Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Solubilities of 21 Commonly

Nov 2, 2010 - Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Solubilities of 21 Commonly Used Industrial Solid Compounds in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 221–226


Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Solubilities of 21 Commonly Used Industrial Solid Compounds in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Farhad Gharagheizi,†,‡ Ali Eslamimanesh,§ Amir H. Mohammadi,*,§,| and Dominique Richon§ Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UniVersity of Tehran, P.O. Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran, MINES ParisTech, CEP/TEP - Centre E´nerge´tique et Proce´de´s, 35 Rue Saint Honore´, 77305 Fontainebleau, France, and Thermodynamics Research Unit, School of Chemical Engineering, UniVersity of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, King George V AVenue, Durban 4041, South Africa

In this communication, a feed-forward artificial neural network algorithm has been applied to calculate/ predict the solubilities of 21 of the commonly used industrial solid compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide. An optimized three-layer feed-forward neural network using critical properties of solute and operating temperature and pressure is presented. Application of the model for 795 data points of 21 compounds gives a squared correlation coefficient of 0.9533 and an average absolute deviation of about 14% from the experimental values. 1. Introduction Applications of supercritical fluids (SCFs) in the chemical industries have been of much interest in recent years. They have been widely used in extractions, purifications, separations, crystal growth, reactions, and fractionations.1,2 Carbon dioxide, being inexpensive, nonexplosive, readily available, and easily separated from the extracted products,1,3 is considered to be the most suitable fluid in supercritical processes, for example, for the extraction of fatty acid esters, vegetable oils, and antioxidants in the food engineering industry and for dissolving solid phenazopyridine, propranolol, and methyl salicylate in the pharmaceutical industry.4,5 To design optimized supercritical processes, solubility data of the considered compounds are needed. There are different thermodynamic approaches for representing these data.6 A preliminary study shows that the available models fall into three main categories: equations of state, empirical models, and cluster solvation models. In the first group, different equations of state (EoS) along with various mixing rules are used. Kurnik and Reid,7 Kosal and Holder,8 Goldman et al.,9 Cortesi et al.,10 and Goodarznia and Esmaielzadeh11 are among the researchers who have developed thermodynamic models based on cubic equations of state such as the Redlich-Kwong (RK),12 Soave-RedlichKwong (SRK),13 and Peng-Robinson (PR)14 EoS with conventional mixing rules. However, the mixing rules are sometimes accompanied by excess Gibbs energy (Gex) models, especially because the performance of traditional two-parameter equations of state may be doubtful in the supercritical fluid region. The Patel-Teja (PT) EoS15 was first used by Sheng et al.16 with modified Huron-Vidal17 mixing rules to represent/estimate the solubilities of aromatic compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide. Later, Huang et al.2 applied mixing rules with the UNIFAC activity coefficient model to calculate the solid * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: + (33) 1 64 69 49 65. Fax: + (33) 1 64 69 49 68. † University of Tehran. ‡ Current address: Saman Energy Giti Co., Tehran, Iran, Postal Code: 3331619636. § MINES ParisTech. | University of KwaZulu-Natal.

solubilities of aromatic, fatty acid, and heavy alcohol compounds in supercritical CO2. Their proposed model led to reliable results for both polar and nonpolar compounds. In 1997, Zhong and Masuoka18 developed a new UNIFAC Gex/EoS thermodynamic model using perturbed hard-sphere (PHS) theory.18 This technique was also applied by Esmaeilzadeh and co-workers1 to derive a new mixing rule based on the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) model1 for the SRK13 and PR14 equations of state. Their model was successful in predicting the solubilities of hydrocarbons, aliphatic carboxylic acids, aromatic acids, and aromatic alcohols in supercritical carbon dioxide. In addition, a novel lattice EoS developed by Kumar19 has been applied successfully for triglyceride solubility calculations.20 Another recent attempt was made by Martinez-Correa et al.21 to calculate the solubility of squalene in supercritical carbon dioxide using the group contribution equation of state (GCEoS). Tsivintzelis et al.22 also predicted the phase behavior of mixtures of pharmaceuticals with liquid or supercritical solvents applying the nonrandom hydrogen-bonding (NRHB) theory and obtained reliable predictions. Descriptions of other EoS-based models can be found elsewhere.23-28 Several groups have studied the possibility of using empirical equations for phase equilibria calculations of mixtures of supercritical carbon dioxide and solid substances. Chrastil29 related the solubility of a solute to the density of the supercritical solvent with the assumption that the molecule of a solute associates with a certain number of molecules of gas with the formation of a solvate complex that is in equilibrium with the gas.30 This semiempirical model, which contains three adjustable parameters to minimize the deviation of the calculated solubility values from experimental values, was used by Knez et al.30 to accurately calculate the solubilities of ametryn, prometryn, atrazine, and simazine in supercritical CO2. An alternative method was proposed by Mendez-Santiago and Teja,31 who applied a semiempirical equation including three parameters for each binary system.2 These methods have been extended by other authors to model the behavior of different solid compound + supercritical CO2 mixtures.32,33 The third class of models investigates the clusterlike behavior of a solute in the supercritical phase. Zhong et al.34 and Jiang et al.35 developed such models by correlating the solubilities of solid materials in supercritical fluid. Using temperature-

10.1021/ie101545g  2011 American Chemical Society Published on Web 11/02/2010


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2011 Table 1. Physical Properties of the Compounds Used in This Work

Figure 1. Schematic structure of a 3FFNN, such as that used in this study.

dependent parameters, they reported satisfactory results on binary systems, but no attempt was made to extend the model to multicomponent mixtures until 2003, when Cheng and coworkers6 presented a simplified cluster solvation method to do so. They also compared the obtained results with previous models from all three categories described before. Even though all of the proposed models are successful in calculations/predictions for many kinds of solid compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide, they have some shortcomings. For example, for several approaches, the large observed deviations of the results from experimental data cause users to doubt the reliability of the predictions. Therefore, in light of the evergrowing application of SCF industrial processes, there is a strong need to identify general and reliable techniques that can predict the solubilities of solid compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide. In this work, we have focused on the use of an artificial neural network (ANN) for this purpose. 2. Artificial Neural Network Algorithm Artificial neural networks are composed of simple elements working in a parallel computational strategy. These elements are inspired by biological nervous systems36-40 and are called neurons. So far, several types of ANN strategies have been proposed.36 One of the most widely used is called the three-layer feedforward neural network (3FFNN) with sigmoid (hyperbolic) transfer function. This type of ANN is used to generate a nonlinear correlation between input and output parameters. In other words, this strategy is somehow used as a regression tool. The schematic structure of a 3FFNN is shown in Figure 1. This type of ANN contains three layers. The first one is the input layer. The second is the hidden layer of the 3FFNN, which consists of n neurons. The parameter n is one of the main parameters of the 3FFNN method and should be obtained by postoptimization after the base structure of the 3FFNN has been generated. The mathematical formulation of this strategy can be written as output(i) ) W2 tanh[W1input(i) + b1] + b2


where i refers to the data point, the parameter W1 is the weight relating the first layer to the second layer, W2 is the weight relating the second layer to the third (or output) layer, b1 denotes the bias to the second layer, and b2 stands for the bias of the third (output) layer. W1, W2, b1, and b2 should be determined by a process called training. Generally, in many scientific and engineering problems, input and output parameters should be defined for solving the problem. To generate a 3FFNN model, there is a need to know some parameters of the proposed problem. The required parameters are the number of inputs (nip); the number of outputs (nop); and the number of objects (nobj), that is, the number of data points with known input parameter (ip) and corresponding output parameter (op). For instance, in a problem with six input parameters and one output parameter with 795 data points, the values of nip, nop, and nobj are 6, 1, and 795, respectively.


Tc (K)

Pc (MPa)


Vs (cm3/mol)


carbon dioxide triphenylene phenazopyridine propranolol methyl salycilate fluoranthene naphthalene cholesterol benzocaine benzoin aspirin acenaphthene perylene mandelic acid propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate lactic acid stearic acid 1-eicosanol phenol p-chlorophenol 2,4-dichlorophenol 2,4,6-trichlorophenol methimazole

304.2 1013.6 1148.4 958.5 700 905 748.35 959 699.4 853.52 762.9 803.15 863 903.79 815.92 627 779 792 692.2 724.75 718.38 745.96 731.7

7.383 2.928 2.756 2.2 4.07 2.61 4.051 1.25 4.22 2.66 3.28 31 8.68 34.73 31.3 59.6 13.4 12.2 60.5 53.61 53.04 51.52 60.75

0.224 0.492 0.735 1.061 0.631 0.587 0.302 0.95 0.36 0.599 0.817 0.38 0.915 0.645 0.722 1.029 1.084 0.937 0.45 0.456 0.608 0.522 0.442

175 160.3 214.3 130 161.55 112.43 367.54 141.87 162 128.68 126.19 201.85 117 131.6 75 302.4 355.2 89 101.4 117.9 132.6 162.1

61 6 64 64 GCMa GCM 1 GCM GCM 1 GCM GCM GCM 1 1 GCM 1 6 6 GCM GCM GCM 3

a GCM: Properties evaluated by group contribution method proposed in refs 59 and 60.

One can determine the dimensions of each part in eq 1 using n neurons. The input (i) is a row containing nip input parameters of the ith object, so it is of dimensions nip × 1, and W1 is of dimensions n × nip. Therefore, W1 × input(i) should be of dimensions n × nip. b1 is of dimensions n × nip. Thus, the results of the second layer output are of dimensions n × 1. It is easy to figure out the dimensions of W2 and B2: W2 should be of dimensions nop × n, and b2 should be of dimensions nop × 1. As a result, output(i) is of dimensions nop × 1. The unknown parameters for a desired number of neurons n in a 3FFNN model are W1, W2, b1, and b2. These parameters should be obtained using the training process, as mentioned earlier. This process applies an optimization method to minimize an objective function defined between the output and available experimental values. One of the most widely used objective functions employed in the 3FFNN training process is the mean square of errors (MSE). The parameters W1, W2, b1, and b2 are the most significant factors for selecting an optimization method. First and perhaps most importantly, the method should be accurate enough to deal with the specified problem. Another element to consider is that the applied method should be robust when there are several tens or hundreds of parameters in a simple 3FFNN. In this work the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) optimization algorithm36 is used because previous studies have shown that it is one of the most appropriate methods in terms of the mentioned characteristics.41-57 Some empirical correlations58 are available for determining the value of n (the number of neurons in the hidden layer) of a 3FFNN; however, it completely depends on the nature of the problem. Therefore, it should be postoptimized; that is, searching must be done to find the best value of n. Of particular interest is the fact that the data set should be divided into three data subsets. This process is needed to ensure the validity of the obtained 3FFNN, as well as to show its prediction capability. It is required that the main data set be divided into three subsets called the training set, the validation set, and the test set. In this work, these sets are defined as follows: The test set is used to generate the 3FFNN model. The validation set is applied to control the optimization process of training. The test set is used to test the prediction capability of

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2011 value

properties of the compounds are needed to begin the calculations. Table 1 lists these values along with references. A group contribution method59,60 was applied to evaluate the required properties when not experimentally available.

0.9540 13.2% 0.020 0.004 717

4. Results and Discussion

Table 2. Statistical Parameters of the Presented Model statistical parameter Training Set R2 c average absolute deviationa standard deviation error root-mean-square error Nb Validation Set 2

R average absolute deviation standard deviation error root-mean-square error N

0.9306 16.5% 0.019 0.006 39

Test Set R2 average absolute deviation standard deviation error root-mean-square error N

0.9721 19.7% 0.020 0.003 39

Training Set + Validation Set + Test Set R2 average absolute deviation standard deviation error root-mean-square error N


0.9533 14.2% 0.020 0.004 795

a AAD (%) ) (100/N)∑iN|[calculated(i)/predicted(i) - experimental(i)]|/[experimental(i)]. b Number of data points. c R2: squared correlation coefficient.

the obtained 3FFNN. The effect of the allocation percentage of each of the three subsets from the main data set was studied previously.58 3. Investigated Compounds Supercritical processes deal with many chemical compounds. Twenty-one typical compounds are investigated in this study to present a comprehensive reliable regression. The physical

In the first step, the input and output parameters of the model are defined. The input parameters include the critical temperature (Tc); the critical pressure (Pc); the acentric factor (ω); and the molar volume of each investigated solute (Vs) at the desired temperature and pressure, along with the temperature (T) and pressure (P). Therefore, nip is equal to 6. The possibility of mapping the data onto a smoother space should be paid much attention in the calculations. Generally, the solubilities of solid compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide range from 3 × 10-7 to 1.11 × 10-1.64-76 Therefore, the natural logarithm of solubility was regarded as the output of the 3FFNN algorithm to decrease computational errors. This was done to prevent the possibility of obtaining negative output values (trivial values) for the solubility. Furthermore, the natural logarithm is a useful function to map a data set that spans several orders of magnitude onto a smoother space. Considering this mathematical issue, the solubility space was transferred to a new space that ranges from -15 to -2.2. Thus, nop is equal to 1. In the next step, the main data set was divided into three subsets. The training set comprised 90% of the main data set, that is, 717 data points. The validation and test sets each contained 5% of the main data set. In other words, each one contained 39 data points. Consequently, nobj is 717. The process of division of the available data into the subsets was random. Finally, several 3FFNNs modules were generated assuming values of 1-50 for n (number of neurons in the hidden layer) using the previously described procedure. The most accurate results were observed at n ) 20. It should be noted that this value of n is not the global value, because the optimization method used to train the ANN has significant effects on the

Table 3. Solubility Values Calculated by the Presented Model along with Absolute Average Deviations from Experimental Data4,5,64-76 compound

temperature range (K)

pressure range (MPa)


triphenylene phenazopyridine propranolol methyl salycilate fluoranthene naphthalene cholestrol benzocain benzoin aspirin acenaphthene perylene mandelic acid propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate lactic acid stearic acid 1-eicosanol phenol p-chlorophenol 2,4-dichlorophenol 2,4,6-trichlorophenol total

308.15-328.15 308-348 308-348 343.15-423.15 308.15-328.15 308.15-33.35 313.1-333.1 308-348 308.15-328.15 308.15-328.15 308.15-348.15 313-523 308.15-328.15 308.15-328.15 313-328 318-338 308.2-328.2 309.2-363.15 309.2-333.2 309.2-318.2 309.2-333.2

8.5-25.1 12.2-35.5 12.2-35.5 9.0-31.0 8.6-24.9 8.2-29.1 10.0-25.0 8.4-35.5 11.13-24.43 12.0-25.0 12.16-35.46 10.0-45.0 10.1-23.06 9.41-22.09 5.82-19.71 14.54-46.75 3.62-41.23 8.0-35.0 8.0-19.84 7.01-19.84 7.85-19.61

27 45 83 44 28 51 17 52 19 24 45 30 21 21 29 17 24 77 36 30 75 795

calculated/predicted solubility range [3.48 [5.19 [1.34 [7.20 [9.20 [1.47 [2.54 [2.95 [3.33 [6.51 [1.32 [3.35 [2.44 [2.05 [2.03 [4.52 [1.47 [7.40 [9.97 [7.99 [3.33

× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

10-6 10-5 10-5 10-4 10-6 10-5 10-6 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-3 10-7 10-5 10-5 10-5 10-4 10-5 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4

3.35 1.19 2.40 8.16 6.75 7.15 1.41 1.28 4.62 3.41 1.52 7.11 2.74 4.43 1.52 1.42 2.07 8.87 4.14 1.11 8.59

× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

10-5] 10-4] 10-3] 10-2] 10-4] 10-2] 10-4] 10-2] 10-4] 10-4] 10-2] 10-4] 10-3] 10-4] 10-3] 10-2] 10-4] 10-2] 10-2] 10-1] 10-2]

AADb (%)


8 8 9.8 13.56 10.29 11.62 7.64 33.16 10.87 9.15 11.95 10.84 8.92 9.84 12.98 22.67 13.55 13.69 8.59 22.81 23.61 14.2

64 4 4 5 64 65 66 67, 68 69 70 71 72 69 69 73 74 76 61, 75 61 61 61

predicted solubility range methimazole a


Number of experimental data points. experimental data.




[4.478 × 10-6

1.956 × 10-4]


AAD (%) ) (100/N)∑iN|[calculated(i)/predicted(i) - experimental(i)]|/[experimental(i)].


4 References of


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2011

Figure 2. Experimental data4,5,64-76 versus the presented model-calculated/-predicted solubility results (mole fraction).

obtained value. As previously stated, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm36 was used to train the ANN module.41-57 More accurate optimization methods other than this algorithm are available; however, they require much longer convergence times. In other words, the more accurate the optimization method, the more time needed for the algorithm to converge to the global optimum. The LM is the most widely used algorithm for training because it is robust and accurate enough to deal with the considered systems.41-57 The statistical parameters of the model are listed in Table 2. Table 3 reports the values of the solubilities calculated by the presented ANN model. The comparison between the calculated and experimental values is depicted in Figure 2 for the three subsets used in this study. To further check the prediction capability of the presented model, the solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide of methimazole (which was not used in the development of the algorithm) was predicted. As can be seen in Table 3, the predicted results coincide well with the existing experimental values. The squared correlation coefficients (R2), average absolute deviations, standard deviation errors, and root-mean-square errors of the model over the training set, validation set, test set, and main data set were calculated as 0.9540, 0.9306, 0.9720, and 0.9533; 13.2%, 16.5%, 19.7%, and 14.2%; 0.020, 0.019, 0.020, and 0.020; and 0.004, 0.006, 0.003, and 0.004, respectively. The mat file (MATLAB software file) of the obtained 3FFNN model is available free of charge upon request from the authors. Furthermore, the procedure of application of the program is presented in the Appendix. 5. Conclusions In this work, a three-layer feed-forward neural network was successfully applied for calculation/prediction of the solubilities of 21 solid substances in supercritical carbon dioxide. The critical temperature; critical pressure; acentric factor; and molar volume of each solute at a specific temperature and pressure, along with that temperature and pressure, were treated as input parameters. The results demonstrate that the model is capable

of estimating the solubility of the investigated solid compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide with an average absolute deviation of about 14% from the experimental values. Acknowledgment A.E. thanks MINES ParisTech for providing a Ph.D. scholarship. Appendix The model is easy to apply. What is needed is to just drag and drop the mat file into a MATLAB environment (any versions) workspace. Let us get a response from the model step by step: First, assume that we want to see the model response for the solubility of triphenylene in supercritical carbon dioxide at a temperature of 308.15 K and a pressure of 103 bar. The critical temperature, critical pressure, acentric factor, and molar density of triphenylene are equal to 1013.6 K, 29.28 bar, 0.492, and 175 cm3/mol, respectively. After drag and drop the mat file, do as follows in the MATLAB workspace:

Therefore, one will observe the estimated solubility as follows: 9.3556e-006. The experimental value for this solubility is equal to 8.38 × 10-6. Therefore, the absolute relative deviation of the calculated value from the experimental one is 11.7%. Supporting Information Available: Solubilities calculated/ predicted by the presented ANN model along with absolute

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 50, No. 1, 2011

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ReceiVed for reView July 19, 2010 ReVised manuscript receiVed September 25, 2010 Accepted September 27, 2010 IE101545G