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ACS editors screen all manufac- turers' product announcements and industrial literature, publish- ing only what is really new and containing valuable ...
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ARE YOU USING THE READERS’ INFORMATION SERVICE? In This issue Your RIS Coupon Appears on this Page ACS editors screen all manufacturers’ product announcements and industrial literature, publishing only what is really new and containing valuable scientific or technical data. You can trust the judgment of ACS editors not to clutter Readers’ Information Service with items of doubtful value simply to prove “readership.” Every chemist, every chemical engineer shouldmake certain he keeps up to date by: (1) Subscribing and reading those ACS publications which serve his particular field. (2) Examining carefully the advertising pages in ACS publications, for they contain scientific and technical data second only in importance to the editorial pages. ( 3 ) Building up a substantial reference file of manufacturers’ literature to provide valuable information quickly.

grams, specifications, and illustrations of Boomless Sprayer. ‘4 tractor drawn the valves are included. VANTON PUMP hoomless sprayer for the application of EQUIPMENT CORP. 18 pesticides is described in this illustrated bulletin. T h e sprayer is mounted to the Processing Equi ment. Catalog of a rear of the tractor and is supposed to give line of chemical anaprocess equipment inuniform spray distribution over a swath cluding dry blenders, heat exchangers, Of 50 feet. HASSOSCHEMICAL EQUIPMENT autoclaves, etc. PATTERSON-KELLEY Co. co. L1 19 Coated Drums, T h e fabrication of Process Equipment. Exchangers, evapocoated drums is described in this illusrators, crystallizers, and other tubular trated folder. Cleaning and coating operaequipment for process applications are detions are shown and final testing which tailed in this illustrated folder. Engineerindicates that the coated drums are more ing drawings, charts, and tables are inresistant to deterioration than the spray cluded. COLOSIAL IRON[VORKS L10 finished drums. RFIEEMMASCFACTURING Seed Treatment. A seed treating maCO. L2 chine for applying a layer of seed proFiltration Medium. Brochure describes tectant, fungicide, insecticide, is described. a new filtration medium which is comT h e machine is supposed to achieve unipletely resistant to all strong acids, caustics, form seed coating with a minimum oxidizing agents, and common organic solamount of chemical. 0. \t’. KROMLRCo. vents. Engineering data is also presented 111 including flow capacity curves for air and Stainlrss Steel Filters. Stainless steel water. POROUS PLASTIC FILTERCo. L3 filters for free flowing light to heavy Gas Masks. Canister-type gas masks bodied liquids are descrihed and illusare featured in this illustrated bulletin. trated in this 4-page bulletin. Various T h e bulletin covers specifications and a types of filters including tubular, pipe plications of various types of gas masL line, and vertical floor mounted filters are and canisters. ACME PROTECTIOS EQUIP- described. CHERRY BURRELL CORP. 112 hIENT CO. 14 Stainless Steel Pumps. Illustrated bulIndustrial A i r Conditioner. An air letin describes a line of stainless steel saniconditioning unit designed and developed tary pumps. T h e pumps are intended for Cor use in industrial control areas where application to food processing lines and heat, dirt, or fumes create hazardous workother uses where cleanliness and easy ing conditions is described in this bullemaintenance are important. CHERRYtin. hfechanical features, capacities, and BURRELL CORP. L13 dimensions of the different units are inSynchronous Motors. Standard concluded. DRAVOCORP. L5 struction features of engine-type, low speed Laboratory Mice. Illustrated booklet synchronous motors in ratings of 100 hp. pictures the activities of an organization and larger at speeds of 450 r.p.m. or less raising laboratory mice. T h e farm and are described in this bulletin. Assembly handling of the mice are pictured and defeatures are described and illustrated. scribed. TACOSIC FARMS 16 ALLIS-CHALMERS hfASUFACTUR1SG CO. 114 Line Operated p H Meter. Bulletin deVacuum Pump CaJe. “How to care for scribes a line operated p H meter. T h e your vacuum pump, a 16-page handbook, illustrated bulletin describes the operation contains practical information on installand design of the meter which is stabilized ing, operating, and maintaining vacuum against a wide range of line current voltpumps and vacuum systems. T h e manual age fluctuation. PHOTOVOLT CORP. 17 outlines a step-by-step trouble shooting procedure to be followed when pumps Polyeth lene Valves. A line of valves fail to work satisfactorily. F. J. STOKES constructeX of polyethylene is described MACHINE Co. 11 5 for use in handling corrosive fluids. Dia-

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Readers’ Information Service JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 330 West 42nd St. Feb. 17, 1954 New York 36, N. Y.

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