Atomic-absorbtion spectrophotometry (Elwell, W. T.; Gidley, J. A. F.

Atomic-absorbtion spectrophotometry (Elwell, W. T.; Gidley, J. A. F.). Thomas De Vries. J. Chem. Educ. , 1963, 40 (1), p A54. DOI: 10.1021/ed040pA54.1...
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BOOK REVIEWS course itself. Tho hook would also he valuable 8s a text for the second half of n "elassicd" course in physical chemistry. Chapters 1-6, a discussion of statistical mechanics and kinetic theory and Chapters 16-19 on kinetics would make a ggod second s ~ m e s t e physical r chemistry course. MELVINW. HANNA Unioerszty of Colorado Rodder

Atomic-Absorption Spectrophotometry

W. T . Elwell and . I A. . F. Gidleg, both of I . C. I. Metals Division, Birmingham, England. MacMillan Co., New York,


1962. vii 102 pp. Figs. and tnhlrs. 14.5 X 22 cm. $5. Atomic-absorption spectroscrqv wae developed by M'alsh in 1955 and rapidly became a sensitive method for the analysis of many metals in solution, particularly for certain samples not readily analyzed by methods of emission spectrometry. I n this hook the authors present a brief summary of the t,henry which is concerned with the intensity of spectral lines, the absorption coefficient of ahsorption lines broadened due t o the Ihppler effect and the need lorn. sharp line source. The equipment is described in x general manner,no details are given of vaporizers or burners required for handling the snmple; however, t,he design and production of a hollow-rathode lamp is given. I n the chapter h e d e d General Consideration there is some discussion of t,he factors influencing the atomization of the liquid and the voletilization of the "clotlrts" fnrmedin the flame. A list is given of 30 elements which can he determined, 10 of which receive 8p~ciaI treatment in the remaining 50 pages of the text, with articular emphasis on zinc, lead, and ma~nesium for which d ~ t a i l e dprocedures are outlined. The hook is a reasonably goad introduction t o the subject hut some recent journal articles have done almost as well. An extensive bibliography is given, useful for those who need t o know experimental dctnila t h a t arelackingin this text. THOMAS TIE VRIES Purdue TJniversilg I,afayetle, Indiana

Elementary Introduction to Molecular Speelra

R $ q e Bak, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 2nd ed. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amstordam, 1962 (distributed h y Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York). xi 144 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23 cm. $6.


The first edition of the little hook h y B. Bak, professor of molecolsr spectroscopy at the University of Copenhagen, was reviewed in THIS JOURNAL, 32,222 (1955). This second, revised odit,ion consists

(Cmtinued on peg? A56)



Journol o f Chemical Education