Aromatic Polyamide Membranes - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

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4 Downloaded by EAST CAROLINA UNIV on August 28, 2013 | Publication Date: December 12, 1985 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1985-0269.ch004

Aromatic Polyamide Membranes H. H. HOEHN Central Research and Development Department, Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Experimental Station, Wilmington, DE 19898

Aromatic polyamide (aramid) membranes represent an important segment of the rapidly developing technology for the separation of components of aqueous solutions, gaseous mixtures and organic liquid mixtures. This paper highlights the historical aspects of polyamide membrane research in Du Pont from 1962 to 1984. Materials science aspects of this paper deal with the broad range of structures possible with aramid poly­ mers and membranes. Structure-property relationships of aramid membranes are illustrated on four levels of structure: segmental composition of the polymer, steric relationships of the segmental structure, morphology of the asymmetric membranes and morphology of thin-film composites. Steric relationships for aromatic polyamides and polyimides for membranes intended for gas separations correlate well with flux/ selectivity properties. The nature of asymmetry in aromatic polyamide membranes is discussed with refer­ ence to flux/selectivity properties of membranes for water desalination. Characteristics and performance of Du Pont's Permasep permeators which employ aramid membranes in the form of fine hollow fibers for desal­ ination of brackish and sea water illustrate how the materials science studies of aromatic polyamide mem­ branes have been applied to provide the basis of an important membrane business. For a variety of reasons, a comprehensive review of the history, current developments and recent results i n Du Pont research on aromatic polyamide membranes i s not possible. In f a c t , t h i s paper w i l l be limited to Du Pont research and limited further to some key polyamides and derivatives that i l l u s t r a t e the relationship between structure-level and membrane properties.

0097-6156/85/0269-0081$06.00/0 §> 1985 American Chemical Society In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.



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H i s t o r i c a l Development of Permasep


Membrane research and development started i n Du Pont i n 1962 and culminated i n the introduction of the f i r s t B-9 Permasep permeator for desalination of brackish water by reverse osmosis (RO) i n 1969. The membrane i n this B-9 Permasep module consisted of aramid hollow fibers. In 1969, proponents of RO technology had ambitious dreams and hopes. Today, RO i s a major desalination process used worldwide to provide potable water from brackish and seawater feeds. Du Pont's membrane modules for RO are sold under the trademark Permasep permeators. The RO business i s a v i r t u a l l y autonomous p r o f i t center that resides i n the Polymer Products Department. The growth and success of the Permasep products business i s a direct result of Du Pont s sustained research and development commitment to polyamides, a commitment that dates back to the 1930's and the c l a s s i c polymer researches of Wallace H. Carothers. Since 1969, improved and new Permasep permeators have been introduced s i x times, as shown i n Table I. 1

Table I.


Permeator Developments


1969 Introduced f i r s t B-9 Permasep brackish water.

permeator for desalting


1970 The B-9 Permasep permeator f o r d e s a l t i n g feedwater offered greater productivity per unit predecessor.


1974 The 4-inch B-10 Permasep permeator made seawater desalting with reverse osmosis commercially a t t r a c t i v e .


1977 The 8-inch B-10 Permasep permeator with four times the capacity of the 4-inch model reduced seawater RO system costs.


1980 Based on operating experience, guarantees offered for new Permasep permeator RO systems were extended from three to five years.


1981 Replacement bundles for large reduced permeator replacement costs.


1983 Introduced new B-15 spiral-wound permeator based on aramid membranes from polyamides similar to those i n B-9 and B-10 Permasep permeators.


brackish than i t s


Du Pont does not currently market Permasep permeators for gas separations. They d i d , however, i n the B-l Permasep permeator, introduce the f i r s t commercial, hollow f i b e r permeator for gas separations. This permeator employed hollow fibers of polyethylene terephthalate as the membrane. Later, permeators having aramid hollow fiber membranes were f i e l d tested for hydrogen separations. Du Pont i s presently a c t i v e l y engaged i n research for the develop­ ment of membrane technology for a wide variety of applications.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.

4. H O E H N


Aromatic Polyamide Membranes

This b r i e f h i s t o r i c a l summary of Permasep permeator develop­ ments introduces the subject of structure-property relationships for membranes from aromatic polyamides and derivatives.

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Structure-Property Relationships for Membranes The development of the aramid membranes i n Permasep permeators for RO had i t s origins i n membranes that were intended for gas separations. Corporate approval for further research and commercial development of the B-l Permasep permeator for gas separations was granted i n 1964. At that time, our knowledge of membrane science was l i m i t e d . The decision to proceed with the separations venture was based largely on the hopes of solving the productivity-economic requirements for permeation separations through the use of membranes comprising melt-spun hollow f i b e r s . Technology for melt-spinning hollow fibers with an outside diameter of less than 100 μΜ and a wall thickness of less than 25 μΜ provided a potential solution to the large membrane area requirements at a low cost. In addition to the area advantage of hollow fiber membranes for permeators, the large number of polymers Du Pont had available and the know-how to make others for conversion to hollow fiber membranes were important factors i n the decision to proceed. Enthusiasm was s u f f i c i e n t l y high that hollow fiber membranes for water desalination were also included i n the venture. Explorations with homogeneous membranes quickly showed that the f l u x - s e l e c t i v i t y requirements for water desalination membranes would demand more than a simple melt-spun hollow f i b e r . In fact, i t has been necessary to work out structure-property relationships on a l l l e v e l s of s t r u c t u r e to b r i n g RO membrane technology i n v o l v i n g aromatic polyamides to i t s current status. In d i s c u s s i n g the a r c h i t e c t u r e and p r o p e r t i e s of aromatic polyamide membranes, i t i s convenient to refer to four levels of structure. Broadly speaking, these levels of structure are useful for understanding the properties of any synthetic membrane, irrespective of what type of polymer i s used to make the membrane or whether the membrane i s intended for RO, gas separation or u l t r a f i l t r a t i o n . The levels of structure as used i n this paper are defined i n Table I I . Table I I .

Structural Levels of Synthetic Membranes


Structure Level I - Segmental composition

of the polymer.


Structure Level II - Steric relationships i n the segmental structure.


Structure Level III - Morphology of asymmetric membranes.


Structure Level membranes.

IV - Morphology of t h i n - f i l m


Structure Level I refers to the segmental composition of the polymer. It may be h e l p f u l to c a l l Structure Level I the primary structure because i t affects a l l of the other levels of structure of the membrane. Structure Level I I , which can also be c a l l e d the

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.


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secondary structure, refers to the s t e r i c relationships of the segmental units. Structure Level I I I ( t e r t i a r y structure) concerns the morphology of asymmetric membranes. Structure Level IV (quater­ nary structure) i s useful for characterizing t h i n - f i l m composite membranes. It i s important to bear i n mind that Structure Levels I and II are primarily properties of the polymer whereas levels I I I and IV are properties of the membrane. These d e f i n i t i o n s are a r b i t r a r y and additional levels of structure can be used to describe membrane properties. For example, i t may be useful to have levels of struc­ ture r e l a t i n g to c r y s t a l l i n e - n o n c r y s t a l l i n e properties, globular domains, pore character and orders of symmetry that can give r i s e to periodic structures, s p e c i f i c c o i l character and other important structural details. S t r u c t u r e L e v e l I . S t r u c t u r e L e v e l I v a r i a t i o n s f o r aromatic polyamides are broad. The wide range of segmental s t r u c t u r e s possible with these polymers i s what makes them so interesting for membrane science. The discussion of Structure Level I w i l l be limited to some representative segmental units i n polyamides, polyhydrazides and polyamide-hydrazides. Structures and abbrevia­ tions for some t y p i c a l diamines that are condensed with mixtures of isophthaloyl chloride (I) and terephthaloyl chloride (T) to give the aromatic polyamides discussed i n this paper are shown i n Table I I I . Table I I I .

Structures and Abbreviations

of Diamines (PPD)



A l l that needs to be s a i d about the s y n t h e s i s of aromatic polyamides i s that the condensations were usually carried out i n Ν,Ν-dimethylacetamide (DMAC) or N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) with the appropriate diamine and phthaloyl chloride. Major contributions to the synthesis of aromatic polyamides were made by Morgan, Kwolek and coworkers ( ) . G. N. M i l f o r d prepared the aromatic polyamide and J . W. Richter synthesized the polyhydrazides and polyamide-hydrazide discussed i n this paper ( 7 ) . Other investigators have also contributed extensively to the syn­ thesis and characterization of aromatic polyamides; for example, Preston and coworkers at Monsanto (8-10). Important contributions to the polyamide s y n t h e s i s l i t e r a t u r e have a l s o been made by Australian, Canadian, European, Japanese and Russian s c i e n t i s t s (11).

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.

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Aromatic Polyamide Membranes

Structure Level I I . Structure Level II i s i n some ways the key structural feature that determines whether a polyamide has any merit for membrane applications. The importance of the s t e r i c r e l a t i o n ­ ships i n the segmental structure are r e a d i l y i l l u s t r a t e d with the simplest aromatic polyamide one can make. For example, the homopolymers of p-phenylenediamine (PPD) or m-phenylenediamine (MPD) condensed with either isophthaloyl chloride (I) or terephthaloyl chloride (T) c r y s t a l l i z e so r e a d i l y that suitable casting solutions of these polyamides cannot be made. On the other hand, mixed monomers of MPD/PPD-I/T give copolyamides that are s u f f i c i e n t l y disordered to have good s o l u b i l i t y i n organic solvents. A space f i l l i n g model of the MPD-I/T segment shows r e l a t i v e l y open character and low symmetry compared to PPD-T or even MPD-I. The lower l e v e l of segmental symmetry results i n a more open membrane structure. The preference of the 1,3 orientation for the diamine used for polyamide synthesis carries over to the 010 and 1,3 BO diamines used for synthesis of polyhydrazides and polyamide-hydrazides, respectively. One of the reasons that the 1,3 BO-l/T polyamidehydrazides give such good RO membranes i s that the ring symmetry i s lowered a second time by having d i f f e r e n t amine groups i n the 1,3 positions on the benzene r i n g . The effect of Structure Level II on RO properties w i l l be apparent when we discuss Structure Level I I I . The role of Structure Level II on membrane properties i s not l i m i t e d to RO membranes. In f a c t , the secondary s t r u c t u r e i s probably even more important i n membranes that are intended for gas separations. Patents exist for gas separation membranes where Structure Level I i s aromatic amide, aromatic ester and aromatic imide combined with Structure Level I I of a precisely defined type (12, 13). For example, the repeating segmental unit (a) contains at least one r i g i d divalent subunit; the two main chain single bonds which extend from i t are not colinear, (b) i s s t e r i c a l l y unable to rotate 360° around one or more of the main chain single bonds, and (c) more than 50% of the atoms i n the main chain are members of an aromatic r i n g . The polyimide designated 1,5 ND-6F i l l u s t r a t e s these structural requirements. This polyimide has the structure shown i n Table IV. Table IV.

Steric Features of 1,5 ND-6F








Colinearity Ν Ν Ν Ν

Restricted bonds Α,Β B, C C, D D, A

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.


materials science o f synthetic membranes

The structural requirements i n the Du Pont patents are shown i n Table IV. The repeating unit contains 4 r i g i d subunits connected by noncolinear bonds (Ν), 4 bonds with r e s t r i c t e d rotation; and 22/29 of the chain atoms are aromatic. The polyimide i s prepared from 1,5 naphthlene diamine (1,5 ND) and 3,3 ^^'diphenylhexafluoroisopropylidene tetracarboxylic acid dianhydride (6F). A polyamide acid i s obtained i n i t i a l l y and this is cyclized to give the polyimide. Because polyimides are derivatives of polyamides, polyimides are often included i n reviews of aromatic polyamides. Another reason polyimides are included i n this paper i s that they i l l u s t r a t e the role of Structure Level II on gas transport properties i n a straightforward manner. The 1,5 ND-6F polyimide membrane was prepared by the following procedure. A casting solution was made by dissolving 20 wt% 1,5 ND-6F i n DMAC and f i l t e r i n g the solution through a s i l v e r membrane with a nominal pore size of 8 M. The degassed solution was cast on a Teflon -coated glass plate using a 25-mil doctor k n i f e . The films were covered, dried at 100°C for 5 minutes with the cover vents closed and 10 minutes with the cover vents open. The films were then stripped from the plate and stored i n a i r at room temperature. Control films were tested without further treatment; other films were heated at 200 to 340°C under a vacuum of 2 M f o r 6 hours. The permeation p r o p e r t i e s of 1,5 ND-6F membranes to pure hydrogen and pure methane are shown i n Table V.

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Table V.

Permeability Properties of 1,5 ND-6F Polyimide Membranes

Post Treatment* Temperature(°C)

Thickness (mils)

Control 200 250 300 340

1.66 1.95 1.92 1.91 1.74

*6 hr. at 2 ^M vacuum

Selectivity (H /CH )

Centibarrers (cB) CH H




5,320 9,260 8,700 10,010 9,070


28 136 202 164 144

189 68 43 61 63

cB = 10" cm (STP) * cm 12



* sec


cm Hg

The unique feature of these results i s that the hydrogen flux increased and the methane flux decreased when the 1,5 ND-6F homogen­ eous membranes were heat t r e a t e d . Here i s a case where p o s t treatment of the membrane has given increased flux for hydrogen with improved R^/CH^ s e l e c t i v i t y at the same time. With most membranes, one gets increased flux only at the expense of lower s e l e c t i v i t y . More conventional membranes also tend to lose considerable flux on annealing. Membranes of 1,5 ND-6F are thermodynamically stable after heat treatment. The polyimide from 3,5 diaminobenzoic acid (3,5 DBA) and 6F has the structure shown i n Table VI.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.


Table VI.

Rigid subunit

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Aromatic Polyamide Membranes Steric Features of 3,5 DBA-6F

Restricted bonds

Colinearity Ν Ν Ν Ν


The repeating unit has 4 N subunits, 2 bonds with r e s t r i c t e d rotation, 3 of the N subunits have at least one bond with r e s t r i c t e d r o t a t i o n , and 18/27 of the atoms i n the chain are aromatic. ^ The 3,5 DBA-6F polyimide f i l m permeated H« at 32 Β (B=10~ cm (STP) · cm/ cm sec * cm Hg) and CH at (J.075 Β for a H /CH s e l e c t i v i t y of 427 at 114.7 psia and 30°C. The polyimide from 3,3* diaminobenzanilide (3,3* DBAN) and 6F has the structure shown i n Table VII. 9


Table VII. i



Steric Features of 3,3 DBAN-6F




OF η

H 1

Rigid subunit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Colinearity Ν Ν Ν Ν Ν Ν Ν

6 ' 7 Restricted bonds

F F, G G

The repeating unit has 7 Ν subunits, 2 bonds with r e s t r i c t e d rotation, 3 of the Ν subunits have at least one bond with r e s t r i c t e d r o t a t i o n , and 24/33 of the atoms i n the chain are aromatic. The heat treated f i l m of 3,3 DBAN-6F permeated Η„ at 20 Β and CH at 0.025 Β for a H /CH. s e l e c t i v i t y of 800. Structure Level TL e f f e c t s on gas permeability properties of the polyimides discussed i n this paper are especially interesting when considered with regard to the role of s o l u b i l i t y and d i f f u s i o n parameters on permeability properties. From segmental shape considerations i t i s clear that the s o l u b i l i t y and d i f f u s i o n 1


In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.


materials science o f synthetic membranes

p r o p e r t i e s are not independent of one another. Koros, P a u l , Hopfenberg, Stannett and coworkers (14-17) have been pointing this out for some time. Structure Level III. Although the permeability through a homogeneous membrane i s s t r o n g l y dependent on the primary and secondary polymer structures, the permeability c o e f f i c i e n t as defined by Equation (1) i s usually too low for commercial gas and RO separations.

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(Temperature specified)


In order to achieve the desired flux levels i n membranes, i t i s generally necessary to reduce the thickness of the d i f f u s i o n layer to low l e v e l s . One way to do this i s to cast the membrane with asymmetric morphology. This was done with the aromatic polyamide membranes intended for water desalination. The permeation properties of homogeneous and asymmetric membranes of MPD-I/T (100-70/30) are shown i n Table VIII. Table VIII.

Effect of Asymmetric Morphology on Polyamide RO Properties

Flu^ ( g a l / f t «day)

Solute Rejection (_%)



MPD-I/T (100-70/30)




MPD-I/T (100-70/30)




Conditions: 30°C, 3.5% NaCl feed, 1500 p s i

The flux of 0.03 gfd for the homogeneous polyamide membrane was more than two orders of magnitude too low for commercial desalination. The flux was increased 175 fold with no decrease i n s a l t rejection by casting the membrane with asymmetric morphology. Even higher fluxes, up to 3.5 times that observed for the asymmetric MPD-I/T (100-70/30) polyamide membrane, were obtained with asymmetric membranes cast from polyhydrazides and polyamide-hydrazides. Permeation properties for the three types of aromatic polyamides are shown i n Table IX. The RO properties of this group of membranes i l l u s t r a t e the combined effects of Structure Levels I, I I and I I I on membrane performance.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.

4. H O E H N Table IX.

Aromatic Polyamide Membranes

Permeation Properties of Asymmetric Polyamide Membranes

Polymer Composition

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Flux Solute Rej . (gal/ft *day) % Z


MPD-I/T (100-70/30)


0B(0)2(0)B0/0I0-I/T (50/50-70/30)




1,3 BO/1,4 B0 - I/T (83/17-70/30)





The asymmetric polyamide membranes were prepared using a casting solution consisting of 15 g polymer, 85 g DMAC and 35 wt % LiNO^ (BOP) as the lyotropic s a l t . Salt concentrations i n the casting solution are conveniently expressed as percent based on polymer (BOP). The doped polyamide solution was cast on a Pyrex* glass plate using a 25-mil doctor k n i f e . The f i l m was then part i a l l y dried to obtain a gel membrane of polymer/solvent/salt. The a i r side (skin side) was i d e n t i f i e d and the gel f i l m immersed i n i c e water. After an hour i n ice water, the membrane was transferred to d i s t i l l e d water and stored u n t i l i t was tested. In addition to DMAC, the solvents DMF, DMSO and NMP can be used for casting aromatic polyamide membranes. Lyotropic salts that give good polyamide membranes are those with lithium, calcium and magnesium as the cation and chloride, bromide, iodide, n i t r a t e , thiocyanate and perchlorate as the anion. The nature of asymmetry i n aromatic polyamide membranes has been described by Panar, Hoehn and Hebert (18). Electron micrographs of freeze-cleaved aromatic polyamide membranes show considerable substructure as part of Structure Level I I I character. Details of the morphology are apparent i n the various electron micrographs shown i n this paper. Figure 1 shows the top edge of cross-section of a polyamidehydrazide asymmetric g e l membrane. The surface shows a structure formed from a closely packed monolayer of polyamide-hydrazide micelles of about 400 to 600 A diameter. The substrate consists of similar spherical units or globular domains oriented with 75 to 100 A voids between the spheres. In the skin or surface layer, these globular units are compressed and somewhat distorted so that few voids are seen. The important point i s that the skin i s a denser form of the same " m i c e l l a r " structure that forms the bulk of the membrane. Figure 2 shows a surface layer that broke o f f the substrate during fracture and adhered to the water "pot." The grainy surface in this micrograph i s the fracture surface of water i n the g e l membrane. F i g u r e 3 shows a f r a c t u r e s u r f a c e o f a d r i e d polyamidehydrazide gel membrane. Fusion of the micelles to give a t y p i c a l l y homogeneous, bulk phase i s c l e a r l y evident from this micrograph.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.


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Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Top edge of cross section of a polyamide-hydrazide asymmetric gel membrane. Reproduced from Ref. 18. Copyright 1973 American Chemical Society.

Surface skin of a polyamide-hydrazide membrane. Reproduced from Ref. 18. Copyright 1973 American Chemical Society.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.

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Aromatic Polyamide Membranes


The micellar structure of asymmetric membranes having a surface monolayer as the functional portion i s seen with polyamides and also with c e l l u l o s e acetate as shown i n Figure 4 and 5. Figure 4 i s a micrograph of the skin structure of an asymmetric polyamide and Figure 5 i s a micrograph of the skin structure of an asymmetric c e l l u l o s e acetate membrane. Figure 6 shows the skin structure of a polyamide-hydrazide that has been freeze-dried. Unlike the Figure 3 micrograph of an a i r dried polyamide-hydrazide membrane that has a homogeneous appearance, the freeze-dried membrane shows a m i c e l l a r structure. F i g u r e 7 shows that the c a s t i n g s o l u t i o n has a m i c e l l a r character similar to that of the membrane. One can actually consider the trapped solution morphology as a functional d e f i n i t i o n of the asymmetric membranes. It should be emphasized that this viewpoint c l e a r l y d i f f e r e n t i a t e s asymmetric membranes that have shown the highest reverse osmosis fluxes from membranes with a thin dense layer of normal s o l i d morphology. Asymmetric membranes prepared by phase inversion are discussed in considerable d e t a i l by Resting (19). Structure Level IV. The membrane structure of composite membranes is designated Structure Level IV i n this paper. Composite membranes usually consist of a thin f i l m of polymer on a porous substrate and are generally referred to as " t h i n - f i l m composite" membranes. The coating polymer and substrate polymer are generally d i f f e r e n t polymers selected for the unique properties that each polymer component imparts to the composite membrane. The functional thin coating i n composite membranes for water desalination i s often a polyamide formed i n - s i t u on the porous substrate by i n t e r f a c i a l polymerization. I n t e r f a c i a l polymerization of polyamides i s a polymerization technique that was pioneered by Du Pont (20). Universal O i l Products (UOP) developed reverse osmosis equipment for démineraiization of brackish and seawater using composite membranes with a polyamide as the functional coating. The UOP products carry a "TFC" registered trademark. Another good example of a t h i n - f i l m composite membrane involving a thin f i l m of polyamide as the functional coating i s the FilmTec FT-30 membrane for RO (21). Monsanto's Prism permeators for gas separation also employ composite membranes. Polyamide c o a t i n g s are not used f o r the composite membrane i n the Prism module. The Prism membrane consists of a coating of s i l i c o n e rubber applied from an organic solvent on a porous polysulfone substrate. The Prism membrane i s another good example of a composite membrane where Structure Level IV i s used to obtain good membrane properties (22). B-9 and B-10 Permasep

Permeators 1

The membranes i n Du Pont s B-9 and B-10 Permasep permeators consist of bundles of aramid hollow f i b e r s . A drawing i l l u s t r a t i n g the construction of B-9 and B-10 modules i s shown i n Figure 8 (23, 24). Specifications for B-9 and B-10 Permasep permeators are given in Du Pont's PEM (Permasep Engineering Manual) (23) and i n Du Pont's Hollow F i b e r Membranes ( 2 4 ) . These r e f e r e n c e s a l s o

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.


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Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Fracture surface of an a i r - d r i e d polyamide-hydrazide membrane. Reproduced from Ref. 18. Copyright 1973 American Chemical Society.

Skin structure of a polyamide asymmetric membrane. Reproduced from Ref. 18. Copyright 1973 American Chemical Society.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.

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Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Aromatic Polyamide Membranes

Skin structure of a c e l l u l o s e acetate membrane. Reproduced from Ref. 18. Copyright 1973 American Chemical Society.

Skin structure of a freeze-dried polyamide-hydrazide membrane. Reproduced from Ref. 18. Copyright 1973 American Chemical Society.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.


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Figure 7.

Fracture surface of a casting solution of polyamidehydrazide. Reproduced from Ref. 18. Copyright 1973 American Chemical Society.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.

Figure 8.

Schematic of Permasep Permeator.

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discuss the desalination process, case h i s t o r i e s and economics, desalination of brackish water, seawater desalting, pretreatment and applications other than desalination. Microporous Membranes The r o l e of phase inversion processes i n the production of microporous aromatic polyamide membranes i s discussed by Strathmann (25).

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Acknowledgments The work described i n this paper i s the work of a large team i n the Du Pont Company. Contributions of J . W. Richter, G. N. M i l f o r d , and M. Panar merit special mention. The author also wishes to acknowledge the helpful discussions with P. B i a i s , S. Sourirajan and T. Matsuura. S o u r i r a j a n s group a t the D i v i s o n o f Chemistry, National Research Council of Canada have published extensively on their studies with aromatic polyamide membranes (26-46). Others that the author wishes to acknowledge f o r t h e i r c i t a t i o n s and discussions of material presented i n this paper are: V. T. Stannett and H. B. Hopfenberg at North Carolina State University; W. J . Koros, D. R. Paul and D. R. Lloyd at the University of Texas at Austin; J . M. S. Henis at Monsanto, and H. K. Lonsdale at Bend Research (47). 1

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Received September 7, 1984

In Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes; Lloyd, D.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1985.