at Work - ACS Publications

appropriate for coup- ling with three neighboring protons; the H-2, H-3 and H-4 patterns, for coupling with two. *G. E. McCasland, M. O. Naumann, and ...
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In the April, 1954 issue of Analytical Chemistry, Varian launched a unique series of advertisements, entitled' "This Is NMR at Work," with the publication of a high resolution 30-MHz 2H spectrum of a simple organic molecule. Many of these ads represented original contributions to science and served to educate a whole generation of chemists in, what was then, an obscure but promising field of spectroscopic analysis. In the intervening years, there have been a large number of technological advances in nuclear magnetic reso­ nance spectroscopy (many of them pioneered by Varian) and NMR has now become an indispensable tool for qualitative and quantita­ tive investigations in all modern chemical laboratories.

NMR at Work No. 100

With NMR at Work No. 100, we proudly bring this series to a con­ clusion. To exemplify our technological progress in NMR, we have chosen an application at 300 MHz obtained on the new HR-300 superconducting NMR spectrometer which operates at a magnetic field of 70.5 kG. Today, as in 1954, Varian offers you the most power­ ful research capabilities available in NMR.


H NMR Studies at 300 MHz

Example: Conformational Analysis The ( - )-proto-stereoisomer of q u e r c i t o l ( c y c l o h e x a n e p e n t o l ) * is k n o w n from c h e m i c a l c o r r e l a t i o n s to have the absolute t (134/25) c o n f i g u r a t i o n , and is assumed to have the (AAEEE) c o n f o r m a t i o n as s h o w n . In the NMR s p e c t r u m at 300 MHz in d e u t e r i u m o x i d e , the axial methylene proton appears at 1.81 ppm as an 8-peak multiplet. T w o peaks of this multiplet are o v e r l a p p e d in the center of the pattern due to c o u p l i n g (large, large, small) with a d j a c e n t protons ( g e m i n a l . axial, equatorial). The equatorial methylene proton pattern (1.97 ppm) is similarly

p r o d u c e d by c o u p l i n g (large, small, small) with adjacent protons. Signals for the two O-C-H equatorial protons (H-4. H-5) appear d o w n f i e l d (3.88. 4.06 p p m ) ; and for the three axial protons ( H - 1 , H-2 and H-3) upfield (3.75, 3.56 and 3.71 ppm). The H-1 and H-5 patterns are a p p r o p r i a t e for c o u p ­ ling with three n e i g h b o r i n g p r o t o n s ; the H-2, H-3 and H-4 patterns, for c o u p l i n g with two. * G . E. M c C a s l a n d , M. O. N a u m a n n . and L. J. D u r h a m , J. Org. C h e m . 33, 4220 (1968). See t h i s reference for c o r r e s p o n d i n g NMR spectra at 60, 100 and 220 MHz.

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