Associations and Meetings - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - The subject scheduled for Saturday morning is the chemistry and pharmacology of cardiac drugs. All inquiries concerning this symposium ...
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Kngineers, and tin* Klert luelieiiural So­ ciety. Linus O. l'auling will address the group on "The Future of the Profession of Chemistry."

reaéoctazc&MA t

and 70Ce0tùt46 Medicinal Symposium


The tentative program lor the second National Medicinal Chemistry symposium sponsored b y the Division of M e dicinal Chemistry of the A C S , to be hold at N o t r e D a m e University, Xotre D a m e , Ind.. Juno 15 to 17, 1950. has been announced. T h e first day of the meeting has been scheduled to include discussions on the drugs reducing skeletal muscle tone, the analogs of chloromyeetin and t lie chemistry of aureoniycin. Cortisone and adrenocortotropic hormone, radio and heavy isotopes in biology and medicine, and the mechanisms of drug action are the subjects to be discussed on the following day. The subject scheduled for Saturday morning is the -chemistry and pharmacology of cardiac drugs. All inquiries concerning this symposium should be addressed to Kenneth N . Campbell. Department of Chemistry, Notre Dame University. Notre D a m e , Ind.

Research and Board Members

Development Announced

Army, N a v y , and Air Force representatives to serve on the Research and Development Board. Department of D e fense, have been announced recently. Army representatives are A. S. Alexander, the assistant secretary of the Army, and Gen. Mark D . Clark, Chief. Army Field Forces. N a v y members are D. A. Kimball, undersecretary, and Rear Adm. R. P. Briscoe, director. Fleet Operational Readiness Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. R e p resenting the Air Force are A. S. Barrows, undersecretary, and L t . Gen B . W. Chidlaw, commanding general, Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. Robert F. Rinehart, acting chairman, will direct the activities of the sevenman board.

Science Teaching


The cooperative committee for the teaching of science and mathematics of the American Association for the Advancement of Science is sponsoring three symposia at the annual meeting of the association in N e w York City. On D e c . 27, in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel N e w Yorker a forum will b e held on trends in modern science. Lawrence Quill will deliver a paper entitled "The Correlation between the Properties 3508

Bronk to Deliver Little Memorial Lecture

of the Rare Earths and the Transuranium Elements"; Lincoln V. D o m m , "Trends in Hormone Research"; and E. C Stakman. "'Prends in Research in Agriculture." Λ second symposium, science in gen­ eral education, will be held in the after­ noon of the same day at 1,:30 P.M. At this symposium Earl McGrath will speak on "The Program of Science Teaching in General Education" ; Paul B. Sears, on "Science and Concord"; Morris Meister, on "Scientific Literacy—What Is I t ? " ; and K. Lark-Horovitz, "Summary." The third symposium on the improve­ ment of science instruction on the col­ lege level, will follow immediately after the second. Speakers at this program will include J. B. Conant, W. F. Loehwing, Fernandus Payne, and Alan Gregg.

Pauling to Deliver East Tennessee Lecture Linus C. Pauling, president of the ACS, will deliver the East Tennessee Lecture sponsored annually b y the East Tennessee Section of the ACS. The first lecture, "The Valence of Metals and the Structure of Intermetallic Compounds." will be given on Nov. 30 in Oak Ridge, Term. T h e sub­ ject of the second, to b e delivered in Knoxville, Tenn., on D e c . 1, will be "The Structure of Antibodies and the Nature of Serological Reactions."

On N o v . 22 Detlev W. Bronk, presi­ dent of Johns Hopkins University, will deliver the Arthur D e h o n Little Memo­ rial Lecture entitled "The Unity of the Science and the Humanities" .MI MIT.



The $25,000 grand prize of the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc., will be awarded on o r about March 15, 1950. Following the awards of 1946, 1947, 1948, and 1949, established by the foundation to stimulate scientific studies of sugar as a food and a s industrial raw material, which m a y lead to its greater usefulness, the grand prize will b e given for the dis­ covery which, in t h e opinion of the award committee, is most significant of the preceding five years. The recipient of the prize will be selected by a special committee of the National Academy of Sciences through the national science fund of that body. Nominations may be submitted b y any­ one and should be sent before Feb. 1, 1950, to the Executive Secretary, N a ­ tional Science Fund, National Academy of Sciences. 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington 25, D . C.

ACS on the Air Sunday STATION





T h e first annual dinner meeting of the chemical profession in Cleveland will be held at the Hotel Carter on N o v . 29 under the sponsorship of the local sec­ tions






CIETY, the American Institute of Chem­ ists, the American Institute of Chemical




LJIS Vegas, Nev. (Boulder Dam) WEMB, San .limii (Puerto Rico) KXLW a ii d KXLW-FM, St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis) KATL. Houston (Southeast­ ern Texas) KTLA-TV, Los A n g e l e s (Southern California) 0 Κ AKC and KAKC-FM, Tulsa (Tulsa)




on World Food

3 : 3 0 P.M. 11:30 A.M. 1 1 : 1 5 A.M. 8:00 P.M. 7 : 3 0 P.M. 1 : 1 5 P.M.


Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (N. M.J and Phillip H. Groggins9 Depart­ ment of Agricul­ tures at the Sym­ posium on the World Outlook for Food, spon­ sored by the Chemical Engi­ neer's Club of Washington on Nov. 9. ISorris E. Dodd9 Vincent Sauchelli9 and Frank Lawler were the speakers








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time-proven for dependable service. Whether your requirements are simple or complex, one piece or one thousand, you are assured of quality workmanship and maximum serviceability. Economy naturally is the e n d result. Your inquiries either to your PYREX lab­ oratory glassware dealer or direct to Corning will receive immediate attention. Delivery will b e prompt.

C O R N I N G GLASS W O R K S · C O R N I N G , Ν. Υ.





2 7, N O . 4 7 . N O V E M B E R




ASSOCIAT VVKPT a n d WKPT-FM, Kingsport (Northeast Tennessee) Monday WFLN, Philadelphia (Philadelphia) VVLAN, Lancaster (Southeastern Pennsylvania) WBEC, Pittsfield (Connecticut Valley) VVHAZ, Troy (Eastern New York) K.WIE, Kennewick, Wash. (Richland) WKGN, Knoxville (East Tennessee) WATO, Oak Ridge (East Tennessee) WGFG, Kalamazoo, Mich. (Kalamazoo) KSTP-TV, M i n n e a p o l i s ( Minnesota) KAGY, Brookings, S. D . (Sioux Valley) WTBO. Cumberland (Western Maryland) Tuesday WLCS, Baton Rouge (Baton Rouge) WEEK, Peoria (Peoria) KWSL, Lake Charles (Southwest Louisiana) WJOI, Florence (Wilson Dam) WWST a n d WWST-FM, Wooster, Ohio (Wooster) WSUI, Iowa City (Iowa) WROW, Albany (Eastern New York) KTBS, Shreveport (Ark-LaTex) Wednesday WSGN a n d WSGN-FM, Birmingham (Alabama) WEWS ( F M ) , Cleveland ( Cleveland) WMDN, Midland (Midland) WHSY, Hattiesburg ( M o bile-Pensacola) KOAC, Corvallis (Oregon) KPAC, Port Arthur (TexasLouisiana Gulf) W H D F , Houghton and Calumet, Mich. (Upper PeninWXYC,

6 : 1 5 P.M.

6 : 5 0 P.M. 1 0 : 1 5 P.M. 1 0 : 1 5 P.M. 7 : 3 0 P.M. 6 : 1 5 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M . 9 : 3 0 P.M. 6:30 P.M . 8 : 3 0 P.M. 6 : 4 5 P.M.

8 : 4 5 P.M. 7:15 P.M. 9 : 0 0 P.M. 7 : 1 5 P.M.

1 0 : 4 5 P.M.

1 0 : 1 5 P.M. 5:45 P.M . 7 : 1 5 P.M. 5 : 3 0 P.M. 6 : 3 0 P.M. 6:20 P.M . 4:30P.M.

New York ( N e w York)

1 1 : 0 0 A.M.

7 : 0 0 P.M. 8 : 3 0 P.M. 7 : 1 5 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 1 : 1 5 P.M.



4 : 1 5 P.M.




WBOW, Terra Haute (Wabash Valley) WSTC and WSTC-FM, Stamford (Western Connecticut) Friday (Northeastern) Pittsburgh, Pa. (Pittsburgh)

5:20 P.M. 8:00 P . M .

W E E I , Boston WCAE.





I17th National Meeting (divided ) . Hous­ ton, Tex., March 26-30, 1950; Phila­ delphia, Pa., April 9-13, 1950; Detroit. Mich., April 16-20, 1950. USth National Meeting. Chicago, I l l Sept. 3 - 8 , 1950. DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL A N D ENGINEEK-

IXG CHEMISTRY. Columbus, Ohio. Dec. 29-30. Christmas Symposium on Ab­ sorption and Extraction. SOUTHWEST




sored b y Oklahoma Sections, ACS. Oklahoma City, Okla., D e c . 9. South­ west Regional Award presentation. Other



societies. Hotel Statler, N e w York. X . Y . Dec. 26-31. AMERICAN


GINEERS, William Penn Hotel, Pitts­ burgh, P a . Dec. 4-7. Annual meeting EXPOSITION



Grand Central Palace, N . Y . N o v . 28-Dec. 3 .


N e w York

Local Sections of the ACS

1 0 : 1 5 P.M.

(Oklahoma) WJAG, Norfolk, Neb. (Sioux



Calendar o f E v e n t s

5 : 1 5 P.M. 2 : 4 5 P.M.


Thursday WLSU-FM, Baton Ronjre (Baton Rouge) WMAJ, State College (Central Pennsylvania) WILM, Wilmington (Delaware) W R U F , Gainesville (Florida) KSAC, Manhattan (Kansas State College) KUOM, Minneapolis (Minne-

KWSC, Pullman (Washing2 : 1 5 P.M. ton-Idaho Border) WKJG, Fort Wayne (Northeastern Indiana) 7 : 1 5 P.M. Saturday W S P R , Springûeld, Mass. (Connecticut Valley) 7:45 P.M W E D C , Chicago (Chicago) 4:00 P.M W A B Y , Albany (Eastern New York) 11:45A.M W I K K , Erie, Pa. (Erie) 6 : 3 0 P.M. W K I P and W H V A ( F M ) , Poughkeepsie (Mid-Hudson) 10:30 A.M W A B B . Mobile, Ala. (MobilePensacola) 5:15 P.M WCOA. Pensacola, Fla. (Mobile-Pensacola) 1:00 P.M KWON. Bartlesville (Northeast Oklahoma) 4:45 P.M K W R X , Reno (Sacramento) 5:15 P.M KTRI. Sioux City (Sioux Valley» 4:30 P.M K U S D . Vermillion (Sioux Valley) 4:45 P.M W L A D a n d WLAD-FM, Danbury (Western Connecticut) 12:15 P.M. WICC. Bridgeport, Conn. (Western Cennecticut) 11 : 4 5 A.M. KWGS-FM. Tulsa (Tulsa) : 0 0 P.M. K V 0 O . Tulsa (Tulsa) :45 P.M. WGKV. Charleston (Kanawha Valley) 1 2 : 4 5 P.M. ** First Sunday of each month.

3:30 P . M .





Central Texas, Chemistry Bldg., University of Texas, Austin Cincinnati, Engineering Society Headquarters (Analytical Symposium) Dallas-Ft. Worth, Engineering Bldg., Southern Methodist University, Dallas Illinois-Iowa, Rock Island Indiana, Hotel Warren, Indianapolis (noon luncheon meet­ ing) Minnesota, Room 100, Chemis­ try Bldg., University of Min­ nesota, Minneapolis Worth Carolina, Chapel Hill

Nov. 30 R. J. Speer

Isotopic Tracers in Research

Nov. 30 Jacob Cholak W. M. MacNevin

Flame Spectrography Electrometric Titration

Nov. 28 R. J. Speer

Isotopic Tracers in Research

Dec. 1 R. E. Rundle Nov. 29 Samuel Hopper

Structure of Starch Use of Triethylene Glycol in Air Filters

Dec. I

North Jersey (Organic Chemists' Discussion Group), Public Service Auditorium, Newark Omaha, University of Omaha San Antonio, Incarnate Word College San Gorgonio, Corono, Calif.

Nov. 28 E. C. Horning

Studies Related to the Problem of Angular Methylation in the Synthesis of Steroids High Temperature Acid Base Reactions Colchicine Studies

Dec. 2 Dec. 1

Structure of Starch Isotopic Tracers in Research

W. S. Johnson

Nov. 28 L. F. Audrieth

R. E. Rundle R. J. Speer

Nov. 29 F. F . Yonkman

Sioux Valley, Sioux Falls, S. D. Dec. 3 R. E . Rundle South Texas, Nierman Hall, Dec. 2 R. J. Speer Kingsville Texas A&M, College Station Nov. 29 R. J. Speer

Chemical Dreams and Medical Somersaults Structure of Starch Isotopic Tracers in Research Isotopic Tracers in Research

Other Local Groups Akron Polymer Lecture Group, Dec. 2 Simmons Hall, University of Akron Northern New England, Amer- Dec. 2 ican * Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, Hotel Vendôme, Boston Philadelphia Organic Chemists 9 Dec. 1 Club, Klahr Auditorium, Hahnemann Medical College

F. T. Wall

Ionization of Polymeric Acidsand Salts

Κ. Η . Barnard

New Developments in Textile Resins

F. E . Cislak

Pyridine Chemistry

6:45 P.M .