for running quick surveys of solvent systems ... Scientific Corp., 22 North Moore St.,. New York 13 ... With the Model 81, Raman spectra may be run in...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE approaching the efficiency in prepara­ tive chromatography similar to "ana­ lytical" chromatography. This issue also introduces the Aerograph Pestilyzer for pesticide residue analysis. Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc., P. 0 . Box 313, Walnut Creek, Calif. Chemist-Analyst.

RECORD SPECTRA FROM 50 TO 5000 Acm" 1 in a single scan... with the Cary Model 81


V o l . 52, N o . 1 .

This issue includes articles on the analysis of iron-nickel-cobalt-copper alloys; bismuth in battery materials, refined lead, and bismuth ores ; analysis of vanadium-tin systems; manganese in alloys; and other procedures. J. T . Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N . J. Spectrum Analysis. No. 4. This issue contains articles on the direct reading spectrochemical analysis of medium alloy steels, spectrometric determina­ tion of carbon and phosphorus in steels and cast iron in normal atmosphere, and the use of direct reading spectro­ metric equipment for production con­ trol. Optica, Inc., 830 Evarts St., Washington 18, D . C. RSCo Review. Vol. 4, No. 7. This 8-page issue describes paper chromatog­ raphy aids including desalters, sample applicators, and the Chromatobox. The last is an all-glass and plastic, compact paper strip chromatograph for running quick surveys of solvent systems, papers, etc. Research Special­ ties Co., 200 South Garrard Blvd., Richmond, Calif. Norelco Reporter. Vol. X, No. 1. This issue concentrates principally on x-ray diffraction and includes articles on the following subjects: education of crystallographers, x-ray crystallog­ raphy of Bordeaux mixtures, crystal chemistry of some transition metal ox­ ide systems, crystallinity in polychlorotrifluorethylene, powder analysis, x-ray in soil science, and high temperature x-ray diffraction using metal ribbon furnaces. Philips Electronic Instru­ ments, 750 South Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, Ν . Υ.

For new brochure, ask for Data File A32-43.

The Cary Model 81 offers the advantages of Raman spectroscopy with convenience, speed, and with small sample volumes comparable to those of infrared instruments.

Labitems. Vol. 12, No. 1. This 30page issue is devoted entirely to plastic laboratory equipment, most of which is polyethylene, but some Teflon and vinyl items are included. Greiner Scientific Corp., 22 North Moore St., New York 13, Ν . Υ.

Raman spectra complement IR studies and greatly facilitate structural determinations of metal-organic compounds, solidstate crystals, cis-trans isomerism and many other materials. With the Model 81, Raman spectra may be run in the same or less t i m e than IR spectra. Samples may be in aqueous

Newsletter. No. 14. This issue con­ tains articles on the new 2-Meter Vacuum Atomcounter, Model 700 Chromatograph, dual purpose spec­ trometer for both flame and atomic ab­ sorption analysis, and environment testing equipment. Jarrell-Ash Co., 26 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass. Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card

solution and in volumes small as 0.05 ml, APPLIED P H Y S I C S CORPORATION 2 7

2 4






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Recording Spectrophotometers·

Vibrating Reed
