Arsenic in a Speleothem from Central China: Stadial-Interstadial

Jan 14, 2011 - School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631 ... in a stalagmite (SJ3) collected from Central China was measure...
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Arsenic in a Speleothem from Central China: Stadial-Interstadial Variations and Implications Houyun Zhou,*,†,‡,# Alan Greig,§ Chen-Feng You,^ Zhihui Lai,|| Jing Tang,† Yanyan Guan,|| and Daoxian Yuan# †

School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710075, China § School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne 3010, Australia ^ The Earth Dynamic System Research Center, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, ROC Instrumental Analysis and Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China # School of Geographical Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China


ABSTRACT: In a pilot study, arsenic in a stalagmite (SJ3) collected from Central China was measured, and its association with past climate and environment was explored. Most of the SJ3 arsenic concentrations ranged from 120 to 320 ppb with the highest concentrations associated with relatively warm and humid climatic phases and lowest concentrations with cold and dry phases. The SJ3 arsenic record was very similar to the manganese record of SJ3. Variations of arsenic in SJ3 might be controlled by metal oxides of iron, manganese, and aluminum in karst groundwater at the study site, which in turn were closely related with changes in past climate and environment. A considerable proportion of arsenic was in excess over manganese in SJ3, which might be related with incorporation of arsenic into the calcite lattice during the formation of SJ3. It was speculated that more arsenic was released due to stronger weathering of the surface soils and sequestrated by metal oxides in karst groundwater under warm-humid climatic phases than under cold-dry phases. This suggested that climate shift might alter arsenic balance in sedimentary areas and aquifer systems and potentially exert significant influence on global arsenic contamination.

1. INTRODUCTION Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in the Earth’s crust, and many soils and sediments contain small amounts of arsenic.1 It is also one of the first chemicals recognized as a cause of cancer.2 High levels of arsenic have been leached from natural underground sources into thousands of village wells in West Bengal, India, and hundreds of thousands of people already have arsenic-induced skin lesions, and many of them also have hyperkeratoses, hardened patches of skin that may develop into cancers.3 The mechanisms that are responsible for arsenic contamination in groundwaters are only just starting to be understood, and attention has been largely focused on the sources of arsenic and its release into groundwater.4,5 Much less attention has been paid to the effect of long-term climate changes, especially major climate shifts on glacial-interglacial or stadial-interstadial (Stadial or interstadial refer to a cold or warm period which is subordinate in duration and intensity to a glacial or interglacial period) time scales.6,7 Krachler et al.7 found that arsenic concentration in an Arctic ice core was elevated by a factor of 5 during Greek/ Phoenician, Roman, and Medieval periods and that the arsenic concentration during the Younger Dryas cold climate event is the highest during the last 16 thousand years (ka). This suggests that climate shifts may alter arsenic release and accumulation and break the balance of arsenic influx and efflux in sedimentary areas and aquifer systems. For example, in their study of the arsenic release and transport within the arsenic-contaminated Mekong r 2011 American Chemical Society

River floodplain of Cambodia, Polizzotto et al.8 found that an annual arsenic efflux of (2-20)  105 kg from the aquifer through flushing and an annual influx of (6-20)  105 kg of arsenic to the aquifer system via sediment deposition were comparable and in equilibrium, but this equilibrium may be broken if major climate shifts lead to significant changes in arsenic release from surface soils and rocks and accumulation in sedimentary areas. Unlike unconsolidated materials such as soils and Quaternary alluvial sediments of which the arsenic concentration may be influenced by groundwater, speleothem carbonates (Speleothems are secondary cave sediments, mostly formed in limestone or dolostone solutional caves.) are seldom altered by postdepositional processes unless redissolution takes place. Speleothems should be valuable for providing information on long-term changes in arsenic release, transport, and accumulation in response to climate shifts and thus should be of great significance for assessing arsenic balance in sediment areas and aquifer systems in response to global climate changes. The objectives of this study were to investigate stadial-interstadial changes of arsenic in a precisely dated speleothem from Received: September 22, 2010 Accepted: December 28, 2010 Revised: December 26, 2010 Published: January 14, 2011 1278 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1278–1283

Environmental Science & Technology


Figure 1. Image of stalagmite SJ3 (a) and its manganese (b) and arsenic (c) concentrations. Black ellipses on the image of SJ3 indicate the locations of 230Th dates which are listed to the left. The black arrow indicates the hiatus corresponding to growth cessation from 35 to 20 ka. On the manganese and arsenic records the two gray rectangles highlight the cold and dry climatic phases during the LGM and H1 periods. Error bars on the manganese and arsenic records represent 1 σ analytical uncertainties. The thick dashed lines on the arsenic record represent average arsenic concentrations for each period.

Central China, their association with past climate and environment, possible controlling mechanisms and implications.

2. GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUNDS, SAMPLE DESCRIPTION, AND ANALYTICAL METHODS The speleothem sample (stalagmite SJ3) used in this study was collected from Songjia Cave (107100 4500 E, 32240 4600 N) in Central China in the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) regime. The initial chronology established by Zhou et al. 9 was revised by Zhou et al.10 using additional 230Th dates. The geological setting and the sample have been described in detail in Zhou et al.9 In brief, Songjia Cave is hosted in the Late Permian limestone11 and is located in the south flank of the Qinling Mountain. This site currently experiences a typical summer monsoon climate with an annual mean temperature of ∼15 C and an annual mean precipitation between 1000 and 1200 mm.12 The highest temperature occurs during the summer season and most of the precipitation falls from May to October.10 The site is also significantly influenced by the Asian winter monsoon at present and atmospheric dust activity is intensive during the winter season. Local soils derive from aeolian sediments. The overlying soil layer on the limestone capping the cave is thin

(usually less than 30 cm) or absent in places. Local vegetation consists mainly of trees including pine, cypress, and some deciduous broadleaf species. SJ3 is 12.6-cm long and was found by the 230Th dating technique to have developed between ∼38 and ∼10 ka before present.10 However, a growth hiatus is apparent on the lengthwise cut surface at depth of ∼84 mm from its top (Figure 1-a), corresponding to a growth cessation between ∼35 and 20 ka. Therefore SJ3 formed during part of marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 (38-35 ka), the last glacial maximum (LGM) (20-17.6 ka), the period synchronous with the Heinrich Event one (H1) (17.6-14.6 ka), and the last deglacial period (LDG) (14.610 ka). The LGM and H1 are cold and dry climatic phases in the EASM regime compared with the LDG and MIS 3 periods which are relatively warm and humid. The top 6 mm of SJ3 is dirty and porous. The subsamples for arsenic analysis were obtained from the cleaned cut surface of SJ3, along the growth axis, using a microdrill with a sampling interval of 5 mm. Arsenic concentrations were measured by external calibration on a Thermo X-series ICP-MS in the ACQUIRE laboratory at the University of Queensland. Arsenic in sediments is often found naturally bound by metal oxides, particularly those of iron, aluminum, and 1279 |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1278–1283

Environmental Science & Technology manganese,13 so manganese was also measured in SJ3. Iron was not measured due to iron contamination from the drill bit used and due to the lack of an appropriate standard aluminum could not be analyzed. For each subsample, four to five micrograms of calcite powder was dissolved at room temperature in a 10-cm3 tube. A 2% double distilled HNO3 solution spiked with a 6 ppb multi-isotope internal standard consisting of 6Li-84Sr-115In-187Re-235U was used, and sample dilution factors were about 1200. After sample dissolution, the tubes were capped tightly before the subsamples were analyzed following methods described in Eggins et al.14 and Lawrence et al.15 According to the method introduced by Querol et al.,16 the sample preparation procedures we used will not result in a loss of volatile elements such as arsenic. The minimum detection limit for arsenic is less than 15 ppt in solution, and the relative standard deviations (RSD) for arsenic measurement are usually less than 10% for lower concentrations (e.g., during the H1 and LGM phases) and less than 6% for higher concentrations (e.g., during the LDH and MIS-3 phases). The country rock of the Late Permian limestone hosting Songjia Cave, overlying soil layer and waters in Songjia Cave were also sampled for arsenic analyses. Three rock samples were collected from the limestone capping the cave and four soil samples were obtained from a soil profile above the cave, ∼40 cm in depth and each represents a 10-cm interval. Two pool waters from Songjia Cave were sampled. Water samples were put into 500 mL bottles which had been precleaned and rinsed three times and immediately acidified to pH < 2 with doubly distilled HNO3 before the samples were transported to the laboratory for analysis. Arsenic concentrations in the limestone, soils, and waters were determined by atomic fluorescence spectrometer (AFS-230a) at the Instrumental Analysis and Research Center in Sun Yat-sen University. Pretreatment of the soil and rock samples follows the Chinese national standard protocol for soil arsenic analysis (GB/T 22105.2-2008). The minimum detection limit for arsenic is less than 2 ppb in solution, and the RSDs are less than 10%. Cave waters collected from Songjia Cave and nearby other caves were also measured for aluminum, manganese, and iron before and after filtering with 0.45 μm Millipore membranes. Aluminum and manganese were analyzed with ICPAES at the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry.17 Iron was determined at the EDSRC of National Cheng-Kung University with a SF-ICP-MS (Element 2, Thermo Fisher Scientific).

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Arsenic in SJ3 and Stadial-Interstadial Variations. Except for the subsample from the top dirty part of SJ3, arsenic concentrations ranged from 120 to 320 ppb in SJ3 (Figure 1c). A general trend was clear in the SJ3 arsenic record with higher concentrations occurring during the relatively warm and humid climate phases such as the LDG and MIS-3 and lower concentrations during the cold and dry H1 and LGM phases. The average arsenic concentration for the LDG period was 344 ppb (282 ppb if the subsample from the top dirty part of SJ3 was excluded), and for the H1, LGM, and MIS 3 periods it was 178, 138, and 211 ppb, respectively (Figure 1c). 3.2. Possible Sources of Arsenic. Most of the metals in SJ3 were likely to be derived from the host rock and overlying soil layer. Other possible sources include atmospheric deposition and sea sprays. Arsenic concentration in seawater is very low (typically around 1.5 μg L-1, see Table 1 in ref 13) and the


Table 1. Arsenic Concentrations in the Limestone Host Rock, Overlying Soil Layer and Cave Waters of Songjia Cave samples

As (μg/g) Soil



SJ-SI-Soil-2 SJ-SI-Soil-3

16.3 15.2


15.5 Limestone






0.05 Cave Waters