Astrology and alchemy: Two fossil sciences

The material in this book is logically and traditionally divided into 46 major topics includedin as many distinct chapters. Ali- phatic compounds in g...
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are also some of the titles of the 25 chapters. Before frowning at a chapter heading l i The Philosophy of Calour it should he remembered that, for example, Andrew Ure entitled one of his technological books "The Philosophy of Manufactures" (London, 1835). Chapter 22 is called Saccharopolis, and this is not so unfitting as it seems, bemuse in addition to the technology of sugar refining it contains the story of its social implioations. These implications are kept in the foreground throughout the book. Its restriction to one geographioal and political region is put to advantage in demonstrating the influence of political trade restrictions, of location for manufacturing plants, and of ct~pitalieation. The "Timber famine" (page 7) in Scotland and the development of coal as a fuel for the growing industries appear in stark relief. The importance of such simple chemicals as salt or lime is shown in lively detail. The extent to which chemical manufacture changed the economic conditions is brought out. "So extensive was the area devoted to bleachfields that, with the introduction of chemiesl bleaching materials . . . the release of land for agricultural purposes was heralded as one of the great benefits conferred by chemistry upon the community" (page 172). Aluminum acetate was "a newly discovered chymical preparation which answers a real substitute in Dyeing and Printing" for lead acetate, mote Charles Macintosh in 1793 (page 248). These few examples may serve to indicate that this book contsiins a wealth of interesting material in its apparently narrow limits of the time and the place with which it deals. The authors spologize (page xii) for some of the technical detail which "the scientific practitioner" may find unnecessary; and in fact, some of the chemical explanations, particularly in the chapter an fermentation, are quite elementary. However, such explanations may be helpful to nonchemists, who are ineluded in those who should be interested in the many persons and materials discussed in this book. of illustrations enhances the value of the The large ~h~ deserve special thanks for the book very time-consuming work in collecting careful and these visual aids to their well documented text. EDUARD FARBER



P. B. Sarkar, Director of Technical Research. hdian Central Jute Committee, and P. C. Rakshit, Professor and Head of the Deparhnent of Che-, Presidency College. Calcutta. Seventh edition. H. Chatteriee Co., Ltd., Calcutta. 1953. vi 598 PP. 14 X 19.5 cm. 8 Rupees ($1.69).


Tars is the seventh revised and enlarged edition of a substantial organic text. Besides revising the whole manuscript, the authors have made extensive additions and alterations hased on the suggestions of numerous professors from different parts of India. The authors express the hope that their work will serve to stimulete the children of Free India to employ her natural wealth for the advanta~e,comfort, and benefit of the common man and to increase the-nitional income. The material in this book is logically and traditionally divided into 46 major topics included in as many distinct chapters. Aliphatic compounds in general are isolated from the aromatics, as well as heterocyolic, and other miscellrtneous organic compounds. The treatment of a very large number of topics and compounds is thorough and detailed, and even monotonous and tedious at times in terms of American standards. Detailed directions, usually in small type, are included for the preparation of dozens of distinctly different and representative compounds. This volume contains B vast amount of detailed information regarding the preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses, structure, reactions, etc., of perhaps too many organio compounds. The treatment assumes almost encyclopedicform at times, rather than a progressive and continuous development of broad organic prin-

ciples, reactions, logic, and tendencies. It appears to the r e viewer that thi8 volume has been patterned after other prominent English texts such as the well known and popular Perkin and Kipping's "Orgenic Chemistry," and Bernthsen and Sudborough's "Textbook of Organic Chemistry." The text abounds in many obsolete terms such as "c. c.," "lacs," "oarhinol," and "a.lcleoholrttes." However, in defense of this volume it should be stated that it contains a wise and extensive selection of good bssic organic material. Anv student who conscientiouslv studies and comorehmda the -material included will be we^ mounded in o r e k c ably meet the Indian requirements. The quality of the paper and binding does not meet our usual standards, hut likewise neither does the price. Where else can you purchase a comprehensive organic text and laboratory manual for $1.69? RALPH E. DUNBAR







Mark Graubard, University af Minnesota. The Philosophical Library, New York, 1953. x i 382 pp. Illustrated. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $5.


"THI" . . . aims at presenting to the beginning student in the history of science a bird's eye view of two dead sciences, seldom considered in detail in one's normal course of studies. I t merely collates authoritative researches an many phases of these sciences, and cites easily accessible works far the sake of presenting a unifying interpretation. . . ." These are noble aims, but it must be said that they have been pursued in the same dull, clioh&l-ladenDI'O8e as the auotation. The trend of the narrative islost in details and the citations are buried so well in the body of the text (there is no terminal bibliography) that as s. collation of references the book fails its purpose. This is the sort of work calculated to discourage beginning students of the history of science and to bore all but the most devoted specialists, who will be offended by the dull style and such expressions as "Although the onrush of Christianity definitely put all science in the doghouse . . ." (page 81). This hook is either a collection of unedited lecture notes or a first draft that should have been returned to the author for pruning and tightening up. This is unfortunate, as there is material here for an exciting and interesting hook. JOEL W. HEDCPETH scsrp~sI N S T ~ O T M N LA JYLLA. CAIIFORNI*



F. H. Pollard, Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, and I. F. chemistry, ~h~ university of W,M ~ o hcturer ~ ~ ~ organic ,

~~is~ t ~ l~, ~~ l ~ ~ press, ~ dI,,~., ~ . N~~ york, d ~ viii +~ 1953. 192 . nO. . 4 .&tes. . 26 fias. 13 tablea. 13.5 x 22 cm. $5.50, PAPER~hromatography, becau~eof it8 ~implieity and convenience, is rapidly establishing itself as a means whereby the basic concepts of chromatography can be introduced to the r e search worker as well as to the student. "Chromatographic Methods of Inorganic Analysis, with Special Reference to Paper Chromatography," by Drs. Pollard and MeOmie, is a definite contribution to development of new analytical procedures in analytical and inorganic chemistry. This hook is based on the extensive studies, experiences, researches, and publications of the authors and others in the field
