Applied Problem Solving through Creative Thinking - C&EN Global

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Scientist... researcher... executive... teach Whatever your field, the most important part of your work is solving problems

For the first time, the American Chemical Society offers a complete ACS Audio Course on

Applied Problem % Solving through Creative Thinking Lab or office, academe, government or industry . . . wherever you work, your success depends on how well you solve problems. Yet, no matter how knowledgeable you are in your individual discipline, you may have had little training in the scientific techniques of recognizing, analyzing and solving problems . . . and implementing the solutions. Now, the American Chemical Society presents a course that fills this need with an interesting, challenging, stimulating series of sessions that can improve the quality of your professional and personal life. Although designed by a scientist, the course is valuable to any person interested in learning effective techniques of solving practical problems. Classifying Your Problems Course participants are taught the three basic problem types-analytical, judgmental and creative-and shown proven methods of solving each. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of powerful new group ideation techniques in the solution of problems requiring creativity. Methods and Techniques Enhancing creativity through the use of the subconscious, learning techniques for the systematic evaluation and implementation of creative ideas, and selling those ideas to management are some of the vital techniques covered in this important course. Individual or Group Use While the interchange of ideas among participants tends to make group sessions exceptionally effective, the course can also be used profitably by individuals.

The Instructor Dr. J. David Reid, recently retired after 45 years with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, was engaged in textile research for the past 35 years and was a pioneer in the development of "permanent press" fabrics. Internationally known for his work in this field, he has lectured in over a dozen countries and is the author of 206 scientific publications plus 39 U. S. and several foreign patents. ACS Triple-Impact Audio Courses combine the ease of listening the reinforcement of reading the challenge of doing as you learn from the leaders-renowned authorities—teaching the subjects they know best in their own words and voices. No Risk, 10-Day Free Trial Offer Order your problem-solving course now. If you are not completely satisfied, just return the unit to us within ten days for full credit or refund. American Chemical Society, Room 811 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 (202) 872-4588 YES, please send_ _copy(ies) of the ACS course on Applied Problem Solving through Creative Thinking @ $155.00 each. Additional manuals: 1-9 @ $13.00 ea.; 10-49 @ $10.50 ea.; 50 or more @ $9.75 ea. D Payment enclosed. D Bill me. D Bjll company. Name Company D Home Address D Business _ City _

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Jan. 30, 1978 C&EN