ARTHUR S.LaPINE and COMPANY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - ARTHUR S.LaPINE and COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (10), pp 95A–95A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60142a796. Publication Date: October 1958...
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REYERS-PROGRESS BALANCES with knob-controlled fraction loader ARE FAST AND EASY TO USE •' Accurate to 1/100,000 of capacity It is almost the rule now that a balance with a capacity of 200 grams must be sensitive to l/20th milligram—an accuracy in the order of 10- 7 . Yet in actual practice, and with the many unavoidable errors involved, we often cannot make determina­ tions even with an exactitude of .001. Therefore, because of the highly sensitive instruments available, many of us weigh to closer limits and place a needless extra load on skilled chemists and the most costly and sensitive of instruments. The Reyers-Progress answers this problem. It is both fast and easy to use. It cuts down wasted time and provides the accuracy needed for most determinations—and it is low in cost. The Reyers-Progress is an extremely well designed and re­ liable Balance incorporating a knob-controlled fraction loader. Fractions of a gram are added or removed by turning the knob at the center of the base. The indicator moving up and down the index clearly shows the value of the weight added. In addition to wide use in industrial and research laboratories,


·' Costs less than most analytical balances high schools and colleges are finding the accuracy, ease of use, durability and low cost of Reyers-Progress Balances valuable assets to improved student instruction. Some of the outstanding features of this Balance are: ^β Case design allows access to pans from the front or sides. 250-ιηιτι long index is graduated from 0 to 1000 mg in 5 mg subdivisions. C\ Beautiful mahogany case has chemical-resisting Formica ^"^ base. Ο Counterpoised U-shaped clear plastic door. Fractions of a gram are added or removed by simply turning knob.

Θ ©

Dimensions: Total Height— 1 6"; Length of Base— 1 33A"; Width of Base—7Ά"· When ordering, please use this Catalog Number: AC 12-47 Capacity, grams



Sensitivity, m g







Price, e a c h




LABORATORY SUPPLIES · E Q U I P M E N T · REAGENT A N D I N D U S T R I A L CHEMICALS For further information, circle number 95 A on Readers' Service Card, page 1D1 A VOL. 3 0 , N O . 1 0 , OCTOBER 1 9 5 8


95 A