Are You A Professional? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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ACS career tips

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Are You A Professional? EVERYONE KNOWS that being a true professional is a good thing, but what does that term really mean? At the most basic level, a professional can be defined as someone who gets paid to do something. However, being a true professional means much more than that. A true professional is really someone who exudes professionalism. This quality is reflected in a collection of attitudes and actions that demonstrate dedication to a specific goal and that usually inspire respect and admiration from colleagues.

DEDICATED. True professionals do what’s needed to meet specific goals, regardless of whether those actions fit within their official job descriptions. When necessary, they come to work early or stay late, and they often find themselves thinking about work issues during their “off” time. They understand what is needed now and what can be



KNOWLEDGEABLE. One such attitude is a drive for building knowledge and skills. True professionals may already have a wealth of experience in their jobs and knowledge in their field of interest, but they are always willing, and even eager, to learn True professionals delayed, and they are committed strive to be helpful and more. They realize that to ensuring the success of their respectful to coworkers. technology and circumprojects. This doesn’t mean they stances change, so they’re typically work around the clock. constantly evolving and looking for ways to Everyone needs time off and mental breaks, improve both themselves and the way they but professionals make sure their critical do things. work responsibilities are addressed before they take a break. RESPECTFUL. True professionals also There are many other characteristics respect their colleagues, respond to them that are consistent with being a true profesin a timely manner, and have reasonable sional. To identify some of them, you might expectations. They judge others by the qualwant to study your successful coworkers to ity of their work and by their actions, with no see what behavior you admire. preconceptions or biases. Then you can ask yourself how well your attitudes and actions compare with what HELPFUL. Professionals are willing to share you think a true professional should be like. their knowledge, expertise, and experience If you feel you’re not yet where you want with others. They’re happy to mentor stuto be, you can make a conscious effort to dents and others new to the field. They go change. Adopting practices that make you out of their way to look for opportunities to more knowledgeable, respectful, helpful, help other professionals. trustworthy, and dedicated will make a positive impact on your career. TRUSTWORTHY. True professionals also follow through on their commitments. Get Involved In The Discussion. The ACS They meet deadlines and quotas. If circumCareer Tips column is published the first stances arise that make those impossible, week of every month in C&EN. Post your they let their colleagues know as soon as comments, follow the discussion, and sugpossible, and they suggest a plan to mitigate gest topics for future columns in the Career any harm caused by the delay. They look for Development section of the ACS Network the best in their coworkers and avoid gossip (—Brought about the faults of others. to you by ACS Careers CEN.ACS.ORG


DECEMBER 2, 2013