Arene Clusters - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Apr 12, 1994 - Paul Dyson (center left) is currently a research fellow at the ... Brian Johnson (right) holds the Crum Brown Chair 01 Inorganic Chemis...
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Chem. Rev. 1994, 94, 15851620


Arene Clusters Dario Braga,',t Paul J. Dyson? Fabrizia Grepioni: and Brian F. G. Johnson',* Dipariimento di Chimica G. Ciamidan, Universit;) di Bolcgna, Via Selmi 2, 40126 Bdogna, Ita&, and Depamnent of Chemistv, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 W , U.K. Receivsd Februay 3, 1994 (Revised Manuscript Received April 12, 1994)

Contents I. Introduction II. Synthesis and Reactivity A. Nuclearity Three B. Nuclearity Four C. Nuclearity Five


IV. V.

D. Nuclearity Six E. Mixed-Metal Clusters F. Nuclearity Higher than Six Molecular Structure A. Apical and Facial Bonding Modes B. Trinuclear Clusters C. Tetranuclear Clusters D. Pentanuclear Clusters E. Hexanuclear Clusters F. Mixed-Metal Clusters G. High Nuclearity Crystal Structure of Arene Clusters Dynamics in Solution and the Solid State A. Dynamics in Solution B. Dynamics in the Solid State Relevance to Chemisorbed Benzene Conclusions Abbreviations Acknowledgments

VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. References

1585 1588 1588 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1595 1595 1598 1600 1601 1603 1606 1607 1608 1612 1612 1615 1616 1617 1618 1618 1618

1. Introduction The chemistry of c a r b o n y l clusters has long s i n c e passed t h e p o i n t where only new m e t a l g e o m e t r i e s are of primary importance. O v e r the years, many s p e c i a l i s t areas have been developed including the systematic study of organometallic cluster c o m p o u n d s . For example, an area within this f i e l d which has been e x t e n s i v e l y studied, and r e v i e w e d , i s that concerning the interaction of a c e t y l e n e s with clusters.'.* Recently, a r e n e c l u s t e r c h e m i s t r y has begun to e m e r g e as an i m p o r t a n t e n t i t y within the f i e l d of organometallic cluster chemistry, although t h e roots o f this s u b j e c t date as far b a c k as t h e late 1960s. T h e r e i s a rich c h e m i s t r y associated with the a r e n e ligand in m o n o - and b i n u c l e a r metal compounds, and c o m p l e x e s o f virtually e v e r y t r a n s i t i o n metal have b e e n prepared, and s e v e r a l important review a r t i c l e s c o n c e r n e d with the synthesis, s t r u c t u r e , and t h e o r e t i c a l aspects o f t h e s e c o m p o u n d s have been p r e v i ously Until r e c e n t l y , however, rela-

' Universits di Bola

Dario Braga (left) graduated in Chemistry at the University of Bologna in 1977. He was postdoctoral fellow first at the University of Bologna and then at the University 01 Nom London working on the solid-state structure of high nuclearity transition metal clusters. He joined the Faculty of Science of the University of Bologna in 1982. where he is currently Associate Professor of General and inorganic Chemistry. He was awarded the Raffaello Nasini Prize from the Inorganic Chemistly Division of the Italian Society of Chemistry in 1988 for his studies of the factors controlling molecular structure and lluxional behaviors. His research interests include the static and dynamic structure 01 organometallic molecules and clusters and the relationship between solid-state properties and molecular organization in organometallic clystalline materials. Paul Dyson (center left) is currently a research fellow at the University of Edinburgh. He received his B.Sc. from the Hatfield Polytechnic (1990) together with a prize for his final year eflorts. He moved to Fitzwilliam College. University of Cambridge. for his doctoral studies under the supervision of 8. F. G. Johnson and transferred wRh his supervisor to the University of Edinburgh where he obtained his Ph.0. (1993). He will be soon taking up a lectureship at Imperial College. University 01 London. His research interests are concerned with arene clusters and polynuclear arene complexes without metal-metal bonds. Fabrizia Grepioni (center right) graduated from the University of Bologna in 1985 and received her Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistty in 1989. She is currently a research assistant at the Department of Chemistly of the University 01 Bologna. Her scientific interests are in the fields 01 inorganic and organometallic chemistty, empirical packing energy calculations, and molecular and crystal structure of transition metal clusters and complexes. Brian Johnson (right) holds the Crum Brown Chair 01 Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh. He received his BSc. (1960) and Ph.D. (1963) from the University of Noningham. He then spent postdoctoral positions with Professor F. A. Cotton at M. I. T. and at the University of Manchester with Prolessor J. Lewis where he became a lecturer (1965). Lecturships were also held at University College London (1967-1970) and the University 01 Cambridge (1978-1990). In recognition 01 his research achievements he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society (1991) and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (1992). He has also been awarded the Corday-Morgan Medal and Prize (1976) and the Award lor the Royal Society of Chemistry. His major research interests are centered on the synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and fluxional behavior of organometallic molecules and clusters. t i v e l y l i t t l e e f f o r t had been directed toward t h e a r e n e ligand and i t s i n t e r a c t i o n s with c l u s t e r complexes, and the i n t e r e s t o f t h e s y n t h e t i c and s t r u c t u r a l


*University of Edin%&gh.


D 1994 American Chemical Society

Braga et al.

1586 Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6

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Arene Clusters


Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6 1587


chemists has been mainly focused on arene clusters of cobalt, ruthenium, or osmium. All early preparative approaches to arene cluster compounds implied essentially direct interaction of a metal carbonyl with the appropriate arene solvent under reflux. However, in recent years, the number of synthetic routes designed specifically for the formation of arene-clusters has risen significantly. It is not a straightforward task to classify the types of reactions used. For our purposes, we draw distinction between reactions in which the arene is added directly, and those in which other reagents are used in the first instance, and converted to an arene at a later stage in the synthesis. In general, the former are initiated by either thermolytic and photolytic means, and ofken involve a change of cluster nuclearity. The latter method is usually more selective, often with the cluster core remaining intact. Reactivity of arene clusters has centered on both nucleophilic substitution reactions on the metal core, and nucleophilic addition reactions with the aromatic ring, these are also the primary reactions of monometallic complexes. The molecular structures of arene clusters present some intriguing aspects which relate to the ability of the arene to replace three CO ligands over the cluster frame. Structural isomerism, for instance, arises from the availability of different coordination sites on the metal framework as well as from the Merent bonding modes available to the arene ligands. The clusters produced are diverse. Many different bonding modes of the arene ligands have been and others observed directly: v2,q6,and p3-)72:q2:q2,3-5 postulated. In the latter mode each metal atom of a triangular face interacts with two C-atoms of the arene ring. Interconversion between the v6 and p3bonding modes has been studied in detail, induced both chemically and thermally. The p3-bonding type has been subjected to extensive chemical, structural, and theoretical investigations and is commonly found in clusters of nuclearity three, five, and six. From the study of the crystal structure of cluster complexes much has been learned on the relationship between molecular shapes and organization in the ~ o l i d . It ~ ,has ~ been observed, for instance, that arene clusters tend to establish preferential arene-arene interactions in their crystals.' Structural non-rigidity of arene clusters and reorientational phenomena in the solid state have been the subject of many studies mainly by means of NMR spectroscopy and empirical potential barrier calculation^.^ It is by now well ascertained that the ease of reorientation of n-bound organic fragments in crystalline metal clusters and complexes depends essentially on the shape of the fragment, uiz. on the intermolecular interlocking in the crystal structure. The idea of metal clusters as models of chemisorption systems in surface chemistry is an attractive hypothesis which has been emphasized by numerous workers in recent years.loa In this review we shall examine possible boundary conditions to such a cluster-surface analogy. New insights for this work have been provided by the molecular chemistry of clusters containing benzene in the facial bonding mode.lob

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This article is organized in five distinct sections. In the first section we deal with the synthesis of the arene clustes which have been characterized to date. The second section commences with an examination of the different types of bonding modes that arenes adopt on cluster frameworks with emphasis on the relationship between the apical (q6)and the facial (p3qz:q2:q2)bonding modes. This section also reports a selection of the most representative structures. The third section examines the relationship between the molecular structure and the crystal structure of arene clusters, and the dynamic behavior of arene clusters in both solution and the solid state is reviewed in the fourth section. Finally, the fifth section is devoted to the cluster-surface relationship. All compounds discussed in these sections are listed in Table 1. References to the appropriate syntheses and structural papers are given.11-g2

I!. Synthesis and Reactivity This section covers the methods used to prepare all the arene clusters reported to date. Where mechanistic information has been established, or proposed, it will also be included in the text.

A. Nuclearity Three A large number of arene clusters possess trinuclear metal atom f r a m e w o r k ~ . l l -They ~ ~ comprise a very broad group of compounds in which both q6- and p3bonding modes have been observed and mono-, bis-, and tris-arene derivatives have all been prepared. Several trinuclear cobalt clusters containing q6-arene ligands are known. A feature common to all of these species is that the metal triangle is capped (on at least one side) by a triply-bridging ligand such as MeC, PhC, or CO. For example, monoarene complexes of formula RCCo3(C0)6(q6-arene)(R = F, Me, arene = CsH4Me2, C6H3Me3; R = Ph, arene = CsH6, CsHsMe, C6HsMe2, C6H3Me3) are prepared in good yield from the direct reaction of RCCo3(CO)gwith the appropriate arene.ll The reaction is completely reversible, hence removal of carbon monoxide is essential for a good yield. The coordinated arene has been found to readily undergo exchange with other arenes, and there seems to be no restriction as to which arene will exchange with the one coordinated, providing it is in a large excess and high temperatures are used. The tris(to1uene) complex C03(p3-CCsH5)(q6-C6H5Me)3has been isolated in very low yield ( > 1%)from the reaction of the toluene fragment Co(q6-CsHsMe)(MeCN)with toluene-cobalt coc~ndensates.~~ Large quantities of metallic cobalt are also isolated from the reaction. The tris(arene) cationic clusters [Cog(CO)2(y6-arene)31+(arene = CsH6, C6HsMe) were reported independently by both Chini and Fischer in 1958,14and were probably the first examples of arene cluster compounds. Chini's route involved the thermal reaction of C02(C0)8 and AlBr3 with either benzene or toluene. Fisher also used reductive conditions, heating Hg[Co(CO)& with benzene in the presence of AlC13. In these clusters, the metal triangle is capped on either side by a triply-bridging CO g1-0up.l~

Braga et al.

Scheme 1. The Proposed Formation of Co&p&s-arene) from CpCo(CzH& Fragments



A novel high-yielding synthetic approach has been applied to the preparation of p3-arene clusters of formula Co3Cp3(p3-q2:q2:q2-arene) (Cp = C5H5).16 The method is unusual in that the cluster assembles on the arene and involves a one-step reaction between a Jonas reagent, CpCo(C2H4)2, and substituted styrenes, allylarenes, and 4-phenyl-1-butene. Benzene and simple arenes do not undergo reaction, and it would appear that the 1-alkenyl group on the central ring binds to the metal fragment in the first instance, before attack occurs on the aromatic n-system. Evidence for this suggestion arises from the isolation of mononuclear products in which the cobalt atom binds to a double bond of the ring and to that of the alkenyl. The second and third cobalt units must attack in a syn position, and a further intermediate has been proposed in which two cobalt fragments are attached to the arene. Scheme 1 depicts the postulated mechanistic pathway. The rhodium analogue [Rhcp]3(p3-C&) of the cobalt cluster discussed above has been obtained by successive coordination on benzene in hexane of RhCp fragments generated photolitically from the thermally stable complex cyclopentadienylbis(ethenelrhodi~m.~~ The reaction of the bis(alky1idene) triiron cluster Fe3(CO)g(p3-CF)2 with AlX3 (X = C1 and Br) in benzene affords the correspondingFe cluster in which fluorine is replaced by chlorine or Moreover, with alcohols an additional reaction occurs in which Fe3(C0)6(~6-C~H6)(p3-x)(p3-ccooR) (x = c1, R = C2H5, and X = Br, R = CH3) is produced. The mechanism proposed involves the attack of Fe3(CO)g(p3-CCl)by a Lewis acid which causes a polarization of the C-X bond or, alternatively, formation of a cationic species. This is followed by migration of a carbonyl ligand to the electrophilic carbon atom and subsequent creation of a vacant coordination site on one of the iron atoms, with formation of the unsaturated cationic ketenylidene cluster [Fe3(CO)g(p3-CX)(LQ,-CCO)I+.Uptake of benzene occurs at this vacant site with subsequent elimination of two carbonyl ligands affording [Fes(C0)6(q6-C6H6)~3-CX)CUg-Cco)]+. On reaction with alcohols nucleophilic addition of OR- occurs leading to the formation of the observed product. As with the q6-arene cobalt clusters described above, the metal triangle is capped above and below by the p3-alkylidene groups.

Arene Clusters

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Scheme 2. Preparation of (a) O S ~ ( C O ) ~ @ ~ - C & ) Interest in the industrially important carbonylation and (b)R u d C O d @ ~ - C d € d ~ of nitrobenzene t o give isocyanate or phenylcarbamate derivatives led to a reaction in which the triruthenium-benzene cluster Ru3(C0)7CU3-NPh)(rG-c6H6) was isolated. The investigation centered on the reactions of RuQ(CO)~S since it had been found to be an efficient precatalyst. Part of this study included the reactions of M3(C0)12 (M = Fe, and Ru) with PhN02 in benzene in the presence of C O ~ ( C O )The ~.~~ reaction involving Ru~(C0)12 resulted in the isolation of the benzene cluster Ru3(C0)7CU3-NPh)(r6-C6H6). Small amounts of the tetracobalt cluster Coq(C0)g/“\ (vii) (y6-C6H6)were also isolated from this reaction (see os-” section II.B).39 Although the formation of these IMeCN MeCN I os -0s benzene compounds was unintentional, the reaction demonstrated the relative ease in which benzene may be attached t o a single ruthenium atom when the cluster is “held together” by a suitable tripZy-bridging ligand, in this case NPh. The reaction between aqueous solutions of Na2S9Hz0 and the chloro-bridged dimeric species [ ( p cymene)RuClzlz,followed by addition of excess KPF6 affords the dicationic complex [R~3S2(1;1~-cymene)31~+, stabilized as the PF6- salt.20 The metal triangle is capped on either side by the sulfur atoms. The same compound can also be prepared by reaction of the same dimer with NaSH in methanol. Reduction of this cluster to the isostructural neutral species [Ru3S~($-cymene)31occurs on treatment with 2 equiv of CpaCo in acetonitrile. Thermolysis has also been used to prepare the unusual bis(arene)triruthenium-decaborane “doublecluster” compound [ { $%Me6)RuzH4}RuB ioH8(ii) (OEt)21.21 Instead of heating a metal carbonyl in arene solvent, the arene-containing chloro-bridged dimer {Ru(q6-C6Me6)C12}2was heated in refluxing ethanol, in the presence of [B1oHlol2-. This leads to the aformentioned compound in modest yield. The complex may be described as a RUBtriangle in which Ru-Ru the ethoxydecaborane moiety is connected to one ruthenium atom in an $-mode. The two remaining ruthenium atoms each carries an $-coordinated hexamethylbenzene ligand. A derivative of this (iii) compound has been produced by reaction with methylacetylene in dichloromethane. The product [{($C~M~~)ZRUZHZ(CH~C~~))RUBIOH~(OE~)~] contains a coordinated dichloromethane unit as well as acetylene.22 vi) /Ru \ The triosmium complex Os3(C0)9CU3-1;12:1;72:~2-c6H6) Xu-Ru was the first example of a cluster found to contain a facially bound arene. It was first reported in 1985 together with the related hexaruthenium complex RU6C(CO)ll(r6-CsH6)(~3-~z:~2:~2-c6H6) (See Section II.E).27 Scheme 2, parts a and b, illustrates the various pathways t o M3(CO)gCU3-?12:1;12:1;12-CgH~) (M = Os, Ru, respectively). The synthetic route to the triosmium cluster commences with the triply-bridging cyclohexadienyl complex HO~3(CO)gCU3-rl~:~~:r2_ C6H7), first prepared several years earlier, from the reaction between the highly reactive cluster H2Os3(Coho and ~yclohexa-1,3-diene.~~ A hydride may be Reagents: (a)(i) H2, heating i n octane, (ii) heating in octane/ abstracted from the facially bound dienyl ring using 1,3-CsHe, (iii) [ P h C X B F d , (iv) DBU, (v) 2 equiv of MesNO/MeCN, the trityl cation, [Ph3Cl+, yielding the cationic ben(vi) 1,3-CsHs, (vii) heating i n octane; (b) (i) 2 equiv of Me3NO/ zene cluster [HOS3(C0)gCU3-r2:r2:~2-c6H6)l+. In turn, MeCN, (ii) 1,3-C6H8, (iii) [Ph3CI[BFd, (iv) DBU, (v) 2 equiv of this may be treated with the noncoordinating base MesNO/1,3-C&, (vi) heating i n hexane.





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Scheme 3. (a) Substitution Reactions of DBU resulting in deprotonation of the metal triangle, OS~(CO)&S-C&) and (b)Reactions of the Ring in affording the neutral pus-benzene triosmium cluster. The characterization of the novel p 3 - r 2 : ~ 2 : ~ 2 - ~ o o rOs3(CO)e(ll3-CsHs)= dination mode stimulated extensive studies probing the nature of this ring, as well as prompting a search for a synthetic route t o the analogous ruthenium complex. Five years later the ruthenium analogue was indeed prepared.32 The synthetic route was based on the use of the activated cluster Rus(CO)10(iii) (MeCN)2 since the hydrido analogue of the osmium cluster H2Os3(CO)lo, namely HzRu~(CO)~O, is not available. Treatment of the bis(acetonitrile1complex with cyclohexa-1,3-diene affords the dienyl complex HR~3(C0)9CU3-);1~:o:r~-c6H7).~~ From here, the synthesis of R ~ 3 ( C 0 ) 9 ( p 3 - ) ; 1 ~ : r ~ : ~ ~parallels - c 6 H 6 ) that developed for the osmium complex. In a more convenient route, Rus(CO)12 is treated with the oxidative decarbonylation reagent trimethylamine b N-oxide (Me3NO) in the presence of cyclohexa-1,3diene; this yields both H R U ~ ( C O ) ~ C U ~ - ) ~ ~ : ~ : ~ ~ - C ~ H ~ ) 2&\ /"\ and Ru3(CO)9CU3-);r2:r2:r2-c6H6) in a single step.24 The "--or overall yield of the benzene complex can be increased by thermolysis of the dienyl complex in hexane. The correspondingosmium compound, Os3(CO)12,does not react in the same way, but from the reaction of the activated cluster, Os3(CO)lo(MeCN)z,with cyclohexa1,3-diene the intermediate compound 0s3(C0)10(q4CsH8) has been i ~ o l a t e d . This ~ ~ , intermediate ~~~ may be converted to the triply-bridging dienyl species, HOs3(C0)9013-);12:o:r2-c6H7) by thermolysis in octane. On the basis of these observations, it has been postulated that the reaction of Ru3(CO)lo(MeCN)2 with cyclohexa-1,3-dienealso proceeds via a similar diene intermediate, uzz. RU3(CO)lo(V4-C6H8) but that it is less stable than the corresponding osmium (iii) compound, eliminating a CO ligand to form the coordinatively unsaturated intermediate "Ru~(C0)g(r4-C6H8)"which then undergoes C-H bond cleavage to generate the known dienyl complex. Scheme 3, parts a and b, illustrates the reactions carried out on the triosmium benzene cluster. Substitution reactions on the triosmium benzene cluster framework usually involve the initial substitution of acetonitrile for a carbonyl group by reaction with Me3NO in the presence of MeCN yielding oS3(c0)8&3r2:r2:r2-C6H6)(MeCN).Treatment of this activated complex with two-electron donor ligands such as Et) in which the benzene has migrated to a terminal tertiary phosphines or alkenes results in the disposition, and the osmium triangle is now capped on placement of the acetonitrile ligand and formation one side by the acetylene moiety.37 Direct reaction of derivatives in which equatorial substitution has O f OS3(CO)8(r2-CzH4)CU3-r2:11'2:r2_CsHs) with alkynes occurred on the metal frame. Significantly, the leads to extensive decomposition, and only small coordination mode of the face-cappingbenzene ligand may be recovamounts of Os3(C0)9CU3-r2:r2:r2-C6H6) is retained. In a typical reaction, ethylene may be ered. Although the triruthenium complex Ru~(C0)gintroduced to form the alkene complex O S ~ ( C O ) ~ ( ~CU3-?,72:r2:r2-C6H6) ~does not readily undergo substituC2H4)CU3-r2:r2:r2-C6H6) in which an equatorial cartion reactions, treatment with alkynes in refluxing bonyl group is replaced by a symmetrically coordidichloromethane affords the clusters Ru3(C0)7(r6nated ethylene molecule.34 C6H6)~3-~2-RCzR'CO) (R = R = Me, Ph, or H; R = This substituted complex, O ~ ~ ( C O ) E ( ~ ~ - C Z H ~ ) C Ph, U ~R- ~=~H).38 : In the diphenylacetylene derivative q2:r2-C6H6),undergoes further carbonyl substitution Ru3(C0)7(r6-CsH6)013-r2-PhC2(Phc0)) it has been established that one of the Ru-C o-bonds has unon reaction with an additional aliquot of Me3NO in the presence of acetonitrile, thereby affording Os3dergone carbonyl insertion to generate an acyl de(C0)7(r2-C2H4)(MeCN)(p3-r2:r2:rz-c6H6). This actiri~ative.~~ We shall now focus on the reactivity of benzene in vated species readily reacts with alkynes (CZRR) to form the complexes OS3(C0)7(r6-C6Hs)CU3-rz-c2RR) (R its p3-q2:r2:r2-coordinationmode. A detailed study = R = H, Ph, or Me; R = H, R = Ph; R = Me, R = concerning reactions of the benzene moiety in the




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Me), yielding Co4(C0)6(q6-C6H5Me)(HC(PPh2)3).43 It triosmium cluster Os3(C0)9(,M3-q2:q2:q2-c6H6) has been is significant that in this reaction arene displacement carried The metal-induced electrophilic naby the tertiary phosphine is not observed. ture of the benzene ring in Os3(C0)9(,M3-q2:q2:q2-C6H6) favors nucleophilic addition reactions with suitable Thermolysis of R u ~ ( C O in ) ~a~ solution of octane reagents. Good hydride donors such as Li[BHEt31 or containing excess cyclohexa-1,3-dieneresults in the [NEt4][BH41react readily in tetrahydrofuran at -78 isolation of several products, including Ru4(C0)g(q6“C to afford the anionic dienyl cluster [Os3(CO)g(,M3C6H6)(~4-CsH8).~ The four ruthenium atoms adopt q2:O:q2-C6H7)]-.Ex0 attack of the hydride has been a “butterfly” arrangement, the C6H8 ligand lying established by deuterium labeling experiments. The between the wings. The benzene ligand coordinates benzene complex may be regenerated by abstraction in the $-mode to a “hinge” metal atom. It has been of hydride from the anionic cluster on treatment with found that the diene cluster Ruq(CO)dC6Htd may be [PhsC][BF41 in dichloromethane at -78 “C. The isolated from the thermolysis of Ru3(C0)12 with anionic complex can also be protonated with HBFc cyclohexa-1,3-diene in refluxing cyclohexane, benEt20 affordingthe neutral dienyl complex HOs3(CO)szene, or hexane. This can subsequently be converted @3-q2:q2-C6H7), which upon treatment with [PhsCIby treatment with an into Ruq(C0)9(q6-CgH6)CUq-C6H8) [BFJ undergoes hydride abstraction of the dienyl excess of cyclohexa-1,3-diene in octane heated to moiety forming the cationic complex [HOs3(CO)g(,M3reflux for several hours. q2:q2:q2-C6H6)l+. Alternatively, this cationic benzene Thermolytic action upon Ru~(C0)12has also been cluster can be generated from 0s3(C0)9@3-q2:q2:q2- used in the preparation of a tetraruthenium “butC6H6)by treatment with HBF4*Et20,and the reaction terfly” complex with an @-ethylbenzene ligand. Ru3reversed with DBU. (C0)lZ is refluxed with an excess of styrene in The cluster Os3(C0)~@3-q~:q~:lj1~-c6H6), also undercyclohexane,methylcyclohexane, or octane; two major goes reaction with the nucleophilic reagents methylproducts isolated from these reactions were characor phenyllithium in thf at -78 “C, affording the terized spectroscopically as the tetranuclear clusters functionalized cyclohexadienyl complexes [oS3(co)gRu4(CO)dPhC2H) and Ru4(C0)9(PhC2H)(q6-C6H5(u3-q2:o:q2-c6H&)]- (R = Me or Ph) as a result of ex0 Et).45 The proposed structures of these complexes addition. Further treatment with HBFsEtzO results involve a Ruq butterfly configuration, in which the in the neutral hydrido cluster HOs3(CO)s(~~q~:a:q~PhCzH group lies between the wings, interacting with CsHsR). all four ruthenium atoms. The ethylbenzene is These reactions display a marked similarity bebelieved to coordinate in an q6-mode to one of the tween nucleophilic addition to the face-capping ligands hinge ruthenium atoms, although the precise isomer and to the q6-arenes found in mononuclear metal is not known. complexes. Ultrasound has been used to stimulate the heteroAn important reaction which models the intercongeneous reduction of the chloro-bridged dimeric speversion of the associatively and dissociatively chemicies [(cymene)RuCl2]2, in the presence of zinc.46 sorbed states of benzene on low Miller index surface When the reaction is carried out under an atmoplanes of a metallic surface (see Section VI) has been sphere of hydrogen, cluster formation occurs, and one achieved by the photoinduced isomerization at 278 such product has been tentatively formulated as the K of the osmium species 0s3(CO)s-,(L),(,M3-q2:q2:q2tetrakidarene) cluster [H4Ru4(q6-cymene)4I2+ on the C6H6) [n = 0, 1, or 2; L = co, PPh3, or P(OMe)31 basis of spectroscopic evidence. affording the p3-benzyne compounds HzOs3(CO)g-,(L),A detailed study of tetranuclear arene clusters @3-0:q2:O-C6H4).30b based on derivatives of the hydrido cluster H4Os4(CO)12has been undertaker^.^^^^^ Treatment of &B. Nuclearity Four Os4(CO)12 with 2 equiv of Me3NO in the presence of acetonitrile yields the activated bis(acetonitri1e)speA series of arene derivatives based on the tetracobalt cluster Co4(C0)12 have been i ~ o l a t e d . ~The ~ - ~ ~ cies H40~4(C0)10(MeCN)2.Heating this activated cluster in dichloromethane-cyclohexa-l,3-dienerepreparation of compounds Co4(C0)9(q6-arene)(arene sults in the formation of several products including = C6H6, C & , M e ,CsH4Me2, C6H3Me3) is straightforH30s4(CO)11CU-a:q2-C6H9), the diene complex, H20s4ward; thermolysis of C O ~ ( C Oor) ~Co4(C0)12 in the (C0)11(q4-CsHs),the benzene species H2Os4(CO)1o(q6appropriate arene solvent (or a 2-3-fold excess of the CsHs), and the benzene-diene cluster 0s4(c0)g(q6arene in hexane) affords the arene clusters in good C6H6)(q4-C6Ha).47 yield.39 The triptycene derivative has also been Alprepared by direct reaction with C04(C0)12.~~ Toluene and xylene analogues of the benzene though no direct mechanistic evidence has been cluster, with the formula H20~~(CO)~o(q~-arene) have established, one can envisage the stepwise expulsion also been prepared.47 In the case of the toluene derivative H~OS~(CO)IO(M~CN)~ of carbonyl ligands, and the simultaneous addition is reacted with diof the arene ring. hydrotoluene in refluxing dichloromethane. The xylene (and also the toluene) species is prepared by Two types of reaction have been studied with the arene exchange;48an important phenomenon which tetracobalt system. The first involves reaction with has received wide attention for mononuclear metal strong nucleophilic reagents which results in cleavcomplexes. In this reaction the benzene cluster H2age of the Co-arene bonds. The second reaction O S ~ ( C O ) I O ( ~ ~is- C heated ~ H ~ )in the appropriate arene involves carbonyl substitution by phosphines. With (or an octane-arene solution) for a prolonged period, triphenylphosphine only one ligand can be substiresulting in substitution of the benzene moiety by the tuted, while the tripod ligand HC(PPhd3 readily replaces three carbonyl groups on Co4(C0)9(q6-CsH5- appropriate arene in reasonable yield. In contrast

1592 Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6

to the Co4 derivatives described earlier the reverse reaction is not observed. It would thus appear that the exchange process is controlled primarily by electronic factors.

C. Nuclearity Five

Braga et al.

Scheme 4. Synthesis of Benzene Derivatives of

Ru& (CO) isa


For ruthenium, work has centered largely on benzene derivatives of the square-pyramidal carbido cluster Ru&(C0)15, in which three interconvertable isomers of formula RU&(CO)l2(CsHs) have been isolated and c h a r a ~ t e r i z e d .Scheme ~~ 4 illustrates the synthesis and interconversion of these compounds. The synthetic strategy employed involves the initial replacement of two CO ligands on the cluster by cyclohexadiene, followed by the “dehydrogenation” of the organic ring, and the expulsion of another CO group, t o afford the required benzene species. The cluster Ru&(C0)15 undergoes reaction with either cyclohexa-1,3-diene50 or cyclohexa-1,4diene51 upon treatment with 2 equiv of Me3NO in RU,C(CO)1?(rl6-c6H6) dichloromethane. In either case, this results in the formation of the diene cluster R U ~ C ( C O ) ~ ~ ( L L ~ - V ~a:Reagents: ~ ; ~ ~ - (i) 2 equiv of Me3N0/1,3-CsHs, (ii) 1 equiv of Me3NO/CHzClz, (iii) heating in hexane, (iv) CO/CHzClz, (v) remove CeHs), in which the cyclohexadiene ligand spans a CO source, (vi) allow to stand under CO atmosphere for 24 h and basal edge of the metal f r a m e w ~ r k . The ~ ~ ,simplest ~~ then remove CO source, (vii) heating in hexane. mechanistic pathway might be taken to involve the sequential removal of a carbonyl ligand followed by of the carbon monoxide occurs at the basal ruthenium the stepwise addition of the diene. No isomerization atom to which the benzene is attached reflecting the of cyclohexa-1,4-dieneto the more common 1,3-diene lower electron density on this atom with respect to is observed upon coordination. the Ru(CO), groups. On standing, freshly prepared The diene species, RUsC(C0)13CU3-r2:172:CgH8)reacts samples of R U & ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ~ ~readily - C ~ Hrevert ~ ) back with a further aliquot of MesNO, again in dichlot o the precursor, R u ~ C ( C O ) ~ ~ ( + &via H ~CO ), romethane, to afford two isomeric benzene derivaHowever, if the bridged-butterfly species is stored at tives RU5C(C0)12CU3-r2:r12:~2-c6H6) and Ru5C(CO)12(q6-20 “C for 24 h under a carbon monoxide atmoC6H6),49,50 in which the benzene is facially and sphere, then, on removal of CO, a third isomer of terminally bound, respectively. Mild thermolysis formula Ru&(C0)12(C&6) results. This new isomer results in the irreversible conversion of the former is believed to contain the benzene ligand @-bound isomer into the latter. This thermally induced arene t o the apical ruthenium atom of the square-pyramimigration process also requires simultaneous carbodal cluster. Upon thermolysis in hexane, this new nyl rearrangement. The fact that the facial benzene isomer reverts back to the cluster in which the migrates to a terminal site (and not vice versa) benzene ligands coordinates in an $-fashion t o a suggests that R~5C(C0)12(LL3-r~:11~:r~-C6H6) is initially basal ruthenium atom. formed in the reaction. The first step in the converIn an extension of the Me3NO activation route, to the two benzene sion O f RUsC(C0)13(LLz-q2:r12.-c6H8) RU5C(C0)12CU3-);12:12:~2-c6H6) and RU&(CO)I~(~~-C&~) coordinated isomers is believed t o take place by the have been treated with Me3NO in dichloromethanecreation of a vacant coordination site within the Ru5C cyclohexa-1,3-diene to yield the isomers Ru&(CO)lounit by oxidation of a further carbonyl ligand to C02. (~3-)72:1;12:1;12-C6H6)(~2-r2:r2-c6H8) and RU~C(CO)~O($This is followed by the oxidative addition of a C-H C6H6)(~2-r2:y2-C6Hs).52 Unlike the former isomeric bond of the diene to generate a hydrido-hexadienyl pair, conversion of the facial benzene into the termicluster of formula HRU~C(CO)~~(C~H,). The second nally bound complex occurs under more aggressive C-H bond cleavage must occur by an alternative conditions, accompanied by extensive decomposition. route since only 1equiv of Me3NO is required. Here As yet, no bis(benzene) complexes have been derived the route is proposed t o occur via an initial rearfrom these complexes. rangement of the cluster core, probably the customThe pentanuclear cluster R U & L ~ - P P ~ ) ( C O ) I ~ ( ~ ~ ary square-pyramid bridged-butterfly interconverC6H5Me) has been isolated from the thermolysis of sion during which an activated coordination site is R U ~ ( C Owith ) ~ ~PPhH2 in toluene.53 The five metal generated. This is followed by the necessary second atoms also adopt a square pyramidal geometry, the C-H bond cleavage. By this means the second square base being capped by the phenylphosphinpossible intermediate HzRU5(CO)lz(CsHs)is generidene moiety. The toluene ligand is coordinated in ated. Loss of H2 would be accompanied by reformaan @-fashion to a basal metal atom. tion of the square-pyramidal unit, and the dienyl derivative would be expected to lie facially over a A pair of pentaosmium arene clusters have been triruthenium face. prepared by the ionic coupling of the readily available dianionic tetraosmium cluster [H40s4(CO)11l2Treatment of R u & ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ? ~ - Cwith ~ H ~carbon ) with an osmium-benzene fragment. Reduction of monoxide at room temperature produces the bridgedbutterfly cluster R~5C(C0)13(r~-C6H6).~~ The addition H40~4(C0)12by excess potassium-benzophenone in


Arene Clusters

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tetrahydrofuran yields the dianionic cluster [H40s4(C0)11I2-which on treatment with the capping species [o~(C&)(MecN)3]~+ results in the formation of two major products, vzz. H ~ ~ S ~ ( C O ) I I ( ? and ~-C~H~) H40s5(C0)12(96-C6H6).54 The former complex is based on a trigonal-bypyramidal arrangement of Os atoms, while the metal core of the latter species constitutes an edge-bridged tetrahedron. Although these two compounds have not been found to undergo interconversion, the same intermediate compound, &OSg(CO)ll(r6-C6Hs)(MeCN),which contains an edgebridged tetrahedral core has been suggested,54 explaining how the two compounds are formed: H40s5(C0)12(v6-C6H6) may be trapped from &Os5(CO)llRU~C(~)I~(WC.$S) (+C&)(MeCN) by scavenging of co or loss of a Reagents: (i) heating in benzene, (ii) 1,4-C& or 1,3,5MeCN, with metal core rearrangement affords H4cyclohexatriene, heating in sealed system, (iii) [Ru(q6-C&)Os5(C0)12(q6-C6H6).This type of mechanism could be (MeCN)#+, (iv) 2 equiv of Me3NO/CsHs, (v) 1 equiv of MeSNO/ general for such coupling reactions, more of which CHzC12. will be discussed in due course. The benzene species Ru&(C0)14(y6-C6H6)has also been prepared from a variety of other nonaromatic The mono(arene) derivatives Ru&(CO)14(arene) reagents. These reactions commence with the parent were among the earliest examples of arene clusters. cluster R u ~ C ( C O ) ~Activation ~ . ~ ~ , ~ ~of this cluster The various methods by which they can be prepared with 2 equiv of Me3NO in dichloromethane containing are shown in Scheme 5 , with regard to the benan excess of cyclohexa-1,3-diene or cyclohexa-1,4zene.55-63 The original preparation involves the diene yields both the diene and benzene complexes direct reaction of Ru3(C0)12 with the appropriate RU6C(C0)15CU2-r2:112-C6Hs)and RU6C(C0)14(716-C6H6).60 arene under reflux, which yields RUsC(C0)14($The diene always coordinates with a 1,3-double-bond arene) (arene = C6H6, CsHsMe, C s H ~ e zC&Me3, , arrangement irrespective of the diene employed in Hi6) C6H3Et3) and RUsC(C0)i4CU3-r2:112:1;12-Ci6(Ci6Hi6 the reaction. The coordinated diene may be con= [2.2lparacyclophane). verted into an $-benzene, i.e. Ru6C(C0)14(q6-C6H6), Investigations into the mechanisms by which the by the addition of one further molecular equivalent formation of these products occurs has been carried of Me3NO. Hence, it would appear that the diene out with reference t o the mesitylene complex.55 In this study, the direct reaction of Ru~(C0)12with cluster is initially formed, by a mechanism parallelmesitylene was performed in heptane (10% mesityling that described for the pentaruthenium analogue. ene, vh). The previously isolated complex Ru&Abstraction of dihydrogen from the coordinated C6H8 (C0)14(y6-C6H3Me3)was formed together with two must occur spontaneously (this being thermodynaminew compounds R~6CU4-r~-CO)2(C0)13(~~-c6H3Me3)cally favorable) driven by the creation of a further and H R U ~ C U ~ - ~ ~ - C O ) ( C ~ ) ~ ~ C U ~ - U :In~ ~ - Ccoordination ~ H ~ M ~ ~ Csite H ~on ) . the ~ ~ metal framework when an the former complex, RU6CU4-)72-CO)(C0)13(r6-c6H3-additional carbonyl group is removed by excess Me3Me& the metal framework is defined by a tetrahedral NO. It is believed that the dehydrogenation involves Ru~ arrangement with two edge-bridging ruthenium two steps, the first involving removal of a proton from atoms. The mesitylene ligand adopts the conventhe ring yielding an hydrido-hexadienyl intermeditional $-terminal bonding mode. HRu6(p4-r2-CO)ate, uiz. H R u & ( C O ) ~ ~ ( C ~followed H ~ ) , by elimination (CO)(~2-o:r16-C6H3Me2cH2) has a trigonal-bipyramiof a hydride, and hence, formation of the benzene dal metal core with an additional ruthenium atom cluster. It is unlikely that isomerization of the bridging an apical-equatorial edge. In this compound cyclohexa-1,4-diene would occur by a similar interthe mesitylene ligand has undergone a hydride shift mediate (as established in the mononuclear organofrom a methyl group to the metal framework. The metallic chemistry of iron and ruthenium). It is hydride triply bridges a ruthenium face, while the therefore postulated that isomerization occurs via an C6H3Me&H2 group adopts an p2-a-y6-bondingmode allylic type transition state.51 The autoclave reaction in which the benzyl ligand bridges two ruthenium between Ru6C(CO)1, and cyclohexa-1,4-dieneor 1,3,5atoms. It is noteworthy that this type of bonding has hexatriene also yields the benzene cluster Ru&been observed for toluene adsorbed onto a Pt(ll1) in moderate yield.64s62Other products surface.83 The thermolysis of R u s ~ ~ - ) ; ~ ~ - C O ) ~ ( C O(C0)14(y6-C6H6) )~~(~~isolated from the former reaction will be discussed CsHsMes) in mesitylene results in conversion to shortly. R~6C(C0)14(11~-C6H3Me3), demonstrating it to be an The routes used in the preparation of the monointermediate in the formation of the octahedral (benzene) complex Ru6C(C0)14(v6-C6H6)have been carbido cluster. extended to the synthesis of bis-substituted clusters A high-yielding route to Ru6C(C0)14(l;r6-arene) (areand are illustrated in Scheme 6. For instance, ne = C&3, CsHsMe, C&Mez, and C&Mea) comreduction of R&C(CO)14(v6-C6H6)with Na2COJMeOH prises the ionic coupling between the preformed ruthenium-arene fragment [Ru(y6-arene)(MeCN)3I2+ affords the dianionic species [Ru6C(C0)13(CsHs)12-, which on treatment with an aliquot of [RU(V6-C6Hs)(arene = C6H6, CsHsMe, C6H4Me2 and C&Me3) and the pentanuclear dianion [RugC(C0)14l2-. (MeCN)3I2+affords R~6C(CO)ll(y~-CsHs)C~3-)7~:17~:~~-

D. Nuclearity Six

1594 Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6

Scheme 6. Synthetic route to RU&(CO)II(~~-C&,+

Braga et al.

good yield. The reaction of RU~C(CO)I.~ with cyclohexa-1,4diene in a closed system yields both Ru6C(C0)11(v6CsHs)0,La-~2:~2:r12-CgH6) and a second isomeric form of the bidbenzene) cluster, uiz. R u & ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ~ ~in -C~H~)~ which the two benzene moieties “sandwich” the cluster core.64 A third isomer in which the two benzene ligands coordinate to cis-ruthenium atoms has also been identified spectros~opically.~~ These observations are not unique to the bidbenzene) complex and will be elaborated in the following. The mixed arene-benzene clusters Ru6C(CO)ll($arene)@3-y2:v2:v2-C6H6) (arene = CsHsMe, C6H4Me2, and C&Me3) are prepared in reasonable yield by the Me3NO activation route, commencing with Ru&(C0)14($-arene).~~ Treatment with 2 equiv of MeaNO in dichloromethane in the presence of cyclohexa1,3-diene or cyclohexa-1,4-dieneaffords, as the major product, Ru6C(C0)12(y6-arene)(~2-r2:r2-C6H8) and as a minor product the arene-benzene compounds, in a similar manner to that described earlier. Addition of a further equivalent of MeaNO t o the arene-diene clusters generates the bidarene) complexes, thus improving the overall yield.61 On standing at -25 “C in dichloromethane for a prolonged period, these arene-benzene compounds undergo conversion to afford the new isomers Ru&[RU6C(CO)i2(rl6-C6H6)(lr~C6H7)I* (CO)ll(y6-arene)(q6-C6H6) (arene = CsHsMe, CsHae2, a Reagents: (i) MeOHNa2C03, (ii) [Ru(r16-CsHs)(MeCN)31z+, (iii) and C6H3Me3) in which the aromatic ligands bind to 2 equiv of Me3NOICsH8, (iv) heating in hexane, (VI 1 equiv of ruthenium atoms which are cis to one another on the Me3NO/CH&lz, (vi)[Ph3C][BF4], (vii) DBU. cluster f r a m e ~ o r k .The ~ ~ ease of isomerization occurs according t o the series mesitylene-benzene > C6H6).27’60In this cluster one of the benzene rings xylene-benzene > toluene-benzene > benzeneadopts the commonly observed $-coordination mode, benzene. These new isomers may be converted back while the other acquires the pa-face-capping mode. to their original form by heating in hexane for a few Alternatively, reaction of Ru6C(C0)14(q6-C6H6) with hours. 2 equiv of MeaNO in dichloromethane containing Other bis(arene) derivatives have also been preexcess cyclohexa-1,3-dieneor cyclohexa-1,4-diene repared by the analogous method to that described sults in the isolation of three products. These being above, merely exchanging cyclohexadiene for the the two diene-benzene species Ru6C(C0)12(y6-C6H6)dihydroarene in the reaction. The bis(p2-r2:q2-C&3)and RU6C(C0)12(/4a-)72:r2:q2-c6H6)(/42appropriate (mesitylene) analogue Ru6C(CO)ll(r6-C6HaMe3)2 has 1;12:q2-C6H8) and the bidbenzene) cluster Ru&(CO)11only been observed to exist in one form, that being ( ~6-C6H6)(/43-)72:r2:r2_CgHs).60 the sandwich structure.66 The bis(to1uene) complex The proposed mechanism by which Ru&(C0)12($RU&(CO)11(C6H,&k)z has been found to exist in a C6H6)(pz-q2:q2-C&8)is formed is similar to that temperature dependent equilibrium between the q6/ described earlier. The formation of the other ben/43-112:72:772 and trans-@ structural forms (see section zene-diene isomer, in which the benzene adopts a V.A).67 face-capping coordination mode is less obvious, but since there is no evidence for the starting material An hexaosmium bidbenzene) cluster may be synbeing contaminated with an isomer of Ru6C(C0)14thesized from the pentanuclear complex H40~5(CO)ll(C6H6) in which the benzene is pa-coordinated, the (q6-C6H6). Removal of two protons using DBU, migration of the $-benzene ligand to a face-capping affording the dianionic cluster [ H ~ O ~ ~ ( C O ) I I ( ~ ~ site must occur upon substitution of the cyclohexac6H6)l2-,followed by ionic coupling with the osmium diene ligand. The migration of benzene from a facial cationic fragment [OS(l16-CsH6)(MeCN)3]2+ yields H2site to terminal position readily occurs when this o S 6 ( c0 11 46-C6H6)(L43-);12: r2:?72-CtjH~). 71 When [OSgcompound is heated in hexane, hence generating (C0)12(?f-C6H6)I2-is reacted with the osmium fragRU6C(CO)lz(T6-C6H6)C2-~2:112-c6H8).60 Both the mixed ment the product is similar, benzene-diene clusters may be converted to Ru&except for that the two benzene ligands are attached (C0)11(96-CsH6)(/43-r2:r2:~2-c6H~) by treatment with to the cluster in terminal $-mode forming O S ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ an additional aliquot of Me3NO. The cluster Ru6C(q6-C6H6)2.72 (C0)12(y6-CsH6)(/4~-r2:~2-c6H8) has also been treated with [Ph&I[BF41, which abstracts a hydride from the E. Mixed-Metal Clusters diene ring, affording the cationic benzene-dienyl COmpleX [RU6C(C0)12(116-CsH6)(/43-~1:r2:~2-c6H~)]’. The majority of mixed-metal arene clusters reported to date54,73-79 are similarly produced in that Deprotonation of this cationic cluster with DBU the arene is introduced into the cluster system via a affords the bidbenzene) cluster Ru&(CO)ll(y6-CsH6)( p3’c6H6)“

(/43-);12:1172:T72-C6H6) in

Arene Clusters

Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6 1595

metal fragment, which is added t o a cluster of complex Ru7(C0)15CU4-PPh)(y6-C6H5Me) was also obtained, although only in extremely low amounts.53As different metal atoms. in the pentaruthenium complex, the toluene ligand The reaction of metal atoms vapors generally leads bonds to one of the basal ruthenium atoms in an $t o the formation of mononuclear species. This can coordination mode. In a similar reaction between be attributed to the conditions normally employed, Ru~(C0)12and PPhzH in refluxing toluene the ocsince excess ligand favors the production of monotaruthenium complex R U ~ ( C ~ ) ~ ~ C U ~ - P ) C U ~ - ~ ’ : ~ ~ - C nuclear complexes. Alternatively, one would anticiCH2) was isolated as a minor product.80,81In this pate that, if a high metal-to-ligand ratio is used, cluster the benzyl group bridges two ruthenium metal aggregation should be favored. A reduction in atoms. cluster formation has also been observed to occur when metal atoms are in excess, since catalytic On heating a solution of RuB(CO)~Z in octane decomposition of already formed complexes on active containing C6Hl0 three major products have been metal sites can occur. However, these effects have obtained, uiz. the known species RU~(CO)~~(CSH~) and been reduced in order to optimize cluster formation Ru6C(C0)14(y6-C6H6)together with the octarutheby the reaction of metal atoms directly with organonium Cluster H4RUs(CO)is(l;16-CsH6).70 metallic compounds. The trinuclear bis(mesity1ene) The octaruthenium complex R u ~ ( C O ) I ~ @ ~ - S ) ~ ( @ was isolated in low cluster FeCo~(C0)5(11~-C6H3Me3)2 C & , M e ) may be prepared by dropwise addition of yield from the cocondensation of Co atoms with Ru~(CO)&~-S)in toluene into a solution of Ru3(CO)12 mesitylene and Fe(C0)5 at -196 0C.73An improved in toluene heated to reflux. M e r heating for a while, yield was obtained by vaporizing the Co atoms the cluster is isolated in moderate yield.82 The directly into a solution of Fe(C0)5 and mesitylene in mixed-metal species CU2RUs(C0)18(r1-CsH5Me)(~2methyl cyclohexane at -120 “C. In both reactions CsH&Ie)s3has been prepared by reacting [Rus(co)l~l~the formation of the bis(arene) complex of Co is a with [Cu(MeCN)41- in dry acetone. The toluene reasonable intermediate in the initial step of the groups are apparently introduced into the system reaction. during the crystallization of the initial product Thermolysis of FeCo3(v5-C5H5)(C0)9@-CzHCF3) in (presumably replacing acetonitrile or acetone ligands). toluene for several hours affords FeCo3(v5-C5H5)(CO)6(p-C=CHCF3)(r6-c6H5Me).74 The metal atom Ill. Molecular Structures framework constitutes that of a butterfly, with the The molecular structures of the most pertinent “wingtip” Co atom bearing the toluene ligand. This arene clusters will now be described. All known species is formed by the replacement of a tricarbonyl structures have been determind in the solid state by unit by the arene. single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The most represenThe reaction between the reactive osmium cluster tative molecules are shown in “ball-and-stick style: HzOss(CO)lo and the cobalt fragment (v5-C5H5)Colarge and small filled atom balls represent the metal (CO)2, in the presence of hydrogen, results in the formation of the tetranuclear cluster H~COOS~(CO)~-and hydrogen atoms, respectively. The hydrogen atoms are shown only when coordinates are available (v5-C5H5).Attempts to prepare the rhodium analogue in the original structural reports or in the Cambridge gave only very small amounts of a paramagnetic Structural Database System.84 substance. It was found that if the reaction was Before illustrating the individual structures, it is carried out in an aromatic solvent, the cyclopentaof some importance to discuss the relationship bedienyl moiety exchanged with the arene, affordtween apical and facial bonding modes in detail. ing H3RhOs3(CO)g(y6-arene) (arene = C6H6 and C6H5Me).75-77 Both derivatives contain a Rhos3 tetrahedral core, with the arene bound to the rhodA. Apical and Facial Bonding Modes ium atom in an v6-fashion. clusters in the series of face-capped The mixed metal clusters R u O S ~ ( C ~ ) ~ ( ~ ~ - C ~The H ~examplar )p3-q2:v2:q2-arene species are the trinuclear complexes (RC2R) ( R = R = Me, Et, and Ph; R’ = Me, R = M3(C0)9CU3-v2:r2:~2-c6H6) [M = R u , and ~ ~ Os27]. DifH, Et, and Ph) were prepared in good yield from the fraction data for the ruthenium cluster have been treatment of the dianion [Os3(C0)9(R’C2R)l2-in collected at both room temperature and 193 K,33thus dichloromethane with a molar equivalent of [Ru(q6allowing for comparisons both of the ruthenium and c6H6)(MeCN)3l2+in acetone at -78 0C.78 of the structural features of the osmium clusters and The pentanuclear osmium-ruthenium complex H4ruthenium complex at the two temperatures. A R u O ~ ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ ( $ -can C ~be H ~prepared ) from the reacdetailed analysis of the atomic motion about equition between [H40s4(C0)11I2-and the same capping librium positions has also been carried out (see reagent [Ru(C6H6)(MeCN)3I2+ in a similar manner t o section V.B). The molecular structures of the two that just d e ~ c r i b e d .Similarly, ~~ ionic coupling of the complexes are shown in Figure 1,parts a and b, for pentaosmium dianionic cluster [Os~(CO)151~with an M = Ru and M = Os, respectively. equiv of the dicationic benzene fragment [Ru($Prior to this discussion it is necessary to describe CsH6)(MeCN)3I2+results in the formation of two the isostructural complexes HM3(C0)9(p3-o-q2:v2hexanuclear isomeric species RUOSs(C0)15(r16-CsHs).79 C6H7) [M = R u , ~and ~ , ~ ~ from which the benzene products are derived as one can appreciate from the F. Nuclearity Higher than Six position of the dienyl ring above the metal triangle From the thermolysis of Ru3(CO)12with PPhH2 in prior to conversion t o benzene (see Figure 2). The toluene which produced the pentanuclear cluster cyclohexadienyl ligand interacts in p ~ - ~mode - ~ ~ : ~ Ru5(CO)12(p*-PPh)(r6-C6H5Me)the heptaruthenium with the metal atoms contributing a total of five

Braga et al.

1596 Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6

b Figure 2. The molecular structure of HRu3(C0)9@3-v2:o: ?+C,jH,) in the solid state. (The filled small atom spheres represent the hydrogen atoms, including the experimentally determined hydride atom.)

of the double bonds, with two short bonds for the two n-interactions [1.39(1) AI and two longer distances involvin the carbon atom a-bonded to the cluster [1.45(1) .32 As in the case of the benzene cluster the H atoms of the ligand show a clear out-of-plane bending. The position of the H(hydride1 atom has been located almost coplanar with the ruthenium triangle. A similar bonding distribution is present in the osmiumderivative.25 The five carbon atoms interacting with the cluster are cop1anar within while the C(CH2) atom lies 0.32 above the ring plane. As in the ruthenium complex one Os-Os bond is much longer than the other two and is believed to carry the H bridge. From the dienyl clusters the benzene species are derived, uzz. Me3(C0)9013-r2:r2:r2-c,jH6) (M = Ru, Os). The most striking feature of the face-capping benzene


Figure 1. The molecular Structure of (a) R~3(C0)9@3-f: 72:?72-C6Hdand (b)ofOs3(CO)9CU3-)72:v2:~2-c6H6) in the sold state. (Note that only for the ruthenium species the hydrogen atom positions are experimentally determined.)

electrons to the cluster. The ligand lies almost parallel to the cluster although slightly shifted in order to manage one a-interaction as well as two n-interactions with the metal atoms. In the ruthenium complex the bond length distribution within the ligand is in good agreement with a 1,4-localization



O e 0

Table 2. Relevant Bond Distances (A)for ”rinuclear Clusters Carrying Facial Arenes M-C(benz) rangeb c=c,c-cc M-C(meanId C-C(mean)d 2.288-2.379(5) 1.41- 1.45(1) 1.43(1) 2.332(5) 2.27-2.39(2) 1.41-1.51(4) 2.33(2) 1.44(3) 2.27-2.34(2) 1.41- 1.46(3) 2.32(2) 1.44(3) 2.27-2.36(1) 1.40-1.43(2) 2.32(1) 1.42(2) 2.144-2.159(9) 1.424-1.453(13) 2.152(9) 1.439(13) 2.017-2.059(3) 1.420-1.446(5) 2.029(3) 1.433(5) 1.418-1.449(5) 2.000-2.057(3) 1.433(5) 2.016(3) 2.021-2.070(5) 1.403-1.448(6) 2.034(5) 1.427(6) 2.018-2.046(5) 1.408-1.453(8) 2.035(5) 1.429(8) 2.017-2.060(9) 1.39-1.48(1) 2.029(9) 1.43(1) 2.026-2.142(7) 1.40-1.46(2) 2.063(7) 1.43(2) 2.001-2.179(5) 1.405-1.515(8) 2.080(5) 1.432(8) a M-M bond length ranges indicate the extent of deformation of the metal triangles. M-C(benzene) range gives a measure of deviation from exact eclipsing of the C-C bond midpoints over the metal atoms. C=C, and C-C are the average “short”and “long” C-C bond lengths within the facially bound ring. Average M-M and M-C(arene) bond lengths; values in bracket are the average ESDs on the individual values (all values are taken from the original structural reports). compound notes RU3(C0)9CU3-r12:r12:v2-c6from H6) 193K determination

M-M range” M-M(meanId 2.827-2.855(1) 2.837(1) 2.856-2.878(1) OS3(C0)9CU3-~2:12:v2-c6H6) 2.865(1) O S ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ : ~ ; ~ ~ : ~ ~ - C ~ H ~ ) ( ~2.839-2.858(1) ~:CH~CHZ) 2.847(1) 2.829-2.936(1) Os3(CO)sCU3-r72:v2:~2-c6H6)(PPh3) 2.879(1) 2.625-2.625(1) [RhCP]3CU3-)72:~2:17z-c6H6) 2.625(1) 2.496-2.503(1) [C0Cp]3@3-~~:~~:r,1~-/3-methylstyrene) 2.500(1) 2.489-2.506(1) [C0Cpl~(LL3-~~:~~:~~-1,1-diphenylethene) 2.497(1) 2.489-2.522(1) [CoCp]3(~~3-~~:~~:~~-l,l-diphenylethane) 2.504(1) 2.490-2.533(1) [C0Cp]3(LL3-~~:~~:q~-l,2-diphenylethane) 2.507(1) 2.495-2.517(1) [C0Cp]3(p3-q~:$:~~-2-phenyl-2-butene) 2.502(1) {(~3-H)[CoCp]3~3-~~:~~:~~-1,l-diphenylethane)}+2.588-2.613(1) 2.599(1) 2.424-2.494(1) { [C~Cp]~@~-~~:~~:~~-a-methylstyrene)}+ 2.458(1)

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ligand in the ruthenium and osmium complexes is the alternation of long and short bonds within the c 6 ring, which resembles that of the hypothetical 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene molecule. This deviation from the idealized D6h symmetry of “free” benzene to a “Kekule-type” structure mimics that observed for benzene chemisorbed at the surface metal atoms in low Miller index planes of close-packed arrays of a metallic lattice (see section VI). Relevant structural information for all trinuclear species carrying facecapping arenes is grouped in Table 2. In the case O f RU3(Co)g@3-r2:r2:r2-c6H6) “long”and “short”C-C bonds average 1.45(1),1.40(2),and 1.45(11, 1.41(1) A at room temperature and 193 K, respectively, the short bonds being those interacting directly with the Ru atoms.33 The difference between the two sets of bonds (0.05 A) is much smaller than that observed in the osmium complex [long 1.51(4), short 1.41(3)A, A = 0.10 AI. The poorer quality of this latter data set, however, makes this difference less significant than in the ruthenium species. In the tricobalt cluster ( C p C 0 ) 3 ~ 3 - ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~ - t T a n S - p - m e thylstyrene)16(see Figure 3) the same distortions are apparent, but the differences even smaller [A = 0.03 AI. In R~3(C0)9@3-r~:1;1~:r~-C6H6) Ru-C interactions also alternate in length [mean 2.361(5) and 2.303(5) A, respectively] accompanying a slight rotation (approximately 4.5”)of the benzene moiety with respect to exact eclipsing of the short C=C bond midpoints over the ruthenium atoms. This effect is not seen in the osmium species. Direct location of the benzene H-atoms in Ru3(CO)g@3-r2:r2:r2-C6H6) also allowed for the direct observation of out-of-plane bending of the C-H bonds away from the ruthenium atoms. The average bending with respect to the c6 plane is 21.1” and 21.5” at room temperature and at 193 K, respectively. The benzene and Ru3 planes are almost parallel. These structural features indicate a certain degree of localization of the multiple bonds in the facecapping benzene ligand, and the electronic bases for this bonding has been probed via the Fenske-Hall Figure 3. The molecular structures of [CoCp]&~-pquantum chemical method by using R u ~C0)9@3-r2: ( methylstyrene) (a), [CoCpl~(l,l-diphenylethene) (b), and r2:q’2-C6Hs) to model the osmium species.28 The [RhCp]&3-CsHe) (c) in the solid state. [H(Cp)-atoms results were consistent with the observed C-C bond omitted in c for clarity.] length alternation showing that the interaction between the ligand and the trimetal unit is enhanced sion process occurring in solution. The calculations if out-of-plane bending (away from the metal core) have shown that the apical isomers are more stable of the C-H bonds is allowed, accompanied with an than those carrying benzene bound in facial mode, expansion of the c6 ring. In good agreement with although the local benzene-ruthenium interaction the observed values a bending of 10-20” was preis stronger in these latter isomers. This is in agreedicted.28 Displacement of hydrogen atoms from the ment with the observation that apical isomers are arene plane is commonly observed in mononuclear always the final product of the reaction and subsecomplexes, the displacement being both toward and quent interconversion process (see below). The calaway from the metal centre. This displacement has culations also confirm that in coordinated been attributed to a reorientation of the benzene benzene rings the hydrogens atoms should bend out molecular orbitals for more effective overlap with of the plane of the carbon atoms, as this leads to metal-based orbitals.86a stronger benzene-cluster bonds. The bonding in the species RU&(CO)I~(C~H~) and The electronic structure of tricobalt derivatives Ru&(CO)II(CSH~)~ has also been investigated using based on the model complex (CpC0)3@3-);1~:r~:r~-c6H6) extended Huckel calculation^.^^ The relative stability has also been investigated by Fenske-Hall quantum of the known isomeric pairs R u & ( C O ) I ~ ( ~ ~ - and C ~ H ~ ) chemical calculations. l7 The input molecular geomRUsC(C0)12(p3-r2:r2:r12_CgHs),RU6C(CO)1l(r6-C6H6)2 etry was derived from the solid-state structure of and RU6C(C0)11(r6-C6H6)CU3-rz:r2:~2-c6H6) has been (CpC0)3(p3-r~:~,1~:r~-truns-~-methylstyrene)~~ shown in related to the chemically characterized interconverFigure 3a. The molecular symmetry was idealized

1598 Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6

to C3. Because of the isolobal relationship between the CpCo and the (C0)3Fe fragments the sequence of frontier orbitals was found to be similar to that obtained earlier by extended-Huckel molecular orbital calculations on the hypothetical complex [(C0)3Fe3CU3-r12:~2:r2-CsHg)I.86b In (CpCO)3CU3-r2:r2:112-c6H6) the main interaction arises from n-donation from benzene orbitals accompanied by back-donation from uiz. benzene acts as both a n-acceptor the (Cpco)~, and a n-donor ligand. The calculations reproduced well some of the structural details which have been observed in face-capped arene clusters, such as C-H bending and alternation of C-C bond lengths. The electronic structure of the osmium complex Os3(C0)9(p3-r2:r2:12-c6H6) has been subjected to an ab initio calculation and MO analysis.88 It has been shown that the interaction of benzene with the Os3( C 0 ) g fragment can be described in terms of donation and back-donation which is favored by CH bending. The origin of the Kekule distorsion of benzene has been attributed to an enhanced back-donation and a decrease in exchange repulsion due to the n-electrons of benzene. The barrier to internal rotation of benzene over the osmium triangle has been estimated to be 66.5 k J mol-1.88 Arenes bound to cluster atoms in $-bonding mode show features that are in common with those shown by mononuclear arene complexes. The bonding and electronic structure of mono(arene) derivatives has been extensively studied by various theoretical approaches in the recent past. The reader is referred to a number of excellent reviews and papers which are a ~ a i l a b l e . ~ , ~

Braga et al.



6. Trinuclear Clusters It has been pointed out that the formal electron Several derivatives of the triosmium benzene clusdistribution over the three metal centers is uneven, ter Os3(C0)9(p3-112:r2:~z-c6H6) have been characterized in the solid state. The structure of O S ~ ( C O ) ~ ( ~since ~ - the three osmium atoms formally receive from the ligands nine, ten, and eleven electrons, respecC H Z C H Z ) ( ~ ~ - ~ ~ :(see ~ ~ Figure : ~ ~ ~ 4a) - C ~is Hsimilar ~) to that of the parent molecule in which an equatorial tively. Os-C(benzene) and C-C(benzene) bonds are CO is replaced by an +bound ethylene ligand, shorter in their mean values than in the face capped symmetrically coordinated with Os-C distances of species [2.25(1),1.39(1)A in 0 ~ 3 ( ~ 0 ) 7 ( r 6 - ~ 6 ~ 6 ) ( ~ 3 - o : 2.29(3) and 2.27(3) A.34 The benzene ligand is q2:a-CzMe2)uersus 2.33(2), 1.44(3)A in Os3(CO)9@3parallel to the metal triangle and slightly tilted from ?,72:?j'2:?72-C6H6) and 2.32(2), 1.46(3)A in os3(co)7(r2exact eclipsing of the C=C midpoints over the osC H Z C H Z ) C U ~ - ~ ~ ~ :These ~ ~ ~ differences : ~ ~ - C ~indicate H~)~. mium atoms [Os-C(benzene1 range from 2.27 to 2.34that benzene establishes substantially different bond(2) AI. ing interactions when coordinated t o one or three The structure of the phosphine-substituted species metal centers. Os3(CO)8(PPh3)(p3-)z:~2:~2-C6H6) is similar to that of The structure of R~3(C0)7(11~-C6H6)(p3-ff:r~:ff-PhCzthe ethylene derivative, the triphenyl phosphine PhCO) is related to that of Os3(C0),(1;16-C6H6)(p3-o: ligand being equatorially bound in place of the y2:o-C2Mez). The benzene ligand is terminally bound ethylene ligand. Os-Os distances show a greater to one corner of the cluster, whereas the ligand variation than in Os3(CO)g@ -q2:r2:qZ-C6H6) f2.828PhC=C(Ph)CO is bound to the three metal atoms via 2.938(1) us 2.856-2.878(1) The benzene lies 0 and one n interactions. The ligand can be seen two parallel to the metal plane, the separation between as formally derived from the insertion of a CO group the two planes being 2.17 A. Only a small difference into one Ru-C(a1kyne) o interaction. Metal-carbonbetween coordinated and uncoordinated C -C bonds (benzene) distances [mean 2.306(3)AI are, as in the is observed [1.40(2) us 1.43(2)AI. osmium case, shorter than in the correspondingfacial In the alkyne-substituted derivative O S ~ ( C O ) ~ ( ? ~ derivative [2.331(4) AI. The Ru atom carrying the C6H6)(p3-a:1?2:o-C~Me2), the benzene has migrated to apical benzene also bears a slightly bent terminal CO a terminal site (see Figure 4b) and is bound in q6ligand pushed toward semibridging position.38 fashion with an average Os-C distances of 2.25(1) The only other class of trinuclear complexes known A,while the C2Me2 ligand bridges the triangle via to possess arene ligands bound in a p3-fashion is that two o-interactions [mean 2.12(1) AI and one n-interaction [mean of the two Os-C distances 2.23(1) of the trinuclear cobalt clusters containing the [Cp-

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third ruthenium atom is part of a {2,3-(OEt)2isocloso-l-RuBloH8) subcluster. Metal-metal bond distances range from 2.684(4) to 2.827(4) A, the shortest bond connecting the arene-substituted Ru atoms. Each Ru-Ru bond is spanned by a hydrido ligand; a fourth hydride ligand triply bridges the metal triangle. A similar structure is shown by the derivative {($C ~ M ~ ~ ) ~ R U Z H Z ( C H Z C ~ ~ ) ) R UMetalB~~H~(~E~) metal bond distances range from 2.815(3)to 2.896(2) A, the longest being bridged by a hydride ligand and connecting the arene-substituted Ru atoms. The second hydride triply bridges the Ru triangle, with the two C1 atoms asymmetrically bridging the RuRu edges opposite t o the arene ligands and formally replacing the two hydrides of the parent molecule. Figure 5. The molecular structure of { (@&Me&RuzH4}The trinuclear species [@-cymene)3M3S212+ and (pRuBloHs(OEt)z in the solid state. (Only the H(hydride1 cymene)sM& [M = Ru, Os; cymene = 4-isopropylatoms are shown for sake of clarity.) toluene] have been prepared, but only the Ru species Col3 fragment [Cp = C5H51.16 (CpCo)3(p3-r2:q2:q2- have been structurally characterized.20 The dicationic cluster can be described either as a sulfidotruns-P-methylstyrene) is constituted of an equilatbicapped metal triangle or as a closo trigonal bipyreral triangle of Co atoms with the arene ligand lying amid, with Ru-Ru distances ranging from 2.763(3) almost parallel to the metal triangle as shown in to 2.796(1)A and an average Ru-S distance of 2.338Figure 3a. Only a slight difference [A = 0.03 AI is (2) A, while in the neutral species a metal-metal detected between the C-C bonds overlapping the Co bond has been broken to generate an open triangle atoms and those above the triangle edges. Each Co of Ru atoms, i.e. a nido framework, with Ru-S atom bears an y5-coordinatedC5H5 ligand so that the distances elongated with respect to the closo cluster. complex is isoelectronic with the triangular arene In both species each Ru atom bears an $-coordinated of ruthenium and clusters M3(C0)9013-~2:172:r2-c6H6) p-cymene ligand. The rotameric conformation of each osmium. In the cobalt complex the side chain exarene with respect t o the RUBplane is different in tends in a trans configuration coplanar with the both molecules. benzene fragment. A possible intermediate in the synthesis of this complex, namely the dinuclear An $-apical benzene ligand is present in R u ~ ( c 0 ) ~ complex (CpCo)&Ph(CH)6Ph), has also been struc(Nph)(q6-C&).lg The ruthenium atoms constitute turally characterized.l% The complex bears a diphenan almost equilateral triangle with Ru-Ru bond ylhexatriene ligand in a twisted conformation. The distances ranging from 2.695(2) to 2.726(2) A, the ligand is pz-q3:q3-coordinatedand donates six elecshortest bond being opposite to the Ru atom bearing trons to the Co-Co system. the $'-benzene ligand. The triangle is triply bridged on opposite sides by a CO group and by the NPh The structure of (CpC0)~(p~-);1~:y~:y~-l,l-diphenylethene) is closely related to that of the methylstygroup. rene derivative,16 as shown in Figure 3b. In both The compound Fe3(CO)6013-CC1)~3-ccooc2H5)(~6complexes the ipso carbon atoms are slightly disC6H6)contains a triangle of iron atoms triply bridged placed from the plane defined by the other five ring on opposite sides by the CC1 and CCOOCzH5 atoms. The olefinic planes of the side chain are at a ligands, while the benzene fragment is bound in q6dihedral angle of 17" (styrene) and 28" (ethene) with apical fashion to one of the metals.l8 Metal-metal respect t o the arene rings. In the diphenylethene bond distances range from 2.500(2) to 2.522(2) A. complex, C-C bond alternation is also fair1 small Contrary to the ruthenium cluster mentioned above [mean 1.449(5) and 1.418(5) A, A = 0.031 I. The the longest bond is the one opposite to the Fe atom structures of the derivatives containing 1,l-diphenbearing the benzene ligand. ylethane, 1,2-diphenylethane,and 2-phenyl-2-butene The asymmetric unit of crystalline Co3@3-CC&)(q6have also been reported to be similar to those of the C6H5Me)313comprises two independent molecules; the above complexes but no structural details are availcobalt triangle [Co-Co bond lengths range from able. 2.405(2) to 2.431(2) AI is triply bridged by the The solid-state molecular structure of the arene benzylidine group, while the toluene ligands are q6cluster [RhCp]3@3-C6H6)(Figure 3c) shows that the coordinated one to each metal atom as shown in Figure 6a. benzene ligand interacts with the three metal atoms each carrying a Cp ligand. As in the cobalt and Three benzene ligands are similarly bound in @ruthenium cases the bond lengths within the arene apical mode one to each Co atom in the monocation slightly alternate, and the C-H bonds bend away [co3~3-co>2(~6-c~6)3]+. The Co atoms form a scalene from the metal centemZ3 triangle [Co-Co range 2.386(4)-2.426(4) AI, triply All other trinuclear clusters studied to date contain bridged on both sides by the two CO ligands (see the arene coordinated in terminal ($9 bonding mode. Figure 6b).15 Two mesitylene ligands are coordinated in v6-apical The molecular structure of C O ~ ~ ~ ~ - C C ~ H ~ ) ( C O ) G ( ~ mode to two Ru atoms in the trinuclear cluster (($CsH3Mes) shows a triangular metal frame capped on C ~ H ~ M ~ ~ ) ~ R U Z H * ) R U(see B ~ Figure ~ H ~ ( O EThe ~ ) ~ one side by the CC6H5 ligand.12 The mesitylene


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Figure 7. The solid-statemolecular structure of Co4(C0)9($-CzoH14).

Figure 6. The solid-state molecular structures of (a) C03013-CPh)(1;1~-C~3Me3)3 and (b) of [Co3~3-CO)z(r6-C~Hs)31~.

ligand is $-apically coordinated t o one Co atom, while each of the other two metal atoms bears three terminal CO groups. Co-Co bond distances range from 2.441(2) to 2.477(3) the longest one being opposite to the arene-substituted metal atom.


C. Tetranuclear Clusters Tetranuclear arene clusters with face-capping arenes have not been synthesized up to date. Therefore, all species described in the following carry the arene in apical bonding mode. Three mono(arene) species derived from the tetranuclear cluster Co4(C0)12 have been structurally characterized, i.e. the species of general formula c04(CO)s(q6-arene)[arene = CsHdMez, C20H14 ( t r i p t y ~ e n e ) l . ~All l , ~compounds ~ contain a tetrahedron of Co atoms; the apical cobalt atom bears the @-coordinated arene moiety, while the three basal Co atoms are bound each to two terminal and two bridging CO groups. No relevant distortion of the six-membered ring has been observed in the benzene and xylene derivatives. The xylene complex presents two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit: one molecule contains an o- and the other a m-xylene ligand. The crystal can then be regarded as a mixed crystal, of the type observed for the crystals of HzOsdCO)d@-xylene) described below.4s In the triptycene derivative the arene ligand is terminally bound to one Co atom through one of its three sixmembered rings (see Figure 7). The presence of the

Figure 8. The solid-statemolecular structure of Ru4(C0)9(@-CF,HG)(~~~-C~H~).

CO ligands causes deformation of the triptycene framework, detected in the spreading of the angle between the plane of the coordinated ring and the plane of the ring closest to two terminal CO ligands of the basal metal plane. Another derivative of C O ~ ( C Ocontaining )~Z an $arene ligand is the complex C O ~ ( C O ) ~ ( ~ ~ - C ~ H ~ M ~ { H C ( P P ~ Z ) ~The } . ~basal ~ triangle of the tetrahedral core bears three bridging CO’s and is capped by the tripod ligand HC(PPh&, whereas the $-toluene ligand is carried by the apical cobalt atom. In the butterfly species R u ~ ( C O ) S ( ~ ~ - C G H ~ ) C U ~ - C ~ H ~ ) (see Figure 8) the benzene ligand is coordinated to one of the hinge atoms, while the other one carries three terminal CO ligands. Ru-Ru bond lengths range between 2.643(3) and 2.809(3) A.44 The C6Hs moiety interacts with all four ruthenium atoms of the cluster, occupying the central part of the butterfly between the two wings. The ligand is bound in a way very similar to that observed with acetylenic or cyclooctadienyl derivatives. The benzene cluster H~OS~(CO)K,(~~-C,&) shown in Figure 9 contains a tetrahedral metal framework with Os-Os distances ranging from 2.758(1) to 2.979(1) A, the two longest bonds being spanned by H(hydride) bridges.47 The benzene is @-bound to a tetrahedral apex with an average Os-C distance of

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Figure 9. The molecular structure H ~ O S ~ ( C O ) I ~ ( ~ ~ - C ~ H ~ ) in the solid state. b



2.24(2) The toluene and xylene derivatives Hzos4(CO)lo(y6-C6H5Me) and HzOs4(CO)l0(r6-C6H4Me~have C ~also H ~been M~Z-~,~) 1,2) and H ~ O S ~ ( C O ) ~ O ( ~ ~ structurally c h a r a c t e r i ~ e d . Both ~ ~ complexes are essentially isostructural with the benzene derivative. Os-Os distance range from 2.763(1) to 2.963(1) and from 2.755(3) to 2.966(3) A [average 2.833(1) and 2.828(4) in the toluene and xylene derivatives, respectively1 Os-C(ring) distances average 2.25(2) and 2.27(4) ,respectively. As in the benzene species the “long” Os-Os bonds are believed to be bridged by the H(hydride) atoms. In all these species the osmium atom carrying the arene ligand also participates in the bonding with a single semibridging CO Figure 10. The molecular structures (a) of Ru&(C0)13ligand. and (b) of Ru5C(C0)13@2-C6H8-1,4)in the solid The ligand distribution in Os4(CO)g(y6-C6H6)(y4- @z-C&3-1,3) state. C6H8) can be derived from that of the complexes described above merely by replacing two CO ligands the former complex the benzene adopts a faceby an q4-cyclohexadiene The enhanced steric capping bonding mode, while in the latter the ring crowding in 0~4(CO)g(y~-CsHs)(l7~-C6H6) is reflected is apically bound to one of the basal Ru atoms (see in the presence of two further CO groups in bridging Figure lla,b). The coordination of benzene in Ru5Cposition. The mean Os-Ubenzene) [2.25(1) AI and (C0)1z~3-112:r2:172-C6H6) is essentially of the same type Os-C(cyc1ohexadiene) [2.22(2)AI distances are comfor M3(C0)g(p3-r2:r2:r2-c6H6) as discussed previously parable to those observed in H20s4(CO)lo(r6-arene) (M = Ru, Os) and (CpCo)3CU3-r2:r2:r2-trans-P-meth(arene = C6H6, CsHsMe, and CsHsMez). ylstyrene). C-C bond length alternation is clearly observable with mean values of 1.36(2) and 1.44D. Pentanuclear Clusters (2) A, for the C=C bonds overlapping the Ru atoms The diene cluster R~sC(C0)13(,~~-r~:r~-c6H~-l,3)~~ and for those nearly parallel to the Ru-Ru bonds, and RU5C(C0)13CUz-);12:r2-c6H8-l,4)51 are the intermerespectively, out-of-plane bending of the hydrogen diates in the synthesis of benzene derivatives of atoms is also observed. The metal atom polyhedron Ru&(C0)15. The 1,3-C6& derivative contains a is slightly smaller and much more distorted in the cyclohexadiene ligand bound in radial position with apical isomer than in the facial one as indicated by respect to the cluster square base (see Figure loa). the average Ru-Ru bond distance [2.812(2)us 2.840The ligand interacts in a p2-q2:q2 bridging mode AI and by the spread in length in the two (2) formally replacing two CO’s from the parent molcomplexes [2.744-2.865(2) us 2.800-2.845(1) A]. The ecule. The 1,3-topology of the diene is reflected in Ru-C(benzene) distances indicate that the ligand is the C-C distances, which average 1.39(2) for the slightly closer to the metal atoms when in $-apical double bonds and 1.46(2)8, for the single bonds. The bonding mode than in p3-facialbonding [mean Ru-C structure of R~5C(C0)13CU~-r1~:r~-c6H8-l,4)~~ has also 2.23(1) us 2.26(1) AI. The (%carbide) atom is offbeen determined and is shown in Figure 10b for comparison with that of the isomer Ru5C(C0)13(,~2- centered with respect to the center of the square base showing a shorter bond from the Ru atom carrying ?72:~2-C6H8-1,3). From these cyclohexadiene adducts, the apical benzene ligand than from the other atoms and the isomeric pair RU5C(C0)12~3-r2:r2:~’-c6H6) [1.93(2)and 1.86(2)us an average of 2.03(2), and 2.06Ru5C(C0)1z(r6-C6&)is ~ b t a i n e d . ~Both ~ , ~clusters ~ (2) for the two independent molecules present in retain the square-pyramidal metal framework of the the asymmetric unit of crystalline RU&(CO)&~precursor. The main difference between the two structures arises from the benzene coordination. In CsHs)].






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Figure 11. The molecular structures of (a) Ru&(C0)12(b) of R U S C ( C ~ ) ~ ~ ( ~and ~-C (c)~Ru5CH~), @3-72:72:?72-C6H~), (C0)13(v6-C6H6)in the solid state.

The Rug polyhedron undergoes conversion from square pyramidal to bridged butterfly upon addition of CO to Ru&(CO)12(q6-C6H6). The product, Ru5C(C0)13(q6-C6H6)(see Figure l l c ) can be seen as derived from the square-pyramidal geometry by opening up one apex-to-base bond upon CO inserti~n.~O In this way the benzene ligand and the CO ligand are bond to the Ru atom bridging the Ru4 butterfly. Ru-Ru bonds are slightly longer than in the precursor Ru&(Co)12(q6-C6H~) [mean 2.844(2)us 2.840(2)AI. The C(carbide) displacement toward the arene coordinated metal atom, observed in Ru5C(C0)12(q6-CsH6)and in other carbide clusters of ruthenium carrying apical arenes (see section III.E),

is not seen in Ru&(C0)13(q6-C6H6). The C(carbide) drift, in fact, is only observed when complete substitution of CO ligands on a metal [as in Ru&(C0)12(q6-C6&)] deprives the metal atom of electron density. In Ru&(C0)13(q6-C6H6)the extra co ligand bonded to the benzene-substituted Ru atom appears to compensate for the presence of the poor n-acceptor benzene ligand. The structures of RU5C(CO)loCU3-);12:q2:q2-c6H6)(~2q2:q2-C&-1,3) and RU5C(CO)lo(q6-CsH~)(pz-q2:qZCd&-1,3) are closely related. The two complexes form an isomeric pair differing essentially in the mode of coordination of the benzene ligand. In Ru5C(CO)loCU3-q2:q2:q2-c6H6)CU2-);12:r2-c6H8-l,3) this ligand caps the square-pyramid triangular face opposite to the Ru-Ru bond bridged by the p2:q2:q2-cyclohexadiene ligand, while in RusC(CO)lo(q6-CsHs)(~2-q2:qZC~H8-1,3)the benzene ligand adopts an q6-coordination mode.52 In both molecules the cyclohexadiene ligand spans one basal edge taking the place of two radial CO ligands with respect to the parent molecule Ru&(C0)15. Metal-metal bonds range from 2.804(1)t o 2.881(1) A in RU5C(CO)io(p3-q2:qz:q2-c6H6)(~zq2:+26~8-1,3) and from 2.744(1) to 2.856(1) A in Ru5C(CO)lo(q6-C6H6)~~-q2:q2-C6H8-l,3). The benzene ligand in this latter complex is disordered over two sites, with site occupation ratio 7:3. This disorder is, very likely, dynamic in nature, since benzene cannot be easily locked in place by the surrounding molecules in the c r y ~ t a l .From ~ atom-atom potential energy barrier calculations (see section V.B), a low

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Arene Clusters

Table 3. Relevant Bond Distances (A) for Mono-and Bis(arene)Derivatives of RU&(CO)I, compound reference, notes RUsC(C0)14($-CsHs)

M-M(range)” M-M(averageY 2.825-2.999(1) 2.888(1) 2.815-2.955(1) 2.892(1) 2.836-3.006(2) 2.894(2) 2.822-2.975(2) 2.892(2) 2.846-2.961(1) 2.881(1) 2.853-2.962(1) 2.894(1) 2.794-2.990(1) 2.902(1) 2.811-2.974(1) 2.868(1) 2.796-3.089(1) 2.895(1) 2.816-3.013(2) 2.902(2) 2.819-3.006(1) 2.889(1) 2.798-2.950(1) 2.884(1) 2.805-2.980(1) 2.891(1) 2.814-3.014(1) 2.885(1)

M-C(carbide) vs av M-Ucarbide)‘ 1.935(6)vs. 2.064(6)

M-C(areneId (mean) 2.221(8)

1.937(7)vs. 2.067(7)


1.914(5)vs. 2.074(5)


1.926(6)vs. 2.069(6)


1.90(1)vs. 2.04(1)


1.919(4)vs. 2.074(4)

2.270(5) 2.285(9)

1.963(7)vs. 2.028(7)


1.97(1)vs. 2.07(1)


1.94(1)vs. 2.11(1)

2.23(1)bz 2.25(1)mes 2.23(1)v6 2.27(1)p3 2.246(7)to1 2.260(6)bz 2.25(1)xyl 2.27(1)bz 2.23(1)v6 2.28(1)p3

1.948vs. 2.062(1) 1.94(1)vs. 2.04(1) 1.92(1)vs. 2.04(1) 1.93(1)vs. 2.07(1)

a M-M bond length ranges indicate the extent of deformation of the metal triangles. Average M-M bond lengths (see footnote e to Table 2). M-C(carbide1 distances are given ( M = $-arene substituted metal atom) against average of M-C(carbide) distances ( M = pus-arene andor CO substituted metal atom) as a measure of the C(carbide) atom “drift”. M-C(arene) average values are given separately for different arene types andor different coordination modes; bz = benzene, to1 = toluene, xyl = xylene.

reorientation barrier for jumps of the benzene atoms was estimated (ea. 6 k J mol-l). The pentanuclear species H4MOs4(CO)11(116-C6H6) (M = Ru, Os) are isostructural and their crystals i ~ o m o r p h o u s .Both ~ ~ contain a trigonal bipyramidal metal framework (see Figure 12a) with M-M bond lengths ranging from 2.744(2) to 2.888(2) for both species. The (MCsHs) fragment (M = Ru, Os) occupies an equatorial site. The CO distribution is uneven: the two apices of the trigonal bipyramid and one equatorial atom bear three terminally bonded CO’s each while the third equatorial atom bears two CO’s only. The cluster H40s5(C0)12(q6-C6H6)presents a more unusual metal atom framework (see Figure 12b): the Os atom carrying the $-bound benzene also bears a terminally bound CO; this Os atom effectively bridges one edge of an OS4 tetrahedron. The H(hydride) atoms were located by potential energy calculations in all three complexes.54

E. Hexanuclear Clusters A large number of mono- and bis(arene1derivatives of Ru&(C0)17 have been structurally characterized by X-ray difiaction. All relevant structural information for this family of arene clusters is summarized in Table 3. A feature common to all these compounds is the low-energy scrambling of the CO ligands around the metal framework in solution (see section V.A). In the solid this is reflected in an almost continuous distribution of metal-CO bonding geom-

etries from symmetric bridges, via asymmetric bridging and “bent-terminal” to linear terminal ligands around the metal frame. Both the $-terminal and p3-r2:q2:v2-bonding modes have been observed in these species. The p3 coordination on a triangular face of the metal octahedron is characteristic of the benzene fragment. However, in only two cases is this coordination mode adopted by a substituted ring, e.g. by paracyclophane 16) by toluene in in Ru6C(C0)14CU3-42:r2:1;12-C16Hand RUsC(CO)ll(y6-CsHsMe)CU3-~z:~z:~2-c6H~Me). Xylene, mesitylene, and triethylbenzene have only been found to adopt q6-coordinationmodes. The metal atom framework for the hexaruthenium derivatives is that of an octahedron, encapsulating a C(carbide) atom, similar to that established for R u ~ C ( C O ) ~A~systematic . ~ ~ , ~ ~C(carbide)drift toward the Ru atom(s)bearing the arene ligand(s) is detected in these complexes (see Table 3). This may be attributed to a compensatory effect due to substitution of arene groups for CO ligands. In the mono(arene) derivatives Ru6C(C0)14($arene) (arene = C6H6, C,&,Me, CsHsMe.2, C&Me3, C6H3Et3)the arene fragments formally replace three apical CO ligands of the parent cluster Ru&(C0)17, thus adopting the $-apical bonding mode. The solidstate structure of the prototypical molecule Ru&( C O ) M ( ~ ~ - Cis~shown H ~ ) ~in~ Figure 13. In all the mono(arene) derivatives the CO ligand distribution is similar and is characterized by the presence of one bridging CO spanning one Ru-Ru bond in the plane parallel to the arene plane. In general, two other

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Figure 13. The molecular structure of RU&(C0)14(?fC&) in the solid state.

CO’s lie within the same plane and are bound in asymmetric bridging position. Each ruthenium atom in the equator also carries two terminal CO’s while the apical atom opposite to the one carrying the arene bears three terminal CO’s. The arenes, as well as the apical tricarbonyl units, do not show any marked conformational preference with respect t o the cluster or t o the other ligands. In keeping with this general behavior, two molecules of the xylene derivative RU6C(C0)14(~6-CsH4Me2)57are present in the asymmetric unit. The two units possess different rotameric conformations of the xylene ligands with respect to the bridged equator (see Figure 14). One methyl group in the first molecule is almost eclipsed by the quasi-symmetric bridging CO ligand, while the xylene ligand in the second molecule is rotated by ca. 120”. Therefore the crystal of RU6C(C0)14(r6-C6H4Me2)can be regarded as a mixed crystal, in which two structural isomers have cocrystallized. A third conformer O f RU&(c0)14(q6-C6H4Me2)has been found in the cocrystal of the mono- and the bis(xy1ene) derivatives (see also belowl.68 A more “crowded” arene moiety is present in the compound RU6C(C0)14(r6-CsH3Et3).57 The three ethyl groups on the arene point “upwards” with respect to the metal frame, thus minimizing intramolecular repulsions between the CH3 groups and the CO ligands, and favoring optimization of the intermolecular interlocking in the crystal (see section IV).

The only example of a mono(arene) derivative presenting facial coordination is the [2.2lparacycloThe phane complex R~6C(C0)14CU3-r~:r~:r~-cl6H16).~~ paracyclophane ligand is bound through one of its two c 6 aromatic rings to one triangular face of the metal octahedron as shown in Figure 15. Its coordination geometry is not appreciably different from that of benzene in face-capping bonding mode. Long-short C-C bond alternation within the ring bound to the cluster has not been detected. The CO ligand distribution is similar to that observed for most arene derivatives in this family, with the bridging ligand placed opposite to the arene-capped ruthenium face. The benzene-cyclohexadiene complexes Ru6C(CO)ll(r6-C6H6)CU2-r2:r2-c6H8-l,3) and RU&(co)11(J43r2:r2:r2-C6H6)CU2-r2:r2-C6H8-l ,3Y1(intermediate in the formation of bidbenzene) complexes) constitute another isomeric pair in this class of complexes. In both molecules the cyclohexadiene ligands show the bridging coordination common to all other Rug and Rug clusters, while the benzene moiety is in apical and facial bonding modes, respectively. Similar ligand distribution is also shown by the molecular structure O f the Complex RU6C(CO)11CU3-r2:r2:r2-ci6H16)(J42-r2: r2-C&,-1,3) in which the paracyclophane moiety adopts a facial bonding mode as in the mono adduct RU6C(C0)14(~3-)172:rz:r2-c16H16).57

Three different structural forms of bis(arene) derivatives based on the hexaruthenium carbido cluster have been established. These correspond to the general formulae trans-Ru6C(CO)11(r6-arene)2, cisRu6C(CO)ll(y6-arene)2,and Ru6C(CO)ll(r6-arene)CU~r2:r2:q2-arene). Some of these forms are known to interconvert according to a precise scale of relative stability (see section V.A). Only in a couple of cases, however, could isomers of the same arene derivative be crystallized and characterized structurally. Trans-@isomers are known for the species Ru&(C0)11(~6-C6H6)264 and Ru6C(CO)ll(r6-C6H3Me3)2 (see Figure 16, parts a and b).65 The rings in the bis(benzene)complex are staggered and almost parallel t o each other and to the equatorial plane containing the bridging CO ligand. In contrast, the mesitylene ligands adopt an almost eclipsed conformation. The planes of the two aromatic rings form angles of 5.6” and 4.4”with respect to the molecular equatorial plane. The methyl groups on both arene fragments are slightly bent above the C6-ring planes. In both

Figure 14. The two independent molecular units present in the asymmetric unit of crystalline Ru6C(C0)14(rG-C6H4Me2) showing the different rotameric conformations of the xylene ligands with respect to the CO-bridged equator.

Arene Clusters

Figure 15. The molecular structure of Ru&(co)1&d3-q2: in the solid state. 72:12-C16H16)


Figure 16. The molecular structures of (a) t"Z-RU6C(CO)ll(?f-C&)z and (b)trans-Ru6C(CO)11(q6-C6H3Me3)2 in the solid state.

cases Ru-C(carbide) distances involving the substituted Ru atoms are substantially shorter than those involving the equatorial Ru atoms, see Table 3, causing an appreciable distortion of the octahedron along the arene-cluster coordination axis. Two structural forms of the bis(xy1ene) derivative Ru6C(CO)ll(r6-CsH4Me2)2 have been observed68which differ in the relative conformation of the xylene ligands. One of these belongs to a cocrystal containing also the mono adduct RU6C(C0)14(r6-C6H4Me2) (see below). The cis form has been found in the mesitylenebenzene cluster RusC(CO),,(r6-CsH6)(yG-CsH3Me3)(see

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No. 6 1605

Figure 17. The molecular structure O f Ck-RU&(Co)ll(?,76C6H6)(q6-C&,Me3) in the solid state.

Figure 18. The molecular structure of R u & ( c O ) l ~ ( q ~ C ~ H G ) C U ~ - ~ ~ : in ~ ~the : ~ solid ~ - CState. ~H~)

Figure 17).65The two arene ligands are coordinated in q6-apical mode to contiguous sites over the Rueoctahedral framework. The two arene planes form an angle of ca. go", with the methyl group of the mesitylene ligand directed toward the neighboring benzene slightly displaced above the ring plane [elevation 0.21 AI. The C(carbide) atom is appreciably displaced from the octahedron center toward the two metal atoms carrying the arene ligands. A second example of cis isomer has been characterized. The structure of Ru6C(CO)ll(rG-CsH4Me2)(r6C&&Me)is similar to that illustrated above. The apical-facial structural form is characteristic of the complexes of formula Ru6C(C0)l1(r6-arene)CU3r2:V2:?72-C6H6) (arene = c1jH6,~'C ~ H S MC6H4Me261). ~,~~ In these complexes one of the rings adopts the r6apical coordination, while the other ring is bound in ,u3-r2:r2:r2-cappingmode to one triangular face of the octahedral metal framework. In the mixed-arene derivatives,the methyl-substituted ring always adopts the terminal coordination mode. The structure of the prototype of these molecules, namely RU6C(C0)11(V6C6H6)(~3-r2:r2:r2-c6H6), is shown in Figure 18. The molecule of the RUsC(C0)11(r6-CsH4Me2)~~-r2: r2:?72-C6H6)and the two independent molecules of the Ru~C(CO)11(r~-arene)CU3-r~:r~:~~-c6~) derivative possess different rotameric conformations of the r6 ligands.61 As previously suggested for other y6-apical derivatives, the conformational choice of the apical

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Figure 20. The molecular structure of HRu6(C0)14(v7-p2C&3Me&Hz) in the solid state.

H20S6(CO)ll(r6-C6Hs)(p3-);12:1;12:r12-C6H In 6).these 71 ligands can be ascribed to optimization of intermocomplexes the two conventional q6- and p3-q2:q2:q2lecular packing interactions (see section IV).In both bonding modes of benzene are observed on a metal compounds the hydrogen atoms of the p3-capping framework derived from that of the 84-electron benzene are bent out-of-plane with respect to the ring binary carbonyl O S S ( C O ) ~uiz. S , ~a~bicapped tetraheplane and the metal triangle, as previously observed dron, with which both arene derivatives are isoelecin RU3(C0)g(p3-r2:112:~2-c6H6). tronic. In Os6(CO)12($W6H6)2the two terminally The bis(paracyc1ophane)derivative RU&(CO)11(q6bound ligands occupy sites with different chemical C16H16)CU3-r2:q2:r2-c~6H16) has been structurally chare n v i r ~ n m e n t .One ~ ~ benzene is coordinated to one acterized (see Figure 19).69The gross features of the osmium atom belonging to the central tetrahedron; complex structure are similar to those of the bisthis atom does not carry other ligands, while the (benzene) derivative. The ligand in $-coordination second benzene is bound to one apex atom which is mode does not differ appreciably from free paracyalso involved in the bonding with one bridging CO. c l ~ p h a n ewhereas ,~~ the facial ligand is “flattened In the second complex the replacement of the bridgover the surface of the cluster. Interestingly, the ing CO by two hydrides is associated with the face-capping ligand is rotated substantially with “slippage” of one benzene ligand to a face-capping respect to expected eclipsing of the C-C midpoints arrangement,71similar to that observed in Os3(CO)gover the cluster triangular face. The rotation is such &-r,1~:7~:t7~-C&I6). The limited precision of the data that the relative conformation is closer to eclipsing set prevented an analysis of the delocalization within rather than t o staggering of the ring carbon atoms the ring. It has been pointed out, however, that the with respect to the ruthenium atoms. orientation of the ring is such that the midpoints of The f-coordination of an arene fragment to a alternate C-C bonds are eclipsed with the osmium ruthenium atom has been also found in the 88atom of the capped face. The H(hydride1 positions electron cluster R~s(~~-p4-C0)2(CO)13(q~-c6H3Me3).~~ were obtained, from potential energy calculations, The metal framework is a tetrahedron of ruthenium along the shortest Os-Os bonds in the structure. atoms with two additional ruthenium atoms bridging This behavior contrasts with the usual bond lengthtwo consecutive edges of the basal plane. The “apiening associated to the presence of bridging hydrides. cal” ruthenium atom bears an $-mesitylene group; On the other hand, the three metal-metal bonds two CO ligands are triply-bridging two triangular interacting with the benzene ligand are significantly faces of the tetrahedron and interact, through carbon longer [2.842(3) AI than those belonging to the and oxygen, with the edge-capping ruthenium atoms. uncapped faces [mean 2.776(3)A]. Os-C(y6-benzene) Metal-metal bond distances range from 2.628(1) t o distances range from 2.17(5) t o 2.26(5) while Os2.843(1) while Ru-C(mesity1ene) range from C(p -benzene) distances range from 2.23(5) to 2.342.256(8) t o 2.303(8) (5) It has been argued that the presence of a faceFrom the same reaction the 86-electron cluster capping H R u ~ ( ~ ~ - ~ ~ - C O ) ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ~ Z - ~ is ~ : ob~ ~ - C ~ H ~ M ~benzene Z C H Zin) the hydridic species may be due to an electronic e f f e ~ t . The ~ ~ ,H(hydride) ~~ atoms, in tained. The cluster possesses a trigonal-bipyramidal to the cluster in a more fact, can donate electrons structure with a sixth ruthenium atom bridging an delocalized way than a CO ligand, thus inducing the apical-equatorial edge.63 The 3,5-dimethylbenzyl arene ligand t o donate electron density to three metal ligand does not adopt the conventional y6-bonding atoms rather than to one, i.e. to adopt a facial instead mode as in the related species, but it undergoes a of an apical coordination mode. hydride shift from a methyl group to the metal frame, which is a-connected [Ru-C 2.21(3) AI t o a second F. Mixed-Metal Clusters Ru atom (see Figure 20). Metal-metal bond distances range from 2.716(2) to 2.858(2) A; RuThe trinuclear complex F ~ C O ~ ( C O ) ~ C U ~ - C O ) ~ ( ~ ~ C(arene) distances range from 2.28(2) to 2.31(2) C&Me3)2 consists of a triangle of metal atoms The hexanuclear family has been enriched with the bridged by two face-capping CO-ligand~.’~ The mesinovel osmium complexes O S ~ ( C O ) ~ Z ( ~ ~ and - C ~ H ~tylene ) ~ ’ ~ligands are bound to the cobalt atoms, the






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Arene Clusters

distances from the midpoint of the two rings being 1.6384) and 1.645(4) A, respectively. The metal core of R3RhOs3(CO)g(y6-C6H5Me) is a tetrahedron in which the osmium atoms bear three terminal CO’s each, while the rhodium atom carries the apical toluene ligand.77 The toluene ligand is found disordered over three sites corresponding to eclipsing of the methyl group with each osmium atom. The “average”disordered molecular structure conforms to the 3-fold symmetry of the oS3(co)g fragment. The H(hydride) atoms are believed to bridge the three equivalent Os-Os bonds. The structural parameters of the benzene analogue H3RhO~g(C0)9(1;1~-C6H6)~~ are strictly comparable to those of the toluene derivative. The ring atoms show extensive displacement in the plane of the ring Figure 21. The molecular structure of RUOS~(CO)&~indicating that the ligand lies in smooth potential C&) in the solid state. surface and is very probably able to reorientate in the solid state with a small energy barrier.g RhP C(arene) distances are in the range 2.271(8)-2.230JR (8) and 2.257(29)-2.308(18) for the benzene and toluene derivatives, respectively. The arene derivatives are isoelectronic with the cyclopentadienyl species HzO~3Rh(CO)lo(11~-CsH5), in which the C5H5 ligand is also coordinated to the corresponding rhodium atom, while two Os-Os edges are H-bridged and an additional CO is found bridging the Rh-Os edge. A butterfly geometry is shown by the cluster core of R U O S ~ ( C O ) ~ C U ~ - C ~ M ~ ~The ) (ruthenium ~~~-C~H~).~~ atom carrying the benzene ligand occupies the wingtip position, while the C2Me2 ligand spans the butterfly hinge. Each osmium atom carries three terminal CO groups. Ru-C(benzene) distances fall in the range 2.17(3)-2.26(3) with no significant differences attributable to the presence of three independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. F~CO~(C~H~)CU~-);~~-C=CHCF~ is) ( C O ) ~ ( ~ ~ - ~ ~ H ~ M ~ ) also based on a butterfly of metal atoms whose wingtips are occupied by the iron atom coordinated to the C5H5 ligand and by a cobalt atom interacting with the $-toluene ligand.74 The space between the wings is occupied by the C=CHCF3 ligand that is bound to all four metal atoms via the C-terminus and interacts in q2 fashion with the Co atom carrying the toluene ligand. The hexanuclear cluster R~Os5(C0)15();1~-C6H6)~~ possesses the bicapped tetrahedron of metal atoms characteristic of Os6(CO)l8. This structure is related to those of the bidbenzene) species H ~ O S ~ ( C O ) I ~ ( ) ; ~ ~ C6Hs)(IU~3-r~:r~:);1~-c6H6) and OS6(C0)12(~6-C~Htj) that Figure 22. The molecular structures of (a)R u ~ ( C O ) & ~ are also based on the bicapped tetrahedral metal PPh)z($-C&Me) and (b) R u ~ C ~ S - P ) ( C O ) ~ ~ C ~ Z - ~ ~ ~ ~ - C H Z core. In the ruthenium derivative the benzene ligand in the solid state. is bound to the heteroatom occupying one vertex of the cluster cage as shown in Figure 21. tanuclear species R u ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ C U ~ - P P ~ ) ( ~In ~-C~H~M the former species the seven ruthenium atoms define G. High Nuclearity a condensed polyhedron consisting of two square The chemistry of arene clusters with nuclearity pyramidal Rug units sharing a triangular face, with higher than six has not been well developed, hence the two basal planes capped by the p4-PPh ligands only a few arene clusters derivatives have been (see Figure 22a). The toluene ligand coordinates in structurally characterized in the solid state.53,so-s3 an y6-modeto one basal Ru atom. This structure is Furthermore, since no systematic study has been strictly related to that of the pentanuclear derivative reported only a brief account of the salient structural obtained from the same reaction. This latter species features for the known compounds will be given. contains a square-pyramidal core bridged by the p4The heptanuclear cluster R u ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ ( I U ~ - P P ~PPh ) Z ( ligand ~ ~ - and carries the arene ligand on one basal atom as in the heptanuclear species. C6H5Me) has been obtained together with the pen-





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The metal core in R u ~ C U ~ - P ) ( ~ ~ Z - C O ) ~ ( C O )observed ~ ~ ( ~ ~ -by~ ~crystallographic ,~~or spectroscopic techCHzCsH5) is that of a square-antiprismatic polyheniques.93,94 dron encapsulating a phosphorus atom.81 The benzyl In this section we focus on the interplay between ligand is coordinated to two ruthenium atoms via a molecular and crystal structure for some of the arene direct B interaction with the methylenic C atom and clusters described in section 111. Attention is directed via $-coordination of the c6 ring (see Figure 22b). toward the relationship between the type of arene Ru-C distances are found in the range 2.20-2.29(3) fragment and the molecular organization in the solid for the phenyl ring while the benzylic carbon is at state. The method of analysis is worth mentioning, 2.19(4) from its Ru atom. since it has been used for virtually all the crystals In a second example of an octaruthenium cluster, examined thus far. The crystal structure of a given uiz. R u ~ C U ~ - S ) ( C ~ ) ~ ~ ( the ~ ~ -central C ~ H metal ~ M ~ ) ~ ~compound can be decoded by studying the distribution and interaction of the nearest-neighbor molunit contains two fused square pyramids of ruthenium atoms bridged by the four S atoms. The toluene ecules among the molecules surrounding the one ligand is coordinated in terminal y6-mode to a Ru arbitrarily chosen as reference. Methods based on empirical packing potential energy calculations within atom that does not bear CO ligands. The toluene ligand exhibits 2-fold rotational disorder. the pairwise atom-atom approachg5or packing analysis based on graphical methodsg6are used to identify The complex H & U ~ ( C O ) I ~ ( ~ ~ -isC ~the H ~only ) the nearest neighbor molecules (i.e.those forming the example of hydrido-carbonyl arene-Ru8 cluster so called “enclosure shell”, ES hereafter) and to study characterized up t o date.70 The cluster is an octathe number, distribution, and interactions between hedron capped by two additional metal atoms on two these molecules. These procedures have been shown triangular faces sharing a common vertex. The to yield an accurate knowledge of the immediate benzene ligand is r6 bound to the only octahedron molecular environment and of the intermolecular vertex not belonging to the capped triangular faces. interlocking. Two out of 18 CO ligands are symmetrically bridging two opposite Ru edges, while the remaining 16 CO’s Arene clusters are particularly well suited for are terminally bound. The four H(hydride) atoms are studying the relationship between molecular and located on the cluster surface. crystal structure because of the simultaneous presence of both flat and cylindrical ligands, uiz. the The mixed-metal species CUzRU6(C0)1s(r2-CsH5arenes and the carbonyl groups, on the same molMe)z contains an octahedral ruthenium core bicapped ecule. These two different atomic groupings, with on opposite faces by the copper atoms.82 Each copper their specific spacial requirements, pose problems in atom bears a toluene ligand bound in q2 fashion. the optimization of the intermolecular interlocking Disorder in the orientation of these ligands has been that control crystal cohesion and stability. Furtherobserved. more, there exists the likelihood that crystal packing forces may alter, at times significantly, the structure IV. Crystal Structure of Arene Clusters of the molecule, and control the separation and crystallization of other isomeric forms. Neutral transition metal cluster molecules agThis discussion commences by looking at the gregate in the solid state in typical van der Waals changes in the crystal structure which arise when fashion.g1 Molecular size and shape control the way the same arene is bound to clusters differing in the in which molecules interlock and generate crystal or type of constituent metal atoms. We shall number structure^.^^ Furthermore, it is well known that then proceed to systems in which the arene is varied packing forces affect the molecular structure obon the same cluster unit. served in the solid state.’ The relationship between the structure of the individual molecular entity and Although Ru3(C0)9CU3-r2:rz:r2-c6H6) and os3(co)9that of the crystal is, however, very elusive. Al@3-~2:112:42-C6H6) are almost isostructural in the solid though much progress has been made in recent years state, their crystals differ substantially in terms of in the understanding of the crystal packing of molintermolecular ~ r g a n i z a t i o n .This ~ ~ can be appreciated from a comparison of the distribution of the first ecules, the nature of the intermolecular forces is far from being fully understood. This aspect of crystal neighboring molecules in the two crystal structures. structure studies becomes particularly intriguing The “enclosure shell” in crystalline Ru3(CO)g(p3-qZ: when dealing with molecules that possess an exten?72:r2-C&6)consists of 12 molecules distributed in sive degree of structural f r e e d ~ m .The ~ molecular anti-cuboctahedral arrangement (AIBIA sequence of structure of flexible molecules in the solid state is layers, Figure 23a). The cluster crystallizes in the not necessarily identical to that in solution or in the space group P21 with 2 = 2.33 The osmium analogue, gas phase, since crystal forces, i.e. intermolecular 0~3(C0)9(p3-r~:~~:r2_CsHg), crystallizes in the space bonding, makes a significant contribution to the global group Im with one and a half molecules in the energy of the system. Arene clusters are highly asymmetric nit.^',^^ The ES’s of the two indepenfluxional since arene reorientation combines with CO dent molecules in crystalline 0s3(C0)9(~3-r2:q2:r2scrambling over the cluster framework to yield C6H6) differ substantially from that of Ru3(CO)g(p3extremely flexible structural systems. In these cases ?72:q2:772-C6H6).The two groups of 12 molecules the environment, whether constituted of the same organize themselves in cuboctahedral ES’s (AIBIC molecule packed in an ordered way in the crystal sequence of layers, Figure 23b). We have shown in structure or by rapidly tumbling solvent molecules section I11 that, in terms of molecular structures, the in solution, is not simply a spectator but can have two complexes differ essentially in the orientation of great influence on the structural features that are the benzene ligand with respect to the metal triangle



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b d

Figure 24. Molecular organization in crystalline HzO S ~ ( C ~ ) I ~ ( $ - C (a) ~ H and ~ ) H~Os4(C0)14(7~-CgHgMe) (b). (Reprinted from ref 9. Copyright 1992 American Chemical


pack in nearly the same way in their solids. The arene ligands form ribbons generated by the interlocking of two rows of arene fragments in a chevron like fashion as shown in Figure 24. This packing feature has been found again in the crystal structure of the hexanuclear species R~6C(C0)14(ljl~-C6H5Me).~~ LJ In spite of the rather different molecular geometry Figure 23. Molecular organization in crystallineRu~(C0)gand of the different size of the molecules, the packing (&3-72:72:72-C6H6) (a) and OS3(C0)9CU3-r2:172:r2-c6H6) (b). in the crystal of this latter species is similar to that (Note that CO ligands are omitted for clanty.) observed in the two OS4 clusters since the toluene ligands form analogous ribbons throughout the latand in the torsion of the tricarbonyl units. The tice. The relative orientation of the arene ribbons is deformations observed in the solid-state structure of of the “herringbone” type, i.e. similar to that comthe Ru species with respect to that of the Os species monly observed in crystals of condensed arenes, such are believed to have essentially an intermolecular as naphthalene, anthracene, coronene and even torsion accompanied by benzene origin; since (co)~ benzene itself. The “herringbone” pattern is also tilting costs little to the bonding energy in the present in some mononuclear arene complexes such complex, the optimization of the intermolecular inas (C6H612Cr (see Figure 25).92b teractions becomes important. The differences in A strict analogy also exists between mononuclear structure and packing between the two molecules and polynuclear systems. Most mono(arene) derivaand between their respective crystals have been tives of the type Ru6C(C0)14(q6-arene)form molecular explained by assuming that the two crystal strucpiles in their crystals structures. These piles are tures represent two alternative solutions to the “held together’’by the interaction between the arene minimization of the “global” energy (Le. inter- and fragments and the apical tricarbonyl units of neighintramolecular energy) of the system moleculeboring molecules (see Figure 26). Molecules such as crystal. The crystals of the two benzene clusters can thus be regarded as a sort of polymorphic modifica(C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (C6Me6)Cr(C0)3 establish extremely similar packing patterns in their respective tion, whose existence might be due to the difference in intermolecular cohesion caused by substitution of crystal structures.92b These crystals are not adequately described as close-packed structures (i.e. of Ru for Os. Another type of packing is present in crystalline the hcp or ccp type), rather the crystals are formed H~OS~(CO)IO(?,+C~H~) and H ~ O S ~ ( C O ) ~ O ( ~ ~ ~ ~ by - Cclose-packed S H ~ M ~ ) .molecular ~~ rods (or piles) as shown The reference molecules in the two crystals are in Figure 27. The intermolecular interaction along surrounded by 14 first neighbors. In spite of the the pile is, as for the polynuclear systems described presence of different arene ligands, the two molecules above, based on arene-(C0l3 interactions.92b

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Figure 25. Molecular organization in crystalline (C&& Cr showing the “herringbone” pattern established by the benzene rings. (Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.) (Reprinted from ref 92b. Copyright 1992 American Chemical Society.)


Figure 27. Molecular piles of the type shown in Figure 26 for mono(arene1 clusters are also present in crystalline (C&)Cr(C0)3. (From ref 92b. Copyright 1992 American Chemical Society.)


Figure 26. Mono(arene) cluster complexes often form molecular piles in the crystal structure. The intermolecular interlocking is based on direct interactions between the arene fragment and the tricarbonyl unit of a next neighboring molecule.

While the arene fragments in mono(arene derivatives establish herringbone patterns this is not so for most bis(arene) clusters. The most representative example is given by the isomeric pair of bis(benzene) Clusters and R~sC(CO)ll(r~-CsH6)z.~* In both crystals the benzene ligands face each other in graphitic-type arrangements forming molecular “snakes” and “rods”, respectively, as shown in Figure 28, parts a and b. In the case O f RUsC(CO)ll(r6-C6Hs)~3-)12:r2:)12-csHs) the molecule does not self-assemble in a close packed arrangement. The reference molecule interacts with two next-neighboring molecules generated by crystallographic centers of symmetry. The separation be-



Figure 28. Comparison of the interaction between the benzene ligands in crystalline Ru6C(CO)1l(rl~-CsHs)0l3-y~: ?,72:r12-CsHs) (a) and t r u n ~ - R u ~ C ( C O ) ~ 1 ((b). ~~-c~H~)~

tween the carbon rings is 3.29 and 3.56 A for the $1 r f and pdp3 interactions, respectively, i.e. strictly comparable to separation in graphite itself (see Figure 29, parts a and b, respectively). In crystalline trans-RusC(CO)ll(y6-C~Hs)~ the benzene fragments belonging to next neighboring molecules along a row adopt a nearly staggered orientation (see Figure 29c) at a distance of 3.52 A. The crystal is thereby composed of parallel molecular rods each formed by a sequence of molecules linked together via benzene-

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Figure 30. Molecular organization in Crystalline cis-Ru&(C0)11(176-C6H6)(y6-c6H3Me3) (a) and ~~UTZS-RU&(co)11(?j’6C6&Me3)2 (b). (Large spheres represent the cluster cores. CO ligands and hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.) (From ref 65. Copyright 1992 American Chemical Society.)

Figure 30a. In a similar manner, in crystalline trans[RusC(C0)11(r6-1,3,5-C6H3Me3)21 the mesitylene fragments are paired throughout the lattice as sketched in Figure 30b. Each molecule is related t o the next along the piles by crystallographic centers of inversion. The distance between the arene planes is ca. 3.6 A, i.e. only slightly longer than in graphite itself. Molecular snakes are also present in crystalline R~6C(CO)11(r~-CsH5Me)cu3-r~:r~:r~-c6H6).~~ The toluene and benzene fragments belonging to next neighboring molecules face each other in the chain, although the presence of the methyl group on the toluene fragment prevents the two arenes from being parallel as, for example, in the bidbenzene) analogue. benzene intermolecular interactions. In crystalline R~sC(CO)11(r~-C6H4Me2)(p3-r~:r~:r2:1;1~This general trend has also been recognized in the C,&) the packing is otherwise constituted of “dimers” of benzene-benzene interacting molecules.62 The study of the crystal structure of the bidbenzene) of cocrystallization (CH2Cl2) are Species H 2 0 S 6 ( c o ) l l ( ~ 6 - c ~ s ) ~ 3 - ~which, 2 : ~ 2 : ~ 2solvent - c ~ ~ )molecules ,71 in spite of the different geometry of the cluster core, wedged in between the two benzene fragments, while uiz. a bicapped tetrahedron us an octahedron, forms the xylene ligands tend to form ribbons throughout the crystal lattice. This packing motif is reminiscent snakes of arene-linked molecules extending in the 111 direction of the monoclinic crystal. of that observed in crystalline H20s4(CO)lo(y6-arene) (arene = benzene, toluene) and R U & ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ? , ? ~ - C ~ H ~ This behavior is not confined t o the bidbenzene) Me). cluster but it is also observed with other bidarene) The crystal structure of Ru6C(C0)14(r16-C6H3Et3) derivatives. A study of the molecular organization in crystalline c Z S - [ R U ~ C ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ~ ~ - ~ , ~ ,deserves ~ - C ~ Hclose ~ M ~examination, ~ ) ( ~ ~ - since all three ethyl CGH~)] and trans-[Ru6C(CO)11(r6-1,3,5-c6H3Me3)21groups on the arene ring point “upwards”,as shown in Figure 31a. This arrangement allows minimizashows that, in both cases, the arene ligands establish tion of the intramolecular repulsions between the graphitic-like intermolecular interaction^.^^ In crysoutermost CH3 groups and the carbonyl ligands and talline CiS-[RU6C(CO)ii(r6-1,3,5-CgH3Me3)(1;16-CsH6)1 an efficient intermolecular interlocking in the crystal the benzene and the mesitylene ligands belonging to structure.57 the reference molecule are almost face-to-face with, In RU6C(C0)14~3-r2:r2:r2-c16H16) the ParaCyClOrespectively, the mesitylene and benzene ligands phane ligand adopts a p3-r2:r2:q2-bonding mode.57The belonging to next neighboring molecules as shown in

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tween next neighboring molecules is ea. 9.5 which usually corresponds to a cell axis translation. The molecular rows present in the crystals of Ru&(CO)14($-arene) (arene = C6H6, C&&te3)are compared in Figure 32. It is worth mentioning in this section that the ~:~~-C~H? crystal structure of H R u ~ ( C O ) ~ ( , U ~ - ~ ~ :revealed the existence of a network of CH-O(C0) interactions between the H atoms belonging to the C6H7 ligand and the carbonyl groups. Since then, CH-O interactions have been detected in a number of other systems.97 The role of CH-O(C0) interactions in contributing to crystal cohesion has been discussed in a comprehensive way by D e ~ i r a j u . ~ ~ Their influence on the packing mode observed may be decisive, although their importance in the crystallization process is still far from being understood. The crystal structures of the isomeric pairs Ru&( C O ) ~ Z ( ~ ~ -and C~H ~) RUsC(C0)12(p3-r2:r2:~2-c6H6), R U ~ C ( C O ) ~ I ( ~ ~and - CRUsC(CO)ii(r16-C6Hs)~3-rz: ~H~)~ qZ:q2-C6H6) have also been investigated by empirical packing potential energy calculations and compared with the results of extended Hiickel calculations (see section III.A).87 Hydrogen bonds of the CH-OC type have been detected in crystals of the apical isomers of both the Rug and Rug clusters.




Figure 31. A molecular pile in crystalline Ru6(CO)1l(q6C6H6)(~3-C6H3Et3) (note how the “upward” orientation of the outer CH3 groups provides an efficient clamping unit to lock a neighboring molecule and (b) intermolecular interlocking in crystalline Ru&(C0)&&16H16) (note how the paracyclophane ligand interacts with the CO ligands bound to the opposite face of a neighboring molecule along the pile).

molecular arrangement in the crystal structure is based on a direct interaction between the “free”ring of the paracyclophane ligand and the CO groups bound t o the opposite face of a neighboring molecule (see Figure 31b), as observed in crystalline RU&(C0)i4(l;r6-C6H3Et3). These studies indicate that the packing choice in crystalline arene clusters is governed by the need of optimizing the intermixing in the crystal structure of the flat arene fragments and the CO ligands protruding from the cluster surface. By grouping the arene fragments together in ribbons or snakes, optimum CO-CO interlocking is preserved. This tendency is maintained on changing the arene type and the arene coordination mode. With mono(arene) derivatives packing optimization is achieved by forming arene ribbons or layers through the lattice, while with bidarenes) this is better achieved by placing the ligands face to face. Mono(arene) hexanuclear clusters and, to some extent the bis(arene) derivatives interlock in the three-dimensional network by inserting the unique bridging ligand in the middle of the cavity generated by four terminal ligands of a neighboring molecule. In this way molecular rows are formed in which the individual clusters are all linked via this type of “key-keyhole” interaction. The same fundamental packing motif has been found in both crystals of R U ~ C ( C O ) I The ~ . ~ intermolecular ~,~~ separation be-

V. Dynamics in Solution and the Solid State A. Dynamics in Solution As with most organometallic complexes,99arene clusters exhibit a variety of rearrangement processes. All undergo fluxional behavior, and arene rotation is a common feature of most, if not all, the systems examined to date. Isomerization is also frequently observed, but arene exchange, at least under relatively mild conditions, is rarely seen. Barriers to arene rotation in mononuclear systems are small and usually of the order of a few kilojoules per mole (kJ mol-l).loo In all cluster systems studied to date which contain $-bonded arenes similar rotational barriers are observed. Given the greater complexity of the cluster systems and the presence of other supporting ligands, somewhat higher barriers might have been anticipated. However, as detailed investigations of the molecular structures of these materials in the solid state have shown, the degree of steric constraint is minimized and it is conceivable that, as far as we can judge, the motion of the arene is concerted with the motion of other ligands present, especially when those other ligands are carbonyls. Higher barriers are observed for the pus-bonding mode. Investigations into these systems have revealed barriers in the range 12 - 20 k J It is tempting t o associate these higher barriers with the triene bonding mode indicated by the variation in C-C bond distances around the arene ring. Such suppositions are probably misplaced and the barrier may rise simply from the incresased interaction with adjacent ligands, again, the CO ligand. In some compounds, and the best examples are probably OS3(CO)8(r2-CHzCHR)(p3-r2:r2:r2-C6H6) (R = H, Me, Bu, and Ph) the motion of the ring is apparently

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Figure 32. “Key-keyhole” interaction along the molecular rows present in the crystals of R u & ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ? ~ -(a) C ~and H~) R U G C ( C O ) ~ ~ ( ~ ~ (b). -C~H~M~~)

synchronized with the rotation of the alkene and the CO ligands.lo1J02 We have commented in sections I1 and I11 on the wide variety of isomers observed for many of these compounds, especially for those clusters based on the Ru& and Ru& central units. Terminally bonded arenes may coordinate to different sites within the cluster unit, e.g. apical and basal in Ru&. Where two (or more) arenes are present in the Ru& derivatives then cis and trans geometrical isomers have been observed, and when both facial and terminal arene complexes form, additional geometrical isomers are apparent. The problem is more complicated when substituted arenes such as toluene, xylene, and mesitylene are employed: additional conformational isomer variations may arise depending on mutual orientations of arenes and M(C0)3 units. This type of isomerization is a feature emerging from systems of this type, but for reasons outlined above, because of the low barriers to rotation, such conformational isomers are only likely to exist in the solid. Interconversion of terminal-facial ligands may also occur with relative ease, and here again, provided that two different arenes are employed, different isomeric possibilities are available. From the studies reported to date, it would appear that in all cases of isomer interconversion a dissociative (or at least an external exchange process) may be excluded. This leads us to the final aspect of these rearrangement phenomena, viz. arene exchange with external arenes. In the cases observed at present which are restricted to derivatives of Cod and Os4 such exchange

does not occur easily and usually requires moderately forcing conditions. Detailed studies have not been conducted, but given the nature of the replacement, uiz. a six-electron donor by a six-electron donor we would assume that the exchange process occurs via an associative mechanism. Further studies are essential here. Fluxionality, isomerization, and exchange phenomena have been most conveniently studied by NMR spectroscopy and a whole range of NMR techniques have been employed. Given the diagnostic value for the chemical shifts of both the q6-and pus-coordination modes such studies are relatively easy to carry out. In selected examples the variation in v(C0) may also serve as a reliable method of monitoring exchange phenomena, particularly isomerization. Evidence that arene ligands undergo reorientational motions is shown by NMR in which, for example, protons of benzene exhibit a singlet, consistent with the same chemical environment. This suggests that the ligand is free to rotate, although no direct evidence is available to say whether rotation occurs via a dissociative or nondissociative process. The chemical shifts derived from the NMR spectra O f RU6C(CO)ll(q6-CsH6)CU3-r2:r12:~2-c~H6) are equally diagnostic exhibiting singlets at 6 5.54and 4.14ppm in the lH NMR spectrum, for the terminal and facial ligands, re~pectively.~~ These values are typical for arenes coordinated to neutral transition metal clusters. For example, the lH NMR of 0 ~ 3 ( C o ) ~ ( p 3 - ) 1 ~ : q2:q2-C6H6)shows a singlet at 6 4.42ppm. The 13C NMR spectrum of this compound has also been

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188K Resolullon enhanced


253K 260K







293K I


7 6 0 Figure 33. The variable-temperature solution 'H NMR of Os3(C0)8(r12-CHzCHz)(~~-r12:r12:r12-c6H6) recorded between 293 and 188 K. The assignments of the molecule is displayed. (From ref 34. Copyright 1992 American Chemical Society.) 5




recorded, and a single resonance for the ring carbons In a separate experiment a solution of the bisis observed at 6 38.15 ppm. This value is consider(toluene) complex in C6D5CD3was allowed to stand ably shifted to lower frequencies, when compared to for several weeks at room temperature. No apfree benzene or even a terminal ligand. For example, preciable exchange of bonded toluene with toluenedisplay singlets two isomers of RUOS5(C0)15(r0-C6H6) dg was recorded over this period indicating that the in their IH and 13CNMR spectra at 6 5.92, 5.84 and interconversion process takes place by a nondisso86.3, 85.6 ppm, respectively. ciative me~hanism.~' As anticipated, the vibrational spectra of both the In an additional experiment the mixed-complex terminal and face-capping arenes show marked specR U ~ C ( C O ) I ~ ( ~ ~ - C ~ D ~ C D ~ was )(~ preU~-~~:~ troscopic differences. Infrared spectroscopic studies pared. On monitoring the IH NMR of this compound indicate that Y C - H modes for terminal and facescrambling of the toluene ligand between the two capping arene ligands occur at significantly different potential sites was observed. These observations are wavelengths. In RUsC(C)1i(1;16-C6H6)(lU3-r2:r2:rz-c6H6) consistent with a unimolecular process.67 values of the vibrational modes for the terminal and The variable-temperature solution IH NMR spectra facial benzene are observed at 3125,3118 and 3100, of Os3(CO)s(r2-CH2CH2)(lU3-r2:r2:rz-c6H6) recorded be3065 cm-l, respectively. tween 293 and 188 K are shown together with the Although systematic WNMR studies t o detect assignments in Figure 33.1°1 At ambient temperaarene motion over a cluster surface are rare, most ture the six inequivalent ring protons see timesystems which have been studied show no evidence averaged environments and a broadened singlet is for this. A variable-temperature lH NMR study6' of observed at 6 3.92 ppm. The four ethylene protons the complex Ru6C(C0)11(r6-CsH5Me)(lU3-r2:r2:r2-c6H5give rise to a singlet at 6 2.03 ppm. On cooling, these Me) reveals that in solution the complex exists in two resonances broaden and collapse until sharp. In the limiting spectrum 10 distinct protons are observed, isomeric forms, namely, that observed in the solid state (A) with one terminal and one face-capping and their assignment was achieved with the aid of toluene, and also as tr~lzs-RusC(CO)11(11~-c6H~Me)z2D (COSY) and nOe spectroscopy. Strong nOe enhancements between proximal benzene and eth(B). ylene protons H6 and H g effectively label the resonances at 6 1.73 and 0.72 ppm, respectively, and form the basis of the remaining assignments. The fluxional processes occurring in this molecule have led to the benzene and ethylene ligands being described as rotors which undergo "helicopter-like"motions.lo1 The above spectra, coupled with information gained from 13C NMR and 13C 2D-exchange spectroscopy of At 295 K the ratio A B is estimated to be 9:l. This Os3(CO)s(r2-CH2CH2)(~3-r2:r2:r2-c~H6) demonstrate ratio changes to 1:l at 385 K. On cooling the sample that five fluxional processes occur in solution. The back to 295 K the ratio of A B returns to aptwo tricarbonyl units undergo localized "turnstile" rotation that is not completely frozen out even at 145 proximately 8:l.

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K.lo2 A trigonal-twist process allows movement of the possible only if accompanied by benzene jumps over alkene between equatorial sites within the OS(CO)~- the cluster surface.lo3 In other words benzene and (CH2CH2) unit, exchanging via the axial position. A ethene rotations are correlated in “helicopter-like” Cramer-type alkene rotation also occurs about the fashion as observed in In the solid state Os-(C2H4) axis, and lastly a 1,2-ring-hoppingmotion and in solution the process is, therefore, mainly under permutes the nuclei of the p3-benzene ligand. intramolecular control and occurs with a potential The side arm in the tricobalt clusters, [CoCp13@L3- barrier of about 50 k J m01-I.l~~ q2:q2:r2-arene),provides additional information conThe dynamic behavior of many other arene clusters cerning the rotation of the ring over a trimetal face. has been approached by AAPEBC showing that The exchange process in [ C O C ~ ] ~ @ L ~ - ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ~ -reorientation C ~ H ~ R ) can occur irrespective of the benzene species has been analyzed in detail by 2D EXSY NMR cluster nuclearity and of the mode of bonding of the spectroscopy (EXSY = exchange spectroscopy). Sucring (whether p3-q2:q2:v2or ~ f ) .The ~ potential barrier cessive 1,2-shifts of the cobalt atoms with respect to to reorientation of C6H6 fragments is between 9 and the ring atoms could be directly ~ b s e r v e d . The ~ 36 k J mol-’. No systematic differences can be hindered motion has interesting stereochemical condetected between face-capping and terminal bonding sequences because clusters of the type [CoCpI&-r2: modes. This is in agreement with the highly fluxq2:r2-C6H&)are asymmetric, although isomer interional behavior of these species in solution (see section conversion can be caused by a rotational motion of q2-C6H6),for V.A). In crystalline RUB(C O)g@~3-);1~:71~: the arene (or cluster) frame. Variable-temperature instance, the calculated potential barrier is 18.8 and NMR studies3 have shown that at low temperature 26.4 k J mol-l at room temperature and 193 K, a separate signal for each Cp ligand is distinguishre~pectively.~~ In crystalline Os3(C0)7CU3-r2-C2Me2)able, hence, rotation is slow, and the dynamical (q6-C6-H6)benzene reorientation occurs with a poprocess probably involves 1,2-shifts. As temperature tential barrier of 8.8 kJ mol-’, while, not surprisingly, is raised, a single signal is obtained for the Cp groups, reorientation of the C2Me2 ligand is forbidden.lo3 thus, the ring rotates rapidly, effectively averaging Analogously, in crystalline Ru3(C0)&-y2-PhC2these Cp groups. PhCO)(?f-CsHs) benzene reorientation requires 10.9 k J mol-l. B. Dynamics in the Solid State As the molecular complexity increases (i.e. with increasing nuclearity of the cluster) intramolecular Very little spectroscopic information is available on steric (nonbonding) interactions become important the dynamics of arene clusters in the solid state. This and contribute to determine the total reorientational is largely due to the difficulty of preparing large barrier to the motion in the solid state. Thus, for quantities of samples for studies of spin-lattice example, the reorientational barrier in H2OsXCO)loproton relaxation times or for 13C CPMAS NMR. It (q6-C6H6)increases to 36.0 k J mol-’, while in solid is now well ascertained that unsaturated organic R~sC(CO)ll@L3-~~:1;1~:1;12_CsHg)(r~-C6H~) reorientation of fragments coordinated t o metal centers with subthe two benzene ligands requires 11.7 and 20.5 k J stantial bonding delocalization can undergo rotamol-’ for the $-benzene and the p3-benzene, respectional jumping motion in the solid state as a function tively. of the shape of the fragment: Le. the more regular In general, given that ligand-to-cluster bonding the shape, the lower the reorientational barrier.g The interactions are substantially delocalized in nature, relationship between fragment shape and ease of the ease with which reorientation may occur is reorientation can be transferred to larger polymetalessentially a function of the shape of the fragment, lic systems. Differences between mononuclear and uiz. disklike benzene (but also cyclopentadienyl, polynuclear species arise mainly at the intramolecuhexamethylbenzene ligands, etc.) are always able to lar level and will be briefly illustrated in the followreorientate in any crystal lattice. On the contrary, ing. when the fragments are less regular and present side CPMAS experimental results are available only for arms and cavities (uiz. toluene or mesitylene) the The CPsolid O~3(C0)8(r~-C~H4)@L3-r~:1;1~:r~-CsHg).~~~ intermolecular assembly is able to lock in the fragMAS spectra recorded in the range 220-335 K ment and thereby prevent full rotational freedom. indicate the occurrence of exchange processes involvThus ligand reorientation in solid HzOS~(CO)&~ing both the face-capping C6H6 ligand and the r2C6H5Me), H20s4(CO)lo(r6-C6H4Me2),and Ru&(Co)14bound C2H4 fragment: reorientation of the two (r6-C&Me3) has been shown to be prevented by the fragments (over the triangular metal frame and high potential barriers due to both intramolecular about the OS-CZH~coordination axis, respectively) and intermolecular i n t e r l o ~ k i n g . ~ ~ gives rise to two resonances between 245 and 296 K for the two groups of C atoms. Multiple resonances Additional information on the dynamic behavior of are resolved on cooling from 245 to 220 K. Above atoms and molecules in the solid state can be 270 K and up to 335 K progressive broadening on obtained by studying how the atoms behave in their the CO resonances is also observed, suggesting that displacement motion about equilibrium positions. lo4 the CO ligands within the O s ( c 0 ) ~ units can interThis can be done, when diffraction data of reasonable change by “turnstile” rotation. Benzene and ethene quality are available, by means of thermal motion reorientational motions have the same activation analysis.lo5 R~3(C0)9CU3-r~:11~:r~-CgHs) represents a energy (55 k J mol-l).lo2 Atom-atom potential energy good example of the application of thermal motion barrier calculations (AAPEBC) have been used to analysis to transition metal clusters.33 It has been show that the two reorientational processes are shown that the molecule behaves as a rigid body in correlated, uiz. reorientation of the C2H4 fragment is its motion about equilibrium only in first approxima-

1616 Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94,No. 6

tion, since both benzene and CO groups have appreciable additional motion with respect to the metal frame. Both rigid body and additional motions increase with temperature, although the librational freedom of benzene around the idealized molecular 3-fold axis is larger than that of the equatorial CO’s. The additional motion of the 0 atoms is larger than that of the C atoms belonging to the CO ligands, this indicating that some bending motion of the Ru-0 axes is convoluted in the observed ADP.

VI. Relevance to Chemisorbed Benzene Continued interest in the chemistry of transition metal cluster complexes is in part due to the proposition that these discrete, molecular compounds may be reasonable models of metal surfaces in the processes of chemisorption and catalysis.lo6 The use of discrete metal cluster complexes as models of chemisorption systems in surface chemistry is an attractive hypothesis, then, and has been emphasized by Muetterties and others. lo6~110 Here we examine possible boundary conditions to such a cluster-surface analogy. Heterogeneous catalysis forms the basis of many industrially important chemical processes, yet our understanding of the associated surface chemistry is generally poorly developed at a molecular level.log Structural characterization of the chemisorbed state represents a formidable challenge, as the physical techniques of X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy, used routinely by molecular chemists t o define the essential stereochemical features of a molecule, are not generally applicable to these heterogeneous systems. Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), angle-resolved UV photoelectron spectroscopy (ARUPS), high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS),and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)are among the techniques employed by surface scientists to define the crystallography of chemisorbed atoms and molecules on extended surfaces.lo8 These methods do not offer the precision available in molecular structural analysis however, and the experimental and theoretical details of their implementation are by no means trivial. Advances in the dynamical theory of low-energy electron diffractin (LEED) by ordered adsorbate overlayers has led to the structural characterization of several metal surface-benzene complexes by Somorjai, Van Hove, and coworkers.l1° The technique relies on the fitting of calculated diffraction intensities to the experimental data set and differs fundamentally from the X-ray diffraction method in that the “correct” structure must initially be anticipated. Optimized structures of the surface complexes Rh(111)-(3x 3)-C&+2CO (a), Rh(111-c[2(3)’12x 4lrectC&ts+CO (b), Rh(lll)-[2(3)1’2x3]rect-2c~H~ (c), and Pt(111)-[2(3)1’2x41rect-2C~H~+4C0 (d) have been obtained.lo9J10 In each overlayer, benzene is chemisorbed intact and lies parallel to the close-packed metal surface. In a and b absorption occurs at a 3-fold site with an expanded c6 ring showing in-plane Kekule distortions: C-C bond distances alternate between 1.46(15) and 1.58(15) A in a and between 1.31(15) and 1.81(15)A in b, the short bonds lying above single metal atoms while the long C-C bonds

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form bridges linking pairs of metal atoms.l1° Although the CO-free structure c has not been analyzed in detail the principal features are known; the superlattice contains two benzene molecules per unit cell occupying 2-fold bridging sites. Bridge site occupancy has been substantiated in the ordered Pt(111)structure d, with the suggested distortion in molecular symmetry to CzU. CO site symmetry for the CO-adsorbate systems parallels the benzene orientation in each case. The metal skeletons of high nuclearity carbonyl cluster compounds are frequently structurally comparable to fragments of bulk metallic lattices: e.g. [Rhi3(C0)24H312-,111a [ O s l 0 C ( C 0 ) 2 4 1 ~ - , ~and ~~~ [Rh14(C0)25l4-l1lC may be recognized as fragments of hexagonal close-packed, cubic close-packed and bodycentered cubic structures, respectively. Smaller carbonyl clusters are typically deltahedra and their metal core configurations may be regarded as microscopic fragments of a (hypothetical) close-packed lattice. The role of the ligand sphere in stabilizing these bulklike geometries should be appreciated however, since &fold symmetry is commonly observed for small, “naked” crystallites in preference to the 6-fold symmetry of close-packed structures of the bulk metal. Structural comparisons between the chemisorbed state and metal clusters have been made when there is correspondence in the metal, ligands, ligand coverage of the cluster or surface, and the crystallography. Detailed structural analysis of the gas-metal interface is currently only feasible at metal crystals having well-defined flat surfaces. For chemisorption on these low Miller index surface planes, the metalligand and metal-metal connectivity is respectively smaller and larger than for the clusters, although on higher planes the metal coordination number decrease at irregular features such as step and kink sites and the crystallography approaches that of certain cluster species. In the limiting case, the single-crystal metallic surface may be regarded as being composed of approximately close-packed planar arrays of spheres extending infinitely in two dimensions. A consequence of this long-range periodicity is that the local atomic and electronic structure will be influenced by more distant atoms in both the surface and the bulk of the metal. There is a fundamental caveat, then, to any analogy between cluster species and the bulk metallic interface, since any collective electronic and structural phenomena characteristic of the latter state may have no counterparts among discrete molecular systems. Modeling adsorption processes via small clusters invokes a localization of the adsorbate-adsorbent interaction, and we shall see that, depending on the criteria by which the relationship is assessed, the limitations imposed by this constraint may or may not lead t o a breakdown of the analogy. The scheme of the preceding discussion has been one of cautious assent for a cluster-surface analogy based on localized bonding descriptions of the clusterligand, surface-adsorbate interactions. A comparison of reactivity patterns for clusters and surfaces represents, perhaps, the most stringent test of the

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Arene Clusters

analogy, and it is here that the correspondence is Even with low oxidation state metal clusters, e g . 0%poorest. The catalytic properties of these systems are (C0)9CU3-~2:?12:12-CgHs) cleavage of a C-H bond can vastly different implying that the spatial extent of be brought about, in this case by selective irradiation, bonding is not the salient characteristic determining implying that at some stage a strong metal-H interaction must be induced. We must therefore keep the chemistry of surfaces. There is a growing body of evidence that the dissociative adsorption essential an open mind about the interaction of arenes with clusters and particles and plan ahead a full and to heterogeneous catalysis occurs at “ensembles” of free metal atoms, readily provided by the coordinadetailed study of a multitude of systems embracing tively flexible metal surface. The required substrate not only different structural types and molecularities, binding sites are not available in coordinatively but also different metals and combinations of metals saturated cluster complexes (analogous to saturation throughout the transition series. In this connection coverage of a surface) and ligand dissociation is it is important to recognize that most studies have typically accompanied by structural reorganization been preoccupied with the late, heavier transition metals. Studies of the earlier transition metals or cluster breakdown. would be of significant interest. Fundamental to our understanding of the bonding of arenes t o clusters, small metal particles or indeed VI/. Conclusions the bulk metallic lattice is an appreciation of the way in which the bonding arrangement of the arene We have shown in this review article that, after a moiety varies as the nature of the metal substrate rather slow start in the early 1960s, the chemistry undergoes change in size and in structure. Such of arene carbonyl clusters is now being studied considerations must be concerned mainly with bondextensively. With the combined efforts of synthesis ing modes other than the more commonly observed and spectroscopic investigations in solution and the q6 arrangement, but even here variations are to be solid state, as well as of crystallographic studies, expected. As shown in this article the $-bonding entire new families of complexes have been characmode has been observed in clusters of metal atoms terized to the extent that arene clusters constitute with a range of different (metal-metal) connectiviby themselves a new class of organometallic comties. This is clearly exemplified by the derivatives pounds. The study of this field of research has RU&(C0)13(?f-C6&) (connectivity two), RusC(C0)12involved the development of a whole host of special(q6-C6H6)(basal; connectivity three), and RusC(C0)12ized synthetic techniques targeting such compounds. (q6-C6H6)(apical; connectivity four). There is no good Early preparations of arene clusters usually involved reason for supposing that the cluster-arene interacthe direct reaction of a cluster with an appropriate tion will remain constant (i.e. similar bond energy arene under thermal conditions. New techniques are or geometry) in each situation, and a knowledge of much more selective and can be divided into two such possible variations is important if we are t o general categories. These being preparations which more fully appreciate the phenomena on a surface. involve direct reaction with arenes, and employ For the pus-bonding mode, interaction with three reaction with activated species, or arene-metalla metal atoms obviously remains constant. Here the fragments which undergo condensation under a concern is with the role of the additional metal atoms variety of conditions. Secondly, indirect methods in affecting the nature of the p3 interaction. As which involve the initial coordination of molecules discussed above, the benzene ring in a hollow site of such as hexatriene or cyclohexadiene which are then coordination is expanded and exhibits in plane Kekul6 modified chemically to yield a coordinated arene. distortions. In the surface complexes Rh(lll)-(3x 3)Nucleophilic addition, the prime reaction of monoCsH6+2CO, C-C bond distances alternate between nuclear arene species, seems to dominate also in 1.31(15) and 1.81(15) A.11o These features are reclusters, even with the p3 bonded arenes. Arene markably similar to those shown by benzene in p3exchange phenomena, although well established in bonding mode although there are differences in the mononuclear complexes, are rare in cluster systems. extent of localization. It is interesting to note that The nuclearity of the clusters so far isolated ranges the difference between “long” and “short”bonds is ca. between three and eight. These clusters may bear 0.04 Hi in R~3(C0)~CU3-);1~:11~:1~-c6H6). This difference one or more arene ligands bound in essentially two increases to 0.08 in R~sC(C0)12CU3-1~:r~:11~-c6H6), coordination geometries, namely the apical bonding becoming ea. 0.09 A in the hexaruthenium clusters mode (q6 coordination), in which the carbon atoms carrying facial benzenes. Although these observaof the arene ring interact with a single metal center, tions are confined to a limited number of cases and and the facial bonding mode @3-q2:q2:~2 coordination) the differences close to experimental errors, there is in which benzene interacts with three metal atoms a clear trend showing that, as the nuclearity informing a triangle. In this latter coordination gecreases, the Kekul6 distortion in the ring increases ometry the midpoints of alternating C-C bonds accordingly. around the ring are usually eclipsed, o r very nearly In general, on coordination, arenes adopt a bonding so, with the metal atoms. mode in which the C-H vector points away from the Most arene clusters have been characterized by cluster surface. In valence bond language this corsingle-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments in the responds to a change from carbon sp2 toward sp3 solid state. The molecular structures of these comhybridization on combination with the metal center. plexes present some intriguing aspects arising from the availability of different coordination sites on the However, such observations are usually made in relation to low oxidation state metal systems. Exmetal framework as well as from the different bondamples are known where the reverse is observed.l12 ing modes available to the arene ligands. This gives


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1618 Chemical Reviews, 1994, Vol. 94, No. 6

rise to the presence of structural isomers which differ in site and type of coordination. In square-pyramidal pentaruthenium arene clusters, for instance, the arene can bind either apically, to one of the four basal atoms of the cluster, or to its vertex, facial bonding is also possible on one of the cluster triangular faces. Similar isomerism is possible in hexanuclear octahedral clusters. The number of possible isomers increases when more than one arene is coordinated. In ruthenium clusters of nuclearity three, five, and six, as well as in trinuclear osmium clusters, interconversion between isomers can be induced both chemically and thermally. It has also been shown that the molecular organization in the crystal structure of arene cluster complexes results from a complex optimization of the interlocking of the flat arene fragments with the other ligands present on the cluster surface, uiz. carbon monoxide in terminal or bridging bonding geometry. In general, preferential arene-arene interactions of the graphitic type are established in crystals of bis(arene) derivatives while mono(arene1 derivatives form ribbons in the so called “herringbone” pattern. These studies have afforded insights into the “cluster-surface” analogy, related to the interaction of specific fragments with metal surfaces. The molecular chemistry of clusters containing benzene in the facial mode has provided model systems for the interaction of arene molecules with metallic surfaces. New insight into chemisorption phenomena has been provided in keeping with early suggestions that metal clusters could represent a bridge between material and molecular chemistry. Molecular size and shape not only dictate how the crystal is organized but also are intimately related to the occurrence of dynamic phenomena in the solid state. This is particularly important in organometallic chemistry because many unsaturated ligands are able to bound to metal centers in a delocalized manner, the absence of well-defined conformational minima for the ligands being responsible for the occurrence of low-energy reorientational processes both in solution and the solid state. Reorientational processes in the solid state have been assessed by NMR spectroscopy and substantiated by empirical potential barrier calculations. It has been pointed out, in this review, that organic fragments bound in delocalized manner in mononuclear and polynuclear complexes undergo reorientational motion in the solid state irrespective of the mode of coordination. The great variety of arene fragments employed in the most recent studies (from toluene, to xylene, to mesitylene, to paracyclophanes, etc.) allows a deeper understanding of the factors controlling the intermolecular interlocking and the ease of reorientational motion in the solid state.

VI//. Abbreviations AAPEBC



atom-atom potential energy barrier calculations anisotropic displacement parameters activation energy cyclopentadienyl (CsH5) l3C cross-polarizationmagic-angle spinning NMR


chemical shift anisotropy


trimethylamine N-oxide potential barrier tetrahydrofuran variable-temperature NMR spectroscopy



IX. Acknowledgments Financial support by Minister0 dell’ Universita’ e della Ricerca Scientifica is acknowledged by D.B. and F.G. SERC and British Petroleum (Sunbury) is gratefully acknowledged by P.J.D. We are indebted to Stefan Gebert, Caroline Martin, and Dr. Emilio Parisini for their help with the manuscript. NATO is acknowledged for a travel grant that has contributed much to the realization of the review.

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