Association of electroactive counterions with polyelectrolytes. 4

Page 1. 7484. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol.96, No. 18, 1992. Additions and Corrections. 1991, Volume 95 ... the following parameters: 0 = 1...
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7484 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 96, No. 18, 1992

Additions and Corrections

1991, Volume 95

Jon D.Trudeau, Joe L.Schwartz, and Thomas C. Famar*: Ab Initio Calculations and Experimental Measurement of the Deuterium Quadrupole Coupling Constant in Na2PD03. Page 9788. Due to an error in a unit conversion, values of the activation energies are incorrect. All values of the activation energy of reorientation (E, or V) which are reported in units of kJ must be multiplied by 17.506 to be correct. The temperature in Table I under run 2 should read 253.6, not 523.6. Figure 3 in the text is incorrect and should be replaced by the one given below:










,/ j








Figure 3. A plot of In (TJ vs inverse temperature (in kelvin) for the high-frequency line of run 2. The solid line is calculated using eq 5 and the following parameters: T~ = 1.6275 X s, V = 21.53 kJ/mol, and T. = 66.4 K. The dashed line is calculated using eq 5 and the following parameters: io = 1.6486 X lO-"s, E, = 38.98 kJ/mol, and T. = 0.00


1992, Volume 96 RongzaonS J i i and Fred C. Amon*: Association of Electroactive Counterions and Polyelectrolytes. 4. Coordinative Binding of Ru(edta) to Poly(4-vinylpyridine). Page 452. The molecular weight of the polymer given in the Experimental Section is 126000 Da. The correct value is 12 600 Da.