ment, including systems external to the instrument. ... Here's PAR'S new Digital Coulometer. It'll measure as little as 10 ... Telephone (609) 452-211...
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Here's PAR'S new Digital Coulometer.

Dye Laser The Model 490 is a high-power tun­ able dye laser. Almost 9 W of dye laser power was obtained from a Rhodamine 6G jet stream. Other dyes, even those hard to lase such as NaFluoroscein and cresyl violet, have been used. Various accessories allow rapid dye changing, single-frequency operation, and wavelength scanning. $6150. Coherent Radiation 403

Particle Analysis The Differential I h helium-neon laser photometer permits light scattering analyses of larger particles than its argon-laser counterpart and also pro­ vides greater laser lifetime. Capabili­ ties range from measurement of mo­ lecular weights to studies of colloidal suspensions and emulsions, determi­ nations of microparticle concentra­ tions, and often measurement of av­ erage particle size and size distribu­ tion. A variety of light sources may be used in the Differential I instru­ ment, including systems external to the instrument. Differential I h , $9500. Science Spectrum 415

It'll measure as little as 10 picoequivalents with 0.1% accuracy! And 0.02% reproducibility! FEATURES 3 use with any potentiostat Π controlled-potential or controlledcurrent coulometry D all digital integration Π current ranges of 1μ,Α to 1A • background current offset compensation D digital and analog coulomb outputs D coulomb range of 1CT6 to 107 coulombs D autoranging over seven orders of magnitude, in coulombs

Call or write for complete information or a demonstration in your facility. Princeton Applied Research Corpora­ tion, P.O. Box 2565, Princeton, N.J. 08540. Telephone (609) 452-2111. European Headquarters: Princeton Applied Research GmbH, 8 Munchen 40, Frankfurter Ring 81, West Germany. PRINCETON APPLIED P RESEARCH CORPORATION A R




Gradient Elution LC Model 3520 liquid chromatograph uses flow feedback control to increase the sensitivity of gradient elution chromatograms. The feedback control eliminates pump noise and reduces total noise to only ±0.0001 absorbance units on a UV detector. The in­ strument uses two 7000-psi dual-pis­ ton metering pumps, producing flows up to 20 ml/min each. Accessories available include UV detectors, pre­ packed columns, sample injection valves, fraction collection valves, and a built-in oven. $13,960. Chromatronix Div., Spectra-Physics 416 Portable pH Meter Model 150 Accumet has three operat­ ing controls: function, to select pH or mV; temperature compensation, 0100°C; and standardization. Relative accuracy is ±0.1 pH; repeatability is ±0.05 pH. Fisher Scientific Co. 419

C o m b a t uncontrolled inaccurate measuring with the Q u a v e r a n d Quaverette. Two vibrating spatulas used for precise w e i g h i n g a n d mixing procedures in micro-quantities. The free-spinning toothed w h e e l vibrating the spatula gives you total control over materials released. See your nearest laboratory supply dealer. Send for 88 page catalog 372. For your FREE copy write Dept. A-10.

APPLIED COATINGS INC. Subsidiary of Bel-Art Products Pequannock, N.J.07440 · 201 694-0500 CIRCLE 14 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 12, OCTOBER 1973 · 1039 A