Are You Looking for a Faster, Safer and Easier Way to do Flash

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FLASH Are You Looking for a Faster, Safer and Easier Way to Flash Separations? •

Biotage Prepacked Cartridges are the Standard for doing Flash Separations

At hundreds of pharmaceutical companies throughout the United States and Europe, chemists are replacing traditional glass columns with Biotage's Lightning Fast Flash Cartridges™. That's because with no glass columns to pack or clean, and high operating pressures for high flow rates, Biotage FLASH cartridges are simply the best way to separate milligram to kilogram quantities of synthetic compounds.


And, as shown in real applications, Biotage FLASH cartridges also dramatically improve product purity and yield.

Easy Sample Loading All Biotage FLASH cartridges provide users with simple sample loading options. You can either directly inject liquid samples or you can coat low solubility samples onto silica and load from a Biotage Sample Injection Module (SIM).


Use a FLASH 40™ (40-90 grams of silica) for 50mg-5.0 gram samples Sotv*nt Front



90 gram Glass Column: 8 hours

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90 gram FLASH 40™ Cartridge: 50 minutes

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Use a FLASH 75™ (200-800 grams of silica) for 5.0-20 gram samples S o t o n t Front



400 gram Glass Column: 2.5 hours



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400 gram FLASH 75™ Cartridge: 40 minutes


Use a FLASH 150™ (2.5-5.0 kilograms of silica) for 18-250 gram samples Bi§S

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3.0 kg Glass Column: 7 hours


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2.5 kg FLASH 150™ Cartridge: 90 minutes It

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Biotage FLASH cartridges are faster than glass columns at any scale! Everything You Need to Begin Your Separations Biotage discovery (40 gram) to production-scale (40 kilogram) prepacked FLASH cartridge systems come complete with everything you

need to begin faster, safer and easier separations. For further information and pricing, call or write today.

Toil-Free 1-800-446-4752

Biotage A Division of Dyax Corp © 1996 Lightning Fast Flash Cartridges, FLASH 40, FLASH 75 and FLASH 150 are trademarks of Biotage, a Division of Dyax Corp.

Biotage, A Division of Dyax Corp, 1500 Avon Street Extended, Charlottesville, VA 22902. In Europe, call Biotage UK Ltd. at 011-44-1992-501535. CIRCLE 1 4 ON READER SERVICE CARD

See us at Booth 369, 371 at the ACS Fall Meeting in Las Vegas