Aroma Active Compounds in Foods - American Chemical Society

sensorial contribution of aroma compounds to food flavors. Introduction. Over the ... In addition to the classical procedure of chemical synthesis (16...
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Chapter 1

Chemical and Sensory Characterization of Food Volatiles: An Overview

Downloaded by on April 7, 2017 | Publication Date: August 14, 2001 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2001-0794.ch001

Karl-Heinz Engel Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Lebensmitteltechnologie, Am Forum 2, D-85350 Freising, Germany

Flavor research has continuously developed from the mere identification of volatiles to the detailed chemical characterization of aroma compounds and the assessment of their sensorial significance. Principles underlying the formation of volatile constituents are studied. The importance of ubiquitous phenomena in natural products such as chirality to flavor chemistry is recognized. Modern analytical techniques increasingly allow researchers to quantify the sensorial contribution of aroma compounds to food flavors.

Introduction Over the past decades, flavor research has witnessed tremendous developments (I, 2). The availability of coupled capillary gas chromatography mass spectrometry as routinely applicable standard analytical tool initiated numerous research activities resulting in the identification of a complex spectrum of volatile food constituents (3). However, only in recent years these investigations have evolved from the mere detection of volatile compounds to studies of other essential aspects of flavor chemistry. Examples of such areas are (i) the pathways underlying the formation of volatiles either by biogenesis or by thermal treatment, (ii) the chirality of many flavor compounds and the routes being developed for the synthesis of enantiomers by chemical procedures or by enzyme-catalyzed reactions, and eventually (iii) the sensorial significance of compounds studied by investigating the contribution of volatile constituents to the flavor of certain foods.

© 2001 American Chemical Society

Takeoka et al.; Aroma Active Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.



Formation of Volatiles

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Two basic routes of flavor formation can be differentiated: biosynthesis of compounds via genetically determined pathways (4, 5) and thermally induced reactions resulting in volatile compounds (6). In both areas the investigation of model systems starting from potential precursors or intermediates plays an important role (7, 8). Studies on the formation of aroma compounds have especially profited from the application of isotopically labelled substances and the possibility to elucidate pathways by following their fate by G C / M S . The biosynthesis of key odorants, e.g. lactones (9), as well as complex reaction sequences such as the Maillard reaction (10) have been followed on the basis of this approach. Increasing knowledge has been accumulated in recent years on the liberation of aroma compounds from non-volatile precursors by acid or enzyme-catalyzed reactions (11). The availability of L C / M S (MS/MS) will contribute to narrowing the gap between the knowledge on the spectrum of volatiles and the structures of the non-volatile conjugates (12). In addition to the meanwhile "classical" monoterpene glycosides (13), the role of precursors for other sensorially important classes of compounds, e.g. sulfur-containing volatiles, has recently been shown (14).

Chirality of Aroma Compounds The influence of the configuration of a chiral aroma compound and its sensory properties is a well-recognized principle which has been demonstrated for many examples (15). Accordingly, the synthesis of optically pure enantiomers is of increasing importance. In addition to the classical procedure of chemical synthesis (16), enzymes (17) or microorganisms (18) are increasingly applied. Determination of the naturally occurring configurations of chiral volatiles, e.g. by capillary gas chromatography using chiral stationary phases, has contributed to the understanding of the biosynthesis of aroma compounds (19). Together with isotope ratio analysis (20), the determination of enantiomeric compositions has become an indispensable tool in authenticity assessment (21).

Sensory Evaluations Based on the concept of "aroma activity values" developed in 1960s (22, 23), methods to determine the contribution of volatile constituents to the overall flavor of foods have been continuously refined. The following sequential procedure has been successfully applied to many examples: (i) identification of the most potent aroma contributors by aroma extract dilution analysis ( A E D A ) (24), (ii) quantification of the essential aroma constituents using isotopically labelled standards (25), (iii) determination of odor thresholds and "aroma activity values",

Takeoka et al.; Aroma Active Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.


and (iv) confirmation of the analytical data by sensory assessment of reconstituted mixtures (26). In addition to classical studies on structure-activity relationships (15), correlation models based on physico-chemical properties are increasingly applied (27).

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Other Aspects The trend towards "functional foods", i.e. foods with additional, healthpromoting factors, is causing increasing reassessments of volatiles for effects going beyond the sensory properties. Anti-bacterial activities (28) or antioxidative effects (29) are examples for such long known phenomena now being investigated in more detail.

Future Perspectives The need for detailed knowledge on the pathways underlying the formation of aroma compounds will increase. Improvement of the sensory properties of a food might be one of the areas suitable to demonstrate to the consumer potential benefits of modern techniques, such as genetic engineering (30). This in turn requires knowledge of the regulatory mechanisms underlying flavor formation and the precise assignment of the key enzymes in a metabolic route to be influenced (31). Studies on the sensory properties will have to develop from a merely descriptive to predictive levels. The increasing capacity to make use of information on compounds will eventually enable the prediction of the sensory properties of molecules based on a comprehensive set of physical and chemical data processed via sophisticated and "intelligent" computer modelling approaches. B y combining these approaches with more detailed studies on the physiology of flavor perception and the role of proteins and receptors involved in this process (32, 33), the overall understanding of the role of chemical substances as flavor compounds should increase.

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Takeoka et al.; Aroma Active Compounds in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2001.