May 17, 2012 - APPLIED SCIENCE LABORATORIES, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (8), pp 42A–42A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60176a716. Publication Date: July 1961...
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Pure (99+#/^ FATTY ACID L Standards^



• UNUSUAL Odd Carbon Polyunsaturates Alpha-hydroxy Cis and Trans Isomers



• COMMON Saturates Unsaturates M e t h y l , Ethyl, Butyl Esters



Vacuum-Fusion, Kjeldahl, and Isotope Dilution Methods. C. R. Masson and M. L. Pearce, National Research Council, Halifax, Canada. Cl-2 Determination of Gases in Metals by Improved Vacuum Fusion Method and the Sampling of Liquid Steel. T. Somiya, University of Tokyo, Japan. Cl-3 Study of the Method of Taking Samples for Determination of Hydrogen in Molten Steel During the Steelmaking Process. S. Kobayashi, S. Maekawa, and Y. Nakagawa, Japan Steel Works, Ltd., Hokkaido, Japan. Cl-4 The Spectrographic Determination of Oxygen in Me' ils. R. E. Weekley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. CIS Determination of Oxygen in Zinc, Cadmium, and Magnesium by Inert Gas Fusion. B. D. Holt, Argonne National Laboratory. Cl-6 Sessional Lecture. An Assessment of the Present Position in Great Britain of the Quantitative Determination of Gases in Metals. H. A. Sloman, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England.

Section C-3.


Room 304, Engineering Building, McGill University


Dr. D. MacDougall, Kansas City, chairman


Analysis of Pesticide Residues


9.00 Introductory remarks. Dr. H. Hurtig, Chairman, Program Subcommittee. 9:05 C3-1 Sessional Lecture. Molecular Configuration and Activity

9:50 10:15



of Pesticides as Related to Degradation and Metabolism. R. D. O'Brien, Cornell University. C3-2 The Metabolism of 3,5-Dinitro-o-Toluamide. G. N. Smith, Dow Chemical Co. C3-3 Starch Gel Electrophoresis Studies on Inhibition of Animal Tissue Esterases by Organic Phosphorus Pesticides. W. P. McKinley and Sheila I. Read, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. C3-4 Contribution & l'Etude de la Pénétration de la Diffusion et de la Dégradation du Phosphorothiolate de ο,ο-Dimethyl et de Methyl-2 Methoxy-5-Pyrone-4 (Endothion) dans les Plantes Traitées. M. Hascoet (to be presented by G. Viel), Laboratoire de Phytopharmacie, Versailles, France. C3-5 Nature of the Biologically Active Metabolites of Tri-oCresyl Phosphate. M. Eto, J. E. Casida, and R. I. Baron, University of Wisconsin.

Monday Afternoon Section C - l .

Analysis of Metals and Minerals

Prof. H. A. Laitinen, Urbana, 111., man


2:00 Cl-7 Sessional Lecture. Electrochemical Methods in Metal and Mineral Analysis. G. W. C. Milner, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Harwell, England. 3:00 Cl-8 Application of the Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode (HMDE) to the Evaluation of Minute Quantities of Different Anions Forming Insoluble Com-

• TRIGLYCERIDES • PARTIAL LISTING Methyl Cerotate M e t h y l Palmitelaidate M e t h y l Isomyristate

99+% 99+% 99+%

A l l m a t e r i a l s analyzed prior to shipment. Copies of original vapor phase c h r o m à t o g r a m s can be supplied. Catalog and NEWSLETTER quest.

GAS-CHROM available on re-

APPLIED SCIENCE LABORATORIES, INC. Box 140, State College, Pa. Phone ADams 8 - 2 4 0 6 Circle No. 119 on Readers' Service Card 42 A


Volk Radiochemical Co. has moved into its new laboratories at 8260 Elmwood Ave., Skokie, III. Volk was organized in 1955 to process radioactive isotopes for clinical and research use. Shown in the photo is the "cold" preparation laboratory where research and development work involving non-radioactive preparations is carried out.