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designed separately, which is another advantage. The obtained ... infinite cloud model by using detailed particle transport codes and human ... 105. I...
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Chapter 8

Calculation of the External Effective Dose from a Radioactive Plume by Using Monte Carlo Dose Kernel Integration

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: November 16, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0945.ch008

P. Vojtyla CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Safety Commission, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

The radiological impact of emissions of radioactive substances from accelerator facilities is characterized by a dominant contribution of the external exposure from short-lived radionuclides in the plume. Ventilation outlets of accelerator facilities are often at low emission heights and receptors reside very close to stacks. Simplified exposure models are not appropriate and integration of the dose kernel over the radioactive plume is required. By using Monte Carlo integration with certain biasing, the integrand can be simplified substantially and an optimum spatial resolution can be achieved. Moreover, long-term releases can be modeled by sampling real weather situations. The mathematical formulation does not depend on any particular atmospheric dispersion model and the applicable code parts can be designed separately, which is another advantage. The obtained results agree within ± 10 % with results calculated for the semiinfinite cloud model by using detailed particle transport codes and human phantoms.


© 2007 American Chemical Society

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


Introduction The effective dose to members of the public due to airborne releases of radioactive substances from accelerator facilities is dominated by the external exposure to photon radiation of several short-lived radioactive gases such as the β radionuclides C , N , 0 and 0 (511 keV annihilation photons) and the β" radionuclide A r (1294 keV gamma rays). Dose conversion factors that were calculated for human phantoms submerged in a semi-infinite cloud of air containing various radionuclides can be found in the literature (see for example Reference (/)). They are used for situations typical around a nuclear power plant site, where members of the public reside sufficiently far away from the plant's stack so that the radionuclide concentrations in air can be considered as homogeneous. Such factors can lead to serious overestimations or even serious underestimations around a facility, where members of the public reside very close to a ventilation outlet (-100 m) that is often a short stack not exceeding much the height of an air-extraction building. The mean free path of a 511 keV photon in air of 90 m is comparable with the distance of the receptor to the source and usually longer than typical plume widths at short distances. It is clear that the semi-infinite cloud model is not appropriate in this case and that the shape of the radioactive plume must be taken into account to obtain realistic results. The procedure to be applied in such geometry is integration of the dose kernel over the radioactive plume, which leads to a numerical calculation of a three-dimensional integral from a complicated function describing the pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere. This chapter presents a method based on a Monte Carlo approach that gives a satisfactory approximation for the integral values, provided sufficient number of Monte Carlo events is processed, and overcomes some principal difficulties of a fixed-grid integral. In addition it is faster in most cases, especially for long-term releases for which averaged radionuclide concentrations derived from weather statistics enter the integrand. +


1 3

1 4

1 5

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4 1

External Exposure from a Radioactive Plume The expression for the dose kernel integral due to photon radiation from a radionuclide distributed in air around a human body is derived from basic principles and has the following form: °r =


^(£,A,0exp(-^0^(r), . 3 |

where D = effective dose (Sv), y

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.


( ] )

106 Q

= released activity (Bq),


= 1.602 χ 10"



J M e V " , conversion coefficient from M e V to J, 3



=air density (kg m" ),




= conversion coefficient for the isotropic external exposure (kermain-free-air to effective dose) for the photon energy E and the given i


age group (Sv Gy" ), μ , = linear energy absorption coefficient in the air with the density p Λ


for the


photon line / ( m ) , Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: November 16, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0945.ch008

Ε, = energy of the photon line / (MeV), /,

= intensity of the photon line / (absolute, i.e. 1 for 100%),


= linear attenuation coefficient in the air with the density ρ



for the photon


line i (m" ), 3

r = distance of the volume element d x from the receptor (m), # ( £ , , / / / ) = dose build-up factor as a function of the energy £, of the photon line /' and the number of mean free paths from the volume element 3

d x to the receptor

p r, t



= dispersion factor at a place with a radius vector r ( s m" ).

The receptor is positioned in the origin of the coordinate system. The activity concentration of the radionuclide at the point r is a product of the release rate - 1

Q ( B q s ) and the dispersion factor χ(χ). The dose rate generated by the plume can be integrated in time, resulting in the dose value. Under stationary release conditions, the dose rate integration reduces to the release rate

(Q) 3

integration resulting in the released activity Q. Each air volume element d r is a source of exposure into which all photon energy lines £, contribute with the 3

intensities 7,. The energy emitted from a volume element d x may be absorbed in the air around the receptor, giving rise to a dose absorbed in air, which is proportional to μ /ρ &ί


. The probability that an emitted photon will reach the 3

receptor decreases with the distance to the volume element d r following the \/r rule and it is proportional to the photon attenuation in air e x p ( - ^ r ) . The dose build-up factor Β accounts for the indirect exposure, for example through multiple Compton scattering in air of the emitted photons. To estimate the effective dose to a human, the dose absorbed in air is multiplied by the conversion coefficient e that depends on the photon energy and the 2


In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

107 receptor's age. The difference between the dose absorbed in air and the kermain-free-air can be neglected in this case. The linear absorption and attenuation coefficients are shown for the standard temperature and pressure (STP ) air in Fig. 1. 1

NIST data set 3

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: November 16, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0945.ch008

A = 1.29 kg/m (STP)




1 Photon energy (MeV)

Figure 7. Linear photon attenuation and absorption coefficients for air with the standard temperature and pressure (STP). Based on data from the Reference (2). 1

The dose build-up factors can be interpolated from values determined by Chilton et al. (J) in a Monte Carlo simulation. A simpler approach is to use linear build-up factors B (E pr) = \ + kpr in which the linear coefficient k depends on the photon energy through the photon attenuation and absorption coefficients, μ and μ respectively: k = (μ-μ )/μ . It can be derived from ym





an energy equilibrium consideration (4). The coefficient k increases fast with the photon energy, reaches its maximum of 5.9 at 80 keV, and then it decreases rapidly to values below 1 beyond 1.6 MeV. The build-up factors from the reference (J) are about 20 % higher for photon energies around 100 keV but very close to the linear build-up factors for other energies.


'273.15 Κ (0°C), 1.013 χ 10 Pa.

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

108 The conversion coefficients e for adults can be taken from the I C R U Report 57 (5). Data for other age groups calculated by Yamaguchi are provided in the reference (6). In accordance with the recommendation of the ICRU, the isotropic irradiation geometry (ISO) shall be considered for this type of problem. Figure 2 compares the data set for adults from the reference (5) with the data sets for one-year old infants and adults from the reference (6). One can see strong photon energy dependence only for photons with energies below about 0.1 M e V .

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1 Photon energy (MeV)

Figure 2. Conversion coefficients for the external exposure (5, 6).

Equation 1 does not take into account the bremsstrahlung radiation in air of electrons emitted during beta decay that can be neglected for strong photon emitters. However, the method shall be used with care for radionuclides emitting only rare and/or very low-energy photons such as K r . The contribution of the skin dose due to electrons to the effective dose, Ό , 85


can be obtained easily by using radionuclide-specific dose conversion factors e


from the reference (7) calculated for a semi-infinite cloud. The skin organ

dose weighting factor of 0.01 defined in the ICRP Publication 60 (7) is applied: D^0.0\xQ e . (2) Zrec


The symbol x in Eq. 2 denotes the dispersion factor at the receptor's position. The range of beta radiation in air does not exceed several meters so that the spatial variations of the activity concentration in the plume can be neglected. For rec

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

109 radionuclides with strong photon radiation, D


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makes less than few per cent

D. Y

The numerical calculation of the integral in Eq. 1 in a fixed grid of space elements poses problems concerning the required computing power and it has also some principal difficulties. A simplification was suggested by Overcamp and Fjeld (4) that works, however, only with dispersion factors and dose build­ up factors having the specific mathematical forms: the Gaussian plume model and the linear dose build-up mentioned above, respectively. It is not straightforward to decide to what longest distance from the receptor the integration shall be limited (how many mean free paths) or what integration grid is most suitable. Furthermore, i f a Cartesian coordinate system is used, a singularity at r - » 0 occurs and it is not straightforward to decide to what shortest distance from the receptor the integration shall be limited. The singularity can be removed by integrating in the polar coordinate system but the transformations from the Cartesian system to the polar system take computing time i f the Gaussian plume model, which is formulated in the Cartesian coordinate system, is used. A solution to these difficulties is avoiding a fixed grid by using a Monte Carlo integration method in which integration points are sampled randomly from continuous distributions. For radiation protection purposes, statistical uncertainties inherent to this method are fully acceptable i f they do not exceed few per cent.

Monte Carlo integration A n integral f ^ d h r can be transformed into polar coordinates:



\έ~" f{r)£idr,


Ω 0

where dQ is the solid angle element, and integrated by using a Monte Carlo method with biasing the length of the radius vector length r. Assuming r generated isotropically so that the radius vector length r follows the probability distribution dP/dr = μβ'^ , the integral transforms to a discrete sum

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

110 where Ν is the total number of the Monte Carlo events and r


is the



generated radius vector. The length of the radius vector r can be generated by using a simple formula: r = -\η[υ(0,\)]/μ

with (7(0,1) being a number from a

series of random numbers uniformly distributed in the interval (θ,ΐ). The dose D is then expressed in terms of Monte Carlo events as y

D =Q—Σ Pair / r

*kerma(£,)—Ε^^Ε,,Μ,^χ^) Mi " \



J =

It is assumed in Eq. 6 that the receptor can be anywhere and hence the radius vectors r are sampled from the whole space around it. In practice, the receptor is usually on the ground level and the dispersion factor χ below it is zero by definition. In this case, it is sufficient to sample the radius vector r only from the half-space above the ground level, saving the computing time and the random numbers, but the formula in Eq. 6 must be divided by 2. For long-term release scenarios, the dispersion factor is sampled according to the distribution of weather situations with the probability of a given situation to occur. The Monte Carlo integration then resembles more an analog Monte Carlo simulation. Dispersion factors for very rare weather situations need not to be computed always, as it is the case of the integration with a fixed grid, when the average dispersion factor must be calculated for each volume element. This is another important advantage of the Monte Carlo integration. At C E R N we use the standard Gaussian plume model with atmospheric stability classes defined by the scheme of Pasquill and Gifford (8). A weather situation is characterized by the average wind speed, the average wind direction and the atmospheric stability class. We use 20 wind-speed bins, 72 wind sectors and 6 stability classes. The two former parameters are randomly sampled within their bins so that their distributions are smooth. The convergence of the Monte Carlo integral was carefully studied for various conditions. The integral converges slower for situations with more inhomogeneous integrands, like for

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: November 16, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0945.ch008


Narrow plumes,

Receptors placed off-side the plume,

Photon energies around 0.1 MeV, where the build-up factor changes at highest with the number of photon mean free paths,

Radionuclides with too short half-lives ( T

Receptors placed very close to the source.


< 1 min ),

For short-term releases characterized by a single Gaussian plume and for receptors placed in the plume, an acceptable convergence usually occurs after

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

Ill 6

10 events. For long-term releases and receptors placed in a zone affected by frequent winds, at least 10 events are usually needed. Processing of 10 events lasts several seconds on presently available desktop personal computers (code written in Compaq F O R T R A N for PC, double precision). The result should be handled with care i f no reasonable convergence is achieved after more than 10 events. This may indicate unsuitable receptor position and the case should be dealt with by using a different method. In practice we apply a simple convergence criterion to accept a result. The final value of the integral is considered to be the best estimate. The relative deviations of the integral values after Vi and V* of the total Monte Carlo events were processed are reported. Both the relative deviations should be smaller than few per cent and the / deviation shall be smaller than the A one. More sophisticated criteria can be developed but the described one has proven to be satisfactory. A considerable acceleration of the code can be reached by grouping too numerous photon lines into energy bands limited by energies E that are distributed uniformly on the logarithmic energy scale. Single photon energy is assigned to each band, which is an intensity-weighted average energy. The total intensity of all included photon lines is assigned to that average energy. Good results were obtained with E - E (\ + a) , where E =0.01 M e V and a = 0.2. Usually no more than 15 energy bands are needed for a single radionuclide. For example, 42 known gamma lines of C1 ranging from 0.26 M e V to 6.5 M e V (P) can be reduced to 18 gamma lines. The difference between the results obtained with the exact gamma line definition and the one described above was smaller than 2 % in typical cases and could be attributed to statistical fluctuations of Monte Carlo integrals. 7





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Verification The correctness of the Monte Carlo integration described in this chapter was tested through comparisons of its results with results of fixed-grid integration in fine spatial grids for various situations that may occur in practice. The results of both the methods were coherent proving the mathematical correctness of Eq. 6 and the computer code. However, the model was also verified in its radioprotection aspect by comparing its results for a semi-infinite cloud with results obtained for this exposure geometry by using dose conversion factors from the literature. To simulate a semi-infinite cloud with a constant activity concentration, the dispersion factor was forced to a constant value in the computer code. Dose conversion factors were taken from two references: (a) the US E P A Report 402-

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

112 R-93-081 (/), and (b) the Swiss directive HSK-R-41 (10). In the former reference, dose conversion factors for an adult phantom and a large number of radionuclides are computed in a very detailed way. The dosimetric quantity calculated in the US E P A report is the effective dose equivalent in the sense of the ICRP Publication 26 (//), whilst the directive HSK-R-41 provides values for the effective dose as defined in the ICRP Publication 60 (7) . The two dosimetric quantities agree well for the external exposure, however (1). Figure 3 shows values of the effective dose and effective dose equivalent per released activity expressed in μ 8 ν / Τ Ι ^ for a number of radionuclides with increasing energy of emitted photons, from A m (14 keV X-rays, 26 keV and 60keV gamma rays), through the positron emitters C , N and 0 (511 keV annihilation photons), up to N a (1.40 M e V and 2.75 M e V gamma rays). Note that A m is an alpha emitter for which the dominating exposure pathway is inhalation. It was included in the test because it emits low-energy photons and dose conversion factors for the external exposure are available in the literature for this common radionuclide. The doses calculated by using the Monte Carlo dose kernel integration model Ό + ϋ agree within ±10 % with those derived 2

2 4 1


l 3

1 5

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: November 16, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0945.ch008


2 4 1



from the dose conversion factors from the literature, whilst the dose conversion factors from the literature differ by as much as 20 %. Such accuracy is sufficient for radioprotection purposes. It seems that Eq. 1 systematically overestimates for radionuclides emitting photons with low energies ( A m , Co), probably due to the factorization of the kerma-in-free-air to effective dose conversion coefficients and the dose build-up factors in air. Note that the conversion coefficients decrease rapidly with photon energy below 0.1 M e V (Fig. 2). The dose built up from secondary processes like Compton scattering in air is due to photons with lower energies than the original photon energy, yet a greater conversion coefficient for the original photon energy is applied. Nevertheless, such behavior is acceptable because it is conservative and because the external exposure is less important for radionuclides emitting low-energy photons (Fig. 3, note the logarithmic scale). 24i



Effective dose equivalent is the weighted average of the annual dose equivalents, each weighted by a tissue or organ weighting factor. The dose equivalent is the product of the quality factor and absorbed dose in the tissue or organ. Effective dose is the weighted average of equivalent doses, each weighted by the appropriate tissue weighting factor. The equivalent dose is the dose absorbed in an organ or tissue multiplied by the relevant radiation weighting factor. Although the mathematical formulations of the two dosimetric quantities are similar, the classifications of organs and tissues, tissue weighting factors, quality factors and radiation weighting factors are different. To avoid confusion, the ICRP used different names for the dosimetric quantities.

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

113 I ζ



' -

s1 2

= 10 s m" f



' 1

:i £

5I u


j ......

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1y. v Δ • Am-241






~ —'

Ivlonte Carlo 1 Ar-41



Figure 3. Comparison of results for semi-infinite cloud irradiation geometry obtained with dose conversion factors from the literature and with the Monte Carlo integration.

Conclusions The presented Monte Carlo dose kernel integration method for calculating the external dose from a radioactive plume is fast and its uncertainties are acceptable. Its mathematical formulation does not depend on any particular atmospheric dispersion model and can be applied to more sophisticated dispersion models that could be developed in the future. The method is suitable for places downwind of ventilation outlets. Difficulties may occur at off-wind places but these are usually out of the area of concern because the exposure at such places is considerably lower then downwind. The method shall be used with care for radionuclides emitting hard beta radiation and photon radiation with too small intensity and/or energy. The development of the method was motivated by difficulties encountered at accelerator facilities but the method can be applied to any similar problem, like ventilation outlets of a uranium mine.

In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

114 Although the integrand is a complicated function of many variables, all parts can be programmed separately as functions or subroutines and tested thoroughly. The Monte Carlo loop is, however, very simple (several code lines) so that programming errors are improbable to occur. In the end, the complete program can be easily verified by running it for the semi-infinite cloud geometry so that a validated code is obtained.

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 8, 2012 | Publication Date: November 16, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0945.ch008

Acknowledgements Parts of the codes used in this work were written by L . Moritz and L A . Kourotchkine. Valuable discussions with Th. Otto and H.G. Menzel are highly acknowledged as well.

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In Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science; Semkow, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.