If you've had to settle for wet chemistry or atomic absorption analysis techniques, our new Model 33000 Quantometer will be wel come news. The Model 33000 Quantometer is a flex ible, multi-element instrument with some new ideas. For example, up to 64 elements may be determined singly or in groups as directed by simple program cards easily prepared by the user. And, of course, the Model 33000 follows in the tradition of ARL's forty-year record of excellence in the production of optical emis sion and x-ray Quantometers, electron micro-
probes, and ion microprobe mass analyzers. The Model 33000 Quantometer is avail able with either air-path or vacuum spectrom eters. And it's compact — a little more than 4' χ 4' χ 3'. It has a built-in thermal control system and precision quartz grating that guar antee the same high stability for which our larger systems are famous. Electronics are modular for easy maintenance. The price is easy on your budget, too. Delivery? Right away. A detailed brochure can be yours right away. Just write us and discover how inex pensive rapid multi-element analysis can be.
ARL excellence... in a new low-cost optical emission Quantometer
A P P L I E D R E S E A R C H L A B O R A T O R I E S / S u b s i d i a r y of B A U S C H & L O M B 9545 Wentworth Street, Sunland, California 91040 (213) 352-6011
Easy Solutions to Tough Spectrochemical Analysis Problems CIRCLE 5 O N READER SERVICE CARD