Assistant Technical Director (Chief Chemist) to be appointed in

Journal or Chemical Education. September, 1929 ... the qualifications of can- didates will be passed upon by a special board of examiners composed ofH...
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duce for itself, both in the very best quality and goodly quantity. article is the American chemist.


Bibliography "Chemistry in Industry," Vols I and 11, H. E. Howe, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. "The Warfare of Science," A. D. White. "The Riddle of the Rhine," Victor Lefebure, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1921. "Callinicus," J. B. S. Haldane, E. P. Dutton& Co., 1925. "Chemical Warfare," A. A. Fries and C. J. Wcst, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. "Medical Aspects of Chemical.Warfare," E. B. Vedder, Williams & Wilkins. "Chemistry in the World's Work." H. E. Howe, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1926.

ASSISTANT TECHNICAL DIRECTOR CHIEF CHEMIST TO BE APPOINTED IN CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE, EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, MD. Civil-Service Commission Announces Method of Selection The United States Civil-Service Commission 'states that the position of assistant technical director (chief chemist), Chemical Warfare Service, Edgewood Arsenal, Md., is vacant, and that in view of the importance of this position in the field of chemical research, the method of competition will be as follows: Instead of the usual form of civil-service examination, the qualifications of candidates will he passed upon by a special hoard of examiners composed of H. E. Howe, Editor. Industrial end Engineering Chemistr?,; H. L. Gilchrist, Chief of Chemical Warfare Service; and A. S. Ernest, Examiner of the U. S. Civil-Service Commission, who will act as chairman of the committee. Per the purposes of this examination all of these men will he examiners of the Civil-Service Commission. As assistant technical director, this employ& has direct supervision of all research and development work and is responsible to the technical director. This involves planning, coiirdinating and checking the technical and scientific work of the several technical divisions, and advising the technical director and division chiefs as to the best methods of attacking and solving the scientific and technical problems with which they are confronted. I t also involves a careful review of all current work as reported in the monthly, annual, and final reports of the technical divisions with a view t o determining the actual accomplishments and scientific value of the work. I t further involves a survey and analysis of the past work of the technical divisions with a view to evaluating this work and determining whether all profitable lines of research have been consistently followed up; whether any work is now being done which is a duplication of work previously accomplished; and whether the results to date indicate a necessity for investigations which are now in progress. I n addition, the assistant technical director will have such administrative and executive duties as may be assigned to him by the technical director. As chief chemist of the Chemical Warfare Service, this employee advises the Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service on such technical and scientific matters as may he referred to him. The salary range for this position is from $8000 to 59000 a year. Formal applications will he received by the Civil-Service Commission until August 28th. Full information may be obtained by communicating with the United States CivilService Commission, Washington, D. C.