Asymmetric Synthesis: Construction of Chiral Molecules Using Amino

Asymmetric Synthesis: Construction of Chiral Molecules Using Amino Acids (Coopola, Gary M.; Schuster, Herbert F.) K. Darrell Berlin. J. Chem. Educ. , ...
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Scholastl 1s: Flle a n d Physlcal P S c l e n c e Data b a s e s for pfs: File R. McLeodand B. Hunter. Scholastic, Inc., 730 Broadway. New York. NY 10003


Hardware: Apple lle or llc Components: pfs: file-2 disks with backups, keyboard reference card, and User's Handbook. Data Bases: 3 sets of 2 disks and Complete and Mini-Reference Guides. Level and Subject: Grades 6-12; building and using data files in the physical sciences. Cost: $115 for pfs: file, $99.95 for Physical Science Data Bases. Summary Ratlngs:


Cat-ory Ease of Use: Subiect Malfer Content: Pedagogic Value:

entire package relatively expensive for some reanalyze the data to develop conclusions. districts or departments. Furthermore, it incorporates the use of eomI do think PFS Physical Science Data puter technology in a way that it may be Base is an excellent program and can be of used in a science-related career. Therefore. this r u f t w r e package nut only provides the great value within a junior high or high school physical science or high school chemsrudenrr with an in4ight into the prucesrcs of science, hut also it provides them with istry classroom. With the current state of additional insight into a scientific career, science education in a state of transition, and expands his knowledge of computers and with more attention being directed at and how they are used in our technological facilitating higher order thinking skills, problem-solvingskills, and the process skills society. associated with science, I think PFS PhysiMy problem with PFS Physical Science cal Science Data Base offers teachers an ooD a t a Base has been with incorporating it portunlty to pur3ut. a blending of h t h prointo my rather traditional high school generw c s nnd rontrnt. Furthermure, it dues w in al chemistry classroom. For this software package to be implemented properly, a sign wny that con rnhanre studentd knwledge nificant amount of time is necessary for the of computers, technology, and careers. Due teacher's learning the data bases and in to the scope and flexibility of the program it planning for their use in the classroom. may even be considered for implementation Though learning this data hase series isrelainto a carefully articulated junior high and tively easy, I found that it takes a somewhat hieh school ohvsical science Droeram. How. . radically different approach to presenting e w r . ~ ~ t t i e i e time n t ior planning and implethe material, and I found it difficult to inmentation will he necessary whrthrr irs i n corporate this new approach in my samec 'slm s 'alqaqldde uaqm 'pue 'szaqmam lsom . .a m. 'sa3uar3s . "lo saumem snorlsn am 03 uommol sa!lradord u!slra> 'sraqmam aql -ssom eaol Bu18om isao eblssad asrs 3; jo muarmmo aql 'aaqmam b[!mj luarad aql s a q p s a p qa!qm u o y o d hmpnpoqu! UB su!quo3 reqdaqa qlRa 'usqdoldhrl pua %u![ -ord 'sp!3e ou!me [BUO!~~U~J!P 'sp!aa ou!me ?u?L/pfl :LdrawwLs . p 3 "I '!ew!&o~)gls!? -ua!Js asramp pua 'sls!ye 'sua!a!pmaqlem Bu!u!eluoa-mnjlns 'Sp!38 OU!UIE 6~01phq OL U E ~emm ? morj s u q n q q u o a ql!m amn 'aupnal ' a u ! p 'au!uelelhuaqd 'au!uep -10" wn!~odmhs aBed-0001 1quamnuour e are qaqm p!38 OU!UIV w hq papsaq qma sraldeqa au!u jo pasodmoa s! yooq aq& amsmq lnqm o? srolnq!rluol aqaadsord o$ 'amosraqmna pue Buol hl luas uo!lal!nu!jo rallal e UI 'h1sno!~as..sainl -amaqaa are s a m u aql JO huem am!s qmaas -1n3 OM$aql,, lnoqe lu!qdmoa S,MOUS 'd '3Saqel oqm u-em s s! '~sad-dpng'sama!3Sjo -a1 jo Bare s!q% u! [quassa as s! leql sum? -e!narqqe jo is![ an!suaqazdmol e Bu!pnpu! hmapeav ue!ze%un~aql jo dnorg qlrsasaa 'gram a q u a aql JOJ auo? aql q a s pue auop hrls!maq3 l e r n p n q s a q l l e raylom q3rsasal lpm q n b s! uo!pnpogu! aq& 'sangvh!r pue is!maq3 p n l m r l s e '!el?!alsH u g n l s ~