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Now through advanced application of vacuum spectrometry,. ARL's direct-reading Quantovac provides complete analytical control using a single sample. A...
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NEWS error are presented, and basic principles and equipment needed for microanaly­ sis, as well as terms used, are discussed.

Spectrochemical Analysis for Trace Elements STP 2 2 1 . 84 pages. American Society for Testing Mate­ rials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. 1958. $2.75. Topics included in this volume and originally presented at the symposium at the annual meeting of the Society in 1957, are: emission spectrometric de­ termination of oxygen in metals; spectrographic determination of trace ele­ ments in metals; trace analysis by means of graphite spark; principles of •quantitative biological emission speetrography; application of emission spectrography to trace element analysis in plant and soil samples; and spectrochemical analysis for trace elements in geological materials.

Sr Cr Hf Ba Be Sb Bi Ca Hg Tl U Th Ag Au Pt Pd Ce Ga Cs Os La Ge Pr In

One QUANTOVAC* One operator One technique Many savings i n . . .

Purity Control by Thermal Analysis.

W. M. Smit, editor, xii + 182 pages. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 257 Fourth Ave., New York 10, Ν . Υ. 1958. $4.75.

Complete steel and cast iron analysis in two minutes > Now through advanced application of vacuum spectrometry, ARL's direct-reading Quantovac provides complete analytical control using a single sample. All of t h e important control, residual and alloying elements—including C, S, P and As—are analyzed in all types of alloys. Operation is a simple automatic procedure for regular laboratory personnel. ' Substantial savings in furnace operation are introduced b y eliminating "wet chemical" analysis —greatly increasing productivity per man hour—minimizing hold time on each heat. 1

T h e Quantovac analyzes u p to 23 of the above elements simultaneously and records their percentage concentrations in a n y sample within 2 minutes. ' T h e increased range of 1700 t o 3450A permits analysis of former "problem elements" with an accuracy and precision never before obtained. • ARL's unique integrating and recording console provides permanent inked records of analyses as well as an illuminated visual readout system. Ask your nearby ARL representative about t h e Quantovac, or write for technical brochure. Your inquiry will be answered fully and promptly. «.Trade Mark APPLIED RESEARCH LABORATORIES, I N C . subsidiary of BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. P. O . B O X 1710,



Circle No. 113 on Readers' Service Card 62 A



The book constitutes a report on pro­ ceedings of the International Sympo­ sium on Purity Control by Thermal Analysis, held at Amsterdam in 1957 under IUPAC sponsorship. Sixteen papers are reproduced, two in German and the remainder in English. New techniques are discussed, and descrip­ tions of apparatus are furnished along with theoretical considerations. Ap­ pended to each paper is a summary in English, French, and German, as well as a reference list. These papers have previously appeared as issue No. I of Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 17 (1957). The book closes with a digest of the discussions that were held concerning the subject matter. A total of 81 il­ lustrations and 34 tables are included in the book, and there is a subject index.

Bibliographical Abstracts of Methods for Analysis of Synthetic Deter­ gents, 1 9 3 3 to 1957, STP 150-B.

Jay C. Harris for Subcommittee T-2 of ASTM Committee D-12. iii + 24 pages. American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadel­ phia 3, Pa. 1958. $1.50. This book supplements previous vol­ umes STP 150 and STP 150-A, and re­ flects a continued effort to standardize methods for analysis of surface active agents. Circle No. 15 on Readers' Service Card-