Aromatic Secondary Metabolites from the Sponge Tedania ignis

Feb 24, 1992 - G.R. Pettit, A. Numata, T. Takemura, R.H. Ode, A.S. Narnia, J.M. Schmidt, G.M. Cragg, and. C.P. PaseJ. Nat. Prod., 53, 456(1990). 24...
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Kaneda et al. : Sweet Sesquiterpene


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ERRATUM For the paper by Dillman and Cardellina entitled “Aromatic Secondary Metabolites from the Sponge Tedunia ignis,”J . Nat. Prod., 54,1056 ( l w l ) , structure 3 should be a p-carboline, not a carbazole. The corrected structure drawing is as follows: