atm and -0.03 cm - American Chemical Society

(4) J. M. Vaughan and G. Smith, Phjss. Rec-., 166, 17 (1968). (5) W. R. Hindmarsh, ..... Uiiicersitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenkageit, Denmark. Received Ju...
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7873 Table I.

Effect of Pressure on the Position of a s1Br-81Br Line and on the Widths of Some 58Br-81BrLines (cm-I)

7 -


Pressure (Torr)"


0.60 2.83 5.61 36.1 132

0.028 (4) 0.029 (3) 0.030 (3) 0.031 (2) 0.054 (2)


Position (cm-l). 19-1 band ~(31)

0.031 (1) 0.033 (3) 0.032 (6) 0.035 ( 5 ) 0.051 (6)

17,947.921 7.913 7.915 7.914 7.913

Full-width at half-maximum (cm-l)b---19-1band-------20-1 band----N37) P(39) R(62) N63)


0.029 (4) 0.030 (8) 0,029 (7) 0.034 ( 5 ) 0.052 ( 6 )

0.033 (3) 0.034 (3) 0.035 (3) 0.037 (3) 0.051 (3)

0.031 (4) 0.031 (3) 0.029 (3) 0.036 (2) 0.051 (2)

At the temperature of 296"K, the oapor pressure of bromine was about 181 Torr. * Band assignments are in the form c* - c, and line assignments are in the form R(J) or P(J). Each entry is an average of measurements of the number of recordings which appears in the respective parentheses. Lines were chosen because they are not seriously overlapped by their nearest neighbors at any of the pressures; in addition, their quantum numbers are known. The lines are symmetric. The line was chosen because it is very close to the g 4 K r secondary standard at 5570.2895 A (vlnr = 17947.434 cm-I). Measurements of three or more recordings of each of two Fabry-Perot orders were averaged for each entry.

have plotted all of the data, and we find the slopes of the lines t o be +0.133 cm-'/atm and -0.03 cm-'/atm, respectively. The uncertainty in the latter is about 30%. The value 0.133 cm-'/atm for broadening may be refined by plotting the Lorentzian contribution t o the width rather than the observed width. This correction increases the result by about 20 %, which is within the estimate of error. Earlier measurements of broadening and shift of emission lines of atoms have been made. In those cases, successful interpretation4s5has been based on the so-called impact approximation (always valid for halfwidths at pressures as low as those of Table I) and on the Lennard-Jones potential energy form



electronic transition of chlorine have been started. Details of work on both molecules will be published elsewhere. If they are feasible, high-field studies of the Brz and Clz bands would be of great interest. Acknowledgments. We thank the National Science Foundation for a grant in aid of our work. Acknowledgment also is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, for partial support of this research. T. W. Tolbert, K. K. Innes* Departmefit of Chemistry, State Unicersity of New York Biiigliamtori, New York 13901 Receiwd July 16, 1973

Clzr-lZ - C6+

in which r is the interatomic distance. Since broadening of Brz lines does not show dependence on rotational quantum J, the existing theory has been applied here, with V*(Br2*:Br2)- V(Brz:Brz) = AC1zr-12- A C 6 r 6 in which r is now the intermolecular distance and each of the empirical force constants AClz and AC, is the difference between an excited-state value (*) and a ground-state value. Applying the analysis of Hindmarsh, et aI.,5 we find lAClzl = 3000 X 10-lo4erg cml* and lAC61 = 80 X erg cm6. It is useful to compare these differences with the values of C12and c6 for two ground-state Br2 molecules ; from the correspondingstates correlation of Tee, et U I . , ~ we estimate 640 X erg c m l * and 1300 X erg cm6, respectively. Thus, the change in C6 is -6 %. In rough approximation,' A c 6 is proportional to A&; evidently the ground-state polarizability of Br2 (6.4 X cm3/molecule) also is changed by only about 6 % in this transition. For comparison with a typical valence-shell promotion, we mention the 2600 A absorption of C6H6,in solid solution, for which effects of high electric fields indicate an increase of polarizability of more than 20%.* On account of the rather small effects found for bromine, more extensive measurements on the similar (4) J. M. Vaughan and G. Smith, Phjss.Rec-., 166, 17 (1968). ( 5 ) W. R. Hindmarsh, A. D. Petford, and G. Smith, Proc. RoJ). SOC., Ser. A . 291.296 (1967).

(6) L. S. Tee, S . Gotoh, and W. E. Stenart, Ind. Eng. Chem., Fundam., 5 , 356 (1966). (7) F. London, Trans. Furadq Soc., 33, 8 (1937).

Polarized Electronic Spectra of Tetracyanonickelate(I1) at 5 O K

Sir: Ten years have passed since we proposed' an interpretation of the aqueous solution electronic absorption spectrum of the square planar ( D , I h )complex ion, Ni(CN)12-. Our suggestion that the intense, nearultraviolet bands be assigned as transitions from occupied d orbitals to the a?, (4p,,r*CN) virtual orbital in this low-spin dS( 'A1, ground state) complex has been largely confirmed by both magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectral and recent ab initio SCF-LCAO-MO calculation^.^ However, there remains a need for absorption band polarization data on optically dilute single crystals, to provide a firm basis for detailed assignments of both the ligand field (LF) and the charge transfer (CT) bands. We have found that suitable crystals can be readily obtained using tetra/?-butylammonium as the cation. Here we report the principal results and conclusions of our investigation of the band polarizations of [(/z-C~H,),N]~[N~(CN)~] at liquid helium temperature. The u and T absorption spectra of Ni(CN)42- at 5°K obtained from our measurements on single crystals (1) H. B. Gray and C. J. Ballhausen, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 85, 260 (1963). (2) P. J. Stephens, A. J. McCaffery, and P. N. Schatz, Inorg. Chem., 7,1923 (1968). (3) S. P . Piepho, P. N. Schatz, and A. J. McCaffery, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,91, 5994 (1969). (4) (a) J. Demuynck, A. Veillard, and G. Vinot, Chem. Phys. Lett., 10, 522 (1971); (b) J. Demuynck and A. Veillard, Theor. Chim. Acta, 28,241 (1973).

Cotnmunicatiuns tu the Editor


77°K data obtained from frozen EPA solutions of

K CM-' ,334 48 35 7 I


37 0 4 3846 40 0 I



First let us consider the three intense bands, 111, V, and VII. Originally we assigned' bands 111 and VI1 to the fully allowed d a?, CT transitions 'A1, + 'Azu (al, + a?,) and 'AI, 'E, (e, + a2,), respectively. The 1.6 strong u polarization of band VII, along with the observation2'3of an M C D A term, fully substantiate the 'AI, + 'E, assignment. Most interestingly, however, our finding of two intense r-polarized bands can only be understood in terms of allowed transitions to two completely spin-orbit mixed states of As" symmetry, as first proposed by Piepho, et a/.,3 to accommodate the 12c M C D data. Thus, bands I11 and V are assigned lA,, + aAz, ( 1A2u,3EU) and 'A1, + bA?, ( 3EU, lA?,), respectively. The orbitally forbidden CT transition 'Al, -+ lBlu (bl, azU)has previously been assigned' to band 11. As the inteasity of band I1 is observed to be temperature independent6 as well as strongly u polarized, this assignment must now be rejected. Instead, it is probable that band I1 arises from one or more of the three spinallowed L F transitions, *AI, +. 'Bz, (al, + bz,), AI^ + lAzK(bl, --.t bz,), and 'AI, 'E, (e, b"). Cogent 06 arguments have been advanced7 t o the effect that the D4hexcited states lBqgand 'E, are unstable with respect 05c t o distortion to the D2&states lB2 and 'E, respectively. The lA?, excited state, on the other hand, should be 3 4 c stable in D J hsymmetry. Further, semiempirical reasonI ing places7 the 'A1, + lA2, transition in the 30-32kcm-' region, and predicts that the energy order of I I Franck-Condon maxima will be 'A1, + 'Bz < 'A?, < I 'E. Band I1 is therefore assigned 'A1, + 'E, as this ,I , transition is fully allowed and should be u polarized. A The new assignment of band I1 is in agreement with 29C 280 C'2 263 2 330 320 3 0 3 the M C D data on Ni(CN),2-, which show3 that in NM aqueous solution there is a transition t o a doubly deFigure 1. Polarized single-crystal absorption spectra of [ ( ~ Z - C , , H ~ ) ~ generate excited state at about 32.4 kcm- l . N],[Ni(CN),] at 5°K: solid line, T spectrum; dashed line, u Band I is assigned to the .Ti.-polarized 'AI, lB? spectrum. transition. Although this band is difficult to locate in the thin-crystal . ~ i .spectrum (Figure I ) , it appears promof [(n-C4Hg),N]2[Ni(CN)4]are shown in Figure 1 .: inently at 31.1 kcm-' in spectra measured on crystals The positions and polarizations of the observed absorpof 2 1 p thickness. It is noteworthy that the 'AI, tion bands are shown in Table 1. 'B2 transition energy is much higher than in inorganic The most intense features in the 5'K single-crystal salts containing closely stacked Ni(CN) , 2 - planar units. spectra are in good agreement with previously reported For example, in Ba[Ni(CoN),].4Hz0, which features a Ni-Ni distance of 3.36 A,8 the .Ti.-polarized band attributable t o 'A1, + 'B2 occursi at 23.0 kcm-'. As we Table I have not been able to observe any band maxima below 30 kcm-' in thick crystals of [(n-CIHg),N]?[Ni(CN);1, we I 321.5 31,100 530 a can only conclude that the 'A1, 'Bz transition, which I1 316.0 31,650 840 U originates in an axial orbital (d,?), is significantly red(31,850) Not obsd U (314.0) shifted in the inorganic salts by metal-metal interaction. 111 291 .O 34,360 6,200 T It is also probable that the famous 22.5-kcm-' band IV 288.5 34,660 Not obsd U V 279.0 35.840 5,200 a in Ba[Ni(CN)J.4H20, assignedg previously to 'AI, --.t VI 274.0 36,500 Not obsd a 'A?,, actually represents a spin-forbidden LF transiVI1 272.5 36,700 15.200 U tion enhanced in intensity by the close contact8 of W. R. Mason and H. B. Gray, J. Amer. Clzem. SOC.,90, 5721 adjacent Ni(I1) atoms in the crystal. (1 968). Two relatively weak features remain t o be assigned, ~ _ _ _ _ bands IV and VI. Band VI appears in 7r polarization (5) Crystals of [(n-C,Hs),~l~[Ni(CN)]as were grown on aluminum and is located 2140 cm-I higher than band 111, sugoxide and quartz substrates by evaporation from dichloromethane -+






, I





solution. Spectral data were obtained using a Cary 17 spectrophotometer equipped with an Andonian liquid helium dewar and double GlanTaylor air-spaced calcite polarizers. Spectra were measured along the extinction directions of the crystals and converted into in-plane ( u ) and out-of-plane (T) components. The orientation of the planar Ni(CN)a?- anions in the crystal was checked independently by polarized infrared spectroscopy, utilizing the a-polarized E , mode at 21 10 cm-1.

(6) See Table I, footnote a. (7) C. J. Ballhausen, N. Bjerrum, R. Dingle, I