“Fusion Methods In Chemical Microscopy”, by Walter C. ... fusion studies over the range. —100°C to. +70°C. MICRO COLD STAGE (MicroMelting Poin...
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The recently published "Fusion Methods in Chemical


by Walter C. McCrone (Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1957), contains detailed techniques for the use of the McCrone Micro Cold Stage.

/ W l - M c C R O N E MICRO COLD STAGE For micro fusion studies over M I C R O COLD STAGE (Micro Melting Point A p p a r a ­ tus), Thomas-McCrone Thermometer Reading M o d e l .

With built-in heating unit to provide close temper­ ature control within a working range of —100° C to +70°C when using dried, cooled nitrogen gas. Based on the design described by Walter C. McCrone and S. M. O'Bradovic in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 6 (June, 1956) p. 1038. Supplements the Kofler Micro Hot Stage as a low tsmperature micro melting point apparatus. Also suitable for determination of characteristics of the polymorphic trans­ formations. Made of phenolic plastic and furnished with two nickel plated, adjustable feet for attachment to the stage of a microscope in place of stage clips. Can be used on a micro­ scope with polarized light or phase accessories. The bevelled cut-out in the top of the stage takes a standard lOx objeci ive. Construction has been simplified for convenient insertion of sample and to permit reproducible placement of iritercha ageable low temperature thermometers. Heating is by means of a Pyrex brand E-C Radiant Glass plate. Voltage on the heating unit should not exceed 80 volts and a Variable Transformer, with mechanical stop to limit output voltage within the range 0 to 80 volts, is included with the Stage. The manipulator rod for seeding, moving the glass test plate and similar operations, is inserted into the working chamber through a ball joint. Thermometers are inserted from the side and protected by means of a transparent plastic guard tube. In use, a stream of inert gas, precooled to a temperature below the expected melting point, is passed over the sample and escapes from the stage through a small annular sipace around the objective. Practically all moisture is removed from the gas stream in a simple Cooling Device which is offered as an accessory. Condensation of moisture and pos­ sible icing of the objective is minimized by this positive flow of moisture free gas. The gas stream in the chamber is heated by the E-C radiant slide.

the range

—100°C to


6892-6. Micro Cold Stage (Micro Melting Point Apparatus), ThomasMcCrone Thermometer Reading Model, as above described, with plastic manipulator rod with Stainless steel needle; two thermometers, range — 70°C to + 7 0 ° C and — 100°C to + 3 0 ° C , respectively, in 1° divisions; transparent plastic thermometer guard; extra E-C Radiant Glass heating unit for replacement; 'Λ gross glass test plates; '/z oz. Red Label micro cover glasses. No. 1, 12 mm square; Powerstat voltage transformer; and 6-ft. cord and plug. For use on 11 5 volts, 60 cycles, a.c. only 179.25 6893-F. Cooling Device, for precooling the gas stream. Consisting of Dewar Flask, 4300 ml capacity, for use with dry ice and acetone, two-piece plastic cover, copper cooling coil with pressure coupling for attachment to Cold Stage, 8 inches of Silicone rubber tubing, V£-inch bore χ 'Λ-inch wall; and Thermometer, range —95°C to + 3 0 ° in 1° divisions 53.75 6893-N. "Fusion Methods in Chemical Microscopy", by Walter C. McCrone, f/nfersc/ence Publishers, Inc., 1957). Contains approximately 328 pages, 158 illustrations and 23 tables, and includes techniques for both the Thomas-McCrone Cold Stage and the Kofler Hot Stage. . .6.75

Complete assembly, showing Micro Cold Stage in position on microscope stage and connected with Transformer, Cooling Device for gas stream, and supply of gas



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VINE ST. AT 3 R D · PHILADELPHIA, PA. Far further information, circle numbers 54 A-1, 94A-2, 54 A-3 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A 54 A
