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At Humko Chemical, quality control starts at the top. - C&EN Global

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehensi...
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At Humko Chemical, quality control starts at the top.

Quality Committee, left toright:S L Kopald, Jr., General Manager; William E. Mahoney, VP Marketing; William D. Milford, VP Operations; E. Charles Leonard, VP and Director of Research and Development; Jack H. AUderdice, VP Sales.

At Humko Chemical, quality isn't just in a department by itself. It's in the hands of our general manager and vice presidents, too. Every two weeks, they meet to discuss our performance. Then they spend hours following up their findings. Why do they take this extra care? It's not because we have a problem. It's just that our record is so good, we want to keep it that way.

Nearing zero defects. We've set 'zero defects' as our company goal. And we're getting closer all the time. That means you get the fatty chemicals you need, when you need them. With product purity and consistency, order after order. Rely on our supply. Humko Chemical has a varied supply of fatty chemicals, produced to specification. And our technical staff can develop specialty derivatives to


fit your applications, See us for fatty acids, fatty amines and quaternaries, dimer acids and derivatives, fatty amides, bisamides, fatty esters and synthetic lubricant base fluids. You'll find unlimited quality, every single time, Humko Chemical. For more information, please contact Witco Chemical Corporation, Humko Chemical Division, Dept. B2, P.O. Box 125, Memphis, TN 38101.