , and the lack of uniqueness of modeled reaction paths (2, 39) also apply to P H R Q P I T Z . The activity of water in PHRQPITZ is computed from the osmotic coefficient, and represents a substantial improvement over water activity calculations in P H R E E Q E (2). The temperature range for equilibria in P H R Q P I T Z is variable and is generally 0 60 °C i f ΔΗ ° is known. However, the NaCl system is valid to approximately 350 °C. The temperature dependence of the solubility of many of the minerals in P H R Q P I T Z is not known and large errors could result if calculations are made at temperatures other than 25 °C for these solids. Limited temperature-dependent data for single salt parameters are included, but are probably not valid outside the interval 0 to 60 °C. 2


EXAMPLES Several problems involving brines and evaporation of seawater are now examined as a means of demonstrating some of the geochemical applications of the P H R Q P I T Z code. Brine Sample Speciation on Different Activity-Coefficient Scales The speciation of a brine solution is used to determine mineral-water saturation state and demonstrate the significance of uncertainties in activity-coefficient scale on the predicted saturation state, particularly as applied to the carbonate system. The brine analysis is sample T-93 from (40) and has the following properties: Temperature (18 °C); p H (5.0); density (1.204 g/cc); ionic strength (8.59); water activity (0.721); and in mg/L: Ca (64,000); M g (5,100); Na (45,000); Κ (199); Sr (1,080); CI (207,000); H C 0 (19); S 0 (284); Br (1,760); S i 0 (4.8). The problem has 2 parts. In the first part the sample T-93 is speciated on the Maclnnes, and unsealed conventions, respectively, using the measured p H . In the second part an attempt is made to resolve uncertainties in the carbonate system by assuming the brine is in equilibrium with calcite, on the Maclnnes and unsealed conventions, respectively. Use of calcite equilibrium is preferable to alternate means of defining p H , such as through charge balance, owing to uncertainties in the analytical data. 3



In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.




Application of the Pitzer Equations

The results of part 1 show that the saturation indices of calcite and dolomite vary because of choice of scales from -0.31 and -1.08 (Maclnnes scale) to +0.16 and -0.13 (unsealed), respectively. The computed total concentration of inorganic carbon and log P C 0 , which is based on the p H and alkalinity measurements, varies from 32.43 mmol/kg HoO and 0.379 (Maclnnes scale) to 10.25 mmol/kg H 0 and -0.13 (unsealed), respectively. These represent changes of more than 300 percent for these variables. Because total inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, and P C 0 can be measured within ten percent or better in many brines, the thermodynamics of the carbonate system in this brine would be better defined by measuring total alkalinity and either total inorganic carbon or P C 0 . If such data are available, the carbonate system is unambiguously defined and independent of the measured p H and choice of scale convention. A value of p H would then be defined by the aqueous model according to any particular choice of activity-coefficient scale. In part 2, as a means of examining possible variations in the p H of brine T-93, and in the absence of total inorganic carbon or P C 0 data, the solution was equilibrated with calcite on both activity-coefficient scales in part 2 by adjusting the total inorgainc carbon content. This caused outgassing (Maclnnes scale) and ingassing (unsealed) of C 0 to reach calcite saturation. The results suggest that p H could vary as much as 0.5 between the two scales (pH 5.328, Maclnnes scale; p H 4.828, unsealed). By equilibrating with calcite, the carbonate system is more closely defined, as evidenced by the similarity in the calculated P C 0 (1.086 atm, Maclnnes scale; 1.123 atm unsealed) and total inorganic carbon (0.0149 molal, Maclnnes scale; 0.0154 molal, unsealed). The total inorganic carbon and P C 0 are not in complete agreement because of the initial inconsistency of the measured p H (5.00) with either scale. This inconsistency can be resolved only i f total inorganic carbon or P C 0 is measured in conjunction with the total alkalinity. 2



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Invariant Point in the Evaporation of Seawater Using the computer code S N O R M (41) and the mineral stability data of (9), the final equilibrium mineral assemblage upon evaporation of seawater to dryness in an envi­ ronment open to air (log P C 0 = -3.5) at 25 °C is anhydrite (CaSOA bischofite ( M g C l 6 H 0 ) , carnallite ( K M g C l 6 H 0 ) , halite (NaCl), kieserite ( M g S 0 H 0 ) , and magnesite ( M g C 0 ) . According to the minéralogie phase rule this is an invariant system. That is, once evaporation of seawater reaches saturation with these phases, further evaporation of that solution or other inputs of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbon, chloride or sulfate change only the masses of the solids formed without altering the composition of the equilibrium solution. In this problem P H R Q P I T Z is used to test this reasoning and, at the same time, evaluate the internal consistency of S N O R M and P H R Q P I T Z . Because both the S N O R M and P H R Q P I T Z codes use the data base of (9) (though in different ways) we expect to find with P H R Q P I T Z that no other phases than those listed above could precipitate from the final equilibrium solution; that is, that the saturation indices of all other minerals in the data base of (9) are less than zero in the equilibrium solution. In this problem an irreversible reaction (the addition of 0.1 and 1.0 moles of "sea salt") is used as one means of modeling evaporation (of seawater) while maintaining equilibrium with the 7 phases listed above. In the first part, pure water is equilibrated with the six minerals in contact with air, and the resulting mass transfer indicates that all six minerals dissolve accompanied by a small loss of C 0 to the atmosphere. The saturation indices show that all other minerals in the data base of (9) are undersaturated in the equilibrium solution. This confirms the prediction from S N O R M and constitutes a partial validation of the two codes. The final equilibrium solution is predominantly a M g C l solution of ionic strength 17.3873, water activity of 0.3382 and p H of 6.01 (unsealed) and 7.48 (Maclnnes scale) with the following (molal) composition: Ca (0.00093075); M g (5.7357); Na (0.093130); Κ (0.021516); C l (11.4608); S 0 (0.063396); C (0.000057242). The invariant system is confirmed through P H R Q P I T Z by irreversibly adding 0.1 and 1.0 moles of "sea salt" to the solution and again equilibrating with the same set of minerals resulting in identical solution compositions to that given above. 2











Evaporation of Seawater In the previous problem P H R Q P I T Z was used to define the final invariant composition of the aqueous phase in the evaporation of seawater. Some of the possibilities and limitations in modeling the initial stages of the evaporation of seawater are now considered.

In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

Downloaded by KTH ROYAL INST OF TECHNOLOGY on September 22, 2015 | Publication Date: December 7, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0416.ch010



Usually when reaction paths are simulated, the irreversible reactant is an unstable mineral or a suite of unstable minerals; that is, the stoichiometry of the irreversible reaction is fixed. Evaporation poses a special problem in reaction path simulation because the stoichiometry of the irreversible reaction (defined by the aqueous solution compo­ sition) continually changes as other minerals precipitate (or dissolve). In the second problem (above) evaporation of seawater was simulated by irreversible addition of "sea salt", that is, a hypothetical solid containing calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate and carbon in stoichiometric proportion to seawater. The approach used was valid as long as intermediate details of the reaction path are not required. The reaction path during evaporation could be solved in P H R Q P I T Z by changing the stoi­ chiometry of the irreversible reactant (altered "sea salt") incrementally between phase boundaries, but this method would be extremely laborious. Full consideration of the evaporation of seawater is too complex to be considered here. For example purposes, the evaporation of seawater was taken to the halite phase boundary only. The starting solution (seawater) was first equilibrated with dolomite in contact with air. This equilibration step causes precipitation of dolomite and outgassing of C 0 . This thermodynamically modified seawater is now undersaturated with all other minerals. The modified seawater was used as the starting point in evaporation. A n evaporation factor of 3.4878 is required to make seawater just saturated with gypsum (while maintaining equilibrium with dolomite in contact with air). Of the initial 1000 grams of water in the starting solution, 286.7 grams remain. The modified seawater is saturated with gypsum and dolomite at a P C 0 of 1 0 · atm and undersaturated with all other minerals in the data base of (9). It is assumed that the next phase encountered in evaporation will be halite and an evaporation factor of 3.0572 is required to reach halite saturation. The cumulative evaporation factor is the product of both evaporation factors, that is, 3.4878 χ 3.0572 = 10.6629 and the cumulative water remaining at the halite phase boundary is 1,000/10.6629 = 93.8 grams H 0 . The problem becomes more complicated now because the final saturation indices show that at the halite phase boundary the solution is oversaturated with anhydrite and magnesite. The calculations have not been carried further, but i f the goal were to follow rigorously the thermodynamic path, it would be necessary to back up and locate at least the magnesite phase boundary and evaluate again whether anhydrite saturation would be reached before halite saturation. A t the magnesite phase boundary the system would be treated either open or closed to re-reaction of dolomite previously formed. In an open system it would be necessary to locate the point in evaporation where all the dolomite previously formed had reacted to form magnesite. After locating the magnesite phase boundary the point where dolomite vanishes must be located. Beyond this point in evaporation the solution will be undersaturated with dolomite whde maintaining equilibrium with magnesite. There are many other considerations, if a geologically meaningful reaction path is to be simulated. For example, if for kinetic reasons it is assumed that magnesite would not precipitate in this environment, magnesite equilibrium would not be included and subsequent computed supersaturation with respect to magnesite in solution would be disregarded. Seawater evaporation reaction paths could also be examined more realistically if formation of protodolomite or magnesian calcites were considered rather than dolomite which is well known for its irreversible behavior in low-temperature environments. In simulation of geochemical reactions it is often necessary to recognize minerals that react reversibly in the environment and those that do not. Although P H R Q P I T Z (and P H R E E Q E ) can treat both equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions, logical decisions regarding kinetically-controlled processes require guidance from the modeler. 2

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We have benefitted from discussions and correspondence with (the late) M.W. Bodine, B.F. Jones (USGS, Reston), C E . Harvie and J . H . Weare (University of California, San Diego), E.J. Reardon (University of Waterloo), R . K . Stoessell (University of New Orleans) and R.J. Spencer (University of Calgary). G.W. Fleming and E.C. Prestemon contributed computer calculations. We thank S.A. Dunkle for compilations of Pitzer interaction parameters. The manuscript was improved by review comments from O.P. Bricker and D.C. Thorstenson (USGS, Reston).

In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Application of the Pitzer Equations



Downloaded by KTH ROYAL INST OF TECHNOLOGY on September 22, 2015 | Publication Date: December 7, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0416.ch010

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RECEIVED October 6, 1989

In Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II; Melchior, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.