ASEE Recommendations Go Too Far

EDITORIAL - ASEE Recommendations Go Too Far. David E. Gushee. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1966, 58 (1), pp 5–5. DOI: 10.1021/ie50673a001. Publication Date: ...
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Editor, DAVID E. G U S H E E Editorial Headquarters 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington D. C. 20036 Phone 202-737-3337 f’eletype W A 23 Associate Editor: Joseph H. S. Haggin Assistant Editors: Elspeth Mainland, John A. King Manager Research Results Service: Stella Adderson

ASEE Recornmenda tions Go Too Far

Layout a n d Production Joseph Jacobs, Arf Direcfor, Bill Caldwell (Layout) Production-Easton, Pa. Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant: J a n e M. Andrews International Editorial Bureaus Frankfurt/Main, West Germany Grosse Bockenheimerstrasse 32 H. Clifford Neely London W C.2 England 27 Joh; Adam’St. Dermot A. O’Sullivan Tokyo, Japan Apt. 306, 47 Dai-machi Akasaka, Minato-ku Patrick P. McCurdy


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t is ironic that a t a time when chemical engineers have begun to establish a new identity for themselves (I&EC, December 1965, page 5), the American Society for Engineering Education (which includes all branches of engineering) is distributing a preliminary report that includes recommendations running directly counter to that identity. These recommendations are that there be a single Master of Engineering degree, without qualifying adjectives or phrases, and that this degree be considered the “first professional degree.” The); are the response of ASEE’s Committee on Goals of Engineering Education to two variables of increasing significance-the rapidly expanding body of knowledge bearing on the sound practice of engineering and the rapid penetration of engineers into interdisciplinary areas. Since the recommendations represent a drastic change, reaction among chemical engineers has been immediate and widespread. One of the most telling arguments that chemical engineers have put forth (Chern. Eng. Prog., Nov. 1965, page 39) against the changes is that they are not obvious conclusions from the data in the report; another is that the report does not come to grips with the effects on engineering and engineers of the recommended changes. Setting the “first professional degree” at the master’s level seems to admit that the baccalaureate curriculum cannot be strengthened as rapidly as the demands placed upon a holder of that degree rise. Yet a good case can be made that today’s B.S. graduate in chemical engineering gets a n education closely equivalent to that of a Ph.D. of 15 years ago except for the thesis work and for the effects of several further years of exposure to engineering thought. Further, today’s B.S. is probably a better mathematician than the Ph.D. of 1950. Another good case can be made that the technical demands on engineers dealing with large-volume continuous organic processes are in no major way less than those on engineers in development or design, and that the separation of chemical engineering into a “professional” group in R&D and a “subprofessional” group in manufacturing is not any more necessary than it is desirable. One wonders whether these considerations seem so obvious only to chemical engineers-are the other branches really so different? I n any event, the ASEE report is only preliminary; comments are sure to flow in. Hopefully the final report will deal directly with the response already made to the pressures discussed, so that lass drastic measures will suffice to deal with the problems that remain.

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