APRIL 1968 - ACS Publications - American

Robert L. Metcalf, Alvin B. Phillips,. W. F. Phillips, Loren B. Sjoström, ... P. J. Bunyan, D. M. Jennings, and Archie Taylor. 332 Organophosphorus P...
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NUTRITION Symposium on Enrichment and Fortification of Food with Nutrients

149 153 158 163 168 172 177 184

Attitudes and Approaches to Supplementation of Foods with Nutrients R. S. Harris U.S. Diets and Enrichment Corinne LeBovit Enrichment and Fortification of Dairy Products and Margarine S. T. Coulter and E. L. Thomas Enrichment and Fortification of Cereals and Cereal Products with Vitamins and Minerals C. L. Brooke Fortification of Cereals and Cereal Products with Proteins and Amino Acids G. K. Parman Enrichment of Sugar and Sugar Products / . M. Navia Enrichment of Fruit Products and Fruit Juices R. H. Bunnell Enrichment of Special Dietary Food Products L. J. Filer, Jr. End of Symposium

190 196 199 204 208 212 216 220 225




Determination of Relative Nutritive Value of Proteins. Factors Affecting Precision and Validity D. M. Hegsted, Raymond Neff, and Jane Worcester Effect of Processing Conditions on Nutritive Value of Isolated Soybean Proteins Uri Cogan, Anina Yaron, Zeki Berk, and Gideon Zimmermann Studies on Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition of Some Varieties of Grain Sorghum T. K. Virupaksha and L. V. S. Sastry Nutritional Value of Freshwater Crayfish Waste Meal R. T. Lovell, J. R. Lafleur, and F. H. Hoskins Effect of Calcium and Phosphate Ions on Formation of Soluble Iron-Gossypol Complex T. R. Shieh, E. Mathews, R. J. Wodzinski, and J. H. Ware Determination of Selenium in Biological Materials R. C. Ewan, C. A. Baumann, A. L. Pope Retention of Selenium by Growing Lambs R. C. Ewan, C. A. Baumann, and A. L. Pope Dysprosium as an Indigestible Marker and Its Determination by Radioactivation Analysis W. C. Ellis Evaluation of Certain Properties of Radiocerium as an Indigestible Marker / . E. Huston and W. C. Ellis

2 © C O P Y R I G H T

EDITOR: PHILIP K. BATES Manager, Manuscript Reviewing: Katherine I. Biggs Manager, Manuscript Editing: Ruth Reynard Editorial Assistants: Anne Marie Cromey, Elizabeth J. Kight, Patricia Mernone, Norma Yess Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs Production Manager: Bacil Guiley Layout: Herbert Kuttner Production—Easton, Pa. 18042 Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant: Jane M. Andrews 146 J. AGR. FOOD CHEM.

1 9 6 8 BY



EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone 202-737-3337 Teletype WA 23




Director of Publications: Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations: Joseph H. Kuney



Morton Beroza, Donald G. Crosby, Richard Hall, Irwin Hornstein, J. B. Knaak, Gordon Mackinney, Robert L. Metcalf, Alvin B. Phillips, W. F. Phillips, Loren B. Sjoström, J. Wade Van Valkenburg, Jr., Emily L. Wick

Publication Manager, Journals: David E. Gushee Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications:Rodney N. Hader Circulation Development Manager: Herbert C. Spencer Assistant to the Director of Publications : William Q. Hull

Contents Continued

295 298 300

312 319 326 332 340 344 348

" N o Effect" Level of D D T in Induction of Microsomal Epoxidation J. W. Gillett Effect of D D T and Dieldrin on R N A and Protein Synthesis in Subcellular Fractions of HeLa S Cells R. A. Chung, Yi-Do Lin, and R. W. Brown Metabolism of 2,2-Dimethyl-2,3-dihydrobenzofuranyl-7 N-Methylcarbamate (Furadan) in Plants, Insects, and Mammals R. L. Metcalf, T. R. Fukuto, Chrystal Collins, Kathleen Borck, S. A. El-Aziz, R. Munoz, and C. C. Cassil Oxidative Metabolism of Phosphamidon in Rats and a Goat G. P. demons and R. E. Menzer Metabolism of Furadan (NIA-10242) in Rats and Houseflies H. W. Dorough Organophosphorus Poisoning. Some Properties of Avian Esterases P. J. Bunyan, D. M. Jennings, and Archie Taylor Organophosphorus Poisoning. Diagnosis of Poisoning in Pheasants Owing to a N u m b e r of Common Pesticides P. J. Bunyan, D. M. Jennings, and Archie Taylor Omega (Ω), a Useful Index of Soil Sorption Equilibria S. M. Lambert Retention and Volatilization of Lindane and D D T in Presence of Organic Colloids Isolated from Soils and Leonardite L. K. Porter and W. E. Beard Use of Carbon to Reduce Uptake of Insecticidal Soil Residues by Crop Plants. Effects of Carbon on Insecticide Adsorption and Toxicity in Soils E. P. Lichtenstein, T. W. Fuhremann, and K. R. Schulz COMMUNICATIONS

356 358 361 364 366 363

Fate of C 1 4 -Maleic Hydrazide in Rats D. L. Mays, G. S. Born, J. E. Christian, and B. J. Liska Effect of 2,4-D on Incorporation of 14 C into Urinary Metabolites from Rats Receiving 14 C-Labeled Acetate W. W. Philleo and S. C. Fang Gas Chromatographic Determination of Malathion and Its Oxygen Analog, Mala-oxon Calvin Corley and Morton Beroza Effect of Organic Solvents on Proteins Extracted from Peanuts N. J. Neucere and R. L. Ory Notices Correction

S U B S C R I P T I O N S E R V I C E : All communications related to handling of subscriptions, including notifications of C H A N G E O F A D D R E S S , should be sent to Subscription Service Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D . C . 20036. Change of address notification should include both old and new addresses, with ZIP numbers, and be accom­ panied by mailing label from a recent issue. Allow four weeks for change to become effective. S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S 1968: Members, domestic and foreign, 1 year $10.00; nonmembers, domestic and foreign, $20.00. Postage: Canada and Pan-American Union, $1.00; foreign, $1.50. Single copies: current issues, $5.00. Postage: Canada and Pan-American Union, $0.15; foreign, $0.20. Rates for back issues or volumes are available from Special Issues Sales Dept., 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Claims for missing num­ bers will not be allowed if received more than 60 days from date of mailing plus time normally required for postal delivery of journal and claim. N o claims allowed because of failure to notify the Subscription Service Department of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from files." Published bimonthly by the American Chemical Society, from 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. 18042. Executive Offices, Editorial Head­ quarters, and Subscription Service Department, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Advertising Office: 430 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. Second-class mail privileges authorized at Easton, Pa. The American Chemical Society assumes no responsibility for the state­ ments and opinions advanced by contributors to its publications. Guide for Authors appears on page 367 of this issue. Manuscript (3 copies) should be submitted to Manager, Manuscript Reviewing, J. Agr. F o o d Chem., 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington, D . C . 20036. 148

J. A G R . F O O D C H E M .