are you using ION EXCHANGE RESINS in your laboratory? - C&EN

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are you using ION EXCHANGE RESINS in your laboratory? Dowex® I o n E x c h a n g e R e s i n s are becoming increasingly important in laboratory and research applications such as water treatment; recovery, separation and analysis of metals and non-metals; purification and isolation of organic compounds, natural products and pharmaceuticals; acid or base catalysis; removal of acids and bases; and in biochemistry.

'Baker Analyzed' Reagent

D o w e x I o n E x c h a n g e R e s i n s are now sold in laboratory quantities by J.T. Baker through the laboratory supply houses which also distribute 'Baker Analyzed* Reagents and other Baker laboratory chemicals. This plan offers chemists both convenience and speed. Orders are serviced promptly from these strategically located distributors. A W i d e S e l e c t i o n . The 34 ion exchange resins offered will meet most application requirements, and include diverse types, cross-linkages (porosities) and mesh sizes. Dowex 50W —a light-colored, strongly acidic, cation exchange resin — is offered in 19 variations of crosslinkage and mesh size. Dowex 1, 2, and 21 K—strongly basic, anion exchange resins—are offered in 8, 3 and 3 variations, respectively. Dowex 3—a weakly basic resin —is available in the usual 20-50 mesh.

Dowex resins are stocked by the following laboratory supply houses: Broun Chemical Co. Braun-Knecht-Heimann C o . Chicago Apparatus Co. W . H. Curtin & Co. Eberbach & Son Co., Inc. Fillauer Surgical Supplies Inc. Emii Greiner Co. H a r s h a w Scientific H o w e & French, Inc.

A c t u a l Lot A n a l y s i s . Dowex ion exchange resins are supplied as 'Baker Analyzed* Reagents, each with the actual lot analysis on the label. Beside the regular Dow description, the J . T. Baker label reports the actual total exchange capacity, moisture content and wet screen analysis. Convenient shelf-size glass bottles with plastic caps are used for packaging. F r e e - 1 6 - p a g e b u l l e t i n on 'Baker Analyzed' Reagent Dowex resins presents principles and data on nature of Dowex resins, plus the basic technology of ion exchange with indications of its versatility and utility. Write for your copy to J. T. Baker's Department DR-2. For prices and delivery, consult your favorite laboratory supply house. ©Dowex is a registered trademark of The Dow Chemical Company

J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Phillipsburg, New Jersey

Macalaster & Bicknell Co. Physicians & Hospitals Supply Co. E. H. Sargent & Co. Schaar& Co. Scientific Glass A p p a r a t u s Co., Inc. Scientific Supplies Co. Arthur H. Thomas Co. W i l l Corporation

CANADA C a n a d i a n Laboratory Supplies, Ltd.