Applied Inorganic Analysis (Hillebrand, W. F.; Lundell, G. E. F.

Publication Date: January 1930. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 7, 1, 217-. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase...
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VOL. 7, NO. 1



The next two hundred' pages are taken, with some changes by the junior author, from Dr. Hillebrand's treatise, "The Analysis of Silicate and Carbonate Rocks," first published as Bulletin 422 and later, revised and enlarged, as Bdletin 700, of the Geological Survey. This bulletin has long been considered a thorough snd authoritative treatise on the subject and its indusion as an integral part of the new book will be a source of satisfaction t o those who will own and use the book. The last division is devoted to the analysis of soda-lime glass and of bauxite and other refractories of high alumina content. This is the work of Dr. Lundell. The text is well written and it is reasonDREXEL INSTITUTE PYILADBLPHI*, PENN*. ably free from small errors, some of which inevitably escape the vigilance of proof Applied Inorganic Analysis. W. F. HILLB- readers of first editions. The reviewer BRAND, late Chief Chemist, U. S. Bucommends the book to all who deal with reau of Standards, and G. E. F. LUN- analytical problems. It is too large and DELL,Chemist, U. S. Bureau of Stand- comprehensive to serve as a text in colards. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New leges, except in advanced courses, whcre 929 pp. 15 X York City, 1929. xix i t will prove valuable t o student and 23.5 cm. $8.50. teacher alike. But every chemist who is Any treatise bearing the names of the engaged in the work of applied analysis present authors and dealing with analyti- will want the book. E. G. MAHW cal problems should command the re: U N I Y ~ OF S INOTBG ~ DAUB spectful attention of all chemists. The Norag D A m B , INDIANA long connection of the late Dr. Hillebraud with the U. S. Geological Survey and his Introduction to Ouantitative Analysis. EDWARD G. MAHIN,Ph.D., Professor of later work as Chief Chemist of the Bureau Analytical Chemistry and Metallurgy of Standards, together with his important in the University of Notre Dame. First contributions to the science of analvtical edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., chemistry, have made his name familiar. New York City, 1929. xii f 227 pp. And the junior author has, in this volume, 32 figures. 14 X 20 cm. $2.25. ably seconded his superior in the preparaThis book is an abridgment of the tion of a book which will eventually prove to be an essential part of the libray of all author's more comprehensive book on the same subject and is designed for courses analytical chemists. The first six hundred pages, most of in elementary quantitative analysis parwhich is the work of Dr. Lundell, is an ex- ticularly "in colleges whose major work is tended and detailed discussion of general inthe fieldof liberal arts." I t is, therefore, principles of analytical procedure and of unfortunate that the point of view of the special determination of the elements, in- technical analyst, for whom the larger cluding practically the entire list. This book is primarily designed, should also be part is so comprehensive, and a t the same prominent in this book. It is probably expecting too much of one author to pretime so detailed, that i t approaches the distinction of being called a complete sent the subject in both ways. The technic of gravimetric analysis is reference work. such as digestion and metabolism. New chapters on the blood, urine, and internal secretions have been added. The hook is well written and the material is presented as simply as possible. The theoretical principles a m kept down to a minimum and only the ones that are essential are introduced. Several new experiments have been added, including the analysis of group one, to illustrate methods of separation and identification. The book seems to be quite suitable for its intended purpose, but in the time usually allotted to a course of this type, much of the material would have to be omitted. D. C. LICEITENWALN~


