Application of zeolites in catalysis (Boreskov, GK; Minachev, KM)

rate the competitiveness of zeolite in the cracking ... reported are reasonable and consistent with the ... cernins the functions and foundations of ...
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rate the competitiveness of zeolite in the complete description of each experiment. cracking of petroleum fractions. Comparisons While the 19 experiments, which range from of yields on such parameters as temperature, measuring the characteristics of a resistance zeolite content, concentration of catalysis in network to analog-digital conversion are inthe zeolite. and man" others are made in teresting, the applications are disappointing. There are no experiments applying these numemu. tal~lcs.Theernphns$s in thechaptern ~ron empirical work d m s at the I'etroconcepts to chemistry, physics, or biology. letrm S ~ . i c n ~ ~ i w H e s e a r rlnititute h at There is no mention in either the experiGrozny. mental or theoretical section of the use of The next several chapters are oriented electronic interfacing to laboratory digital t o w ~ r dpln%i$.nlmeasur&ncnl~ui reolirer. computers. Although a thorough treatment The Itrlm . ~thew i c h a p t ~ r ,i ~ w l u d rT h e would entail virtuallv another book. some Er~ect1 4 the StnreoiTran4wn t'kmcntsm mrnrhn ,I 11 n w l d seem .~ppn,priiltc. In the Zeolite Framework on the Catalytic Properralwlly field or r l t . t n m c mstruties of Y-Zeolites," "The Investigation of the ln?ntnl:tm lhls is a n activity that must ex. State of Cations in Zeolite by Spedrmeopic perimental scientists will encounter sooner Techniques," "X-ray Photoelectron Specor later. troscopic Study of Transition Elements in Nonetheless, this is a fine text. It is amore Synthetic Zeolites," and finally "Diffusion contemporary and improved version of the Processes in Biporaus Adsorbents and Catfirst edition and still retains the same clarity. alyst." In these chapters zeolites containing It is certainly worthy of consideration for use various transition-metal ions are orobed hv in advanced courses in instrumentation for Elec~rvnSpin Reionanre. ma~neli..auscep- scientists. t ~ l ~ ~ I ~ ~ y , ( . I ~ ~ ~ ~ l rX-ray ~ n ! ~ photuelecspectra. FREDERICK D. TABBUTT tron spectroscopy, and others. Unfortunately, The Evergreen State College X-ray crystallographic studies are not disOlympia. WA 98505 cussed in any detail. The above measurements are taken as a function of metal ion Announcing a New Journal concentration, pH, temperature, and in the presence of coordinating ligands such as carbon monoxide, NHs, etc. In these chapters the authors attempt to explain their results Fundamenta Sclentiae based on structural models. All the models Pergamon Press. Oxford, England and reported are reasonable and consistent with Elmsford, NY, 1980. the reported data. These last chapters will give the reader a feeling for the chemistry 'Phis international journal published involved in the zeolite catalyzed reactions. ELLIOT L. BLINN quarterly in both French and English concentrates an the theories, hypotheses, and Bowling Green Slate University Bowling Green. OH 43403 ~

postulates of science and the developing and ever changing relationships between science and philosophy. It explores topics of interest both to the members of the scientific community and to the educated citizen, concernins the functions and foundations of science. It will encourage free interchange among the many different areas and levels of the sciences and will endeavor to rive each an appropriate place in context and a clear focus in perspective and meaning.


Announcing a New Journal


Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management Pergamon Press, Oxford, England and Elrnsford. New York, 1980. This journal is published quarterly and is devoted to the entire field of hazardous w a l e s and to the management and further develwment of' detoxification, stomge, packaging, transportation. and disposal lerhnologies. It has as its goals to stimulate the interests of industries toward careful manarement of wastes. to inform the scienI . n i h p~ n . . ,I t h e n e w i t I !u 1.. cldr11\ I ,r '116 ~ ~ I I I I Ilnr I real ~ m d h w ~nv..l\.edwlih tcutv u:~.l..r, and t u pnmote global communication and interaction among the generators, regulators, and disposersofwastes. By providing a forum for these various groups, this journal hopes to improve the management of nuclear and chemical wastes.

Analog and Digital Electronics for Scientists Vassos and Ewing. John Wiley 8 Sons, New York. 1980. vii 404 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $22.50.


This book represents a substantial revision of the first edition. The authors have greatly reduced the treatment of semiconductors and increased the coverage of operational amplifiers. The shift in emphasis from discrete to integrated devices enabled an improvement in organization. The experimental section has been expanded also. Consequently, although the cover and the number of pages is unchanged, there is a considerable difference between the two editions. Only the chapter on mathematical background is unchanged. As hefore, the authors intmduce the theory of instrumentation a t a reasonably sophisticated level for uooerclass or first . vear " erad"ate students. ~ a i c u l u is s assumed and they develop the Laplace transform, phasors, and complex representation of reactive circuits. In addition t o covering the topics of signals, passive components, operational amplifiers, power supply circuits, logic systems, and flip flops, there are chapters about transducers, analoe instrumentation. and analoddieital .. ,. cinwits A s in rhe first edlliun, an inslructwnnl .trt.~~+th of the book I; thr I r r ~ tnumt ber I".&, 1 1 yrr~~l,lemswith ;~,lu!um,, no! usr numerical answers, to all of them. The expansion of the experimental section is a welcome addition; however, itwillstill be meager for the teacher who is looking for a

Volume 58

Number 6

June 1981
