Applications of statistical mechanics (Guggenheim, E. A.)

date, (0) heing scientifically accurate, (c) having gorxl style, and (d) heiug of the approlxinte level for a one or two semestel. course fm fimt or s...
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keep the sine of the volume wit,hin reawn, the 100 biographies of chemists and d e scriptions of foundations and societies have heen eliminated. Topics that. are o i h y Holder (Ilford Ltd.) which are dl minor or borderline significance to chembet t,er from the iriteria of ( a ) heiog u p t o istry have also been omitted. Therefore, date, ( 0 ) heing scientifically accurate, (c) the original edition is by r w means otwilhaving gorxl style, and (d) heiug of the lete. approlxinte level for a one or two semestel. Nearly 600 experts have contributed to course fm fimt or second year college over 800 articles in this volume. Articles sludenta. from the first edition have heen updated and many recent advances in chemical THOMAST. HrlL S,:hool qf Pholograph,~~, technology have heell added. Emphwis is placed on cllrrent eoncept,s of chemical Rochester InslitztIe gf Teehnologiq holding, moleri~larorhit,ulx, amrdittnt,io~l I~och&w, !Ye?,, York theory, and modenl instl.r~mct>l,al atdysis, iurlltditlg M M R , resonanw, awl fl~mres-


The Encyclopedia of Chemistry

IMitcd hy Croryr I,. Clark, editor-it,chief, I:~civersity of Illilwis Urhann, nnd Ceasner C . Hnmleg, managing editor, Iieiuhold nooks. 2nd ed. I < & hold I'>~hli*hi~>g Corp., New Ywk, l!16G. asi 1144 pp. Figs. I tahles. 18.5 X X i (inm. 925.


The review of the first editiuu of this e ~ ~ c y ~ : I ~ p e(.J. d i aCHEM. EDT:C_35, 3i4 [l!15X]) states, " . . . x most signifirxnt c~utrihntiout0 the literatwe. No lihlmy f~.cquel>ted l,y stt~dentsshmtld deuy them the stim\htiotl of this hook." A supplement i t ) 195X corrected a few umissivrw i l l the rrigillal volume (J. CHEM.EDTIC. 36, A [l!lt1]). This second editiou is