ARTHUR F. SMITH CO. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - ARTHUR F. SMITH CO. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (10), pp 18A–18A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60118a719. Publication Date: October 1956. ACS Legacy ...
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low cost instruments for high vacuum operations



Provides measurement between 5 and 1000 microns with overall accuracy of 2%. Voltage stabilized circuit. Temperature compensating. Pro­ vision for connection to continuous recording and controlling equipment. 7" χ 6" χ 7". Shipping wt. 12 lbs. 110 volt, 60 cycle. Price, less gauge tube

$ 7 5 . O O

Tubes each

1 5 . 0 0

WATER-COOLED OIL DIFFUSION PUMP A compact, sturdy, all metal pump with outstanding performance char­ acteristics. Will operate against a fore pressure of 0.5 mm which per­ mits operation with average mechan­ ical vacuum pump found in any chemical laboratory. 2-stage. Speed, 10 liters per second at 10-' mm. Ultimate vacuum, 5 X 10-6 mm. Easy to clean. Requires only 15 ml of pump fluid. 170-watt heater operates on 110 volts.

Price $ 7 6 . 0 0

LABORATORY GLAND For rotary seals, thermometer ports, entry tubesMany advantages in addition to low price over mercury-sealed or precision-bore stirrers. Teflon® construction, useable up to 200DC with any material except metallic sodium. Handles thermometers with standard taper joints; allows depth regulation of bulb. Wear-compensating. Vacuum tight to 5 χ 10-6 mm. Available in 6 mm and 10 mm shaft. Won't break or "freeze." Thousands in use.

Dept. AC-10

Price $ 1 1 . 7 5

ARTHUR F. SMITH CO. 311 Alexander St., Rochester 4, N.Y. Circle Nos. 18A-1, 18 A-2, 18 A-3 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A

18 A

NEWS terminology, safety standards for per­ sonnel, and safety standards for opera­ tions. Further details arc available from the American Standards Associa­ tion, 70 East 45th St., New York 17, N.Y.

Porcelain Enamel Standards "Recommended Test Methods for Evaluation and Control of Quality of Porcelain Enamel on Aluminum" is the title of a new tentative standard pub­ lished by the Porcelain Enamel Insti­ tute, 1145 Nineteenth St., N.W., Wash­ ington 6, D. C. Tests include acid, abrasion, chemical, and torsion resistance, weathering tests, color and gloss measurement, retention of adherence, thickness measurements, and staining and impact. Copies are available at $0.25 from the institute. The institute also announces that a committee has been established to revise Commercial Standard CS 115-44 for porcelain enameled hot water tanks. Subcommittees will consider enamel thickness, coverage and magnesium anode; chemical tests; and mechanical and physical tests. Final recommenda­ tions are due about the end of the year.

Government Clearinghouse for Technical Reports Information on unclassified scientific reports on government research in given fields, a means by which current reports in these fields can be obtained, and access to cataloged reference col­ lection of reports on federally supported basic research are now available, the National Science Foundation announces. The first of these services is available through the National Science Founda­ tion; the second sendee is an expansion of an activity of the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce; the third is being offered by the Science Division, Library of Congress, with support by NSF. Details on each of these services are available from the Government Research Information Clearinghouse, National Science Foundation, Washing­ ton 25, U . C .

New Photomicrograph Techniques The afterglow of a persistent phosphor is utilized in the precise alignment of equipment for taking pictures with a microscope, Roger P. Loveland and Bernard M. Spinnell, Kodak Research Laboratories, announced at a meeting of the Biological Photograph Association. The authors also described the use of the rapid triggering of a low-energy,

repeating electronic flash to help set up photomicrograph apparatus for pictures of minute organisms. The phosphor technique ensures proper focus and alignment of the elec­ tronic flash used with the microscope and camera. The second method in­ volves reduction of a xenon flash by adjustment of the power source. This gives a succession of low-powered flashes without bulb deterioration.

New pH Standard Recommended A sixth pH standard, designed to increase accuracy of pH measurement in the highly alkaline range, is being recommended by the National Bureau of Standards. The new standard, consisting of a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide, will provide an additional fixed point

ANALYST'S CALENDAR American Oil Chemists' Society. Chi­ cago, 111., September 24 t o 20. American Society for Quality Control, New E n g l a n d Sections. Springfield, Mass., October 3 t o 5. Third Annual Computer Applications Symposium. Chicago. 111.. October 9 t o 10. Symposium on Vacuum Technology. Chicago, 111., October 10 to 12. Eleventh Midwest Quality Control Con­ ference. Minneapolis, Minn., October 11 t o 12. National Association of Corrosion Engi­ neers N o r t h e a s t Regional Meeting. Phila­ delphia, Pa., October 15 to 17. South C e n t r a l Region. San Antonio, Tex., October 23 t o 26. Southeast Regional Meeting. Char­ lotte, N . C . , N o v e m b e r 8 to 9. N o r t h Central Regional Meeting. De­ troit, Mich., N o v e m b e r 15 to 10. Radioactivity Application Symposium. Boston, Mass., October 24 to 20. Fourteenth Annual Pittsburgh Diffrac­ tion Conference. Mellon I n s t i t u t e , P i t t s b u r g h , Pa., October 31 to Novem­ ber 2. Society for Experimental Stress Analysis. Columbus, Ohio, N o v e m b e r 1 and 2. Southwide Chemical Conference. M e m ­ phis, T e n n . , December 6 to 8. Tenth Annual Symposium on Modern Methods of Analytical Chemistry. Louisiana S t a t e University, B a t o n Rouge, La.. J a n u a r y 28 t o 3 1 . Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy a n d Exposition of M o d e r n L a b o r a t o r y Equipment. P i t t s b u r g h , Pa., M a r c h 4 to 8. Eighth Annual Symposium on Spectros­ copy, American Association of Spectrographers. Chicago, April 29 to M a y 1. Tenth Summer Symposium. Analytical Division, ACS,

and A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M ­

ISTRY, P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y ,


I n d . , J u n e 13 to 15.



For further information, circle number 19 A on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A