Are Becco DIEPOXIDES an answer to your resin problems? - C&EN

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Are Becco DIEPOXIDES an answer to your resin problems? powder, or Limonene Dioxide, a clear, colorless liquid. Ask, too, for our bulletins describing Becco monoepoxides —Octyiene Oxide, Dodecene Oxide, Cir,-Cis Olefin Oxide, alpha-

Becco's new diepoxides —Dicyclopentadiene Dioxide and Limonene Dioxide — combine the reactivity of the epoxy g r o u p with their difunctional nature. Initial Becco research indicates their principal applications will be as constituents in epoxy and other resin systems. Here they may function as diluents, crosslinking agents, or modifiers of resin properties.

STRUCTURES Limonene Dioxide

O t h e r applications for the new diepoxides conceived by Becco chemists a r e as intermediates in the preparation of perfumeries, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, adhcsives, lubric a n t s and lubricant additives, and in organic synthesis. W e invite you to write for technical information and research quantities of Dicyclopentadiene Dioxide, a white, crystalline

Dicyclopentadiene Dioxide