Artic haze

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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17, No. 9, 1983

reference but the journal's reviewers also were remiss. Although the author appears to exhibit a certain weakness in referencing on the topic of detection limits, the ES&T feature article is still very valuable. Sam Fogel, PhD Cambridge Analytical Associates 222 Arsenal St. Watertown, Mass. 02172 Artic haze Dear Sir: We wish to bring to the at­ tention of your readership an omission in the article on Arctic haze that ap­ peared in the June issue, p. 232A. No mention was made of the participation of the Los Alamos National Labora­ tory's Isotope Geochemistry Group (INC-7), which provided both scien­ tific input and operational direction to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) High Altitude Sampling Pro­ gram (HASP) nights of a WB-57F aircraft during the experiment. The DOE H A S P scientific director, Dr. Robert Leifer, was listed in the table of principal scientists, but the significant contributions of the HASP program were not given in the text. On March 13, 1983, the H A S P WB-57F flew from Anchorage to a point northwest of Point Barrow, thence along the 73rd parallel, and fi­ nally returned to Anchorage. Aerosol, gas, and water vapor samples were taken. Analyses for sulfate, ammo­ nium, nitric acid, sodium, chlorine, bromine, vanadium, manganese, alu­ minum, lead-210, and polonium-210 have been completed. Analyses of trace gases, tritiated water vapor, tri­ tium gas, and carbon-14 dioxide are in progress. The WB-57F aircraft is operated by the Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administra­ tion, for the U.S. DOE. Allen S. Mason Eugene J. Mroz Paul R. Guthals Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, N.M. 87545 Correction This is an erratum to the paper "Mi­ crobial removal of hazardous organic compounds" by H. Kobayashi and B. Rittmann published in the May 1982 issue of ES& T, p. 170A. In Table 1, 1,2,3- and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene were listed as being converted to dichlorobenzene by soil microorganisms. The products should have been dichlorophenols. Hester Kobayashi Sohio Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44128