Are you overlooking opportunities to save in your mixing operations

Nov 6, 2010 - Are you overlooking opportunities to save in your mixing operations? Chem. Eng. News , 1962, 40 (25), p 28. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v040n025.p0...
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reduce raw material cost With Controlled Dispersion

BATCH: 7 Mix-Muller models from H to 60 cu. ft. pan capacity.

CONTINUOUS: 6 models range fron 2 ^ to 180 tons per hour capacity, depending upon usage.

A r e y o u o v e r l o o k i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s to s a v e in y o u r m i x i n g o p e r a t i o n s ' For the past 50 years, the increasing usage of the Simpson Mix-Muller has paralleled the processing industry's growing need for more thorough and less wasteful blending of dry and wetted solid materials.

HOW CONTROLLED DISPERSION w o r k s : (A) and get even texture and thorough liquid dispersion

Today's Mix-Mullers are specifically designed to put you in control of mixed properties. In this era of expensive, high purity materials such a machine can, in one operation, help you eliminate reprocessing, remixing and slash waste and rejects simply by making the most of prepared ingredients. More than a mixer, Mix-Muller is a controlled dispersion machine — ruggedly built to deliver long, trouble-free service life under the severest operating conditions. And, it's available in a wide range of capacities for either batch or continuous service. If you're caught in the bind between high material costs, high yield and stringent quality control standards . . . it will pay you to learn more about t h e Simpson Mix-Muller. WRITE FOR DETAILS on a confidential, laboratoryconducted mulling survey . . . or for quotation on a low cost pilot unit with which to conduct your own evaluation. See our Insert PP 667-670 Chemical Engineering







(B) not wasteful " h o t spots" of unmixed additives D i a g r a m shows c o m p a r a t i v e r e s u l t s of blending relatively small amounts of binder materials with larger mass of material in (B) conventional mixer and (A) controlled dispersion via Mix-Muller.

Photomicrograph compares dispersion of additives (A) in Mix-Muller (B) in pug mill.

Mix-Muller users cite these mixing benefits: • Reduced binder usage • Less moisture required • Eliminate unmixed smears • Fewer additions to the mix • Eliminate intermediate processing • Less floor space needed • More control over the mix • Thorough agglomeration of large and small particles.