Are you a volume consumer of synthetic detergents ? - C&EN Global

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A r e y o u a v o l u m e consumer of synthetic detergents ?

jLJLre you interested in saving almost half of your detergent costs? T h e n U L T R A W E T 3 5KX is your answer. T h i s n e w m e m b e r o f die Atlantic family of alkyl aryl sulfonates is tailor-made t o c o m b i n e excellent performance and ease o f handling. U L T R A W E T 3 5 K X is a light amber slurry, containing a m i n i m u m of 35% s o l i d s of w h i c h 90% is active. The extremely l o w i n o r g a n i c salt content insures a w i d e variety of uses, including textile processing, emulsion polymerization and as a charge stock for drying operations. T h e ingredient is a h i g h molecular weight alkyl aryl sulfonate characterized by e x c e p t i o n a l foaming, wetting and detergent qualities. A n important feature is that U L T R A W E T 35KLX has a l o w haze point —90° F.—for ease in handling and storage. T o take full advantage of the real economies offered by the use o f U L T R A W E T 3 5 K X , bulk storage facilities are necessary. Atlantic can be of real assistance i n furnishing engineering details for such facilities. Call o n us. T h e Atlantic Refining Company, Chemical Products Section, 2 6 0 S. Broad St., Philadelphia 1, Pa.


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