Loenco, Inc., 2092 North. Lincoln Ave., Altadena, Calif. 411. Recorders. The "W" Speedomax recorder fea tures the advantages of a wide-chart in a comp...
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NEW PRODUCTS Recording Spectrophotometer

The SP.SOO, a low-cost recording ul­ traviolet and visible spectrophotometer is available. The SI'.SOO records ab­ sorbance asrainst wavelength or wavenumber on linear scales in the ultravio­ let and visible regions of the spectrum. It is available in four separate models, each of which can be supplied for oper­ ation on LSO-250 volts, or 110 volts, 50 or 00 cycles. Unicam instruments Ltd., York Street, Cambridge, England. 410

Dual column programmed gas chromatographs, the Model 160 Series, provide greater convenience in opera­ tion and faster column blowdown through new oven design. The chromatographs are built around a basic advanced design column oven combining ease of operation, a wide selection of rise rates and extremely fast blow-down. The column can be either metal or glass construction. Sizes from V i e " 0 D t o V 2 " OD can be accommodated by the use of adaptors. Loenco, Inc., 2 0 9 2 North Lincoln Ave., Altadena, Calif. 411

SPECTRA REPEATED WITHIN 0.003 ABSORBANCE, 0.5 A on Cary Model 15 Spectrophotometer

Cary Model 15 BENZENE


of Scans Five, superimposed Scan Time 4 mm. 6 sec.

Five superimposed scans show Model 15's excellent photometric and wavelength reproducibility. For sample spectra and per­ formance details,send for Data FHe 237-24.

Traditional Cary performance is built in. Advanced design , ,


provides precision and reliability over 1750-8000 A range: At ο

1850 A, near zero absorbance, photometric accuracy is 0.002


The "W" Speedomax recorder fea­ tures the advantages of a wide-chart in a compact instrument. I t combines wide-chart readability with compact, modular construction. The calibrated chart width is 9 " / 8 " in an instrument measuring only 1">" wide and V2" high. The Speedomax H strip chart recorder permits pH measurement without the necessity for an external preamplifier. It is useful for applications where re­ cording or control is desirable near the point of measurement. Leeds & Northrup Co., 4934 Stenton Ave., Philadel­ phia 44, Ta. 412 Circle No. 197 on Readers Service Card



with 0.3 A resolution...even at 2.0 absorbance, photometric ο

accuracy is 0.008 with 3 A resolution. Functional design gives new ease of operation. Coupled scan and chart drive permit varying scan speed without affecting wavelength presentation. Separate, synchronous chart drive also provided for kinetic studies. APPLIED PHYSICS





Recording Spectrophotometers

· Vibrating Reed Electrometers