ASTM Publications - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

1975. $37.50. This book presents the tools for the proper statistical analysis ofclinical data, which are used to determine nor- mal ranges and qualit...
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Forensic Science ACS Symposium Series No. 13 Geoffrey Davies, Editor A symposium sponsored by the Divisions of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. A fascinating volume that reflects the growing public interest in forensic science as a key analytical tool in establishing criminal guilt or innocence. Nineteen chapters give an up-todate status report on educational preparation as well as new applications and refinements of research techniques. This wide-appeal book will be of special interest to the analytical chemist, police officer, law enforcement program head, college instructor, and general reader alike, with its comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in: • forensic science education and research; LEAA's reseaich program • materiais science methods; SEM analysis; bullet searon systems; firearm residue detection; arson debris analysis; differential scan" ng caiorlmetry • ink, oloocstain, and physiological fluid analysis; forensic toxicology; heroin sample comparison; photoluminescence techniques

examine the lack of balance between rapid progress in theory and their practical applications. Collected in the volumes are 79 pages from 18 countries. The four main topics of the first volume are instruments for hydrologie and hydraulic measurements, remote sensing instrumentation and methods, design of sampling and monitoring systems, and instrumentation for urban storm water and waste water. The second volume covers data acquisition and processing, special techniques of data gathering analysis, groundwater quantity and quality measurements, and monitoring for environmental impact.

N o r m a l Values in Clinical Chemistry: A Guide to Statistical Analysis of L a b o r a tory D a t a . H o r a c e F. M a r t i n , B e n j a m i n J. G u d z i n o w i c z , a n d H e r b e r t F a n g e r . viii + 5 0 4 p a g e s . M a r c e l D e k k e r , Inc., 2 7 0 M a d i s o n A v e . , N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 1 0 0 1 6 . 1975. $37.50

This book presents the tools for the proper statistical analysis of clinical data, which are used to determine normal ranges and quality control. Despite the rigorous mathematical treatment throughout the text, there are sufficiently detailed, easy-to-understand instructions to enable clinical chemists and pathologists with a limited knowledge of mathematics to handle the vast amount of data from various laboratory procedures not limited to biochemistry. Presented in six chapters are an historical review of the concept of normal values; the normal value concept and factors contributing to its discordant status; determination of normal values; the apparent normal range, the consequences of physiological variation and analytical error; the dissection of mixed populations by numerical, graphical, and computerized techniques; and value judgment making from laboratory data.

204 pages (r/ay 1975) $17.95 clothbound SIS/ American Chemical Society 1155 1 6 t h S t , N.W., Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send copies of Wo. 73 Forensic Science at$17.95 per book. • Check enclosed for $ D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. .3"d Canada, plus 40 cents elsewhere. Name Address City



H a n d b o o k of Organosilicon C o m pounds: A d v a n c e s Since 1 9 6 1 , Vol. 1 . Vladimir B a z a n t , Milan H o r a k , V a c l a v C h v a l o v s k y , a n d J a n S c h r a m l , Eds. 7 6 1 p a g e s . M a r c e l D e k k e r , Inc., 2 7 0 M a d i s o n A v e . , N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 1 0 0 1 6 . 1 9 7 4 . $75

This handbook, originally published in 1973 as "Organosilicon Compounds, Vol. 3: Advances in Organosilicon Chemistry," in Czechoslovakia, contains data on 22,000 organosilicon compounds published from Septem-


ber 1,1961, to the end of 1969. Data are reported using a system of quantitative treatment of available information on the preparation, reactions, and physicochemical measurements of the compounds included. Literature citations concentrate on references to papers, monographs, and patents which appeared in the same period. The methods of preparation and the reactions of compounds are classified by the type of cleavage or formation of bonds. Of the 761 total pages, 174 are devoted to five chapters of the text covering NMR spectroscopy, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, ir-bonding, penta- and hexa-coordinated silicon, and stereochemistry. The remaining 587 pages are divided into a list of literature, a list of patents, an author index, a subject index, and abbreviations used for journals and patents. The book is a poor-quality photo-offset copy of typewritten text.

ASTM Publications The following are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (add 5% shipping charges for countries other than USA, Canada, and Mexico) Calculations of Physical Properties of Petroleum Products f r o m G a s C h r o m a tographic A n a l y s e s . 1 1 4 p a g e s . P a p e r bound. $10.75

This new ASTM publication, which will be of interest to both producers and customers of petroleum products, contains information and guidelines for the practical use of gas chromatographic data to calculate physical properties of petroleum products and indicates directions for future research toward better and fewer test procedures. A t m o s p h e r i c Corrosion Investigation of Aluminum-Coated, Zinc-Coated, and C o p p e r - B e a r i n g S t e e l .Wire a n d W i r e Products. 9 0 p a g e s . P a p e r b o u n d . $ 5 . 5 0

This 12-year report intended as a reference book presents the results of atmospheric corrosion tests at eight test sites. The contents include exposure sites, description of test specimens, process description, preparation of test wires, base metal analyses, coating weights, coating analyses and photomicrographs, mechanical properties, description of aluminum wire, materials and ASTM specifications, . relationship of aluminum vs. zinc coatings, unfabricated wire, farm field fence, barbed wire, chain-link fence, seven-wire strand, and wire test abbreviations and symbols.