Asphalt tanks explode

versity, spoke on “Education of Chemists." Tenth Annual Ohio State Educational. Conference. "Reaching the Individual" will he the keynote cf the Ten...
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VOL.7. No. 2


Southern California Section, A. C. S. From 1923 t o the present time, in the student contest sponsored by the Southern California Section of the A. C. S., the award is the annual possession of a silver loving cup, which will eventually he presented permanently to the school winning it oftenest in ten yean. A committee of three persons is appointed each year to conduct the contest, according to the rules of the section. They have full jurisdiction under these rules. The examination is written sud is limited t o first-year chemistry students, who may take any one of the possible forms. Sometimes one central place is chosen for all contestants and sometimes examinations are held a t several places simultaneously under the supervision of duly appointed persons. These examinations are on questions prepared anew each year by the committee. The trophy is awarded for the ensuing year t o the team making the highest score. Teams are made up in accordance with a schedule which considers the size of the school and only bona fide firstyear chemistry students are eligible. In addition, prircs are awarded to the three individuals who stand highest in the eontest. The presentation of the awards -kes place a t an annual meeting in June. The successful team and its teacher, as well as the winning students, are guests a t dinner. After the presentstion, responses are made by the various recipients.


Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. University of Pittsburgh. DR. GEORGED: BEAL.assistant director. Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, addressed the Lehigh Valley Section of the A. C. S. on November 14th. He spoke on the topic "Some Contributions Which Science Is Making t o Industry." D R . LAWRENCE W. BASS, executive assistant. Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, spoke before the Northern West Virginia Section of the A. C. S . on November 22nd on the subject "Economic Effects of Industrial Research." New York Chapter, American Institute of Chemists. At the meeting of the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Chemirts on December 13. 1929. DR. NEIL E. GORDON, The Johns Hopkins University, spoke on"Edueationof Chemists." Tenth Annual Ohio State Educational Conference. "Reaching the Individual" will he the keynote of the Tenth Annual Ohio State Educational Conference to be held in Columbus, April 3, 4, 5, 1930. DR. ROBERT M. HUXKINS, president of the University of Chicago, will speak a t the Thursday night general senion. MR. E. H. SOTHBRN,well-known actor and dramatic reader, will give a series of readings from Shakespeare on Friday night. More than one hundred speakers, including some thirty-five from out of the state, will participate in this educational conference in which a registration of over 5000 is expected. Last year 5100 were registered.

Asphalt Tanks Explode. Two asphalt tanks a t the Destrehan plant of the Mexican Petroleum Corporation near the mouth of the Mississippi River recently exploded. Property damage was estimated, unofficially, a t between $14,000 and $15,000. Steam and foam were used to check fire in the tanks following the blasts, the blaze being extinguished in half an hour. F. W. Grey, superintendent in charge of the Destrehan plant, said he has dealt with asphalt twenty years with no previous instance of explosion, apparently without exterior cause, having come within his experience. One tank was full, the other empty. The blasts were a few seconds apart, the first explosion being in the empty tanks, according to information gathered by company officials.-02, Paint and D u g Reporter