Assessing the Performance of Density Functional Theory for the

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J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 11714–11718

Assessing the Performance of Density Functional Theory for the Electronic Structure of Metal-Salens: The M06 Suite of Functionals and the d4-Metals Tait Takatani, John S. Sears, and C. David Sherrill* Center for Computational Molecular Science and Technology, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0400, United States ReceiVed: May 19, 2010; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: September 17, 2010

We have systematically investigated the electronic structure of the d4 metal-salen complexes including the Cr(II)-, Mn(III)-, Fe(IV)-, Mo(II)-, Tc(III)-, and Ru(IV)-salen complexes. Density functional theory (DFT) has been employed, using the BP86 and B3LYP functionals, and the entire M05 and M06 suites of meta-generalized gradient functionals. These results are compared to robust complete active-space self-consistent field (CASSCF) optimized geometries and complete active-space third-order perturbation theory (CASPT3) energies for the lowest singlet, triplet, and quintet states. Although the M06 and M06-L DFT functionals have been generally recommended for computations on complexes that contain main group and transition metals, none of the M0-functionals appear statistically better than the B3LYP functional for the computation of spin-state energy gaps. DFT- and CASSCF-optimized geometries normally agree to within 0.3 Å least root mean squared deviation (LRMSD) for the singlet and triplet structures and less than 0.1 Å LRMSD for the quintet structures. It can be concluded that no DFT functional tested here can be considered reliable over all metal-salen complexes and it is highly recommended that the accuracy of any given DFT functional should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 1. Introduction The salen [bis(salicylaldehydo)ethylenediamine] and salentype ligands have received much attention due to their high reactivity1-4 and their numerous applications to asymmetric catalysis.5-7 The type of reaction catalyzed by the salen complexes depends largely on the identity of the metal center, which normally include 3d- and 4d-metals.8-16 Furthermore, the metal-salen catalytic activity has been shown to vary with different immobilization schemes and molecular supports.12,13 These factors suggest that the various electronic structures of the metal-salen complexes may have significant influences on their specific reactivities. As such, there have been a myriad of density functional theory (DFT)17,18 studies on the metal-salen complexes.19-33 Transition-metal complexes such as the metal-salens, however, can feature strong dynamical and nondynamical (neardegeneracy) electron correlation effects, which renders them difficult to describe theoretically. While DFT methods have been successful for both organic and coordination chemistry,34-39 currently popular density functional approximations are less reliable for systems containing transition metals when several low-lying electronic states are present.40-45 One approach to properly characterize transition-metal systems is to utilize multireference methods.46-48 Unfortunately, prior multireference methods studies of the metal-salen complexes suggest that certain DFT functionals are inadequate to capture the correct electronic structure of the systems.49-51 Moreover, DFT methods have been shown to conflict with each other, even on a qualitative level, as seen with the application of the B3LYP52,53 and BP8654,55 functionals to the olefin epoxidation mechanism with the Mn-salen catalyst.19 * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: sherrill@

Previous DFT studies on the metal-salens have employed functionals that depend on the local spin density and its gradient (i.e., generalized gradient approximation, GGA, functionals) sometimes mixed with Hartree-Fock exchange (hybrid functionals). More recently developed functionals also include the kinetic-energy density and are referred to as the meta-GGA functionals. Some meta-GGA functionals have been parametrized against vast databases of highly accurate energies, which include databases of transition-metal systems.35,56,57 Zhao and Truhlar report that the M0 suite outperforms GGA, hybrid-GGA, and other meta-GGA functionals, such as the BMK functional,58 for thermochemistry, kinetics, noncovalent interactions, and electronic excitations.56 Moreover, the M06 and M06-L functionals performed the best for metal atom excitations, transitionmetal bonding, and organometallic and inorganometallic thermochemistry. The M06-L functional is even more attractive due to the exclusion of the Hartree-Fock exchange, decreasing its computational cost compared to the other functionals within the M0 suite. This M0 family of meta-GGA functionals will be tested here for a series of metal-salens. This work serves to extend our systematic study on the accuracy of DFT methods for the metal-salen complexes, where the d4 metal-salens are now under investigation. These metal centers include Cr(II), Mn(III), Fe(IV), Mo(II), Tc(III), and Ru(IV). We follow the same procedure to obtain the optimized geometries and relative energies with DFT and with high-level multireference ab initio methods as in our previous studies.50,51,59 As our work on the d6 metal-salens suggests, there is little difference in energetics when considering the small model salen opposed to the larger model salen.59 Therefore, here we only benchmark the optimized geometries and relative energies with the small model salen (Figure 1). To our knowledge, this is the first test of the M0 suite for the very theoretically challenging salen catalysts. As before, we do not intend to study the chemical

10.1021/jp1046084  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 10/13/2010

Electronic Structure of Metal-Salens

Figure 1. Model system for the metal-salen catalysts and the full salen ligand.

properties of the metal-salen systems per se, but to test the reliability of DFT methods for use in such studies. The d4 metal-salen series does, however, contain the important Mn(III)-salen catalyst that is extensively utilized for various oxidation60-63 and epoxidation reactions.64-71 2. Theoretical Methods Figure 1 shows the model system for the metal-salens utilized throughout this study, as well as the full salen ligand. No axial ligands, X and Y, were used in an attempt to examine the nature of the interaction between the metal center and only the salen ligand. The metal centers, M, studied were Cr(II), Mn(III), Fe(IV), Mo(II), Tc(III), and Ru(IV). All DFT computations were performed with the Q-Chem 3.2 suite of programs.72 The standard SG-1 grid was used with the Los Alamos basis sets and corresponding effective core potentials of Hay and Wadt (LANL2DZ) for all transition metal atoms73 and the 6-31G* basis sets for all other atoms74 (LANL2DZ*) to obtain optimized singlet, triplet, and quintet geometries and energies. The BP86 functional combined Becke’s 198854 exchange functional with Perdew’s 198655 correlation functional, and the B3LYP functional combined Becke’s three-parameter hybrid functional52 with the correlation functional of Lee, Yang, and Parr.53 This study also included the analysis of the M0 suite (M05, M052X, M06, M06-2X, M06-HF, and M06-L) of meta-GGA DFT functionals.35,56,57,75 An unrestricted reference was used in DFT computations of all triplet and quintet states. Subsequent frequency computations were performed to ensure the structures corresponded to potential energy minima. All complete active-space (CAS) type methods were performed with the MOLPRO 2006.1 package of ab initio programs.76 The converged BP86 geometries were used as starting points for the complete active-space self-consistent field (CASSCF)47 optimizations. Starting orbitals were generated using the configuration interaction singles and doubles (CISD) method with the STO-3G77-79 basis sets. Large CAS-configuration interaction (CAS-CI)48 computations were performed with the CISD natural orbital guesses. The active spaces were chosen from an examination of the most important orbitals in the CASCI vector. State-averaged CASSCF (SA-CASSCF) optimizations with the LAN2DZ* basis set used these CASSCF/STO-3G

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 43, 2010 11715

Figure 2. Representation of the active space orbitals for the d4 metal-salen catalysts.

orbitals as guesses. The SA-CASSCF method was utilized due to the existence of nearly degenerate singlet and triplet states. Most SA-CASSCF computations included two singlet and/or two triplets states to elucidate the absolute lowest states. CAS second-order and third-order perturbation theory (CASPT280,81 and CASPT382) computations were performed at the converged CASSCF geometries (rms gradient 10-3 au). Due to the limitation on the number of correlated orbitals that can be included in the CASPT3 program, the lowest 27 molecular orbitals were frozen throughout the CASPT3 computations, whereas the lowest 18 molecular orbitals were frozen throughout the internally contracted CASPT2 computations. Estimates of the full CASPT3 energies were obtained by correcting the internally contracted CASPT2 energies with the difference between CASPT3 and CASPT2 with the 27 lowest orbitals frozen. All computations employed a restricted-core approximation with a small-core, 1s2s2p3s and 1s2s2p3s3p3d4s for the 3d and 4d transition metals, respectively. Optimized CASSCF geometries were compared to optimized DFT geometries and the least root mean squared deviation (LRMSD) values were computed with the Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) program.83 Molecular orbital isosurfaces were generated using MOLEKEL with contour values of 0.05.84 3. Results and Discussion Figure 2 represents the active space orbitals used in the wavefunction-based computations. In computations of the quintet states, the four highest-energy orbitals are four of the metal d orbitals. All wave-function-based computations, except for the Ru(IV)-salen complex, used four active electrons in four d-orbitals. The highly positive Ru(IV)-salen complex included four d-orbitals as well as the in-phase and out-of-phase combinations of the two C-C-C (three-center-two-electron) π bonds (which we refer to as the Rπ orbitals) and therefore required an active space of eight electrons in six orbitals. For the other complexes, the Rπ orbitals remain doubly occupied. As with the d6 metal-salen series, the bonding nature of the metal center with the salen ligand mainly relies on the interactions between the dxy metal orbital with the p orbitals of the surrounding nitrogen and oxygen atoms. The antibonding dxy combinations, however, are not occupied for any of the d4 metal-salen series.


J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 43, 2010

Takatani et al.

TABLE 1: Wave-Function-Based Relative Energies (kcal mol-1) for the Low-Lying Electronic States of the d4 Metal-Salens Cr(II) Mn(III) Fe(IV) Mo(II) Tc(III) Ru(IV)







76.53 51.41 0.00 83.71 60.13 0.00 28.17 20.65 0.00 50.76 34.25 0.00 43.88 27.56 0.00 0.00 1.83 5.97

77.87 78.02 0.00 90.11 63.94 0.00 58.52 45.57 0.00 54.77 35.64 0.00 54.41 35.66 0.00 0.00 1.88 6.64

83.26 58.71 0.00 93.00 66.73 0.00 71.84 54.70 0.00 60.91 43.71 0.00 60.34 41.83 0.00 0.00 0.95 3.01

0.56 0.62 1.00 0.82 0.62 1.00 0.97 0.96 1.00 0.54 0.89 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.47 0.55 0.89

1A 1 3A 1 5A 1 1A 1 3A 1 5A 1 1A 1 3A 1 5A 1 1A 1 3A 1 5A 1 1A 1 3A 1 5A 1 1A 1 3A 1 5A

a Relative energies computed at the CASSCF-optimized geometries. b Coefficient for the leading determinant in the natural orbital basis from SA-CASSCF computations.

TABLE 2: Leading Determinants in the Natural Orbital Basis from SA-CASSCF Calculations on the Low-Lying Electronic States of the Cr(II)-Salen Complex Cr(II)




1 1A

(dx2-y2)2 (dz2)2 (dx2-y2)2 (dxz)2 (dz2)2 (dyz)2 (dxz)2 (dyz)2 (dx2-y2) β (dz2) R (dxz) β (dyz) R (dx2-y2) R (dz2) β (dxz) R (dyz) β (dx2-y2) β (dz2) β (dxz) R (dyz) R (dx2-y2) R (dz2) R (dxz) β (dyz) β (dx2-y2) R (dz2) β (dxz) R (dyz) R (dx2-y2) R (dz2) R (dxz) β (dyz) R (dz2)2 (dxz) R (dyz) R (dx2-y2) R (dz2) R (dxz) R (dyz) β (dx2-y2)2 (dxz) R (dyz) R (dx2-y2) β (dz2) R (dxz) R (dyz) R (dx2-y2) R (dz2) R (dxz) R (dyz) R

0.56 -0.54 -0.38 0.25 -0.19 -0.19 0.18 0.18 0.62 -0.47 0.36 -0.35 -0.31 0.20 1.00



Table 1 provides the wave-function-based relative energies for the lowest singlet, triplet, and quintet states of the d4 metal-salen series and the corresponding coefficients of the leading determinant for each state. The high-spin quintet state is the ground state for all metal-salen complexes tested here, except for the Ru(IV)-salen complex. This signifies that the energy spacings between the d-orbitals are small compared to the Coulomb repulsion of the d-electrons. Furthermore, these quintet states are dominated by a single determinant reference, thereby suggesting that ground state properties for these systems can be properly characterized by single reference methods. On the other hand, multiple determinants contribute to the singlet and triplet state wave functions, as illustrated for the Cr(II)-salen complex in Table 2. In most cases, the singlet states are somewhat higher-lying (with CASPT3 relative energies of 44-84 kcal mol-1) and may not be very relevant to the electronic structure of these systems. However, the lowest singlet state of the Fe(IV)-salen complex lies lower at 28 kcal mol-1 above the quintet ground state, and the singlet state is the ground state for the Ru(IV)-salen complex. The triplet states are lowerlying with CASPT3 relative energies of 21-60 kcal mol-1 above the quintet states, except for the Ru(IV)-salen, where the triplet

state is only 2 kcal mol-1 above the ground state. The highly positive metal center of the Ru(IV)-salen complex decreases the d-orbital energies compared to the Rπ orbitals, creating the situation where the singlet and triplet states are nearly isoenergetic and the quintet state remains slightly higher in energy. The coefficient of the leading determinant for the Ru(IV)-salen quintet state is only 0.894 and it is, therefore, questionable whether single reference methods will be able to accurately characterize the ground state of this system. Table 3 provides the DFT relative energies for the lowest singlet, triplet, and quintet states of the d4 metal-salen series, while Figure 3 summarizes the DFT performance for the singlet-triplet (S-T), triplet-quintet (T-Q), and singlet-quintet (S-Q) energy gaps compared to the CASPT3 results. Most of the spin state energy gaps are tens of kilocalories/mole for these model complexes, suggesting that one should expect significant errors in DFT approximations of these gaps. Nevertheless, the large mean absolute deviations (MADs) in Figure 3 (generally in the range of 10-20 kcal mol-1) are surprisingly large and comparable, in some cases, to the size of the energy gaps themselves. In particular, the BP86 and the M06-HF functionals perform rather poorly with MADs greater than 30 kcal mol-1 for the S-Q energy gaps; the average CASPT3 S-Q energy gap is only around 48 kcal mol-1. Furthermore, the T-Q energy gap MAD for the BP86 functional is over 25 kcal mol-1 and the S-T energy gap MAD for the M06-HF functional is around 30 kcal mol-1. The BP86 functional only predicts the correct ground state for two out of the six systems presented here (the Cr(II)- and Mn(III)-salen complexes). Clearly, these two functionals cannot be considered reliable to properly characterize the low-lying spin states of the d4 metal-salen systems. Considering the other functionals, none consistently outperform all the rest. Therefore, the hybrid B3LYP functional appears to perform just as well as the meta-GGA functionals for these systems, even though the M06 and M06-L functionals are the suggested methods for organometallic and transition-metal chemistry in other contexts. It should be noted that no functional tested here obtained the correct ground state for the Ru(IV)-salen complex, and only the M06-2X functional obtained the correct ground state for the Fe(IV)-salen complex. The more positively charged metal centers seem to present greater difficulties for these DFT methods. The performance of the DFT geometry optimizations compared to CASSCF-optimized geometries is presented in Figure 4 as the average LRMSD for the singlet, triplet, and quintet geometries in Å. Although the average LRMSDs for the singlet and triplet state geometries are only around 0.2-0.3 Å, the average LRMSD for the quintet state geometries are within 0.1 Å. This better general performance for the quintet state geometries is most likely due to the single reference nature of the wave function for the quintet states (except for the Ru(IV)salen complex). The highly charged Fe(IV)- and Ru(IV)-salen complexes, however, present the exceptions to this generalization. The quintet state of the Fe(IV)-salen complex relies on a single determinant, but DFT optimizations incur 0.2-0.3 Å LRMSD. In contrast, the quintet state of the Ru(IV)-salen complex has a coefficient of only 0.894 for the leading determinant, yet DFT optimizations perform extremely well, incurring less than 0.1 Å LRMSD. Overall, the M05-2X functional slightly outperforms the other functionals for geometry predictions, with singlet and triplet average LRMSDs well under 0.2 Å.

Electronic Structure of Metal-Salens

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 43, 2010 11717

TABLE 3: DFT Relative Energies (kcal mol-1) for the Low-Lying Electronic States of the d4 Metal-Salensa Cr(II) Mn(III) Fe(IV) Mo(II) Tc(III) Ru(IV)












59.65 36.28 0.00 61.57 25.69 0.00 27.55 0.00 2.83 15.86 7.29 0.00 19.50 6.66 0.00 16.17 0.00 4.69

46.11 17.43 0.00 30.60 13.28 0.00 10.90 0.00 4.38 3.39 0.00 2.01 6.65 0.00 1.98 8.63 0.00 11.23

64.07 40.14 0.00 70.91 31.44 0.00 48.53 0.00 11.81 14.11 4.85 0.00 17.80 6.77 0.00 14.37 0.00 1.71

70.38 42.52 0.00 73.80 33.37 0.00 65.90 0.00 0.94 28.22 15.41 0.00 33.11 13.38 0.00 35.14 0.00 1.01

61.89 35.32 0.00 70.05 33.37 0.00 41.31 0.00 6.28 11.27 5.82 0.00 13.53 6.97 0.00 5.06 0.77 0.00

89.79 65.42 0.00 95.84 44.79 0.00 93.71 22.91 0.00 31.77 17.80 0.00 32.51 16.53 0.00 27.03 5.48 0.00

92.21 44.38 0.00 49.84 5.96 0.00 122.82 0.00 1.03 42.10 24.64 0.00 37.46 21.73 0.00 42.32 19.24 0.00

52.10 21.17 0.00 79.20 19.52 0.00 27.43 0.00 4.79 14.57 5.56 0.00 17.69 4.65 0.00 13.05 0.00 6.32

1A 13A 15A 11A 13A 15A 11A 13A 15A 11A 13A 15A 11A 13A 15A 11A 13A 15A

Relative energies computed at respective DFT-optimized geometries.

Figure 3. Mean absolute deviations (kcal/mol) for various DFT functionals compared against CASPT3 singlet-triplet (S-T), tripletquintet (T-Q), and singlet-quintet (S-Q) energy gaps.

Figure 4. Average LRMSD (Å) in the 11A, 13A, and 15A state molecular geometries for various DFT functionals compared to CASSCF-optimized geometries.

4. Conclusions DFT methods exhibit alarmingly large MADs when comparing DFT and CASPT3 spin-state energy gaps; in general, CASPT3 energy gaps are on the order of tens of kilocalories/ mole, while the error in the DFT energy gaps are also on the order of tens of kilocalories/mole. Surprisingly, none of the M0 suite of meta-GGA functionals appear statistically better than the popular B3LYP functional for the computation of energy gaps for the systems studied. Furthermore, no functional tested

here obtains the correct ground state for either the Fe(IV)- or Ru(IV)-salen complexes (except the M06-2X functional for the Fe(IV)-salen complex). It should also be stressed that the BP86 functional performs extremely poorly and is definitely not recommended for use on these systems. Fortunately, as concluded in our previous work on the d0, d2, and d6 metal-salen complexes,50,51,59 DFT optimizations are reasonably reliable compared to CASSCF geometries. In this case, the DFT- and CASSCF-optimized structures match to within 0.3 Å LRMSD for the singlet and triplet states and 0.1 Å LRMSD for the quintet states. Combined with our previous systematic study results, it can be concluded that no DFT functional (that we have tested) can be considered reliable over all metal-salen complexes. This is extremely unfortunate due to the system sizes one might encounter while attempting to model the metal-salen mechanisms, e.g., the tethered Co(bisalen) catalyst.85 It is highly recommended that the accuracy of any given DFT functional should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. For the Mn(III)-salen complex, for example, CASPT3 results suggest a very low-lying quintet ground state followed by a much higher-lying triplet state around 60 kcal mol-1 higher in energy. Of the DFT functionals tested here, the M06-2X functional provides the smallest error in the T-Q energy gap, with a quintet ground state followed by a triplet state around 45 kcal mol-1 higher in energy. The other functionals provide T-Q energy gaps of around 6-33 kcal mol-1. Moreover, the M06-2X LRMSDs for the quintet and triplet geometries are 0.02 and 0.05 Å, respectively. Therefore, if attempting to model the Mn(III)-salen complex (with no counterions), then the M06-2X functional should provide reliable results. However, since many metal-salen catalysts incorporate counterions (e.g., Cl-, OH-, etc.), further research is necessary to explore how the multireference character may be affected by the inclusion of counterions and, of course, to test how these changes affect the performance of DFT functionals for these systems. Acknowledgment. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences (Catalysis Science Grant/Contract No. DE-FG02-03ER15459). Supporting Information Available: This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 114, No. 43, 2010

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