Atomic absorption spectroscopy (Reynolds, R. J.) - Journal of

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (Reynolds, R. J.). A. P. Grifo Jr. .... The Camp Fire is the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California's hi...
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book reviews Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

R . J . Reynolds, Evans Electroselenium Lt,d., and K. Aldous. Barnes & Noble, 201 pp. Inc., New York, 1970. ix Figs. and Tables. 23.5 X 16 em. $15.


Since there is no branch of chemical analysis that cannot use atomic absorption speelwseopy, t,he authors have presented t,his subject in suoh a manner that the beginning analyst should find this tool as xeccpt;:i,le its the competent anslyst. The practical approach taken should especially be pleasing to laboratory iostruetors in methods coorses who have a minimum amount of time to introduce newer techniques to students. Because "Atomic Abso~ptionSpectroscopy" is a praet,iCd guide oriented toward applications, i t should pmvide all chemical analysts as well as students with a ready reference book. On a comparative basis this volwne should he as acceptable as "Atomic-Absorption Speetrophotornetry" by W. T. Elwell and J . A. F. Gidley, Pergamon Press.

A. P. GRIFO,JR. Animal Nutrition OARDC and OSU, Wooster, Ohio

A48 / lournol of Chemical Educotion

New Volumes in Continuing Series The following titlcs arc those of volumes i n continuing series. Many of these swim are familiar to ~caders who a m best servrd by prompt announcrment of the appearance of thn new titlcs. Thc policy o j T H I S J O U I ~ I V A I ,will bc to publish full rcviews onlg of inaugzrral solumrs i n new scrim Residue Reviews. Volume Triarine Herbicides



Edited by Francis A . h n t h e r and Jane Dnuies Gunther, both of the University of California, Iliverside. SpringerVerlag, New York, 1970. xvi 413 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 16 cm. $14.80.


Contributors: E. Knusli: A. Cast: P . Duhach: (?. W. Bailev: ' J . L. white: J . B. web& M. H. 6: ~ a y e r ; C. S: Helling; P. Kaiser; J. Pochon; It. Cassini; D. D. Kaufman; P. C. Kearney; L. S. Jordan; W. J . Farmer; J. R . Goodin; B. E. Day; T.J . Sheets; H. M. LeBaron; R. Behrens: A . M . Mattson: R . A. Kahrs: ~~~~

Douglas Henderson, International Business Machines Corporation, San Jose, Calif. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1971. xxxiii 816 pp. Figs. and tables. 2 3 5 X 16 cm. $22.50.


Part I . Molecular Quantom Mechanics edited bv Arthur A. Frost: Part I I . Theorv - - - ~ "~n- j R e a h o n Rates editkd bv Keith J. Laidler; Part I l l . Properties of Molecules edited by Walter Kauzmann; P a ~ tIV. Theory of Liquids edited by Douglas Henderson; Part V . Biological Applications edited by Frank H. Johnson; Part V I . Engineeling Application8 edited by C. J. Christensen. ~~




Rodd's Chemislry of Carbon Compounds. Part D: Steroids

Edited by S. Coffey, formerly of I.C.I. I>yestuffs Division, Blarkley, Manchester. 2nd ed. Elsevier Publishing 500 pp. Co., New York, 1970. xvi Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 16 cm. $30.50.



Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 21: Chemical Dynamics. Papers in Honor of Henry Eyring

Edited by Joseph 0. Hirschfelder, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, and

Contributors: C. J. W . Brooks; P. G. Marshall; R. E. Fairbairn. Annual Review of Nuclear Science. Volume 20

Edited hy Emilio Serge, University of California, Berkeley, ct a/. Annual Reviews h e . , Pnlo Alto, California, 1970. vii 613 pp. Figs. and tables. 23 X 16 cm. $10.


Contributors: IT. T. Mots; 11. W. K. Firk; B. C. Diven; G. hhrporgn; Stanley