Ash Behaviour during Combustion and Gasification By David H. Scott

Ash Behaviour during Combustion and Gasification By David H. Scott. IEA Coal Research: London. 1999. ISBN 92-9029-334-9. Member countries: $136...
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Energy & Fuels 2001, 15, 502

Book Reviews Ash Behaviour during Combustion and Gasification. By David H. Scott. IEA Coal Research: London. 1999. ISBN 929029-334-9. Member countries: $136. Educational price: $68. Non-member countries: $410.

For readers lying awake at night contemplating the wonderful intricacies of ash research, or organizations wanting a summary of recent work, this is for you. Terry Wall, CRC for Black Coal Utilisation, University of Newcastle, Australia

The value of the literature reviews produced by the International Energy Agency is in their breadth of coverage, in that they cover the “grey” literature of conferences and reports not readily assessable. In coal combustion research, this comprises a significant component. These reviews tend not to be critical of the work, but are nicely edited and presented.


This publication updates a previous IEA review by Couch, and could therefore be titled - coal ash behaviour research from 1994 to 1999. As such it details work from the most active laboratories on their topics of most significance. These topics are (in my words): 9 New minerals and ash fusibility measurement techniques, and their application in pulverized fuel combustion. 9 Research on agglomeration and sintering, and applications to defluidisation in fluidized bed combustion 9 Slag viscosity measurements, and slag removal in entrained flow gasification

The coverage is not as complete as it could have been, as papers from the proceedings of the Engineering Foundation conferences published in 1996 and 1999 have not been referenced. Rather, papers from some of the same authors published in refereed journals are included. Several good contributions are not considered.


Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Vol. 27. Ljubisa R. Radovic, Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, 2001. 416 pp +XV. ISBN 0-8247-0246-8. $225 Research on carbons is burgeoning and the importance of this long-running annual series of reviews increases correspondingly. The reviews are authoritative. There are 4 in this volume: 1. CARBON MATERIALS IN ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS 2. 1H NMR SPECTROSCOPY OF ADSORBED MOLECULES AND FREE SURFACE ENERGY OF CARBON ADSORBENTS 3. ELECTROCHEMICAL STUDIES OF PHENOMENA AT ACTIVE CARBON-ELECTROLYTE SOLUTION INTERFACES 4. CARBON MATERIALS AS ADSORBENTS IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS. If you are concerned with any of these topics, your institutional library should have a copy. At a price of $225, only a few individuals will purchase their own copies, but this series should be in all comprehensive chemistry libraries. John W. Larsen, Lehigh University EF010011T 10.1021/ef010011t