Applied Publications Open Pittsburgh Office - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 6, 2010 - The Society's Applied Publications have opened another news bureau, this one in Pittsburgh, Pa. The new bureau will be staffed by H. Cli...
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Applied Publications Open Pittsburgh Office The Society's Applied Publications have opened another news bureau, this one in Pittsburgh, Pa. The new bureau will be staffed by H. Clifford N e e l y , now assistant editor on the C&EN c e n t r a l staff i n Washington. His office will be at 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh 30, in the PennSheraton Hotel Building. The new office brings to eleven the number of news bureaus the Applied Publications have reporting on chemical science and industry in the U.S. and western Europe. The move follows the pattern set a year ago of putting news bureau men in cities additional to those of the C&EN Bureaus of the past several years and thus in closer contact with news sources on a day to day basis. The first of such additional offices was placed in Philadelphia in June a year ago, to be followed by an office in Frankfurt, West Germany, in November and offices in Cleveland and Los Angeles in December. In the new office, Mr. Neely will report to William Q. Hull, manager of eastern news bureaus. Mr. Neely joined the C&EN staff early this year as an assistant editor. Prior to that time he had worked for Du Pont in Louisville, Ky., and Beaumont, Tex., on elastomer development. He received a B.Ch.E. from Speed Scientific School, University of Louisville, in 1953.

Local Section Officers The following ACS local sections have named officers for the 1962-63 terms.



Howard B. Palmer, professor and head of the department of fuel technology at Pennsylvania State University, is the 1962 chairman of the Central Pennsylvania Section. Other officers are Dr. Carl O. Clagett, vice-chairman; Dr. William A. Steele, secretary; and Dr. Albert S. Carney, treasurer. 48


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SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO. Dr. Albert E. Richardson, associate professor at New Mexico State University, is 1962 chairman of the Southern New Mexico Section. Serving with him are Jack E. Slay, chairman-elect; Dr. Latimer R. Evans, secretary; and Glenn R. Hamiel, treasurer. AKRON. Dr. Leora E. Straka, head of technical information at Goodyear Tire &> Rubber Co., is chairman of the Akron Section for 1962. Serving with her are Dr. Kenneth W. Scott, chairman-elect; Harold Tucker, secretary; and Henry J. Kehe, treasurer.

MILWAUKEE. Dr. John H. Biel, vice president and director of new product development at Aldrich Chemical Co., is 1962 chairman of the Milwaukee Section. Serving with him are Dr. William K. Miller, chairman-elect; Dr. Harold H. Schultz, secretary; and Ralph E. Lubnow, treasurer.

NORTH CENTRAL OKLAHOMA. Dr. Flynt Kennedy, Continental Oil Co., is chairman of the North Central Oklahoma Section for 1962. Other officers are Dr. P. K. Flanagan, vicechairman; Albert M. Durr, Jr., secretary; and Gerald L. Nield, Jr., treasurer. SYRACUSE. Dr. Conrad Schuerch, chairman of forest chemistry, State University (N.Y.) College of Forestry, is chairman of the Syracuse Section for 1962. Serving with him are Dr. John B. Davidson, chairman-elect; Dr. David A. Johnson, secretary; and Dr. Carlton W. Dence, treasurer.

PENSACOLA. Dr. Douglas L. Johnson, development manager of the fibers division, American Cyanamid Co., is 1962 chairman of the Pensacola Section. Other officers are Dr. Bill H. Daughdrill, chairman-elect; Robert E. Pennell, secretary; and Dr. W. Carter Doyle, Jr., treasurer. PRINCETON. Dr. Edward C. Taylor, associate professor of chemistry at Princeton University, is chairman of the Princeton Section for 1962. Serving with him are Dr. James Russell White, chairmanelect, and Dr. Christie G. Enke, secretary-treasurer.

PRF Awards Grant The Petroleum Research Fund, administered by ACS, has awarded a research grant of $50,000 to Dr. John C. Jamieson of the University of Chicago. The award, an unsolicited and unrestricted grant-in-aid to the university, is given to support research by an outstanding scientist selected for past accomplishments in basic research in petroleum, according to Dr. Karl Dittmer, administrator of the fund. It may be used for any purpose, during a period of six years, to pursue imaginative research in any field of pure science which may be a basis for further research directly connected with the petroleum field. Recipients must be members of a faculty of an educational institution and engaged in advanced scientific education. Excellence of research is a primary consideration in the selection, and preference is given to scientists who are at or approaching the peak of their productivity. Final selections are made by the 19-member P R F Advisory Board and approved by the ACS Board of Directors. Dr. Jamieson is associate professor of geophysics at the University of Chicago. He received his S.B. (1947), M.S. (1951), and Ph.D. (1952) from the university and has been on the faculty since 1953. His research interests include carbonates, properties of the earth's interior, high pressure x-ray techniques, and shock wave studies.