ASSOCIATIONS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Ernest H. Volwiler, president of Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, Ill., has been elected Regional Director of the Fifth District (Illinois, Indiana, Mich...
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Volwiler Fills Daniels' Term As District Five Director Ernest H. Volwiler, president of Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, 111., has been elected Regional Director of the Fifth District (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin) to fill the unexpired term (until Dec. 31, 1952) of Farrington Daniels, University of Wisconsin. Dr. Daniels, by his election to the office of E . H . Volwiler President-Elect of the Society, serves as a director, ex officio.

Dr. Volwiler has served the Society in many capacities, including the office of ACS President in 1950. H e has also been chairman of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry, chairman of the ACS Chicago Section, councilor, councilor-at-large, member of the ACS Board of Directors for the past eight years, and editor of the Chemical Bulletin, published by the Chicago Section. H i s most recent Society post has been as member of the ACS Advisory Committee to the Chemical Corps. The new regional director joined the Abbott firm soon after receiving his Ph.D. degree in 1918 from the University of Illinois where he studied under Roger Adams.

Woodburn Is N e w C h a i r m a n of W e s t e r n N e w York Section

the ACS and to have attained at least B grade averages in all the chemistry courses taken. Of those qualifying, the top six are chosen. These students are also expected to subscribe to o n e of the Society's journals at the time of receiving the award.

Taking office at the end of the section meeting on May 20 was Henry M. Woodburn, n e w chairman of the ACS Western N e w York Section. Dr. Woodburn, who succeeds George Bramann, is head of the department of chemistry at the University of Buffalo. Serving with him for the coming year are H. M. Woodburn James S. Sconce, Hooker Electrochemical Co., as vice chairman for Niagara Falls and Gerhard A. Cook, Linde Air Products, as vice chairman for Buffalo. Thomas E. Londergan, D u Pont, is secretary and Charles Clark, Mathieson Chemical, is treasurer. Five councilors were elected: George Bramann, Mathieson Chemical; H. O. Kauffman, Buffalo Electrochemical Co.; Robert Fowler, Union Carbide; Bruce Miller, Linde Air Products; Herbert Melan, Durez Plastics & Chemicals Co.; and F. G. Ross, Pierce & Stevens Co.

Retiring Professors Honored By Connecticut Valley Section At its recent May meeting, the ACS Connecticut Valley Section held a testimonial dinner in honor of Mary McKee and Margaret Kelly of Connecticut College for Women and Jessie Cann of Smith College. The three professors of chemistry are retiring this year after long and distinguished careers in the service of Academic chemistry. Garvan Medalist Emma P. Carr, Holyoke College, acted as mistress of ceremonies at the dinner. Principal speaker at the meeting preceding the dinner was Frank T. Gucker, dean of the college of arts and sciences and former chemistry department head at Indiana University.

Qualifications for the awards are to meet the eligibility requirements prescribed for membership, junior grade, in V O L U M E


The Chemistry Club at North Dakota Agricultural College has presented scholarship awards to top-ranking senior and graduate students William Jacoby, Richard Mundinger, Robert Ripley, Rudolph Schroedcr, Edward Walsh, and Russell Wischow. The awards consist of the payment of annual dues to the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.

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Roller Becomes C h a i r m a n of Kanawha Valley Section P. E. Roller, Morris Harvey College department of chemistry, has been elected chainnan of the ACS Kanawha Valley Section for the 1 9 5 2 - 5 3 year. Dr. Roller succeeds G. S. Haines of Westvaco Chemical Division, Food Machinery and Chemical Corp. Serving with Dr. Roller as P. E. Roller vice chairman is W. P. Metzner, Monsanto. Newly elected secretary is N. R. Eldred, Carbide and Carbon, and new treasurer is Benjamin Preiser, B. Preiser Co.

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