April's Headlines - Industrial & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

April's Headlines. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1947, 39 (5), pp 683–684. DOI: 10.1021/ie50449a026. Publication Date: May 1947. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In li...
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A p r i l ' s HEA Events of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and

b y the Editors


7 APRIL 1. 1-S Atomic Energy Commission divides rvork between principal committees after 4-hour w a n g l e in which Russia and Poland refused t o vote on hon- work is t o be done. -S:itural rubber market celebrates first dn!- of postwar freedom as P.F. gives lip import monopoly, hut trading in futures nil1 not begin until 11~)-1.---G. C. Skinner, president Cerased, and H. \ICollins, , vice president Celotez Corp., announce that Celotes \vi11 handle all Ceraseal sales in future escept in U. S.1-nReconstruction Finance Corp. offers 155,000 long tons natural rubber for sale to rubber products manufacturing industry.

essing ~0,000,000yd. of f x b r i c ~ . - T r u n k h e Cia. Pupply CO. beeks permission of Federal Poxer Commission to construct first pipeline in L-. S.a t cost of $74,000,000 to furni..h natural gas e ~ elusively ivholesale to other transmission companies:.


9 APRIL 9. David E. Lilientbal confirmed 50 t o 31 ab chnirni:tn of USAEC until Aug. 1, 1948, along with other five appointeess. --Security Council votes 8 t o 0, Russia and Polanb abitaining, t o send Corfu mine controversy t o International Court of Judire, and Conventional Armaments Commission approves Colombian resolution for big five subcommittee to draft p l m of n-ork f o r approval hy Council.--Brig. Gen. F. E. Stonc>r :tl)pciintcti chief conimunicntions engineer for US.---Department of Commerce Ofice of Technical Services reports that Ckrniaii prepwation for :iithnia relief. nludriiie sulfate, may sho\v advniitsges over adrenalin aiid other standard treatments. -Reniiiigton Rand seek. t o acquire assets of General Aniliiie & Film C o r p . ~ J. D . Goodloe elected succesI.or of C. B. Hendewon RP KFC chairman. -Standard Oil (S.J.) s accident ally" hits oil in Sinai Desert after 10-year search. -Virginia-Carolinn Chemical Corp. increase, p h n t faciiitieh ior nianuiacture of phoqhoric acid, inorg:iiiic plioapliateto phy*ics and chemistry6. --GE'- ~25,000.000 Electronics Pnrli, miiasive ni:iiiufncturing center, nil1 hegin production w o n on 155-acre tract in S.T.


APRIL8. RFC purcliaqes 1000 tons Straits tin in London for prompt shipment.- -Disposition of xvar surplus property priorities to end Iiottlenecli in getting rid of surpluses as Government is losing huge sums by present priorities methods urged by Representative Rizley. ---Xonsanto Chemical Co. announces nenplant in Springfield, Mass., for manufacture of company's testiletreating chemical, Resloom, x i t h yearly output capable of proc-


. ~ P R I L 12. RFC awards 1,250,000 gal. Cut)an ethyl alcoliol t o Conimcrcial Solvents. -.lnnc.rican Potahh s n t l Clieiiiicd ('orp. announces erection of $3,800,000 plant will iricrca5c its output of soda ash 70cC and boras 3Oc; annually.

a- -4PRIL 13. 3000 tons muriate potash arrive? from France.-Southern S a t u r a l Gas Co. submits plan for 225-mile pipeline costing S25,711,955t o FPC. -Winthrop Chemical Co. develops


Chem. Eng. News, 25 1132 ( h p r . 21, 1947). I b i d . , 1201 (Apr. 28.'1947). 3 1 b i d . , 1200 (Apr. 28, 1947). ' I b i d , 1057 (.&PI. 14, 1947). 1


6 8


I h i d . , 1101 ( h p r 21, 1947j, I h i d . , 1167 (.%pr. 28, 1947).



new salt substitute, Seocurtasal, ior persons requiring salt-free diet.--House Committee on Agriculture votes to empolver Secretary of Agriculture t o impose “fee” graduated up to 50% on imported wool and wool products in effort t o protect -1merican wool producers from foreign competition.--City of S e n . York turns over scattered land tracts along East River in $2,000,000 gift presentation t o U S Secretary General Trygve Lie, as future world capital is consecrated as “temple of peace, center of hopes, aspirations and ideals of all mankind.”--John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation grants 122 fellowship awards valued a t $310,000. Recipients in field of chemistry and physics are: Milton Orchin, T. L. Jacobs, Veriier Schomaker, D. P. Schoemaker, J. C. Warf, F. A. Jenkins, and 11. L. Platzman.


APRIL 14. Over 7000 attend 111th national m6etinp of B.C.S. in .4tlantic City, ivhere 5-46 papers ivill be presented during week’. -NiSation’s leading platinum refiner advances price $5 per ounce.--CPX announces supplies of st,reptomycin still scarce, revokes present regulation and replaces it with neiv allocation order. -F. K. Jovin, U. S. Embassy in Buenos Xires, reports -4rgentine plastics market expansion brings skyrocketing requirements for plastics rail- materials from U. S.


7 APRIL 15. Charles A. Thomas, Pre>ident-elect, A.C.S., and vice president Monsanto, discusses peacetime applications of atomic energy a t A.C.S. meeting5. -Surgeon Gen. Thomas Parran urges Senate approval of 91,000,000 fund for tuberculosis experiments with streptomycin. --dweclish ?;ohel Committee rules that Gcrhard Domagk, 1939 German Sobel Prize n.iiiner for discovery of antibacterial action of prontoiiline sulfonaniider, whom Xazis prevented from accepting nivard, will lose ii35,OOO prize money.


7 APRIL 16. W.Albert SOJYS, JI.. P r e d e i i t A.C.S., :~Il1loLlrices Priestjey Medal n-ill go to Warren K , Lf,n-is; Women’s .In.artl in Chemistry (Garvan Medalj to Xary Lura Shcrrill; h.C.S. hn-ard in Pure Chemistry (sponsored by Alpha (‘hi Sigma) to Glciiin T. Seaborg; 1947 Eli Lilly and Co. -4n-ard in Biological Chemistry t o Sidney P. Colonick; Paul-Lewis Laboratories .1\vard in Enzyme Ctiemistry t o Van H. Potter; and Borden Prize in Chemistry of Milk to George C. Supplee. --French nitrate-laden freighter explosion in Texas City harbor destroys Nonsanto’s multi-million-dollar styrene plant hasic chemical raiv material in plastics and synthetic rubber industries: refineries of Stone Oil Co. and American Libcrty Co. dam:iged: plants of Carbide & Carbon Chemicals, Pan-AimericnriRefining and Repuldic Oil, and RFC tin smelter left undamaged. Total loss estimated at S125)000,00O.--RFC awards 1,250,000 gsl. Cuban ethyl alcoli~olt o U. S. Industrial Chemicals. ~

7 APRIL17. Frederick Osbori:. deputy U. S. representat’ivc to UNAEC, warns against atomic rivalry among nations and declares international monopoly of atomic power to be best control solution.--Office of Rubber ReGerye foresees no threat t o synthetic rubber industcy resulting from Texas City blast: seriou3 thermoplastic molding materials shortage expected. ---.hericaIi Iron and Steel Instit,ute reports 1170 steelmaking furnaces in operation in U. S.as of Jan, l.--ImmediareIy effective asphalt price J.).--U. 8.primar cut of 5y0announced by Standard Oil (S. tin use for 1946 only 6 6 5 of 1937 consumption of 72,928 t o n , International Tin Research Development Council reports.American Anode division of B. F. C;nodrich Co. plans opening of Los Angeles plant to produce latex compound^ and latex products including rubber products, o n -1priI 23. -Regis College, Denver, reports th’eir seismograph recorded Texas City blast. Paul A. Bunn, Streptomycin Committee. Veterans’ Administration, rc-arns although drug ha- give11 “remarkable relief” in tuberculosis cases, i t can never he complete treatment, and misuse by inexperienced practitiuner- C:,I-I prove fatal.--I. G. Farbenindustries now under board control. k’rpak-iip of other indui-




Chem. Eng. Neius, 25, 1172 (.4pr, 28, 1 9 4 V .

a I b i d . , 1174 (Apr. 28, 1947).


Vol. 39, No. 5

trial cartels progressing effectively, James S. Xartin, chief decartelization branch American Military Government in Germany, states.

7 APRIL 18. AIonsmto to spectd rebuilding of $1!~,000,000 Texas City plant, \I-.31. Rand, president, reports.--Sen. )-ark State S a t u r d Gas Corp. seeks F P C permission to construct :]rid operate $1,216,785 compressor atntion to utilize natural gas .upply of Big and Little Inch lines,--TT.1.1 approves bids of Carbide & Carbon Co. fur purchase of styrene and butadiene plunts i t operated during war at Inititute, JT-. Va., fur $2,100,000 and S5,750,000, respectively. 5 APRIL 19. David E. Lilienthal and Vannevar Bush :i.ssert,


falling behind in atomic development race.--hlleged black market shipment to Manila by Pan-Pacific Trading Co. of 800 vials of streptomycin labeled “penicillin” and valued a t $5200 seized under Federal court warrants in San Francisco.

4 APRIL 20. S a v y reveals use of 5000-acre site at Point AIugo, Calif., for rocket tests.--Celanese Corp. announces $20,000,000 chemical plant in Corpus Christi, Tex., which adds to U. S. formaldehyde supply, arid uses natural gas as raw material. 7 APRIL 21. GE plans construct,ion of neiv t,ype at,om-smasher, synchrtrcyclotron. which accelerates protons instcwI of c?lcct,rons, and is t h r w times as poiverful as its present (‘rorld’s most poiverful” M a t r o n machine. r APRIL 22. Congress sends to White House bill suspending copper import tax, except, on copper sulfat,e, for t x o yews; Government stands to lose $80,000,000 as result,, hut acutc copper shortage nil1 tie :tlleviat,edQ.-~hrgentiria cornplcte contract.^ for S100,000,000 industrial project under country’s %year dmdopment p l m ; half of equipment arid materials to he purchased in U. S.---II. AI. Bliss elected S h h I dircrtor.


. ~ P R I L 23. J. J. Grche, dirc,ctor physical rcscwch 1:iboratory, Ilon. Chemical Co., receives John Keslcy €Iyatt .\n.:mi for outstanding work on production of styrene and its polymi~rization in plastics industry during 1946. --Pennsylvania Sdt Manufacturing Co. cuts prices of chloride of lime anti anhythous fcwic chloride $5 per ton. r ~ P R I L24. Tl-ar ts Akhiinistrator11. S . Iitt.ltjohti ;isks Congress to end by Dee. 31 surplus property priorities escept real estate.---Oil operators in Seeligson field ask Texas Supreme Court to en,join Texas Railroad Commission from closing 195 wells for alleged ‘,excessivex i - t e ” of natural gas. ---Prices o n refined glycerol reduced 5 cents per lb.

;\PRII. 27. A t r~~cluc;tof 11>ij, Gcn. .I, 11. \\-uitt, 1tog:cr Idanis, chairman Imnrd of directors, X.C.S., names 17 leading -4merican chemists and chemical engineers to Chemical Corps advisory committee. -Carbide & Carbon Chemicals a ~ i ~ ~ o u n c c ~ plant for t~~iethylhc~uyl pho.sphat.c. production nears completion.


r APRIL28. Secretary of State Marshall, back from AIo~cow, reveals Stalin hope for U S compromise, says U. S. will liot be diverted from plans, and of European time factor says “patient is sinking while doctors deliberate”.--Siam admitted to LS.NC. F. Cori awarded Sugar Research Prize of $5000 for nchievements in field of human metabolism by Sational Science Fund of Sntional Academy of Sciences.

7 .IPRII.29. FPC plans to modify S a t u r a l Gas Act in face of criticism of industry and Congress, and n-ill incorporate changes in report July 1. . ~ P R I L 30. Canada cannot risk foreign position by shifting copper trade to U. S.in view of temporary import tax suspension; complete end of duty wked by R. C. Stanley, president International Sickel Co. of Canada.--Hercules Powder Co. opens Burlington, X , J., plant for manufacture of chemicals for paint, Incquer, adhesives, and other industrie?. 9

Ibid., 1237 (May 5, 1047).