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Nov 6, 2010 - Dr. J. S. Rowlinson, professor of chemical technology at Imperial ... will sponsor the Princeton Scientific Community Conference on Dec...
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Chemical Engineering Symposium The ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry will hold its 27th Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium at Washington University, St. Louis, Dec. 29 and 30. The program includes 12 papers describing research on the general topic, Thermodynamics of Multicomponent and Multiphase Systems. Dr. J. S. Rowlinson, professor of chemical technology at Imperial College of Science and Technology of London University, will present a lecture on Molecular Structure and the Miscibility of Fluids. Michael Witunski of McDonnell Aircraft will speak on Challenging Problems in Space Exploration at the symposium banquet.

Conference, Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, in the Morrison Hotel, Chicago.

Symposium on the Scientist's Contribution to the Safe Use of Cosmetics will be held Dec. 29 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. It will be presented before the pharmacy section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the A A AS meeting, in cooperation with the committee on cosmetics of the American Medical Association.

National Swimming Pool Institute will hold its fourth annual convention and exposition in Dallas, Jan. 7 to 10. Seminars will be held and displays shown in 28 different fields, including chemicals, plastics, paints, and metals.

Princeton Conference The ACS Princeton Section will sponsor the Princeton Scientific Community Conference on Dec. 13 at Princeton University, in Woodrow Wilson Hall. Theme of the conference will be New Tools and Techniques in Chemical Research. Purpose of the meeting will be to stimulate interest in ACS at the local section level and to encourage communication and cooperation among the various research establishments in the area. There will be no registration fee and everyone interested is invited. Four papers will be presented in the morning and four in the afternoon, almost all by speakers from the commercial laboratories in the vicinity.

BRIEFS The ACS Division of Biological Chemistry is cooperating with the American Society of Biological Chemists in plans for charter plane service to Moscow next August. Reduced rates, approximately 40% of tourist fare, will be available for those who will attend the Vth International Congress of Biochemistry in Moscow, Aug. 10 to 16, 1961. For further information write to Julius Schultz, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia 2, Pa.

The Metallurgical Society of AIME will hold its 18th Annual Electric Furnace 72


NOV. 2 8, 1960

Bahamas Conferences are being held monthly in Nassau beginning Nov. 30, each conference lasting approximately 10 to 12 days. The Third Serendipity Conference is scheduled for Jan. 22 to 28. For further information write to Bahamas Conferences, P.O. Box 1454, Nassau in the Bahamas.

American Institute of Chemists will meet May 10 to 12 at the StatlerHilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. The Washington chapter of AIC will be host.

The Ninth Annual Technical Writers' Institute wil be held June 12 to 16 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. Inquiries about the institute should go to Jay R. Gould, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.

The 2nd Joint Automatic Control Conference will be held June 28 to 30, 1961, at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Sponsors are several technical organizations, including Instrument Society of America and American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Symposium on Inorganic Polymers will be held at the University of Nottingham, England, July 18 to 21, 1961.

Sponsor is The Chemical Society. Some of the lecturers will be Dr. J. C. Bailar of University of Illinois, Dr. A. B. Burg of University of Southern California, Dr. G. Gee of University of Manchester, Dr. A. W. Laubengayer of Cornell, Dr. O. Schmitz-DuMont of University of Bonn, and Dr. E. Thilo of Deutsche Akadamie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Programs will be available in March from the General Secretary, The Chemical Society, Burlington House, London W . l , England.

American Crystallographic Association will meet July 31 to Aug. 4, 1961, at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Program chairman is Dr. G. B. Carpenter of Brown University department of chemistry, Providence, R.I.

Drug, Chemical and Allied Trades Association will hold its 71st annual meeting Sept. 14 to 17, 1961, at Pocono Manor Inn, Pocono Manor, Pa.

Australian Conference on Food Technology will be held Sept. 19 to 22, 1961, at the CSIRO Division of Food Preservation at Homebush, near Sydney, Australia. Distinguished scientists have been invited from England, Canada, India, and New Zealand to address the meeting. For further information write to T. B. Paltridge, Science Attache, Australian Scientific Liaison Office, 1907 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 139th National Meeting, St. Louis, Mo. March 21-30, 1961. 140th National Meeting, Chicago, 111. Sept. 3-8, 1961. 11th National Chemical Exposition. ACS Chicago Section. International Amphitheater, Chicago. Sept. 5-8, 1961. ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Hotel Biltmore, Oklahoma City, Okla. Dec. 1-3. ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Christmas Symposium. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 29-30. Other Organizations American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C. Dec. 4-7. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Annual Meeting. New York, N.Y. Dec. 26-31.

MATHESON Compressed Gas Notes

Gas Sterilization with Ethylene Oxide Mixtures The science of sterilization has been changing over the past few years. Gone is the necessity of lengthy exposures to high heat to insure effective sterilization. Heat and moisture-sensitive items, often ruined by long exposures to steam, can now be effectively and completely sterilized by the turn of a valve. T h e valve is on a cylinder of sterilizing gas called by different proprietary names, but consisting of Ethylene Oxide plus a n inerting non-toxic, non-flammable gas to render the total mixture either non, or less flammable. For most sterilizing purposes, Ethylene Oxide concentrations of 450 to 1000 milligrams per liter of chamber space will be sufficient to provide a 100% km.

suring a homogeneous mixture throughout the sterilizer. Advantages Here are some of the advantages gained by the use of gas sterilization: Rapid action. All forms of organisms destroyed at ordinary temperatures. All

Gas phase

Eductor tube

Mixtures The sterilizing mixture can be compounded in a number of ways to render the mixture more or less concentrated in Ethylene Oxide, or to have higher or lower cylinder pressure to suit the needs of the sterilizer function and design. The Matheson Compressed Gas Catalog lists sterilizing gas mixtures available from stock from all 3 Matheson plants. Special mixtures of any concentration of Ethylene Oxide are available from Matheson.

Liquid phase

be rendered non-flammable. Convenient to handle. Easy storage. Gas completely removed by aeration; no residue. Noncorrosive.

Typical Applications Here are a few of the items that have been effectively sterilized with sterilizing gas containing Ethylene Oxide: Plastic bandages, polyethylene bottles, packaged catheters, penicillin, surgical sutures, blankets, leather, wool, cotton, nylon, paper, plastics, foodstuffs, glassware, airplane cabins, railroad cars and buses. We are equipped to supply sterilizing gases in regular or special formulations, in a variety of cylinder sizes. Our Sales Engineering Department will be glad to furnish further details and quotations concerning your needs. We will welcome your inquiries on gas sterilization. Ethylene Oxide In addition to sterilizing mixtures Matheson distributes Ethylene Oxide in quantities ranging from an 8 oz. Lecture Bottle to 400 lb. steel drums. Available from all three Matheson plants. Our Ethylene Oxide Bulletin gives Specifications and physical constants. Mail coupon for free copy.

Fig. 1

Mail C o u p o n f o r Gas Catalog Fig. 1 illustrates the type of cylinder types of substances and many packag- Send for your free copy of the Matheson used to package sterilizing gas mixtures. ing materials can be penetrated, allow- Compressed Gas Catalog containing The picture represents the sterilizing ing completely packaged items to be prices and data on 82 compressed gases gas in two phases—liquid and gas. An sterilized. (Even the pages of a closed and gas mixtures available in 5 cylinder eductor tube extends into the liquid book can be effectively sterilized.) Low sizes and a complete line of gas reguphase of the mixture. When the cylinder toxicity to humans and animals. Can lating equipment. valve is opened, the vapor pressure of the mixture forces the liquid out of the j cylinder, through the eductor tube and j The Matheson Company, Inc., P.O. Box 85, E . Rutherford, N . J . valve. From there, the mixture may be 1 Please send the following: piped directly to a sterilizer where the [ • Matheson Compressed Gas Catalog • Ethylene Oxide Bulletin j mixture will vaporize and do its job. Another method of dispensing the mix- 1 N.ime ture to a sterilizer, is by first discharging the liquid into an expansion tank where * Firm it is allowed to completely vaporize. The • Address ' mixture is then automatically fed from the expansion tank to the sterilizer as a 1 City State completely mixed and vaporized gas, in-

The Matheson Company, Inc. Compressed Gases and Regulators

East Rutherford, N. J.

Joliet, 111.

Newark, Calif. c & E N 73

The 23rd Annual National Packaging Forum of the Packaging Institute will be held Oct. 18 to 20, 1961, at the Biltmore Hotel, New York City.

The Fiber Society, P.O. Box 405, Athens, Ga., has established an annual award for outstanding achievement by a young fiber scientist. It will be called The Fiber Society Award for Distinguished Achievement in Basic or Applied Fiber Science, and will consist of an engraved scroll and $500.

McCrone Research Institute, a new nonprofit corporation, will be devoted to basic research problems in crystallography, microscopy, structure determinations, and analytical methods. These were formerly the activities of McCrone Associates. The institute will sponsor the National Microscopy Symposia (the next is scheduled for June 1962) and will offer courses of instruction in the use of the microscope. Direct inquiries to McCrone Research Institute, Inc., 449 East 31st St., Chicago 16, 111.



Delaware Academy mington

(Physical Group). of Medicine, Wil-




Mario Bunge

Are Symmetry of Nature?



Bernard A. Fiekers O. L. Baril

(Introduction) Azeotropic Separation of Hydrocarbons Polymerization Techniques Some Problems Connected with Metal Chelates How a Crystal Grows Infrared Spectroscopy


Central Massachusetts. Holy Cross College, Worcester (Tour of Science Bldg.)


Mr. Bishop Joseph A. Martus Andrew Van Hook

Connecticut Valley. Oaks Inn, Springfield, Mass. Connecticut Valley (New London Group). Pfizer Labs, Groton Connecticut Valley (Stanley Club). Pittsfield, Mass. Cornell. Baker Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

Sometimes it's better to let Eastman m a k e it Got a production problem? Does it involve the manufacture of a compound that's not generally available in the quantity or purity you require? Then consider this. We are equipped for and experienced in synthesis on a custom basis for quantities in the largerthan-laboratory-but-lessthan-tankcar range. For information about this service, or a quotation, write Distillation Products Industries, Eastman Organic Chemicals Department, Rochester 3, N. Y.






2 8, 196 0

New Text 7

Stephen E. Wiberley


Harry Wasserman


Nathaniel Brenner


William F . Neuman


Allan S. Hay


A. H. Gropp

Polarography in Studies Brewing Operations (Tour of Plant)

Richard L. Kenyon

Politics and the Scientist


Fred Basolo

Mechanisms of Substitution Reactions of Square Metal Complexes

Nashville. Furman Hall, Vanderbilt University New Haven. Sterling Chemistry Lab, Yale University New York. New Orleans Room, Hotel New Yorker, NYC (Ladies Night) New York (Chemical Marketing and Economics Group). Brass Rail, NYC North Alabama. Huntsville

7 8

A. H. Gropp Stephen E. Wiberley


William E. Coughlin J. J. Cannon

(Fashion Show)


R. C. Schmitz

The " W h y " of Chemical Buying


A. H. Gropp

Northeast Tennessee. East Tennessee State College* Johnson City Northeastern. Huntington Hall, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. Rhode Island. Metcalf Lab, Brown University, Providence Rochester. Third Floor Auditorium, Rundel Library


A. H. Gropp

Polarography of Substituted and Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Polarography in Corrosion Studies Colors of Life

Delaware (Polymer Science Group). Academy of Medicine, Wilmington East Tennessee. Robertsville Junior High, Oak Ridge Florida (Lakeland and TampaBay Subsections). AnheuserBusch Plant, Tampa Joliet. Chemistry Bldg., College of St. Francis (15th Anniversary—Past Chairmen's Night) Kansas State University. Room 115, Willard Hall, Manhattan

8 10


The Chemistry of Prodigiosin and Related Bacterial Pigments Gas Chromatography

Biological Mineralization, a Metaphysical Problem of Metastability Polymerization by Oxidative Coupling Corrosion

Infrared Spectroscopy


Alsoph H. Corwin


Stephen E. Wiberley

Infrared Spectroscopy


Henry Eyring

San Gorgonio. Redlands University, Redlands, Calif. Southeastern Pennsylvania. R&D Center, Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster St. Joseph Valley. Nieuwland Science Hall, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind. (Ladies Night) St. Louis. Penthouse, FamousBarr, Clayton, Mo. Susquehanna Valley. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. Syracuse. Everson Museum of Arts (Joint with Technology Club) Toledo. University of Toledo University of Kansas. Lawrence


Linus Pauling


T. G. Fox, Jr.


Ernest Guenther

Transfer and Thermodynamic Properties of Liquids by Significant Structure Method The Structure of Electron Deficient Substances Molecular Structure and Mechanical Properties of Macromolecular Systems Essential Oils in Perfume


Elijah Adams



Paul H. Emmett


D. Nelson Limber

Catalytic Mechanism Studies Using Gas Chromatography Life and Death of a Star

7 6

Albertine Krohn Fred Basolo

University of Missouri. Hall, Columbia



Fred Basolo

Virginia Blue Ridge. Christ Episcopal Church, Roanoke Western New York (Analytical Group). Canisius College, Buffalo Wilson Dam. TVA Chemical Engineering Bldg., Sheffield, Ala.


R. W. Engel


D. M. Hercules


A. H. Gropp

Chemistry and Color Mechanism of Reactions as a Guide to Syntheses of Metal Complexes Mechanism of Reactions as a Guide to Syntheses of Metal Complexes WorM Population and the Food Problem Luminescence of Metal-Chelate Systems Corrosion Studies by Polarography